Normal to us (GxGxG) ✔️

Da See_you_feel_you

529K 17.6K 4.6K

Three happily married wives going through life together. Not normal to the world but normal to them. Alex Wo... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chater 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Sequel Announcement

Chapter 16

14.1K 433 80
Da See_you_feel_you

Stephanie's POV

Waking up to my two favorite people in the world. Cuddling up against me is probably my favorite time of the day. The sun isn't up yet but I can see it's starting to get lighter by the minute.

I know Alex is also probably awake because that's her routine. Maya on the other hand is still out like a light.

So I turn to Alex's side and cuddle my way into her neck. I hear her slightly chuckle but she wraps her arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "Good morning" she whispers very close to my ear.

I answer her by planting soft kisses in her neck and shoulder. She is so warm and she always smells amazing. She holds me tight and runs her hand up and down my back.

We lay like this for a couple of minutes till the bed dips behind me. "I am cold" Maya whines out and latches herself around my body. "Did it snow or something?" she mumbles with her face in my hair. There was no indication that me and Alex were awake but I think she is so used to our routine or just her lack of care to wake us up.

"I don't know baby" Alex answers her. "Probably somewhere on the mountains but the sun is coming up then it will be warmer."

Alex is definitely the caring one between us. She is always so calm about everything. She is going to be an awesome mom.

With that thought I sneak my hand down her stomach and rest it under the waistband of her shorts. This is where our baby is growing. Sometimes it feels surreal, and she isn't showing yet but when I put my hand there it makes it real.

Alex kisses my head again and her hand comes to lay on top of mine. I instantly smile because she knows why I do it. She knows what I am thinking about.

I think about our family every minute of every day. Everything I would do for Alex and Maya and now our little bubba on the way. My love for them has just grown stronger. I didn't think that was even possible.

The next moment Alex stands up and runs to the bathroom. I rest up on my arm with a frown till I hear her throwing up.

Behind me, Maya immediately sits up and we both jump out of bed.

As we come to the door Alex is bent over the toilet, with her knees on the floor and her hair over her face. She flushes the toilet and stands up. My heart is racing with concern. My hand is tight around Maya's, in desperate need for comfort. She walks to the sink and ties her hair up into a messy bun. "Well that wasn't fun"

"Are you ok?" Maya asks but we keep our distance. "Can we get you anything?" we are not really sure what to do.

"No thanks baby I am good. Just a little morning sickness" she smiles and starts brushing her teeth.

"You sure honey? Maybe water? Or some of your herbal tea?" I ask feeling helpless.

"I am ok baby thank you." she smiles with the toothbrush in her mouth.

"Promise?" Maya and I ask at the same time.

Alex rinses out her mouth and then walks over to us. She wraps her arms around both our necks and we both hold her. "I promise lovies. I am not going to hide anything from you. We talked about it."

We did talk about it. Since Alex hates to burden us with stuff about her work. She sometimes holds things back from other aspects of her life. It's not like she is lying to us on purpose. She just thinks it's best that we don't know because sometimes things at the hospital get real ugly and she thinks we can't handle it.

So after a long conversation she promised to be honest about how she feels during the pregnancy. She has to let us take care of her. She doesn't need to be strong for us and hide her feelings.

After a few minutes of more convincing and good morning kisses. We decided to get breakfast at the restaurant.

We get there and even though it's quite early they are ready to serve us.

Maya is on the one side of the booth while Alex is next to me. I think she knows I need her so her hand is placed on my thigh.

The waiter comes over and we order our drinks. Alex got some tea while Maya wants some weird hazel nut milkshake coffee thing.

"I thought Alex is the pregnant one?" I laugh at Maya as the waiter leaves.

"It looks really good" she giggles.

Maya and Alex then talk about the food on the menu. Maya helps her decide which would be the healthiest option. It's a really fancy place and we can barely pronounce the names of the dishes. Luckily our beautiful chef is here to explain everything.

She is one extraordinary woman. As she explains it to us I can't help but reach over the surprising small table for her hand. She lets me have it without hesitation and I immediately bring it too my lips. She keeps talking while I kiss her fingers and smile at the ring on her finger. I am married to the two most amazing women in the world.


An unfamiliar voice makes all three our heads turn to the side. A tall blonde woman with way to much jewelry steps closer to our table.

"Ahh fuck" Alex whispers in a breathless voice. She squeezes my inner thigh and puts on a fake smile.

"Alex Woods. How are you? What a coincidence." the woman starts in a very cheerful voice. "I haven't seen you since high school."

"Yeah it's been a while." Alex answers in a blank tone. Clearly not in the mood for this woman.

"Ah having a little girls trip here in the mountains, still no husband Lexi?" she asks looking at all of us. Alex hates being called Lexi and we know why now. Maya is laying back in the booth giving this woman a death glare. She is obviously very stupid because Alex has not moved her hand from my thigh.

"You do know I am gay Amanda and these are my wives." she turns to us. "This is Stephanie and Maya. Lovies this is Amanda."

"Oh hi Amanda it's nice to meet you." Maya puts her hand out and I swear Amanda is having a tiny brain shortage. She shakes Maya's hand but keeps looking at all of us.

I also put my hand out and she shakes it just as poorly.

"Oh uhm. That's nice" she forces a smile. "How... Does that even work?"

"It means I married them both Amanda"

"Ok.. Well enjoy your weekend. It was nice to see you again Lexi"

"Don't call her that" Maya and I say at the same time. Amanda just nods and walks away.

Alex let's out a deep breath. "I am not one too hate people but fucking hell I really don't like her"

"Who is that baby?" I ask.

"Captain of the cheer squad" she points away from the table. "Lexi the nerd" she points to herself.

"Did she bully you in school?" Maya asks with a frown.

"Yeah but it's fine." she shrugs. "It's been so long I have totally forgotten about her."

"Sorry baby." Maya reaches over for her hand.

"You are the sexiest nerd in the world" I lean over and kiss her cheek till she laughs.

I hate thinking about people bullying Alex. It has definitely affected her in so many ways. And while she was in high school she didn't have a father or a mother to look out for her. She had a really tough time in school.

Nobody will ever hurt and humiliate her like that again.


Following week

This past weekend has given us a much needed rest. After all the stress at work we needed some time together. Some time to actually celebrate our new coming baby. This weekend it became reality, not only because of Alex's morning sickness but also how much we talked about it. We started to plan a few things. One of it was when we will announce it. And we decided to wait until about 3 months. Then she will actually start showing. Oh how I can't wait to see that. I might cry.

I told them about my car offer and they said I should go for it. And to no surprise, they also want other cars. Alex still wants a Mercedes, just a new one. Maya wants a bigger car, which I get. She sometimes needs to load up boxes for the restaurant and she needs the space. But she isn't in a hurry. Neither of them are. I just have to sell mine while the buyer is still interested.

And I actually made an appointment with the guy tomorrow. He is coming by the house to look at it. I don't really have time during the week at work and after 5. I want to be at home with my wives.

But today... Today is a very exciting day for us. Today is our first ultrasound and I can't stop smiling.

"Honey" Maya shakes me from my thoughts. "Are you ok?"

I turn my head to look at her. I immediately grab her hand and bring it to my lips for a kiss. "More than ok" I smile.

She leans over to me and gives me a sweet kiss. "I love you so much" she whispers against my lips and kisses me again.

She moves her body closer to mine and feeds me sweets that she bought at the vending machine.

We are waiting for Alex in Brittany's office today. She is in surgery at the moment and she is going to meet us here. Apparently the surgical floor she is on, is close by.

Right on que, Alex comes through the door in her navy blue scrubs. She is eating some sort of salad and she smiles with a closed mouth when she sees us. Her hair is braided back at the sides and tied in a tight bun. I really think navy blue is her color.

"Hi baby" I say as she flops down next to Maya. Before she could even finish chewing our hands immediately go in for her cherry tomatoes. She hates it.

"Hey" she smiles and takes another bite. She looks really hungry.

"How was your surgery?" Maya askes giving her a kiss on the cheek. Her lips are too busy at the moment.

"It was good. Little girl who broke her finger on a swingset. Scratch swingset of the list. Our baby is not ever going to sit on a swing. But she is going to be fine" she smiles.

Maya and I just laugh, we have scratched so many toys of the list. It's not even funny. Our child will play with air. That's it.

We know she will change her mind and she knows accidents happen so we are not taking everything seriously. Baby proofing the house is a big yes though. With the pool and the stairs, the glasses needs to be in a higher shelf. Lots of things would have to move but that's ok. Toys on the other hand. I am definitely going to buy our baby anything he or she wants. Already got me wrapped.

She finishes her salad and then throws away the container. We finally get our kisses and then we wait some more.

After few more minutes Brittany calls us in and she takes us right to the exam chair.

"How are you feeling today?" she asks Alex who is laying on the chair with her stomach exposed.

"Still awful morning sickness but other than that I am fine" she smiles and I put my hand on her shoulder. Maya hasn't let go off her hand since we walked in and it's the most beautiful sight ever.

"Ok that is totally normal. I can give you something for it but it isn't to say it will work." she smiles and Alex just nods in response.

"Ok are you ladies ready to see your little miracle?"

"Fuck yes" Maya blurts out almost in a nervous laughter but I know she is excited.

"Ok let's see"

Brittany puts on some gel and then starts moving the handle over her stomach. My grip tightens around Alex's shoulder and I can see she is nervous in her breathing.

Brittany turns the screen our way. "There is your baby." she points out to the screen. It really is the size of a nut but it's the most beautiful thing.

"Oh my gosh" I whisper.

"Bubba is so small" Maya giggles.

"Yeah but he or she will grow so fast. It's truly amazing." Brittany smiles and she saves some of the pictures for us.

I look at Alex's face only noticing how quiet she is. And she is crying. The tears streaming down the side of her face. "Awwh baby" I lean down and whisper, kissing her cheek.

She lets out a happy laughter and wipes her tears. "I can't believe this is happening. I am so happy."

"So are we baby" I smile and pull Maya closer to us.

Our little bubba is so small.


The next day, one ultrasound picture is up on our bathroom mirror and one on our closet mirrors. We wanted to put one on the fridge but our family can come by any time and we don't want anything to slip.

Maya is with Alex in the backyard looking at the garden. It's actually quite cold today. It's cloudy and they say it might rain tonight. I am definitely not complaining. I get to cuddle with my family.

I have just parked my car back in the garage. The guy is really happy with the condition and he will give me a call on Monday so we can set up a meeting at my office to do all the paperwork.

Right when I want to step outside, the doorbell rings. I frown a bit because we aren't expecting someone.

I open the door and too my surprise I find Willow on the other side. Not only is there an unusual big smile on her face but there is another girl with her.

Willow has always been the shy one of the 4 sisters but once she gets comfortable in a group setting or with people she knows. She talks more. She is the sweetest girl whose heart has been broken why to many times.

"Willow!!" I yell with my hands in the air.

"Hey Steph. Is this a bad time?" she says in a hesitant voice.

"It is never a bad time. Come in. Who is this?" I smile as they walk through the door.

"This is Kylie. Kylie this is Stephanie. She is the lawyer." she smiles and I shake Kylie's hand. I assume she knows about our situation so I just carry on.

"It's nice to meet you. Welcome to our home. What brings you by?" I ask as we make our way down the hallway to the living room. Kylie's eyes are scanning all over the place. I always take notice of people's reactions when they walk into our house.

"I want to talk to you guys if that's ok?" she smiles.

"Oh yeah of course. Is everything ok?" I ask in a concerned tone.

"Yeah everything is fine." she nods.

We reach the patio door and my wives are busy pulling out some flowers in the back corner of the yard. "We pay a gardening service to do that and they are still not satisfied. I can't... I swear"

They both laugh as we step out.

"You should call her" I say putting my arm around Willow's shoulder.

"Maya!" she yells and they both turn around, confused as fuck.

They both get out of the garden and walk up to us. "Willow hi!" Maya squeals as she pulls her into a hug. "What are you doing here? Oh hi sorry. I am Maya" she puts her hand out. 

"This Kylie. Kylie this is my sister Maya and this is Alex" Willow introduces them to each other.

"Oh my gosh this is such a surprise. Come let's go inside" Maya smiles and we all walk back into the house. I can't help but wrap my arms around Alex's waist from behind and leave soft kisses in her neck.

"No!" She laughs and tries to pull away because it tickles but I hold her tight for one more kiss on the cheek.

"Can I get you ladies something to drink?" Alex says as we take a seat in the living room.

"Can we just have some water please?" Willow asks.

Alex nods and disappears into the kitchen.

"Ok before we start" I state. "Why are you guys so nervous? You are making me nervous. Kylie you don't have to be shy."

They both just laugh and Kylie answers. "Thank you Stephanie."

"Ok well. I am so glad you are here. I miss you" Maya says and takes Willows hand. "Are you staying over? I can make us some soup. I have this new recipe I want to try out for my....

I give Maya wide eyes for her to stop talking.

"But anyway.... What's up? Sorry Kylie how are you? How do you know each other?"

"That is actually why we came here. I want to tell you guys something." she smiles.

"Wait for me!" Alex yells from the kitchen and she comes out with a tray of glasses. A glass for everyone. She puts it down on the table and falls down next to me, leaning back on me. "Ok shoot"

"Ok Well uhm... Kylie is my girlfriend." Willow says in a hesitant voice.

"Ok... and?" Maya frowns.

Willow looks at all of us. "That's it"

"Aww man I thought you won the lottery or something." I joke trying to make them both feel comfortable.

"No" she laughs.

"Ok Will is that really it? I thought it was something serious?" Maya says taking a breath.

"It is kind of serious. You are the first people I told"

Then like a clock work we all freak out in cheers. "Oh my gosh Willow. Why didn't you say so? That is fantastic news" Alex is the first to talk.

Maya has them both wrapped in the first hug and then Alex and I get a turn.

"How long have you been together?" I ask.

"Uhmm about two months." she looks at Kylie for conformation, then nods.

"And you are only telling us now?" Maya gasps in a dramatic way.

Willow hits her in the stomach and they both laugh.

"I am joking. I was in the closet for about a year" Maya laughs and takes a sip of her water.

"So how did you guys meet? How did this happen?" Alex pushes on. I am just as curious.

Willow then for the first time today puts a affectionate hand on Kylie's lap and they start to tell their story. Kylie is finally speaking. Shame I guess she was nervous and I can't blame her. Meeting the sister is nerve-wracking and I assume Willow told her all about us. So I get that she is shy.

After a while they both got comfortable with us and I guess with themselves as well. I know that feeling all to well. Where you have been hiding from the world and when you are accepted you are not sure if you accept it yourself.

Kylie is a really beautiful girl and I have never seen Willow this happy before, so far it's a big thumbs up for me.

Alex sits up to get their attention. "Willow you know this but you guys are always welcome here and you can just be yourself, please. I want you too be comfortable here."

I smile and rub Alex's back as she talks. Willow and Kylie give her a polite thank you and relieved smiles. Willow knows this but I guess she just wanted to hear it again.

Maya, Willow and Kylie make their way to the kitchen. Maya is going to make them some coffee. In the meantime Alex has spread out like a starfish, laying on her back next to me on the couch. My hand has found its way inside her shirt and has been there while I watched tv.

"What did the guy say about your car?" she asks running her hand down my arm.

"He is very happy about the condition. He is going to give me a call on Monday then we can set up a meeting to do all the paperwork." I smile down on her, propped up on my elbow.

"I might cry seeing that car go."

"We have the exact same car honey. Yours is just red." I laugh.

"I know but we bought those cars together. That was a very big moment for us." she pouts.

"I know baby. But you know what?" I lean down closer to her lips. "we have to prepare for this big moment" I whisper against her lips and rub over her stomach.

She smiles wide and closes the gap between our lips. She giggles between the kisses and I wrap her up and deepen the kiss a little. Her lips are so addictive.

"Baby.... We..... Have.... Guests" she whispers between kisses.

"They can't hear us" I smile against her lips as I move halfway on top of her. I grab a blanket next to the couch and cover us with it. "And now they can't see us"

Alex laughs as I kiss down her neck. I have no intention to take this any further but I just want to kiss her.

I meet her lips again and this time she parts it for me and I gladly slide my tongue into her mouth. We both slightly moan at the touch but I can still feel her smile against my lips. I can tell it's a nervous laughter but she also doesn't stop. We do have guests and this is totally inappropriate but I like it.

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