
By StitchIzBestBoi

509 36 13

"...Of course, they wouldn't understand. They've been pampered their whole life. They don't know how it feels... More

Chapter 1 (Beginning)
Chapter Two (The Move)
Chapter Three (Hello, New York)
Chapter Four (Friend?)
Chapter Five (Bully)
Chapter Six (Father)
Chapter Seven (Frederickson Academy)
Chapter Eight (Orientation)
Chapter Nine (Doomsday)
Chapter 10 (Day One)
Chapter 11 (Amber)
Chapter 12 (The Class)
Chapter Thirteen (Music)
Chapter 15 (The Deal)
Chapter 16: (Friends and Foes)

Chapter 14 (Just Sing)

24 2 1
By StitchIzBestBoi

Think twice before speaking

Mama used to tell me

Hesitation's that bitchy

it keeps you from preaching

I'm not holding back anymore

you'll get what you came for

prepare the encore

Gilbert, you inflated man whore

such an eyesore

Fess' up wise guy

don't you dare deny

you once had commoner's eyes

Now you criticize

but I am here to testify

I know what's behind your lies.

Gabriel bows and mouths the word boom. Everyone's wide-eyed and speechless while Miles starts cheering for Gabriel. Everyone turns to look at Gilbert. Gilbert wears a blank expression for a few seconds and suddenly starts laughing. Why is he laughing? Gilbert clears his throat and brings the microphone up to his lips.

Do you think you've made me worry?

HA! too weak ass-hole

All your spitting makes me hack.

Listen to my wisdom that you lack.

Was that your dis? or just an act?

Hey buddy, here's a tic tac

Get rid of the B.S. in your mouth

Listen to me shout

Your luck just went south

Now you're the one who's gonna be sorry

You should've listened to mommy

You need to learn when to shut up

and when to speak

The music fades to an end, and Gilbert smirks at Gabriel. Gabriel rolls his eyes and chuckles. They both walk up to each other and shook hands. "No hard feelings?" Gabriel asked. "We're good," Gilbert replied. God damn. They weren't joking when they said they could rap. I could never do anything like that. Never in a million years.




The class turns to see Mr.Stephen slowly clapping his hands. "Well, that was cute." Mr.Stephen chuckled. "Excuse me?" Gabriel exclaimed. "Absolutely adorable. It was like watching two leprechauns fighting over a measly clover." Mr. Stephen said laughing. "What are you implying?" Gilbert asks. "I'm implying exactly what you all are interpreting. You're weak." Gabriel flinches back in shock. "W-what? You're joking right?" Gabriel stammers. "Does it look like I'm joking?" Mr.Stephen says glaring at both of the kids. Gilbert gulps and takes a step back. "I'm sure it wouldn't matter if I had chosen Hugo, Nancy, Peter, Felix, or anybody in this room." He says as he walks towards the front of the classroom. "You're all weak." He scoffed. "All of you doubt yourselves, I'm pretty sure you three in the front lack any sort of self-confidence. Correct me if I am mistaken." Mr.Stephen looks right at Leo, Hugo, and me. The three of us look at each other and then hang our heads down in shame. He can see through us like a piece of glass. "Just as I thought. Like I said before, if you doubt yourselves, you won't get anywhere. I know you have the potential. Choose to believe me or not, but I see stars in the making. I will be hard on all of you. I'm going to make sure you all feel the tension. I'm going to make sure you feel the pressure. I'm going to make sure that not one of you fails me. I will get all of you to the top. Mark my words, the winners of this year's competition are here in this very classroom." The whole class shivered in fear. I thought this was going to be easy. I thought everyone was just over exaggerating. I thought that there wasn't going to be much competition. But they weren't lying. This-All of this is really happening. Did I just make the worst mistake of my life? What the hell did I sign up for?




(P.O.V. Gabriel)

Hey, my name is Gabriel Calloway...at first glance, I am a spoiled teen whose life is sunshine and rainbows. I mean, you're not entirely wrong hahaha. But...it wasn't always this way. You know, I was only five when my life changed forever. My family and I had such a powerful relationship. We were so close and we told each other everything. I remember how we used to get ice cream every Sunday after church. My mother, the sweetest person ever to walk on this earth and always made me laugh no matter how sad I was. My father, probably the toughest man I have ever known, always put his family first and he said I was going to be stronger than him one day haha. I miss them every day. I always wonder what they would think if they could see me now. Would they be proud or disappointed? I wish I had more time. Just one more minute. One more hug. One more kiss. Just one last time...

9 years ago




"Mommy, where are you and Daddy going?" I asked my mom as I clenched onto Bananas my stuffed monkey. "Daddy and I are going on a business trip to Korea baby, we will be gone for a few weeks so Uncle Stephen will take care of you, okay?" She said with a smile as bright as the sun on her face and she gave me the warmest hug. "Yes Mommy," I said nodding. "We love you, Gabe, behave yourself okay. We will see you in three weeks." My dad said as he got into the backseat of the car. "Okay, Daddy, I LOVE YOU!" I shouted as Uncle Stephen came to say goodbye to my parents. They drove off. Only I didn't know that they weren't coming back.

Three weeks went by, and a rainstorm hit. I was starring out the giant window in my room with Bananas. As the raindrops hit the window and grew heavier, I'd pretend that they were racing to see who could go down the window first. "I think the one on the left will win this time, Bananas. What do you think?" I said as I pointed Bananas towards the window. Then the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs as fast as my tiny legs could carry me. My little heart overjoyed, thinking that Mommy and Daddy have returned. "Mommy and Daddy are home Uncle Stephen!" I yelled while reaching for the handle to open the door. "Woah, there champ, only adults open the doors." Said my uncle Stephen as he picked me up and held me in his arms. I was so excited. I missed my parents so much. Except when my uncle opened the door, it wasn't Mommy, nor Daddy. It was a tall man in a black suit standing outside in the pouring rain. I remember the way he looked at me. With so much pity, he looked like he was about to burst. "Good evening sir, I am Rodney Hillman and..." He glanced at me one last time before he declared the words that would haunt me for the rest of my life. "I am here to inform you that Mr. and Mrs. Calloway have died in a car accident this morning. I am sorry for your loss." and with those words, he quickly turned around, got into his car, and left. What just happened? I was scared. My uncle put me down and put his hand over his mouth. I stepped out on the doorstep and sat down in the pouring rain. "Gabe, please come inside... you will catch a cold," I remember my uncle Stephen's shaky voice. " No, I want to wait for Mommy and Daddy to come home..." I said with tears in my eyes. I turned my head to look at my uncle and forced a smile on my face. He came outside and sat down next to me as we grieved together in the storm. We stayed there, for what seemed to be hours, sobbing our eyes out. How I wish I could have turned back time. To have one last minute. One last hug. One last kiss. One last time...

(Present Day)

"We will have battles once a week. I will choose random kids and random categories. If you don't participate that is 20 points off your grade and it will show on your submission paper for your audition." Mr. Stephen said as he picked up a stack of paper on his desk. ONCE A WEEK! I start breathing heavily and begin to tremble. I-I can't. I c-can't do any of that. What did I-I do? I don't want to be in here anymore!


Mr. Stephen slammed a piece of paper on my desk. I jump and look at Mr. Stephen. It was as if he was glaring into my soul. "We need to talk." Mr. Stephen signaled me to follow him. Leo and Hugo stared at me as I got up and followed Mr. Stephen into the music production room. The room was filled with all sorts of gadgets. There was a recording room with a microphone and headphones and a small table with two chairs at the ends of it. "Um, sir, Did I do something wrong?" I ask sheepishly. "Have a seat." Mr. Stephen tells me as he sits at the end of the table. I sit at the other end. "Felix, right?" Mr. Stephen asks me. "Um, yes," I reply. "Why are you here?" Mr. Stephen asks me. "Y-you told me to follow you in here." I begin. "Not that, you know what I am asking Felix. Why are you here?" Mr. Stephen asks me once again. I gulp and look down at the floor. I can't tell this guy my whole backstory, but I can't lie to him either. If I tell him that my dream is to become a singer, he might force me to prove it. I can't sing in front of all those kids. And if I tell him the truth- "If you don't want to be here, I can convince the administrators to put you in a different class." My eyes widen, and I look up at Mr.Stephen. "R-really?" I say relieved. "But before I go and submit any sort of paperwork, I want you to hear yourself sing." Mr. Stephen says firmly. "Excuse me? But I can't even sing." I say. "Really? Have you ever even tried your best at singing?" Mr. Stephen asks me. "Well, no but-" I begin. "Then sing." Mr. Stephen tells me. "Any songs you like?" Mr. Stephen asks, walking over to a device. "I like Photograph by Ed Sheeran, I guess," I say shyly. "Good choice. Do me a favor and step into the recording booth, please." Mr. Stephen says as he inputs a code into the device. "H-huh? Are you going to record me?" I ask nervously. "What else would I be doing." Mr.Stephen chuckles. I slowly get up and open the glass door that led to the room. Wow, it looks so fancy. The room was surrounded by glass panels so I was able to see Mr. Stephen on the other side. I stare at the microphone and then notice a variety of guitars on the wall. I walk over to the wall and my eyes fall on the acoustic guitar in front of me. "Wow," I say as I begin to reach for it. Oh right, where are my manners? "M-may I?" I look over to Mr.Stephen and he nods. I grab the guitar and play a few cords. "You play?" Mr. Stephen asked surprised. "Kind of, I can play a few songs and, Photograph happens to be one of them." I chuckle. "Can you play and sing it for me." Mr. Stephen asks. My heart stops. Should I? What if I mess up? It has been a while since I've played. What should I do- "I'll take your silence as a 'yes' then." Mr. Stephen said as he put on a pair of headphones. I walk back towards the microphone in the middle of the room. I notice the headphones on the stool in front of me. I pick up the headphones and put them on and sit on the stool. I put my guitar in position and take a deep breath. My heart starts to beat faster. I can't do this. "Listen to me, Felix. I want you to remember why you decided to join this program in the first place." I heard Mr.Stephen's voice through the headphones as he spoke through a mic on the other side of the glass. "I want you to close your eyes. Forget about everything that is scaring you right now. Think of the reason your here. Think of why you came here. Now take a deep breath...and sing." I closed my eyes. I remembered why I wanted to do this in the first place. I remember Teressa crying in my arms. I remember my mom praying for help. I put my hands on the neck of the guitar and the strings above the soundhole. I took a deep breath and...

"Loving can hurt

Loving can hurt sometimes

But it's the only thing that I know

When it gets hard

You know it can get hard sometimes

It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Hearts are never broken

Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket

Of your ripped jeans

Holdin' me closer

'Til our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

Wait for me to come home

Loving can heal

Loving can mend your soul

And it's the only thing that I know (know)

I swear it will get easier

Remember that with every piece of ya

And it's the only thing we take with us when we die

We keep this love in a photograph

We made these memories for ourselves

Where our eyes are never closing

Hearts were never broken

Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket

Of your ripped jeans

Holdin' me closer

'Til our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me

That's OK, baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Wait for me to come home

Oh you can fit me

Inside the necklace you got when you were sixteen

Next to your heartbeat

Where I should be

Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me

Well, that's OK, baby, only words bleed

Inside these pages you just hold me

And I won't ever let you go

When I'm away

I will remember how you kissed me

Under the lamppost

Back on 6th street

Hearing you whisper through the phone

"Wait for me to come home"

I slowly open my eyes and look over to see Mr.Stephen grinning. Every student in my class was around him with their jaws on the floor. "Uh, how did I do?" I ask shyly. "FELIX YOU IDIOT! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE US FEEL LIKE RATS! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU COULD ACTUALLY SING!" Leo yelled while banging on the glass. Why are they in here?"H-how did you-" I begin.

"I took the liberty of putting you live for the whole classroom to hear." Mr. Stephen chuckled, "YOU DID WHAT!" I exclaimed. I could feel myself turning red. I quickly try to hide behind the neck of the guitar. Suddenly the door swooshes open, and Hugo and Leo run in. "Maybe we do have a chance after all," Hugo chuckled. "GRR, HOW DARE YOU FELIX. I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA SOUND LIKE A DYING FROG WHEN YOU SANG! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME THAT YOU COULD SING LIKE A WHOLE ANGEL!" Leo scolded me. "I-I didn't even know I could sing. How did I do?" I asked sheepishly. "Well, you made Nancy choke on her water, and Gilbert came running in the room faster than the flash ever could, so I'd say you did great," Hugo laughed. I look ahead and see Mr. Stephen clapping with a bright smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile, and for the slightest moment, I felt like this is where I belong. I see Nancy roll her eyes walk away. June sticks her chin up and follows her. Crystal runs after her. Peter and Miles glared at me, and they exit the room. Gabriel laughed and started clapping. "WAY TO GO COMMONER! HAHAHA...You just made a shit ton of enemies." Gabriel's mood changed so quickly. He wore a dark expression on his face and left the room. Gilbert was in the back of the room and chuckled. "This is good. I can't wait to humiliate you." Gilbert said as he turned around and left. "YOU DID GREAT!" I heard a familiar voice. I looked over to see Amber with a beaming smile. "It looks like I have some serious competition. Keep it up, Felix." Amber giggled and began walking towards the door to exit the room. My heart skipped a beat, and my face was burning up. "Y-yea, I'll do my best!" I yelled. Amber turned and smiled at me one last time and left. My heart-WHY IS IT BEATING SO FREAKING FAST! Leo and Hugo look at each other slyly and burst out in laughter. "What?" I ask. "Nothing, nothing, We'll make sure we do our best Felix." Hugo chuckles. "Yea, we won't let you down!" Leo exclaims. Hugo and Leo pat me on the shoulder and leave. "What did I tell you," Mr. Stephen says. "All you had to do was-"

"Just sing." I smile.

(OKAY, Before copyright comes running after me with pitchforks. I DO NOT OWN THE SONG PHOTOGRAPH NOR DID I WRITE THE LYRICS TO THE SONG PHOTOGRAPH. Ed Sheeran gets all the credit. However, I did write the lyrics to Gabriel and Gilbert's rap [that's why it's cringey as shet] and thank you for being patient with me. School hits you like a truck every now and then, but I'm doing better now. TYSM! :))

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