By honeyflowersx

67.8K 3K 1.2K

diana carrow doesn't want to be bad, but it's all she's ever known. as she struggles with the power and darkn... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four


2.6K 135 63
By honeyflowersx


THE FIRST HOGSMEADE TRIP OF THE YEAR WAS ALWAYS CAUSE FOR EXCITEMENT. It was nice for them all to have a break from studying and to leave the grounds of the castle. Diana impatiently waited for Olivia as for the third time since they had begun their journey to the village she had stopped to tie up her boots. She finished lacing them up and stood with a cheerful smile. "Done." She beamed and jogged to catch up with the rest of them.

"Good," said Diana. "Because if they come undone one more time I'm turning around and going back to the castle."

As quickly as Autumn had come, it had gone and now in Winter the village of Hogsmeade looked like a picturesque Christmas card. The thatched roofs of the shops and cottages were covered in a layer of crisp snow and holly wreaths and ivy strings were hanging on the doors and trees. The ground was covered in a thick blanket of white snow but a path had been cleared as people went by all day long.

"Where do you want to go first?" Harrison asked the four of them as they came to the village. It was extremely busy, many witches and wizards happily bustling around whether they were shopping or just spending time with friends. "Honeydukes," Cassandra answered. "I promised my sister I'd get her some Fizzing Whizzbees."

On the door of the store, bundled between festive decorations, hung a notice that was hard to miss.


Customers are reminded that until further notice, Dementors will be patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade every night after sundown. This measure has been put in place for the safety of Hogsmeade residents and will be lifted upon the recapture of Sirius Black. It is therefore advisable that you complete your shopping well before nightfall.

Thank you!

It was strange to think someone as dangerous as Sirius Black was still on the loose, it seemed to infiltrate everyone's lives and worries. Diana couldn't understand how he hadn't been captured yet, he was the most wanted man in the Wizarding World, how hard it could be? Though that day, or at least in Hogsmeade, no one had any worries about who was lurking around dark corners.

They entered the loud shop and immediately Diana's senses were flooded with the smell of succulent sweets and chocolate. It was truly quite a sight to behold, shelves upon shelves stacked with the largest variety and craziest of treats. Out of the corner of her eye, Diana noticed a group of timid first-year boys watching her half in fear, half in awe. She sent them a harsh glare, sending them scampering away before she squeezed through the crowd towards the chocolate section. She grasped a box of chocolate wands and nougat, paying from them both then reuniting with the others by the store door.

"Three Broomsticks?" Olivia suggested and they all nodded. Harrison held the door open from them all, allowing them to walk through first. Outside, a blast of cold air hit Diana's face. Cheeks pinking and sore from the gust of icy wind, she adjusted her coat and pulled her scarf closer. They trod carefully through the snow, careful not to get their boots wet but were relatively unsuccessful.

As they reached the Three Broomsticks Diana shivered, pushing the heavy door open and then entering, causing the bell above them to ring. It was much warmer in the cheery pub. The fireplace meant the place was warm and a little smoky but comfortable and welcoming all the same. They made their way over to an empty table near the back of the pub, Cassandra practically shoving Diana out of the way so she could slide into the booth next to Harrison. Diana rolled her eyes, pulling off her coat and placing it on the back of the chair. She'd always known Cassandra had a crush on Harrison, even when they were dating she always made it obvious. Diana had never been threatened or worried, though it was highly irritating.

She looked to the bar to see a familiar figure sitting there. "I'll get the drinks." She ordered, swiftly turning and striding away. As she reached the bar she leaned against it next to him. "Isn't this awfully nostalgic." She uttered flirtatiously. Remus looked up from his own drink and swallowed somewhat nervously. "Diana," he announced, clutching his glass. "What brings you to Hogsmeade?"

"Just to have a break from studying." She answered casually. "I sure do deserve it." Madam Rosmerta approached them with a smile. "What can I get you, dear?" She asked Diana from the other side of the bar. "Five butterbeers, please." She responded, pulling the loose change from her purse and handing it over. The barmaid nodded before going off to fulfill the order.

Diana glanced back over to Lupin, a promiscuous and taunting flicker in her eyes. She circled the rim of the coaster that sat on the bar with her finger. "You know we have quite a history with pubs. It seems a shame this occasion won't end in the same way the last one did."

Lupin choked on his drink at her comment, setting the glass back down onto the wooden counter stunned. His lips fell apart, mouth agape as he stuttered for something to say. Diana smirked at his surprised and utterly flustered expression before exhaling casually. "I'm joking." She cooed, satisfied with the effect she had on him as Madam Rosmerta returned with a tray of drinks. She took them from her clutch with thanks before turning back to Lupin. "Goodbye, Professor." She smiled innocently then sauntered away leaving him still awash with shock.

Reaching the table she slid the full tray of drinks onto the surface and much to her disgust sat in the one remaining seat that unfortunately happened to be next to Flint. They all took a mug of butterbeer, sipping at it in delight. They talked about Quidditch and exams until eventually their conversation moved onto discussing what they were planning to do after Hogwarts.

"My father has already got me a job lined up in the Ministry after I leave this wretched place." Cassandra boasted arrogantly taking a smug sip from her drink. Diana glared at her across the table, only being able to think about punching her straight in her stuck-up face.

Olivia, on the other hand, had plans to travel before settling in a job and spoke excitedly about all the places in Europe she wanted to visit before finally ending up in America. Marcus intended to try out for a number of Quidditch teams, though Diana suspected this would be highly unlikely and only if he miraculously managed to pass his exams and graduate. The boy was almost too dumb to function.

"What about you, Diana?" Olivia asked, watching her expectantly. She shrugged carelessly, as though she couldn't care at all. "I've not really thought about it." She uttered even though in reality she simply had no clue. She'd always been surrounded by her peers eagerly and freely planning their futures while she had little choice or say in hers. She knew she was going to graduate with perfect grades. If things were normal she could do absolutely anything she wanted, get any job she could possibly desire, but, sadly, they weren't.

Of course, she did have two options, although they were equally unfavourable. She could give in. Do whatever her parents said, pledge allegiance, and wait for the inevitable battle between good and evil or she could rebel. Risk her life, runaway, and disappear. She'd never be able to leave easily, her parents would hunt her down, and if she was caught the consequences would be deadly. She wouldn't have anyone to help her or support her. Ultimately, no one would really care what she did and she knew what they all expected her to do. It would be so much easier, so much less painful.

In her eyes she only had one option and time was running out.

.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.

Entering the Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom for the second time that week, Diana brushed past Marcus as he hurried after her. "Psst," He hissed at her under his breath, trying to gain her attention. "Have you done the homework?" He whispered desperately, obvious that he hadn't. "Yes," Diana answered, plopping herself down into the empty desk seat next to Olivia. She always did the assigned work.

"Can I copy?"

"Nope." She answered again with a pop, paying Flint little attention so he was forced to awkwardly dawdle away knowing it was only a matter of time before he got scolded and likely given detention.

Professor Lupin stood at the front of the class, observing the shuffle of students as they steadily flowed into the classroom and took a seat. Diana opened her textbook, impatiently waiting for everyone else to arrive so class could begin.

After a few minutes everyone finally did and Lupin rose to address them. "After Tuesday's lesson on the origins and variations of the Shield Charm, today will be putting all of this to use and practice performing the spell." With a flick of his wand, all the tables swept across the floor leaving the space in front of them empty. They all stood then moved their chairs to the side of the room, leaving the majority of the floor free.

Turning to the blackboard he wrote the incantation for the spell using chalk in his usual messy handwriting. It always surprised Diana how confident he was at teaching. He was assertive and assured and his talent always shone through. He was an extremely modest man but everyone knew no matter how hard they tried they'd never be able to defeat him at a duel or at an exam.

They lined up in a row opposite their desk partner, whilst Lupin strolled between them giving words of encouragement or advice. Diana knew she could perform the spell trouble-free and perfectly, so let Olivia go first who tried to cast the spell with little success. The rest of the class followed suit, muttering, and shouting the incantation clearly. Some had their eyes shut in concentration, just about managing to get a silver spark out of the ends of their wands.

As Professor Lupin approached the two of them, they swapped roles and Diana raised her wand ready to deflect. "Expelliarmus." Olivia shouted, a blast of orange firing from her wand. "Protego." Diana shouted in return and a sparkling white shield encapsulated the space in front of her so that the fired spell rebounded into nothing.

"Well done, Miss Carrow." Remus smiled in praise, watching her in pride. "That was perfectly done. It seems the rest of the class could do with taking note of your execution."

Smugly, Harrison who had been standing next to Diana, playfully threw his arm around her shoulders. "That's my Diana." He beamed proudly. "Always the best at everything."

Diana shifted in embarrassment at the action, for some reason wanting to push Harrison off her so that Lupin wouldn't see. It was as if she didn't want him to think there was something going on between the two of them. Of course, she didn't know why she wouldn't want him thinking that and she felt ashamed when he averted his gaze and walked away sheepishly.

As class ended, everyone gathered up their belongings and packed them into their bags before piling out the class. Diana idly took her time and when she noticed everyone had left, she pulled a book out of her bag and marched over to Remus who sat at his seat behind his desk. She slammed the copy of Villette by Charlotte Bronte down onto the desk. "Read this and tell me her writing is uneventfully long and romanticised." She mocked, tone thick with the challenge.

He peered up at her, leaning back in his chair with an amused smile. "Has anyone ever told you you're too stubborn for your own good?"

"Far too often."

.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.

After a long and difficult week of classes and studying, Diana's mood was made even worse when on Sunday evening she had departed for her weekly Defence Against The Dark Arts assistant session without her wand. Enraged, she rushed back to her dorm and grabbed it from her bed before hurrying back down the stairs into the Slytherin Common Room. Much to her further annoyance the exit had now been blocked by Harrison and Cassandra, the latter whimpering into her hands and mascara smudged around her eyes.

"Scuse' me." She mumbled, trying to push past them but only managed to slip through as Harrison spoke. "Can't you see that Cassandra's upset?" He questioned blatantly. "Her father has threatened to cancel her monthly allowance and job at the Ministry if she doesn't get her Transfiguration grade up."

"How heartbreaking." Diana sarcastically scoffed, once again moving to leave as she couldn't care one bit about the girl's ridiculous problems even if she tried. The usual charming expression dropped from Harrison's face and as he looked at her now his face contorted in venom. "What's your fucking problem?" He spat bitterly.

"Excuse me?" Diana exclaimed angrily, spinning around quickly to face him. "I said what's your fucking problem." He repeated. "You can see she's upset, so why are you being such a bitch about it? Do you really think you're that much better than the rest of us that even now you have to be so obnoxious?"

Harrison got angry often. Diana had experienced this for years, especially when they were dating. You had to tread on eggshells around him, he was like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and even the slightest of wrongdoings would make him explode. However, his manner never had any effect on Diana. She had grown far too cold-hearted and numb to be hurt by him. Again, she scoffed. "That's a little hypocritical, isn't it? Only yesterday you beat up a group of Hufflepuffs just because you were bored and then threatened a first-year into doing your Charms essay."

He laughed coldly, running his tongue along his teeth before erupting angrily again. "We break up and you barely even blink then the next day you're perfectly fine! Even now, your friend is crying- "

Diana wanted to add that Cassandra was definitely not her friend but there was no way she was able to get a word in until he finished. " -and you couldn't give a shit! You're void of all and any emotion. I swear it's like you're not even real!"

She froze. Diana always had a response. Always an argument, always an opinion, but this time she had nothing. She felt her stomach drop and her lips parted to defend herself but nothing came out. She'd become the perfect version of herself. Emotionless. Resilient. Indestructible, but as she thought about those things now she suddenly felt embarrassed and dejected. Was she empty inside? A vast neverending sadness that left only a shell of a girl. Was she truly horrible? An awful, cruel being that could hurt anyone without caring.

Diana's body trembled with rage and she raised a pointed finger. "Fuck you, Harrison." She spat but her voice came out shaky and emotional. She turned on her heel, storming out the common room.

Her body still steamed in anger as she made her way across the castle but as she found a new determination it turned into something else. She knew she wasn't entirely heartless. She could feel things, she did feel things. She knew she wasn't all that Harrison made her out to be and she rushed to the one place that made her sure of that.

Outside the Defence Against the Darks Art office, Lupin looked up from his desk with a pleased and handsome smile as he noticed Diana arriving. She leaned against the door frame, one hand on her hips, and wearing a cheerful smirk. "Are you coming for a walk or not?"

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