Logolepsy (Taekook/ Vkook)

By bubblewrap1009

98.6K 6.6K 8.6K

Whatever trope we're looking for, it's gonna be here in this book. More

Table of Contents
1. Gift from the stars
2. Hitching it right
3. The Lucky Curse.
8. Ello mate
9. Iron Man on work
5. It's unfair
7. Last Song
10. First song
11. Lights, camera, reality
12. Window
13. Nothing
14. Signs to pretty
15. Stay
16. Suck off!
17. Grounded
18. Two Of Me.
19. If we never met
20. Good boy
21. Atticates
22. Hands
23. The Beach
24. Begin Again
25. Braid
26. Dancey-Dance
27. Seventh Life
28. Sheep amongst the horses
29. Intermediate

4. Toking Tik

3.2K 290 341
By bubblewrap1009

Read description from Table of Contents (1)

A knock and a small 'come in' later, hesitant steps made their way into the overly bright disinfectant infused room.

A bouquet of daisies and box of assorted chocolates clutched under each arm, Jungkook somehow balances the soup tray that he convinced the nurse to let him carry inside. With tongue out in concentration, he has his eyes focused like laser beam only on the soup that waves in the bowl simulating a high tide— threatening to spill.

His overly careful walk and the focus of an archer get together broken at the sound of a loud deep chuckle.
Big doe eyes immediately dart towards the source of it, softening when he finds his boyfriend on the hospital bed with an elevated leg in a cast similar to the right arm slung across from the chest.

The striking blue on the once rosy cheek bone makes him wince and avert his vision, disdained how he doesn't have any reaction better than to just pout.

"Baby com'ere." He hears his boyfriend softly say and looks to find him patting with the good hand beside himself on the bed that he had scooted to make room on.

He gently places the goodies and soup on the bedside table and protrudes the pout a little more at the pained hiss that leaves his boyfriend's lips when he tries to extend his hand to grab the other's.

He squishes himself at the corner of the single bed, as far left from the injured as he can; turns to his side jutting out his chin and looking anywhere but the man he turned to. Until his pout gets pecked on, that is.

"You're so cute, I could just eat you!" Taehyung coos, legitimately facing him to take the pout between his lips and faking a chewing sound.

"Nooo" Jungkook whines scooting back more to escape the older who huffed out given his limited excess to movement at the moment. "You're not supposed to say all that. You're supposed to be mad at me or possibly break up with me or something."

"Hmm, you're right." The other nodded thoughtfully before turning to the other and sighing. "I think we should break up. I can't be with you anymore."

Jungkook swatted a hand on the other's shoulder thoughtlessly, rolling his eyes when the other faked hurt even though the left side was thankfully uninjured. "At least say that without this face-splitting grin." He snarled again.
"You're in the hospital because of me! I'm so embarrassed I don't even know how to apologise!! The least you could do is be mad!"

"Now how do you suppose I'll do that when you're here looking like an adorable boba ball that I just wanna nom-nom? Even that Popolien dude can't be mad at you!" Taehyung's eyes sparkled the moment he found Jungkook's hand to interlace with.

"But.. but you have a broken leg !! And you passed out!! And Oh my god I was so scared!! And I feel so so guilty that I.. I'm thinking about not correcting that it's Napoleon not Popolien.."

Taehyung rolled is eyes that ironically drip fondness "Thank you for not correcting." Knowing well enough the history enthusiast this little one was. "But it wasn't your fault bub. Accidents happen all the time."

"No I caused it! You've been out like a lamp all night. Your mom could sue me!"

"Please, she loves you more than me. But good thing she's out of town anyway." He observes the other one quickly avert his gaze towards the ceiling.
"Oh my god you told her!! You stupid!"

"Hey! A legal guardian was needed and I'm not exactly comfortable with my parents knowing how you landed here!"

Taehyung snorted loud before grabbing the boyfriend's face between his fingers and squishing it.

Jungkook sheepishly fished out his phone clicking on an app while muttering incoherently. "Talking about how you landed here..."

Previous evening-

Recording starts>>
"Is this thing recording? Y-yeah I guess it is." Jungkook nervously flip from the front camera to the rear view filming himself in the mirror.

"Hi everybody! This is my first tik tok! I never thought I'd do this but seeing the current trends, I had to and honestly, I blame Obama!
Here's gonna be a series of tik toks from me with a surprise for both my boyfriend and all of my three followers."
<< Recording ends

<Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts>>
"So as everybody knows, this year's prom king and queen, in my case kings— yep 'gay' no surprise there— shall be the ones who manage to make a tiktok of them with the most views and likes.. because the pandemic blah blah.." he zooms in to his face in the mirror and rolls his eyes.
"I bet this was Laurie's idea.. He always is that bitch!" Snarling again with a scrunch of his nose, he zooms out.

"Anyways. So here I am in the bathroom of my boyfriend's house-" he zooms in and whispers next. "- where we are home alone by the way." He giggles and zooms out. "...to rock your and my boyfriend's worlds... Hope you're ready!!" Throwing a peace sign he poses a winky pout.
<< Recording ends

<Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts>>
"Honestly a big  fuck you to all of you commenting that you find it hard to believe that I would ever have a boyfriend? What's with this disrespect?
But thanks for following and commenting! uwu love you all!!" He makes kissy noises at the camera and flips to front camera again.

"Anyways the surprise is multifold— that I, thy majesty, shall be explaining in a bunch of tik-toks. So... One, I'm trying to be one of the candidates in the prom king run with this tik tok crap because bitch! My boyfriend deserves that effort! You'll see for yourself in a fat minute when I show you nasty ass hoes who he is!"
<<Recording ends

< Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts >>
"Two—" he's seated on the closed lidded toilet seat cross legged with phone held up at a higher angle. "Consider this as a warning for all you bitches who thirst for my boyfriend in his DMs... yes.. Daisy Lockwood and Bosco Friggin'!" He zooms so in that only his eyes are on the screen which he scarily narrows. "I'm calling you whores out!"

"No offence, though." He zooms out and smiles innocently again, the little dimples complete contrast from the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Anywhooo! Stay tuned and follow me for the other reasons of me doing this tik tok shit and an update on my whipped AS FUCK boyfriend."
<< Recording ends

<Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts >>
"Sorry I was gone for a minute there, had to take a dump... Geez the spicy chicken taco burnt my asshole as much as it did on my tongue!" he was now wiping his hands on a towel while the phone was placed somewhere in front by the wash basin, then jerked the hands dry.

"Reason number three for doing this... so I was watching other tik toks and stuff, y'know doing some research because.. hello? What'd you take me for? I didn't get a 1400 on my prep SATs for nothing?" He rolls his eyes for no apparent reason.

"So I was saying.. I came across several stupid lip syncs and prank videos and my head almost started aching from all the shit y'all put out on the internet.. please! But then I saw this challenge, really interesting, I would say."
The blush on his cheeks so apparent that his lip bites weren't really the concealers he thought they'd be. So abruptly with a giggle he cuts it off.
<<Recording ends

<Uploading tik-tok>

>>Recording starts
"Ahem.. sorry.. got a little flustered there.. Sooo me and my boo-thang, my boyfriend, the apple of my eye, father of my non-existent children, hypothetical alpha to my omega slicked ass.. ahem.. we haven't really... done it yet. There! I said it!"

He timidly glanced towards the camera before concentrating on re applying his lip balm instead because he's cool like that.
"There's no big deal about it, we've only been going out for a month? Two? No biggie! Not like I mind him not making advancing for sex, right? He said I'm special so that's gotta count for something, right?"

<<Recording ends

< Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts>>
"Sorry for loosing my cool earlier. It's a sensitive topic, kinda traumatic not gonna lie."
He gulped down a glass of water from the tap. And inhaled deeply before beginning with the same notoriety infused smile of his.

"So there's this challenge goin' around where you... ahem.. one from the couple is behind the camera.. naked.. and they record the reactions of their partner while they're working or in my case, busy playing video games in your room and not paying attention as to why your cute poor ol' boyfie has been in the bathroom the past twenty minutes."

He huffed and pouted but cleared his throat and smiled again. "Works for me! So that's the surprise for my bf — to ogle at my godly bod and maybe finally bend me over? Who knows where life takes you, right? Imma go get naked!! In the next video you shall finally see my baby-daddy! Stay tuned!!"
<< Recording ends

<Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts>>
"Sorry I'm coming back again and— oh fuck!" he puts a dramatic hand over his now shirtless half-a- chest that could be seen in the camera before covering it hastily with a hand towel. "Do not eye my body, it belongs only and only to the one avoiding my existence down the hall."

He rolls his eyes again before gasping "Ah yes! I came back to reply to the ugly pudgy ass snow white looking bitches that- no! I cannot straight up ask him to do me.. well because one... as you can see, I'm a very shy boy!

And two.. what if he has taken up a religion and wants to wait till marriage or something, then I can blame it on this challenge and save myself the embarrassment!!"

Folding his lips inside the mouth he waves his middle finger while trying to hold up the towel between his chin and neck "And if any of you insignificants have an issue.. stay pressed and leave!"
But next moment he flutters his lashes and smiles sweetly "But don't forget to like and share the next video, love you!!"

Theres an apparent kiss placed on the phone screen that causes the covering towel to fall down followed by a panicky shuffle of the phone.
<<Recording ends

<Uploading tik-tok>

Recording starts >>
Knuckles bone- white from how hard the hand grips at the doorknob comes into view, there's faint booming from inside the room blasting some kind of trap music, along with the softest inhale and a small mutter of 'let's get this bread' before Jungkook is twisting the knob and not so discretely making his present known.

"HI BAB-" the room door is opened revealing blue neon lights lit room with a paused Call Of Duty on screen a game consoler stray laying in front of the screen; no sign of the said 'boyfriend' whatsoever.

"Taehyungie?" He softly calls out while the camera roams around the room and then walks ahead to show under the bed?

There's unstable movement of the camera signifying that the holder is walking, and then he's out of the room and sound of the gently padding feet, there's occasional view of pale and shiny lower legs whenever he takes long strides forward. 

"Thank fuck his mom is out or else she'd sure have nightmares for years seeing my ding-dong!" The view in front of the camera becomes shaky as if Jungkook started jogging along with talking in interrupted whisper yells.

"Okay I think I hear him coming up from the stairs!! Guys I'm just gonna appear right in front of him as soon as he reaches on this floor! I'll start a new tik tok, this one is reaching it's time limit!!"
<< Recording ends


Recording starts >>
"Ok here goes nothing-" there's a timid, almost hesitant whisper before a small giggle and next thing you know he is slowly turning the corner to catch the priceless reaction of his boyfriend.

Or so he thought~

In the camera's unfortunate field is captured a bewildered mortified face of a middle-aged man who is shell-shocked to bone and stuck in his spot much like the holder of the phone considering the long pause as if the screen froze.

Both are in a speechless stare-off until a crashing sound comes from behind the man where a glass of water has slipped from an agonisingly astounded looking Taehyung's hands.

The camera view goes into absolute hysteria with mixed voices of Jungkook and perhaps the poor old man "Mis-mis- Mr.Park I'm so fuc— so s-sorry!"

"I-I think I'll meet-t y-your boyfriend s-some other T-t-time Tae buh-bye!!" The man blubbers in a haste.

Moved from the original place, obviously, the camera view is now upside down showing two pairs of legs- one of the speech deficit old man and one of the speechless boyfriend ; showing how the man turns around to sprint out of the house, town, perhaps the planet.

But before he could, his foot slithers on the water that Taehyung had spilled on the first stair, causing an unceremonious skid, and he all but lurches on Taehyung with an unintentional push to his chest before landing on his knees by the first step with a loud yelp.

Taehyung however, in a failed attempt to grab anything to avoid the unavoidable, is seen being propelled backwards on thr stairs to his right side and in the next moment the phone screen view is seen flying somewhere in the air.

<<Recording ends



Jungkook submerged himself into the pillow all red and embarrassed at the sound of his boyfriend reaching the epitome of hysteria watching him doubling up in laughter with Jungkook's phone in the unharmed hand and head lolled back elated to the point that he gasped for air.

"Sh-shut up i-it's n-not funny!" Any other time he would've hit the boy with his pillow for making fun of him but considering Taehyung chooses to laugh over the brute method Jungkook would've chosen had it been him, he's all for it.

"Oh baby-" he gasps for a long breath whilst clicking on Jungkook's tiktok profile "- I think your 864k followers might disagree to that." He pinched the other's flaming cheeks before smugly shaking the head.
"I can't believe my soon-to-be step dad saw you naked before me! I'd be lying if I say I'm not bothered about that."

"Stoppppp.." his whines seemed to trigger the laughter only further especially when he softly shoved the older away while trying to walk off the bed; expecting or not expecting, an arm coils on his waist and his half disabled boyfriend back hugs him, forever endeared.

"Looks like someone wants to be pulled-by-the-hair and put-into-place?" He mocked earning a screech in embarrassment by his boyfriend which he may not admit, is more fun than imagined.
"No but in all seriousness, I only was giving you your time to come in terms with all this considering your first time and all... had I known.."

"Stop!! I'm going to catapult to Antarctica now! nice knowing you! Enjoy being the online prom king by yourself!"

"Come on baby. Don't be like that and talk to me." He holds his hand gently thumbing the back of it. "Had you done the talking before such drastic measures, this would've not happened." He lifted up his bandage slinged arm with a shrug.

"Talk? Fine, let's talk!" Jungkook exasperated and stood up from the bed. Taehyung sighed knowing what king of 'talk' shall it be.
"I know you're respectful blah blah blah shit but I've been hinting you for so fucking long but you're so dumb in your stupid football-player head!"


"I saw your porn collection! And your bloody bitchass hookups, which by the way are littered throughout the school! I know now that you like things rough and fuck! I can't get that out of my head now and all I think when I see my study desk is how you should bend me over it or when I see your belt is for you to whip me with it or when I see your hands all I wanna do is choke!!"

Eyes blown wide, Taehyung takes a big empty gulp and rubs a hand on his face thereafter to gawk at his boyfriend who now was panting in rage.
"W-wow..um.. I don't know what to.. It w-was your f-first so..."


A loud thud from the back made him stop abruptly and slowly turn towards the door and fall eerily silent in shock. There's a good minute of apalled silence before Taehyung speaks up in a small voice~

"Oh hey mom."


Thank you soooooooo much for sparing your time!

Also thank you for all the love and support and just... for thinking about me! Man, I have never been so overwhelmed in my entire life! I love you all.
Thank you a billion more times!!


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