The Wrong Twin

By artxiem

1.5M 42.1K 16K

Evelyn Potter was the girl-who-lived, or so they thought. Harry was the true boy-who-lived, who beat Voldemor... More

author's note


34.4K 929 303
By artxiem

<Harry POV>

I paced the classroom nervously, hands subconsciously twisting the Philosopher Stone in my hands. I had decided to talk to Quirell for a while, then I'll decide whether or not I'll give the stone to him. I leaned against the wall of the classroom eyes staring at the door. Finally, the door handle opened.

"Mr. P-p-p-potter?"

"Cut the crap Voldemort." I sighed standing up straight.

"C-crap? I- How the hell you know it was me?" Quirell said.

'Let me face him Quirell." 

"Yes my lord." Quirell said, and then his face changed. It now shows the face of the handsome man in the mirror. 

'How did you know it was me Harrison Potter.'

"The stammer was too fake." I shrugged.

'I should've known. What business did you mean in your letter?'

"This." I said taking out the stone. He made a show to grab it but I put it back under my shirt. "Before I give it to you, I need to know your intentions." 

'I need the stone to go back to my normal state, at least before I manage to find a potion that will bring me back to my normal state permanently.' 

"Will you return the stone to me again?"

'Yes. I just need to make the elixirs then I'll give it back to you.'

I thought about it for a while and told Voldemort, "Ok. I'll think about it. Can I call you Tom?" 

Voldemort, I mean, Tom nodded his head and changed back into Quirell. He gave me a small nod before leaving the classroom. 

I sighed and snapped my fingers. A quill and a piece of parchment paper appeared in front of me. I grabbed them and started writing a letter to Nicolas Flamel. 

To Nicolas Flamel,

Hi, my name is Harrison Potter. I want to ask you a question:


Yes. I'm 11, you should know my twin sister, Evelyn Potter, (If you don't know who she is, read some random crack head book about her and I am 99.9% sure that I am not in the book.) 

Anyways, I have your stone, and I have a plan. You see, I want to know whether you are in Dumbledore's or Voldemort's side. I heard a rumor that you and Dumbledore had a fight. I don't know if it is true or not. 

I want to meet you soon probably this weekend before the Quidditch match next week.

Yours sincerely,

Harrison James Potter

P.S. I hate my last name.

I reread it and rolled up the parchment paper. I tied the letter to a barn owl who was sitting in the windowsill as if knowing I would send a letter.

"Send this to Nicolas Flamel ok?" I cooed her stroking her beautiful wings. She hooted in response and flew away. I leaned against the windowsill and watch the disappearing figure of the owl.

<Nicolas POV>

"Love! There's a letter for you!" Perenelle Flamel, my wife shouted from the kitchen. I was currently searching for my notes about the Philosopher stone. 


I had just received a letter from Dumbledore. What does he wants now? I kept my things and floo'ed to Hogwarts. 

"Nicolas. Please sit." Dumbledore gestured.

I sat down suspicious of Dumbledore's actions. He wouldn't meet my eyes and keeps on looking at his hands.

"What do you want Albus?" I asked leaning against the chair.

"I want the stone." 

I jumped up in anger. 

"The Philosopher's Stone? Why would you want it??" I said trying to control my anger level.

"You see, I want to protect it. Well, lure Voldemort here so I can call Evelyn Potter to protect it." 

"NO. Hell NO. MERLIN NO! I'm not leaving an exquisite artifact in your school!" I shouted knocking over the chair.

"You leave me no choice Nicolas. Imperio."

I was dazed I had no control over my whole body anymore. I watched as my hands gave Dumbledore the stone. 

~Flashback Ended~

"Love? Did you hear me?" 

I snapped out of my memories and saw my wife Penny standing in front of me holding a piece of rolled up parchment. 

"Thanks love." I said, taking the parchment paper. She gave me a soft smile as she walk out of the room. I sighed as I unrolled the paper, taking a sip of coffee.

This is probably not my finest moment, but I spit out the coffee all over the table. I quickly vanish the coffee and clean up the mess. Harrison Potter. Yup I never heard of it before. Never in my life which is more than 600 years. 

Dear Harrison James Potter,

For your information, I am out of my mind, or Dumbledore. Dumbledore casted an imperius charm on me making me hand over the stone. That's why we fought. I would like to meet up with you soon to talk about the stone. Possibly this Sunday, noon, at the 3 broomsticks. Remember to bring a guardian or your parents because you are still a 1st year and you are not allowed to go to Hogsmeade alone. BRING YOUR GUARDIAN. 

Can't wait to see you this Sunday.


Nicolas Flamel.

I tied it to an owl and leaned across my chair and rocked back and forth.

<Harry POV>

It was Sunday and I can't wait to meet Nicolas. I decided to bring Sirius, Remus, and Severus. I need to bring one adult (Severus, because Sirius and Remus are acting too childish, and if I don't invite Sirius and Remus they'll get angry with me.) 

"Come on you three." I groaned waiting for them to fix their hair in Sirius and Remus's sanctuary. 

"How are you so calm pup? We're about to meet one of the world's most famous alchemist." Sirius said frustrated, combing his hair over and over again.

"If the 3 of you will not be ready in 10 seconds I will floo over to the 3 broomstick myself." I growled standing up from the couch. 

The 3 of them quickly scrambled to their feet and floo'ed with me to the 3 Broomstick. I led them to the corner of the bar away from prying eyes. A man was there waiting for us. Nicolas Flamel. 

"Mr. Flamel?" I asked worried that I got the wrong person.

The man snapped his head up and looked at me with warmth and kindness.

"Harrison Potter! Good to meet you. And these are?" he said shaking my hand. For a 600 year old man, he had a strong grip.

"Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Severus Snape." I introduced. Nicolas shook their hands and took the seat in front of me. 

"So to business. You have my stone?" He asked his tone becoming serious. 

Lupin stared at me and nudged my hand. I gave him a glare, 'I-know-what-to-do' glare. I took it out from under my shirt and handed it over to Nicolas. He took the stone from my hands and twisted it around his hands. 

"First of all, I was out of my mind. I was under the imperious charm. Cast by Dumbledore. And yes. I fought with him. Meaning that I'm in the dark side. I had always been. Just Dumbledore casting his stupid charms around. I have a feeling you were going to give the stone to Voldemort?" Nicolas guessed.

I gasped speechless. HOW DID HE GET IT ENTIRELY RIGHT?

"Yes sir." Snape said noticing my shocked look. Nicolas nodded and took out 15 small vials filled with a blue liquid. 

"Is this?" Remus gasped reaching for one of the vials.

"Yes, this is the elixir of life. Drink one vial every full moon." Nicolas nodded, keeping the stones. 

"Well. This was a nice meeting. I can't wait to see you soon again Harry. If you have any problems or difficulties don't be afraid to ask me. If you need more elixirs, I have more. Please visit me over the summer maybe." Nicolas smiled and walked out of the class.

Sirius slumped into his chair. 


I laughed and stood up. "I have to go buy a few things first. I'll meet you in here again in 20 minutes." I exited the 3 broomsticks and headed towards a quaint looking jewelry shop. I wandered around and a pair of silver and green bracelet caught my eyes. 

"What is this?" I asked the store owner fingering the green diamonds.

"This is a pair of rare bracelets. The other person wearing this will be able to feel your emotions. She or he can feel 5x less your pain. For an example, you fell down the stairs, then the person wearing the other bracelet will feel pain but not that much." He explain handing the 2 of them to me. 

"How much?"

"100 galleons for a pair." 

I quickly wrote a check for him and put on one of the bracelet on my left hand. My bracelet from Merlin was on my right. He packed the other bracelet in a small black box. 

Hope Tom would like it. I have a feeling we are ... related somehow.

Sirius, Lupin, Severus and I quickly floo'ed back and I ran to find Quirell.

I found him in the DADA class checking essays. 

"Prof. Quirell." I called running into the room.

"Mr. Potter!" he said jumping to his feet and locking the door. I handed the vials to him. His face had a big smile as he drank one of the vials. Suddenly, a black spirit flew from Quirell and began solidifying into a man. 

"Tom Marvolo Riddle. Nice to finally meet you. Drink the elixirs once a month on full moon." I instructed.

"Harry Potter. Thank you for the elixirs." He chuckled checking out his new body. Tom tapped Quirell on the shoulder and said, "Thanks for your service Quirell. Promise me to stay in this school until the school year is over, you understand?"

Quirell nodded and walked out of the room. Tom started to follow but I stopped him.

"Here. A gift." I said handing him the small black box with the bracelet. Tom opened it curiously and gasped when he saw the bracelet. 

"Wow. Harry. I never got a present like this for years." He smiled hugging me. I tensed at first but I soon relaxed. 

"You should go to Malfoy Manor. Tell Lucy I said hi!" I joked as he made a face.

"How do I get out?" 

I snapped my fingers and he disappeared. I unlocked the door and walked towards the Great Hall. Ready for my first Quidditch match. 

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