Dramione Diaries | Fluffy One...

By protegoyoureggo

35K 871 317

Draco writes to her. Hermione writes to him. Who knew? △⃒⃘ △⃒⃘ △⃒⃘ △⃒⃘ △⃒⃘ Short, unrelated stories of Draco... More

00 | dramione diaries
01 | guitar
02 | forbidden forest
03 | eavesdrop
04 | broomstick
05 | not a puppy
06 | balloon
07 | i'm sorry
08 | rainy nights for better days
09 | pick-up lines
10 | freckles
11 | summer of no lies
13 | beautiful
14 | drunken chaos
15 | hate or jealousy
16 | thinking back
17 | wealthier than him
18 | my valentine
19 | blood prejudice
20 | potion problems
21 | obliviate
22 | no time
23 | infuriating transfigurations
24 | golden girl
25 | duels and bets
26 | biscuits and cakes
27 | pumpkins
28 | linked minds dream alike
29 | spooky endings, sweet beginnings
00 | dramione diaries
30 | deadly mistakes
31 | after yule
32 | shark week
33 | spilt amortentia
34 | whipped like cream
35 | he does not like that
36 | knight in shining armor
37 | letters to his mum
38 | ridiculous
39 | it will be alright

12 | books and hugs

968 32 14
By protegoyoureggo


Aren't you such a clingy girlfriend?

Hermione Granger sat on the large windowsill of their Head Common Room. Her milky, smooth legs were stretched across the sill. She sat atop a soft green cushion that rested on the sill with red Gryffindor pillows scattered around her. She leaned against one side of the white wall with her attention solely on the potions book she held in her hands.

She enjoyed studying about potions. Mainly since she wasn't as good at it compared to her knowledge in other classes and she'd love to improve. Or perhaps because a certain pale boy had an interest in the subject, and she simply wanted to get to know him a bit more by acquiring more knowledge about it.

Her fingers played against the smooth edges of the pages, absorbed with the drawings and scrawls written on the book. There were marks on the book, marks that looked quite recognizable and she was sure she'd seen it multiple times while writing essays together with him in the library.

She didn't question it though. She was rather interested on what he crossed out and annotated on the sides of every other page. From the looks of it, it had been corrections that the book editor never caught on to. She bit her lip to settle down a smile crawling on her face. Draco always teased her for being a know-it-all, yet he's one to talk when here he blatantly wrote corrections on the potions book himself.

"Grangeeerrrrrr!" Draco Malfoy drawled in an obtrusive groan when entering their common room.

"Hmm?" She hummed, flicking through another page without averting her attention off the words.

"I'm so bloody bored!" He sighed dramatically, dragging himself over and collapsing against the forest green couch situated a few feet away in front of her. He eyed her neglectfully, his chin resting against the back of the sofa as he pouted. "Potter and Weasel left for some double date to Hogsmede. They offered me to join but only a lonely tosser would fifth wheel them," He sneered in disgrace.

"Aren't you one though?" A smile crept up her lips but never deterred her attention away from the book. She could feel his heavy glare boring into the side of her face at her quick remark.

"Blaise and Pansy are busy snogging at some empty room. Don't want to go near them. Theo is doing strange things in the Slytherin room. Don't want to see that. Loony is, well... loony. Don't want to endure her. And you've trapped yourself in this room. Didn't want to stay in here but I guess I'm that desperate. So basically, no one wants to be with me and I'm lonely," he finished ranting with another heavy sigh.

You're also such a child. A needy child at that.

"Go do homework then," she replied almost monotonously, curiously looking at the sketches of ingredients he obviously drew on the corners of the potion book. He wasn't a bad artist. She subconsciously nodded at that.

"Well just like you, I don't happen to be a procrastinator. I've done it all," he huffed. "And why are you nodding?"

"No reason," she replied distractedly.

"Granger! I'm lonely!" He tried again, although this time it sounded fairly peeved from the lack of attention he was receiving.

"Yes, I can see that," she murmured to herself.

He scowled at her. What's so interesting about that book? It's just his bloody potions book.

"Why are you reading that? You're already a know-it-all bookworm, no need to rub it all in by reading my stuff too," he frowned.

"You wrote things in here," she simply stated, her fingers lightly dragging against the pages to read his messy scrawls.

"Obviously. It's mine." He found himself pulling away from the sofa and sauntering over to where she was.

"But it's a book! You don't just write in books," she argued as he made his way to sit next to her. He nudged her leg to indicate he wanted to sit there and she responded by curling her legs into her chest. Draco grinned to himself as he climbed in next to her on the windowsill, placing a Gryffindor pillow over his crossed legs as he leaned his shoulders against hers.

"It's just a small potions book, big deal. There's plenty where that came from," he rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and tugging her next to him so there's no empty space in between. She easily complied and rested her head on his shoulder as she continued to flip through pages.

"I find it funny," she chuckled slightly and looked up at him for the first time since he came in. His grey eyes were already staring down at hers with such intensity that she almost shivered at the sight of it.

"Why?" He asked warily, the corners of his lips tilting into a deeper frown.

"You're a hypocrite. Calling me a bookworm know-it-all? You're one to talk, you're practically rewriting this whole book with your haughty corrections," she found herself giggling again and pointed at his annotations on the margins.

He shrugged and turned his head to press his soft lips against her temple, his spirits lifting at the sound of her small laughter. "The editors can't seem to do their job, might as well do it for them. The author's an idiot too. Her ingredients aren't exact."

"Mhmm," she answered doubtfully, nonetheless didn't argue with him and returned to focus on his potions book once more.

He tilted his head to rest against hers that was still laying on his shoulder. His eyes followed the finger she dragged across the page and listened to the small mutters of her reading the words aloud. With his arm snaked around her shoulders, his fingers tapped and stroke a pattern against her arm. She found comfort in that sensation.

You're always wanting to touch me whenever I'm around. It's not even sensual! You're just there in my personal space and I'm suddenly your personal teddy bear.

"Why are you reading my book?" He asked after a brief moment of comfortable silence. He still had his arm around her shoulders and her head against him, but he wanted more than that.

"You left it on the couch. I thought it was the school's book but apparently not," a meager smile lifted on her face, "Also I'm not that good at potions compared to you so might as well see what you read."

"What do you mean? You're still first in that class!" He exclaimed, bewildered.

"No I'm not, our marks are the same!" She stated in a factly tone he used to think was annoying. "Obviously I'm doing something wrong if I'm matching with you!"

He scoffed at her incredulously. "Frankly, I feel very offended right now. But sit over here anyway," he parted his legs for room for her to sit and patted the space vigorously.

Her brows furrowed, "Why?"

"Bloody hell woman, stop thinking and questioning and just do it," he gruffed and used the arm around her to pull her over in front of him. Luckily for him, she didn't put up much of a fight as usual when he made her settle in against his chest with the book still gripped possessively in her hand.

I don't mind your clinginess though. I think I
it's quite cute.

He grinned gleefully against her bushy curls of chocolate hair. He was sure she could feel his heart thud erratically in his chest but he didn't give a damn. He was surrounded in her minty fragrance and inky scent, and he was sure he was drunk off of it. He couldn't get enough of her that he felt the need to coddle her impossibly closer to him. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly to contain himself from overly smothering her in his overwhelming affections.

She leaned against him as she felt his arms fasten around her waist and his cheek rest against the back of her head. She felt really warm, and she bathed in the comfort of him as he traced light fingers on the side of her torso. She felt him draw shapes, patterns, and words he wanted to etch permanently on her skin to show the world she was his. Unfortunately, Hermione would throttle him if he ever branded her like that. His caresses and invisible traces on her skin will have to do.

"You're holding onto that book like it's your lifeline," he commented softly in her ear. He liked it somehow. Her holding one of his favorite items like it was her life made him feel a bit satisfied.

"So are you." She glanced down at the arms trapping her in against him in a vice-like grip. He hummed lowly which reverberated in his chest and against her back, and she found herself snuggling deeper into his comfy hold.

I also enjoy being in your arms. I suppose it's a win-win for the both of us.

This was the most relaxed he'd felt in a lifetime, and he reveled in it. It was impossible to think that the girl gathered up in his arms was someone he used to loath and was a bigoted idiot to. He remembered so many occurrences where he'd sneer cruelly and tell her his life would be such a grand pleasure without her and her kind in the wizarding world. At some point he even wished she contracted a deadly illness that would finally take her away from the world forever. Or got shot with a spell that flew her across the world.

What a daft fool he was.

Now, he was sure he wouldn't be able to survive without her near him. She was the air he breathed and the blood in his veins. She was the highlight of his days. His first thought in the morning and last thought before bed. He couldn't even stomach the idea of her being yanked away from his life like that. He even knows he'd break down like a pansy if Hermione ever left him, and would run the man over with his broomstick if he ever spot her with another guy holding hands down the corridors.

He was so emotionally attached to this girl. She ruined him forever and he didn't give two damn fucks about it.

"You're so clingy today," she let loose a laugh as she turned her head to the side to face him. His eyes fluttered open at the movement and he leaned down to press a gentle kiss against the top of her nose.

"I'm bored and no one wants to be with me," he sighed woefully. He pressed his nose against the softness of her neck, her intoxicating scent filling all of his senses he was afraid he'd salivate on her. He mumbled almost incoherently, "So I'll make you be with me."

"I can tell Harry and Ron how much of a needy girlfriend you are in your spare time and save me from your clinginess," she teased, bringing a hand to stroke his hair.

He drew his head away at her claim though his arms still clutched her close, "I'm not a needy girlfriend!"

She raised a brow, "Look at yourself right now."

"This isn't me being a needy girlfriend. This is me appreciating my girlfriend."

And you can be so unusually sweet when you're like this. It's intriguing.

He nuzzled his chin against her neck, almost curling into her and watched as she played with the pages, flipping one back and forth now that Draco successfully distracted her from his book. He smiled against her ear at the thought, a smug feeling sinking into him.

"I never knew you would be such a fluffy guy, Draco," she chuckled halfway into a snigger. "Where'd the brooding, arrogant Malfoy go?"

"Still here," he sounded muffled as he pressed a kiss below her ear. She squirmed at the suddenness of it, and she could feel a smirk form against her skin. His hot breath murmured in her ear, "Want to go in bed?"

She shook her head, her curls bouncing into his face and he narrowed his eyes down at her response.

"I'm not finished reading," she clarified.

"I can tell you all about my potion knowledge when we're there," he frowned. "Unfortunately for you, I'm feeling rather cuddly right now. If you thought of something else—" he smirked "—I guess you have to wait until next time."

She leaned away to look at him, amusement glittering her caramel pools while a pink flush colored her cheeks, "Cuddling now? You don't strike me as someone who'd do that."

"Only with you," he hummed cheekily, pressing another light kiss against her forehead.

"Your past girlfriends must've thought you were a handful," she joked, referring to his clinginess that would've been overbearing to others who appreciated a bit of space in relationships. She, luckily, wasn't one of those people and was open to his show of affection any day. However he hardly shows his love in this affectionate way, more so through kisses and skinship, and this was a wonderfully adorable shock to discover about him.

"Actually," he paused to think, "You're the first to see it." He smirked, "Congratulations, you brought the clinginess out of me. Want a reward?"

"What am I getting?" Her lips curled as she finally closed his book and stared up at him with all the attention he had wanted. He grinned at that, diving down to her lips as to kiss her softly. His lips rolled against hers and tongue poked to moisten them, but never deepened. Instead, he leaned away with her forehead against his own. He grabbed the book that was left forgotten on top of her skirt, tossing it back onto the sofa without breaking eye contact with her.

"We're going to my bed," he grinned, dragging her out of their windowsill without letting her part away from him. They went to his room where they laid in his green Slytherin bed, talking of nothing and everything. Draco stroked the tangles out of her curls and Hermione played with his green tie he hadn't taken off.

And after hours of banters and talks on the spring weekend, they fell asleep curled into each other with smiles that'd last for weeks.

You're just so adorable, brooding Malfoy or not.


Hermione Granger

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