Her Majesty's Baby

By The-Cartoon-Princess

5K 192 160

Historia's determined to inherit the Beast Titan, no matter the costs - if that's what it takes to save every... More

Chapter 1 - Historia
Chapter 3 - Historia
Chapter 4 - Levi
Chapter 5- Historia
Chapter 6 - Levi
Chapter 7 - Historia
Chapter 8 - Levi
Chapter 9 - Historia
Chapter 10 - Levi
Chapter 11 - Historia
Chapter 12 - Levi
Chapter 13 - Historia
Chapter 14 - Levi
Chapter 15 - Historia
Chapter 16 - Levi
Chapter 17 - Hange
Chapter 18 - Historia
Chapter 19 -Levi/Historia
Chapter 20 - Levi
Chapter 21 - Historia
Chapter 22 - Levi

Chapter 2 - Levi

446 19 16
By The-Cartoon-Princess

AN: Song inspired for this chapter: Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. I can just see Levi singing this to Historia, or at least wishing he could since he bottles up all his emotions. Also, this chapter will contain some juicy lemon (you've been warned). And remember the song by T-Spoon Sex on the Beach? And no... I don't mean the cocktail. That song applies here too 😂

Someone shakes me awake the very next morning, and now I peer up groggily into a massive pair of luminous blue eyes.

Historia's face looms into view, and I grip the hilt of my sword, springing into action. As an Ackerman, I'm wired like an electrified cat. My senses are highly sharp, especially during sleep. Sounds and smells become so much stronger.

Historia steps back, raising her hands in alarm. "Whoa, whoa, steady, Levi, it's okay. We're still at HQ at the port. We spent the night, remember? We had a delicious meal with the Volunteers...?"

I blink up at her a few times, trying to get my bearings until it finally comes crashing back. Of course. We're at the port. I remember now...

"Right. Sure..."

I slip my sword back into its sheath as an eerie silence falls over the room. A seagull cries outside, telling me that we are, indeed, still by the sea, and now I rub my weary eyes as my rough night finally catches up with me.

Why the hell has she woke me up so early? It's still dark outside as I throw the young queen a scathing look.

She folds her arms across her chest, raising a brow at me in challenge, and I mutter a"tch".

Screw this shit. I need ten cups of black tea before I can feel like a real human again. Plus, I slept with my back pressed against the world's most uncomfortable chair while Historia took the queen-sized bed, sleeping like a baby all night.

"Levi... get up. You promised."

I groan, running a hand through my messy hair. "Promised what?"

"That we could go and see the sunrise together. After all... it will be my very first..."

I remove my hand from my bedhead, looking up at her in disbelief. Historia has the sparkling eyes of a little child as she casts her gaze longingly out the window, and at times she really reminds me of Armin.

I'm convinced those two were separated at birth. Armin even masqueraded as Historia and got away with it while we were trying to usurp the government. Well, until that old perv felt him up at the warehouse, discovering that he had no breasts.

Poor kid. I still need to apologise to him about that one of these days.

A streak of pink breaks out across the sky. Historia gasps, taking my arm by surprise. "Come on, it's starting!"

She hauls my lazy ass out of the seat with surprising strength, and the next thing I know, we're running through the halls of HQ. No one else is up yet, but we do run into Onyankopon. He flattens his back against the wall, a look of surprise lighting up his whole face.

"Captain Levi? Your Majesty...? Where are you going?"

Historia looks back over her shoulder, a huge smile plastered across her face. "To see the sunrise!"

The Volunteer blinks at us for a few moments, and I don't blame him for looking so puzzled. Outsiders will never understand us Paradisians after all. Not truly.

I hear his homeland has the best sunrises of all, being right along the globe's equator; the sun is near twice the size than it is in the northern hemisphere.

I can't imagine anything worse... I can't stand the heat, and I'm aware that his country has all kinds of dangerous creatures like mosquitoes and crocodiles, and not to forget those pesky lions too.

I do hope he gets to return to that homeland one day. You can see the sheen in his eyes whenever he talks of it, and he's one of the only Volunteers I can trust.

The ebony-skinned man releases a deep chuckle next and waves us off, and it seems he finally understands why we're in such a rush. "Well, have fun!"

He's soon out of earshot as we tumble down the stairs, and now we bolt out the door like a pair of lunatics.

Historia makes a beeline for the pier just as a rosy light breaks above the eastern skyline, and a small cry leaves her lips. "We... we may just make it..."

I glance at the pier then back up at HQ, spotting that tall, boyish silhouette of Yelena inside the window of the highest room. I clench my teeth as I start tugging Historia towards the eastern side of the port where we can be away from that freak's big probing eyes.

Now Yelena I do not trust one bit. She worships Zeke far too much; a man I still vow to kill one day.

Mark my word, Erwin... I will fulfill my promise to you very soon...

Historia squeals as I make a sudden U-turn, yanking her away sharply in the opposite direction, and she can just about keep up. "Wait, where are we—?"

"We'll have a better view this way. Now hurry, unless you want to miss the sunrise, Your Majesty."

The queen picks up her pace, and I see a little bit of that military training shining through. She's not as fast as I am, but she can just about match my speed.

I've always been faster with ODM gear anyway. On foot, I'm like everyone else...

My eyes soon land on the little beach. It's well hidden from the main port due to the outcrop of rocks, so we should be good.

Our boots kick up sand as we run along the beach, and before long we make it between the rocks. Historia slumps against a boulder, gasping for breath, and I'm right along there with her.

I'm also sweating like a faucet as I wipe my forehead, but it was worth it. At least the queen can see the sunrise now.

"It's... starting..." Historia whispers, casting her eyes to sea, and I follow her gaze.

An orange semi-circle pops over the horizon, chasing the last few remnants of night away, and I watch spellbound.

Wow... The sunrise really is beautiful at sea...

I guess it was worth getting up for after all. The world seems so peaceful right now. Gulls circle in the sky far above as waves splash along the shore, cleansing our souls, and it really is hard to believe that there is still so much beauty to be found in this ugly world...

I think Eren calls it freedom... and I think I finally understand what he means. There is still a world out there for us. Somewhere beyond the horizon, if not further. After all... my fellow soldiers had to die for something...

Their sacrifices couldn't have all been in vain.

I inhale the fresh sea air, allowing myself for just one moment to forget all the ugly shit that's soon coming our way.

Sooner or later, it's going to happen.


Once Marley's four-year war with the East Allied Forces is finally over (a war that the people of Paradis were the primary catalysts of), they will make their way to our humble island and try their hand at stealing the Founding Titan again.

Yet we're more prepared this time. We're not as clueless as we once were; we're aware now that there are other humans out there, and every single one of them wants us dead.

However, with the sun looking so pretty right now, reflecting upon the ocean's surface like flames... I can forget that I am a soldier.

I'm just one part of a greater whole, a universe much bigger than myself.

There comes a soft sniffle beside me, and I turn towards the queen. A breath leaves my lungs.

Holy goddess...

She's even more beautiful than the sunrise, and how on earth is that possible? At times, I'm convinced that she truly did fall from heaven, a true ethereal force of nature, and now I forget all about the sunrise as I watch her instead.

The sun casts her in a yellow glow, making her hair shine like a halo, and my heart skips a beat. Tears drip from her glistening blue eyes, eyes that shine bluer than the waves, and I just can't take it anymore.

I am completely overcome by her. Historia is enough to bring any grown man to tears, yet as always, I don't cry.

I bottle it all up inside.

What the hell did this cold, cruel world do to deserve her? What did I do to deserve her?

"It's so beautiful..." she whispers, her voice as soft as a feather. " Thank you... for bringing me here..."

She looks my way, and her eyes widen in surprise. "Levi? You're not watching the sunrise..."

The sun finally bursts over the skyline, bringing light to the world at last, yet I still don't look away from her. "No... I'm not..."

A moment of silence stretches between the two of us as the world slowly comes to life. Blackbirds sing in the trees, welcoming dawn, and now it's like we're the only two people left in the world.

My weary eyes fall on her soft lips, and not for the first time, I want to kiss them. Especially as the sun's rays emphasize their heart shape.

Everything about her is lovely, and my blood fires up once I sense that stirring inside my pants.

We're alone now. No one is watching...

Historia steps back, sensing my arousal. "Levi—?"

I pounce on her immediately, pressing her up against the rocks as I help myself to her gorgeous rose petal lips.

It's like kissing the inside of a rose...

Historia freezes, but I'll soon make her melt. After all, she's no virgin anymore (since her flower was taken by yours truly).

Things are about to get wild at this seashore...

Historia thaws at last, and now she wraps her arms and legs around me, sticking her tongue into my mouth just like I taught her.

Looks like someone's getting a little frisky.

We kiss for some time, sucking one another's tongues. Historia threads her fingers through my hair, giving my strands a gentle tug, and I groan against her mouth.

"Do you like it when I pull your hair...?" she whispers inside my head. "It's usually the other way around..." She giggles next. "It's okay, Levi... you can get a little rough with me if you want to. I'm not some fragile little flower after all..."

"No... I want to savour the moment first... let our souls entwine..."

"Pfft, when did you become a poet?"

"Sometime after I became your knight, Your Majesty. Now shut up and let me kiss you."

"You're no fun..."

Without warning, she grabs my erection, squeezing it tight, and a harsh breath leaves my lungs. Stars flash in my peripheral vision as the little minx massages the bulge, and I'm about to friggin' burst.

Historia batts her long eyelashes, trying to look all coy and innocent, even though she's holding a grown-ass man by the dick.

I grit my teeth, fixing my sharp, steel eyes on her sassy blue pair. "You'll... regret that..."

She shrugs. "Choose the path with the least regrets, hey? That's what Erwin always used to say anyway..."

I growl, crushing my nose against hers, and I see the excitement dancing inside her eyes. "Don't use my late commander's name in vain."

Historia flinches when I slide my hand up her skirt, ripping the waistband of her panties when I reach her puckered entrance. Then I free my erection, slipping it inside her pussy until we join at the hips.

By now the sun has fully emerged as we grind against the rocks, the sound of skin slapping skin lost amongst the waves.

Historia shuts her eyes, enjoying the build-up as I continue to pound her like a sledgehammer, and that's when I feel it — her climax.

We're almost there...

"Don't stop..." she whispers inside my head and I chuckle.

"I don't plan to..."

"Thank you... for bringing me out here... I will remember this day always..."

I don't reply to her comment as I keep pushing her to the edge, but through the glorious haze of endorphins that pass through our bodies via our shared Path, I sense her melancholy.

What does she have to be so sombre about? We're together... that's all that matters.

I put it to one side, smiling when I finally hit her sweet spot, and with a throaty cry, Historia releases all over me. Lights dance behind my own eyes, and now I release inside of her too, enjoying wave after wave of our mutual orgasm.

I lean my body against her, a sweaty, hot mess of heaving flesh as I pant into her face.

Historia's sweaty too, but I don't mind being dirty when I'm with her. Our merged fluids drip between our legs as I breathe in the scent of her.

So heavenly...

I really did bag myself the perfect girl in the end. Kenny always used to say that I'd be lucky to get myself a seven, being the scrawny, smelly, bug-eyed little kid that I was back in the Underground.

The man rated every woman we came across from a scale of one to ten, especially when we went out drinking at the local tavern, and he really was a scoundrel.

There's more to a woman than just her pretty face after all. There's her spirit and her bravery too, but I just wonder what rating Historia would have. One thousand? She goes way off Kenny's scales.

"Levi..." she whispers out loud now, and I enjoy the sound of her soft, feminine voice.


She brushes my hair from my eyes, smiling like the adorable little thing she is, and my heart just melts. Even when I'm inside her, tainting her with my dark seed, she's still so beautiful and pure.

"I love you," she finally says.

Crap. The L-word... It always makes me so uncomfortable. Once I replied with "I know..." and she didn't talk to me for days.

Why are women so touchy about their feelings? They should be more like men, bottling it all up inside until it drives them insane.

Yet I meet her glistening, ocean blue eyes, then say with pure conviction now, despite my trembling heart, "I love you too."

And I mean it. I really do. But I still hate saying it.

Who knows what's around the corner? As I said, war is upon us, hovering over the horizon like a hooded skeleton with a scythe. I think they call him the Grim Reaper...

Historia offers me a rare smile, one she only reserves for me, and then she pulls me closer, whispering against my lips, "Let's have a baby."

My eyes expand. Now that I did not expect.

I pull out of her, buttoning my pants as I stare at her aghast. Historia just giggles nervously, fixing her panties as she smooths down her skirt.

That's when I realise I entered her bare, and not for the first time too.

Shit! I'm such an idiot.

I grip my face, taking steady, deep breaths, and for some reason, I hear a baby crying. It seems to be coming from over the horizon, and now I start gasping for air.


Dear God, no...

Historia steps forth, reaching a shaking hand out. "Levi... say something..."

Just as the pressure reaches boiling point, I meet her eyes, and that's when I finally spot the seagull.

No, a whole flock of seagulls.

They perch on the rocks all around us, watching us with intense, beady eyes. One or two cock their heads sideways like they're sizing us up, and now I forget all about Historia's question as I tug her away.

"Historia... when I say run... run..."

She's just as frightened as I am. We've both witnessed first-hand a fellow soldier being eaten alive by a titan, yet nothing will ever compare to the fear we both feel now when we look at those angry, seaside birds.

Why are they looking at us like we're something good to eat?

The biggest gull suddenly bends its neck back, releasing a loud "Ha, ha, ha!" and that's when I snap. I yank Historia by the arm as I run us back to HQ, and now the birds chase us down, shitting all over us.

Forget what I said earlier.

The sea sucks.

A/N: wtf 😂😂😂

It's true though: don't trust those seagulls. The laughing seagull is based on the evil seagull meme. You will know which one.

I thought it was perfect timing because that scene was so awkward to write. I think Levi was about to explode, so at least Historia had an out here.

I like to think she wanted that baby in the anime/manga, so I'm going with that idea. I think she would be a fantastic mother.

Well, stay tuned, and please leave a comment and tell me what you think. What would you like to see happen next? How do you think Levi is going to react.


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