What a Privilege

By Happystorylife4ever

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Everyone always says to me: " What a privilege to be you Kiko" " You always get special attention" " Just bec... More

2: News
3: Traumatic day
4: Farewell โ˜น๏ธŽ
5: Tokyo
6: Ahh Shit, Here We Go Again
7: Amusing Lunchtime
8: Revenge
9: Getting closer
Author's Note โˆฟโ€โโˆโŠโ‹
10: Miyagi
11: Even Though Your Not Mine
12: Unsure
13: 2 Weeks Later...
14: Rules
โ€โ€โ€ Author's Note โ€โ€โ€
15: Living The Dream
16: Family
17: Cain't Wait!
18: Thoughts
19: If Only
20: Nightmare
21: Secrets
22: Suspicions
23: Break-up
24: At Last
25: Training Camp
26: Tension and Furstration
27: My Girl
28: Mysterious
29: Finding out
!!Author's note!!
30: Epilogue

1: Realization

209 2 0
By Happystorylife4ever

Kiko's POV: 

(Inarizaki girls gym; A couple of weeks later)

" Miya-san, you are invited to go to a training camp with both of you brothers and their team! Congrats and learn a lot of tactics and techniques we can use back here!" Coach Chizu exclaimed as she clapped and my other teammates quietly clapped. I could tell that they were forced to clap for me and be happy for their fellow teammate who's the ace.

" Another thing she doesn't deserve." Ena whispered a bit loud to her teammate that was standing next to her which she giggled.

" Yeah, I guess she begged to the boys coach over there gym to go with them. Ha she's not even good. I don't know why she got to be invited when she's a fucking first year even and we're a third year. Clearly we have more experience and talent than her." Ayano whispered back to which Ena laughed out loud. I try to ignore it but sometimes it gets to me. I just have to remember to keep my head high and not let any of that bother me. 

" Coach, when is the training camp?" I ask and Coach handed me a paper and then told me to grab my stuff and head to the boys gym. She bid me goodbye and she also said that she will see me in a few days.

Not gonna lie, I'm always excited to play with the boys because their more laid back and it's a challenge to go against them too. I like showing my skill too the boys so they could learn from and vice versa. Me and the boys volleyball team are pretty close since my brothers are on their and I've been practicing with them when I had free time after middle school ended.

I walked up to the boys gym and I slide the door open to reveal the boys in the middle of practicing receives and Coach Kurosu watching them shouting constructive criticism at them.

" Hey guys! I'm here for info on the training camp that's coming up! Coach Chizu told me to come here." I stated as I then grinned pumped up the the training camp.

" Come here Kiko, I can explain more to you. Boys kept practicin'. Don't get distracted by a pretty girl! Come on, get to practin' those recieves then work on blockin'!" Coach Kurosu shouted and they nodded.

Coach Kurosu explained that we'll be going to another nearby high school for another training camp that will only last for 3 days and the team will be leaving in the early morning since practice starts at 7:30 am. He also told me that there is gonna be two other schools from the same prefecture as us.


(Time Skip/ After the training camp in the girls gym)

I walked in the gym for after school practice and I didn't see Coach so I just start  and I set my gym bag down and start stretching in my gym attire that I put on earlier in the blue room.  As I was stretching, I kept hearing smirkers and giggles behind me and I try to ignore them but I keep hearing vulgar words that aren't true. I whipped my head around behind me as I kept stretching and I looked at some of my teammates; Ena and Ayano along with Sachio who is a sencond year. They have smirks on their faces as they got closer to me as I was still stretching my legs and Ena who picked up my full water bottle that was near my gym bag that was half way open.

" What are you doing?!" I asked her as I tried to get up and take the water bottle away but Ayano and Sachio held me down as Ena got closer to my body and she dumped my water on my head which leaked through my white practice shirt down to my black spandex. I looked back up to Ena who just smirked while laughing with Ayano and Sachio. Ena then took Ayano's place which she was on my right. I saw Ayano unscrewing the lid on her water bottle and then I got drenched with cold water again which mixed with my tears that were starting to come. Sachio had to do it also and after they were done, I sat in a big puddle with teary eyes. 

" You deserved that bitch." Sachio spatted at me as she laughed in my face.

" You just want attention from all the boys and especially from the volleyball team. It doesn't matter how you're related to the Miya twins. You're not worthy enough to even breathe the same air or live with them. What a disgrace." Ena hissed as she got up all in my face and then walked away from me. That hit me hard. I felt like I saw thrown into a brick wall with all Ena's might. I look at them walking away from me leaving me to clean up the slippery mess. I heard some shuffling near the gym doors and I looked over my shoulder to see the rest of hem team who were shocked. 

I quickly gathered my soaking wet bag and my water bottle and scurried out of the gym with tears streaming down my face. The humiliation just from looking the me made me sob more. I head to the boys gym and I swung the sliding doors open with a drenched figure. I saw all the shocked faces that appeared on the boys as well as some blushes. I broke down and cried my eyes out a the door way which made everyone run to me and ask if I'm okay.

" Ki! What happened?! you're submerged in water from head to toe!" 'Sumu shouted out the obvious. He lifted my up and my legs felt like jello so I sloughed down again. 'Same lifted me up and gave me a piggyback ride. He set my down on one of the bleachers while 'Sumu grabbed my doggy gym bag. The other's gave us a little space while Suna and Kita were looking worried as they both sat next to each other on 'Samu's side.

" D-do you think I'm a disgrace to the family?" I hesitantly asked as I looked up into 'Samu's concerned grey orbs. Then he became angry and furrowed his eyebrows in the making. I looked away afraid to know what the answer would was.

" Oi! Did I hear the right 'Samu?" 'Sumu asked with the same tone as his twin. 'Samu nodded and 'Sumu sat next to me on the opposite side. 

" No."


They bother answered in unison as I felt a wave of relief wash over me. 'Sumu gave me a tight squeeze and I snuggled my face in his chest as he patted my head brotherly. 'Samu then gave me a hug and said reassuring words in my ear. I love them so much I thought as I was being comforted despite I was still in wet clothes.

When I pulled away, Kita handed me a tissue and I gladly to it with a quiet thank you. 

" Kiko, you are not a disgrace to the family. Am I clear?" 'Samu sternly questioned and I nodded and smiled a tiny bit. I knew when either my brother's use my full name they were being serious or they were really mad. 

" I'm glad yer alright Ki. By the way, who did this to ya?" 'Sumu inquired as I averted my eyes from my brother's and then spoke.

" Ena, but Ayano and Sachio helped her."

" Your teammates did this?" Kita incredulously asked out loud.

" Yeah. I thought I was their friends, but there jealously got in the way." I replied as Kita quietly 'oohed'. 

" So do you want to explain how you got wet? Then you can change into your clothes so the boys at school who are still at school don't give you a thought time about your shirt being see through." 'Samu explained as I nodded and 'Sumu looked down as I walked him upside the head.

"OW!" He screeched as I laughed along with the others. I explained what happened and they had mixed expression throat the explanation. 

After that, I walked to the clubroom with 'Samu and 'Sumu by my sides out o he clubroom where my spare change of clothes are. Thankfully there wasn't any boys around and I changed out of my clothes quickly, but the only thing is my undwear and my bra are soaked and I don't want to wear soggy undergarments. I usually leave a pair of sandals in my club locker so I slide those on.

I sucked it up and wore my school skirt with my underwear. I also asked earlier to have 'Samu or 'Sumu bring an extra shirt for me. I wore 'Smau's shirt and its covered my small body and my skirt as well. I looked like a hobo but oh well. I walked out with my school bag, my soaked clothes in my hand along with my knee pads and shoes. We all walked back to the gym and Kita was nice enough to let me go home with my brothers who were also able to stay with me.


(Time skip)

I got back to my house with he help of my twin bros and now I showered got into dry clothes and laid out my homework on my queen sized bed and put music on. I do be vibin' tho.

I was peacefully getting through my homework that I had very little of and I was almost done until I heard the door swing open to reveal 'Sumu holding his homework ins hands while looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I smiled and scooted over a little bit and patted a spot on my bed next to him and he hurried over to me and set his homework down.

" Can you please help me out?" 'Sumu asked as I smiled and nodded. He gave me a worksheet and it was pretty easy to me so I helped him out by showing him how to do it and then working through two of them together and had him do the rest on his own. Since I'm in class 5, I got some harder work and it was I believe second year work. 

" Where's 'Sumu?" I asked and then I heard someone in the doorway.

" I was summoned." 'Samu stated. I rolled my eyes playfully.

" I was just wondering where you were. That's all. Did you do your homework already?" I asked and he nodded.

" I was about then 'Sumu asked for my help, but I'm real close to Finnish it. 'Sumu here, has quite bit of work to get though. Don't you guys have most of the classes together anyway except you guys have a different Science teacher and Japanese teacher?" I questioned.

" Yeah, we do but during study hall, he was procrastinating on his phone a lot and then fan girls kept coming up to him and some to me pestering us which made him get distracted rom his work." 'Sumu explained as he rolled his eyes.

" Typical 'Sumu."I sighed as I shook my head.

" Hey! I was just bein' nice." 'Sumu defend and I laughed.

" Whatever." 'Samu stated as he went back to his room.


The next day, I went to the teacher's office and asked if I could speak to Coach Chizu. They nodded and a couple minutes passed and she came out of the hallway to greet me.

" Ah Miya-san! How nice to see you. What do you need my help with?" Coach Chizu asked with a smile. I averted my eyes then gathered courage to look in her eyes.

" I would like to quit the team. This is my final decision. I'm sorry for troubling you and I hope you can forgive me."  I sated and I looked for her answer. Her face went from :) ---> :(  real fast.

"  Okay, Miya-san. I understand it and it's okay if you want to change your club. I would of wanted you to commit but it's okay. Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it. If I may ask, what club will you be joining?" Chizu sensei asked.

"  I asked my brother's if they found a team manager yet and they didn't so I decided to commit to volleyball and be their manager."  I said calmly. It kind of ticked me off when she basically said I didn't commit to anything. 

" Okay. Thank you for letting me know Miya-san."  Chizu sensei responded and I bowed then I asked the club advisor to sign me up for team imager for  the boys volleyball team and he did.


Thank you for reading!

Stay safe :)

- Author-chan

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