The Consequence: Sequel to Th...

By I_kill_cupcakes

164K 5.7K 1.2K

***Sequel to The Choice, Can't be Read as a Standalone*** The competition is over and Amancio has shown his t... More

character aesthetics


8K 296 29
By I_kill_cupcakes

I decided that I needed to escape. That night.

I didn't know if it was The Dark Lords' meeting that triggered my thoughts of escape but I discovered that I desperately needed to find a way out. I sat alone in my room, after lunch. I was much too hungry to continue my hunger strike so I devoured my meal. I sat, staring at the ceiling, desperately trying to think of an escape plan.

What about Carlos, I thought.

I would have to find some way to get to him. Hopefully I would find some way to get to the cells and break him out. I knew things didn't look good and my plan was rushed but I was determined not to spend another day in the hellhole that used to be the palace.

I planned on leaving in the night, when the palace would hopefully be less busy. That meant I had to move fast.


"Are you sure you don't need a doctor, Lady Madeline?" Imogen bent over me, concern painting her features.

I'm not much of an actor, but I consider my performance first class. I let out a shaky breath as Imogen put her hand on my forehead.

"You don't seem to have a temperature," Imogen noted, quizzically.

"I know," I sighed. "I just have this...horrible headache and I can't seem to sleep a wink. Is there any sleep medication you can give me?"

Imogen sighed, "I'll try and see if I can get some."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as soon as Imogen walked out of the door. My stomach twisted in anticipation as time passed. I let out another breath.

Where was Imogen?

"Lady Madeline, sorry for the wait," Imogen came in with what I guessed were the pills.

"Thank you, Imogen. It's getting pretty late, I'll just take them and go to bed," I yawned.

Imogen hesitated before dipping into a little curtsy and leaving.

As soon as she left I threw off the duvet, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I silently ran to the tea table, where my untouched cup of tea lay. My plan was slowly forming and my heart fluttered with hope. I opened the pills and crushed 3, enough to put someone instantly to sleep but not nearly enough to kill them, though the idea lingered in my mind.

I stirred the tea with the spoon and took a deep breath, silently praying my plan would work.

I flung open the door, starling Brutus. He resumed his position, his face settling into a scowl.

"What's up with you?" He snarled.

I rolled my eyes, "Here. My tea is cold and I don't want it anymore. Drink it, send it back to the kitchen- do whatever you please, I don't care."

With that, I slammed the door, wringing my wrists nervously. The rest of my plan depended on if Brutus was dumb enough to drink my tea. I knew Brutus was dense but I couldn't take any chances.

I paced around my room for a solid 25 minutes, my heart rate increasing with each passing second. Was Brutus asleep yet? Did he even drink the tea?

I decided to just go for it. Take my chances. It was now or never. I slowly opened the door, peering in each direction only to see Brutus slumped on the floor, drooling. My cup of tea dangled from his hand, empty.

I had no time to celebrate so I closed my room door, walking onto the hallway. The fact that I was only dressed in my nightgown didn't bother me. I didn't have enough time to wear anything different anyway.

The hallway was dead silent and I wasn't quite familiar with the territory yet. I didn't even know where Amancio's Royal Suite was, which scared me. I tiptoed over Brutus' sleeping body and turned right, silently creeping past doors that were always closed. I didn't even know what I planned to do after escaping the palace. I would definitely find a way to get Carlos out but then what? What would we do after we'd escaped? Aridia was filled with Dark Lords- we wouldn't get fair unaided.

I shook my head as if clearing my thoughts.

One step at a time.

I stopped in my tracks, though I hadn't gotten far when I heard sounds, like soft moans and whispers. They were scarily close and I desperately needed to leave, fast.

I ducked behind a wall, peering over and definitely wasn't expecting what I saw. A maid and The Dark Lords engaged in a peculiar type of embrace. In fact, it looked like their tongues were having a fight. I rolled my eyes and turned my head, looking for another way out.

When I was sure they were too preoccupied to notice, I pulled up my dress and dashed past them.

"Did you see that?" The maid asked, and I froze.

"See what?" The Dark Lord pulled away, looking around.

The maid furrowed her brows in confusion and shrugged. "Never mind."

They got back to their...frolicking and I continued moving, getting closer and closer to the edge of the Royal Wing. I was convinced that once I had exited the Royal Wing, I would be safe.

Until I got lost.

I sighed, looking around, trying not to panic. I was in a very dark- almost pitch black hallway, still in the Royal Wing. It seemed deserted but I didn't want to make any assumptions.

I tried not to freak out and chicken out from my plan so I continued moving, tiptoeing to where I hoped was an exit.

Suddenly, I was pinned against a wall and I couldn't breathe. A hand was pressed against my throat, choking me.

"I warned you, Madeline," A familiar voice snarled.


I clawed at Amancio's hands, gasping for air. His grey eyes never left my face. He looked like a different person. His eyes were cold, dark and angry. No trace of the Amancio I used to know could be fine.

"," I struggled.

"Why can't you just be compliant?" He squeezed harder.

"Please," I begged, tears streaming down my face. "You don't want to kill me Amancio."

Amancio let go and I crashed unto the floor, my chest heaving. I scrambled away from him, terrified. He...Amancio, the man I thought I could trust with my life, tried to kill me.

"Madeline...," He trailed off, tears in his eyes.

I shook my head, scrambling further away. "You're a monster. I hate you."

His eyes hardened. "If you want to hate me, Madeline- I'll give you a reason to."

Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and post this chapter. I'm really trying hard to write frequently but school has got me so tired and stressed almost every day. Luckily, I have a midterm holiday coming soon and I promise I'll write.

About this chapter, violence is a subject I will always take very seriously. Violence is never the answer and if anyone in your life is hurting you physically, emotionally or mentally- leave. There is never a reason to lay your hands on another person.

With all that said and done, please don't forget to vote, comment and share and stay tuned for more updates- I promise I'll try my best.

Sending lots of good vibes your way,


- Dawn

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