Incoming Doom

By Rose_Z_NinjaMystreet

21.8K 844 674

Acronix and Crux have returned with a plan to get all four of the time blades and there doomsday device. they... More

ch 1 (re-written)
ch.2 (rewritten)
ch.3 (rewritten)
ch.4 (rewritten)
ch.5 (rewritten)
ch.6 (rewritten)
ch. 7 (rewritten)
ch. 8 (rewritten)
ch.9 (rewritten)
ch. 10 (rewritten)
ch.12 (rewritten)
ch. 13 (rewritten)
anouncement 2
ch.14 (rewritten)
anouncement 3 (im so sorry another one)
ch. 15 (rewritten)
ch. 16 (rewritten)
ch.17 (rewritten)
ch.18 (rewritten)
ch 19 rewritten
ch 20 rewritten
ch. 21 rewritten
ch.22 (recovery arc)
ch. 23
ch 24

ch.11 (rewritten)

826 37 30
By Rose_Z_NinjaMystreet

The lingering silence in the room became almost unbearable, stretching for hours without anyone daring to break it. Frustration and unease hung thick in the air, like a heavy fog refusing to dissipate. I couldn't stand the oppressive quiet any longer, feeling the weight of unspoken thoughts pressing down on us.

"Come on, guys... we all know we're thinking it," I sighed, my words cutting through the stifling atmosphere, reminiscent of a blade slicing through skin. The act of breaking the silence felt almost painful, like shards of glass falling to the floor, creating a mess we would need to navigate through to rebuild.

"Cole's right. We need to talk about this," Lloyd finally stated, his words shattering the lingering quiet as if breaking through a metaphorical window. The pieces scattered, requiring us to pick them up and reconstruct the conversation. The heaviness of the unspoken thoughts finally gave way to an acknowledgment of the need for discussion.

"We're all 100% sure now that the twins are using elemental masters to build something with elemental metal. The real question is what?" Lloyd continued, prompting thoughtful nods from everyone. Zane, ever analytical, added his input, "Perhaps they're making something that would allow them to regain their powers from the Timeblades." His words hung in the air, each possibility running through his meticulous database.

"Possibly, but I don't think that's it. Why would they need so many elemental masters for that?" Lloyd pondered aloud, his pacing back and forth mirroring the restlessness within us. The room fell into a contemplative hush, the potential answers and implications swirling in our minds.

Suddenly, the harsh atmosphere shattered again, this time replaced by the urgent blare of an alarm. We all sprang into action, racing to the deck where Misako awaited us, armed with crucial information. "There have been reports of these snake warriors going around and causing destruction in Ninjago," she explained, her words adding fuel to the building tension. Jay expressed his frustration with an audible stomp, exclaiming, "Ugh! More snakes!"

Lloyd, ever the leader, took charge. "Alright, guys! Be careful and observant on this one! We might get some more answers to what's going on!" His words echoed in the air as he ran out the door, and we followed in hot pursuit, the urgency of the situation propelling us forward into the unknown.

After the ominous exchange between the brothers, Krux and Akronix shared a glance that seemed to convey an unspoken agreement. The air grew thick with anticipation, and the weight of impending consequences hung heavily in the dimly lit cell. It was then that Krux, wearing a sly grin, turned his attention back to me.

"Well, well, Akronix, it seems the fire ninja has a penchant for digging his own grave," Krux remarked with a calculated amusement.

Akronix, fixating his predatory gaze on me, responded with a low growl. "Perhaps a lesson is in order." The menacing tone echoed through the cell, and a sense of foreboding settled upon us like a suffocating fog.

Caught in the crossfire of their impending decision, I couldn't resist the urge to challenge them further. "What did I say?" I retorted, attempting to maintain a facade of bravado. It was a risky move, and deep down, I knew the consequences could be dire.

Krux and Akronix exchanged another glance, and the room seemed to pulse with an undercurrent of tension. In a moment of suspense, Krux, with a sudden shift in demeanor, asked me a chilling question: "Do you wish to repeat what you said, ninja?" His voice carried a threatening edge, and the weight of the impending punishment loomed over me.

Caught off guard, I hesitated for a moment before summoning a semblance of defiance. "You heard me loud and clear," I responded, my tone laced with a mix of stubbornness and trepidation. The air crackled with tension as I braced myself for whatever consequences awaited my impulsive words.

Krux and Akronix, fueled by an intense rage, snapped and pressed forward with the punishment. "You need to learn your place, ninja!" Krux's growl reverberated through the cell as he reached into his pocket. Panic gripped me, realizing the impending threat – the ominous remote. Instinctively, I braced for impact, my desperate plea escaping without a second thought. "Wait! No, no, no! Please don't!" The other elemental masters looked on in horror, the atmosphere thick with tension, as the impending ordeal loomed over us.

We all gazed at Kai in fear, exchanging worried glances before turning our attention back to him. It was unnerving to witness him so visibly scared, and a collective unease settled among us, signaling that whatever provoked his fear was indeed something to dread. Krux held the remote, a sinister gleam in his eyes as he watched Kai plead, then cast a malevolent glance at his brother, Akronix, before activating the device.

As Kai's anguished scream echoed through the cold and dim cell, a palpable horror filled the air. Each cry felt like a chilling reminder of our vulnerability. We instinctively retreated further into the corner, attempting to shield ourselves from the cruel spectacle. Akronix found amusement in our fear and misjudgment, breaking into laughter that only heightened the eerie atmosphere.

Krux, relishing the control, eventually turned off the collar. The aftermath left us trembling, the echoes of Kai's pain still lingering in the air. His pained and crumpled form served as a stark reminder of the consequences of challenging the wrath of the twin brothers. The chilling silence that followed was punctuated by Krux's ominous words, taunting Kai while delivering a threatening warning to the rest of us.

"You see what happens when one of you steps out of line? Disrespect won't be tolerated. Remember this lesson well," Krux sneered, a cruel satisfaction in his tone. Akronix joined in, his voice carrying authority as he ordered, "Enough theatrics. Get up! My snake warriors will escort you to your stations. Work begins now, and any disobedience will be met with consequences far worse than what you just witnessed." The weight of their words hung heavily in the air as we reluctantly rose, the threat of further punishment looming over us like a dark cloud.

Once we arrived at the chaotic scene, chaos erupted with snake warriors causing mayhem everywhere. Panic ensued, people ran like frightened children, and the serenity of the moment shattered. "Alright, everyone! Let's put an end to this!" I called out, rallying the team. Jay, usually upbeat, stomped his feet in annoyance, muttering about the unexpected appearance of more snakes. "How about some shock treatment today, you nasty snakes! And I'm not in the mood to deal with you guys, so I'm a bit extra 'shock' today!" Jay declared, charging towards a snake and zapping it. Nya, ever-resourceful with her water powers, attempted to deal with a snake warrior, only to be met with an unexpected challenge. "Go back to the sewers where you belong!" Nya shouted, but her expression shifted to confusion. "What!?" she yelped, realizing the snakes reassembled into a larger form.

The situation escalated as Cole struggled with the tiny snakes that reformed into a formidable snake warrior. "OH COME ON!" Jay vented his frustration, revealing a level of annoyance beyond his usual upbeat demeanor. Suddenly, an eerie, menacing laugh echoed, freezing us in place. We exchanged glances before turning our attention to the direction of the unsettling sound. There stood two figures, identical in appearance, both wearing the same ominous outfit. The elder held a Timeblade, adding an extra layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. "Well, isn't this pleasant. We have yet to meet the ever-so-admired ninja that we hear so much about," Krux sneered as he circled us. Each ninja adopted a fighting stance, but something was off, especially with Jay.

As Krux walked away, ready to deliver his cryptic warning, Jay couldn't hold back anymore. The revelation hit him like a tidal wave, "YOU ARE THE ONES WHO TOOK THE ELEMENTAL MASTERS, DIDN'T YOU!?" Jay's eyes widened, and his breaths became heavy, revealing an unprecedented level of fury. The twins, not expecting such a direct accusation, hesitated momentarily. Jay unleashed a torrent of anger, yelling louder and demanding answers. However, a slow clap disrupted the moment, revealing the twins' sinister delight. "Very clever, young ninja," Krux conceded, acknowledging Jay's deduction. The revelation hung in the air, with Jay's eyes betraying a mix of realization and disbelief.

Krux and Acronix, undeterred by Jay's outburst, reveled in the chaos they had incited. Their laughter echoed in the chamber as they continued to needle the vulnerabilities of Jay, Nya, Cole, Lloyd, and Zane. "Oh, Jay, always the explosive one. Your emotions are like a storm waiting to break free," Krux sneered. Acronix added mockingly, "And your friend Kai, well, we've seen firsthand how quickly his flames can be extinguished. Quite a liability, don't you think?"

Nya clenched her fists, her eyes narrowing at the twins' heartless jabs. Cole's jaw tightened further, and Lloyd's fists mirrored Jay's, an indication of the collective frustration building within them. Zane, normally the epitome of composure, struggled to contain a burgeoning sense of rage. The twins exploited each ninja's weak points with precision, like puppeteers pulling strings.

Krux, relishing the turmoil he'd stirred, continued, "It's amusing how swiftly Kai submitted to our influence. A fiery temper, but oh, so easy to manipulate." Acronix chimed in, "Just like his parents—Garmadon and Misako. The sins of the fathers revisited upon the sons." The twins aimed to fracture the unity of the ninja, using their words as weapons.

As Krux and Acronix taunted them further, the room buzzed with tension. Jay's eyes sparked with fury, his entire being vibrating with pent-up energy. Nya shot a look of solidarity to the agitated ninja, silently urging them to stay focused. Cole's frustration manifested in controlled rage, and Lloyd's resolve deepened, channeling his father's teachings to find strength in adversity. Zane, grappling with the unfamiliar surge of emotion, displayed an intensity that hinted at a storm within.

Krux reveled in the disarray they'd sown, taunting, "You ninja are mere pawns in our grand game. Your weaknesses make you all too predictable." Acronix added with a malicious grin, "How entertaining it is to watch your feeble attempts to resist. Perhaps you should accept the inevitable."

Jay, seething with anger, bellowed, "We won't let you break us! We'll find a way to stop you, no matter what it takes!" The twins, unfazed, exchanged satisfied glances, their sadistic delight evident in the face of the ninja's resilience. The room crackled with both verbal and emotional tension, as each ninja grappled with their inner turmoil, determined not to let the twins' psychological warfare tear them apart.

In the charged aftermath of Jay's explosive outburst, the area of town hung suspended in tense silence. Krux and Acronix, momentarily taken aback, exchanged a subtle glance as their smirks wavered.

Nya, positioned steadfastly beside Jay, stepped forward with unyielding determination. "Your attempts at manipulation won't sway us. We've confronted challenges that demanded more than mere physical strength," she asserted, echoing the sentiments resonating throughout the team.

Cole, his muscles taut with restrained fury, spoke with measured intensity, "We acknowledge our vulnerabilities, but we've learned to ascend above them. Your words won't shatter the unbreakable bonds we've forged through countless battles."

Lloyd, the strategic mind of the group, added, "Our strength is not confined to individual abilities but thrives in our unity. We stand shoulder to shoulder, and no amount of taunting can erode that foundation."

Zane, having regained his composed demeanor, addressed the twins with a resolute calmness. "Emotions are integral to our humanity. They fortify us; they don't weaken us. Your attempts to exploit our feelings won't sow discord within our ranks."

Krux, undeterred by the defiance, rekindled his smirk. "Resist all you want. The threads of destiny weave in ways beyond your comprehension. Your unity will crumble, and the echoes of the past will reverberate."

Acronix, with a malevolent gleam in his eye, added, "Time is our ally. We've witnessed the cycles, and you are not exempt. The weaknesses you deny will be your undoing."

Jay, though still seething with anger, regained control of his voice. "We shape our destiny, not you," he retorted, the determination cutting through the lingering tension. "We've faced challenges that would dwarf your schemes. United, we'll weather this storm and emerge stronger."

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Pixel, the loyal companion, stepped forward. "I have faith in Kai. No matter what twisted tales you spin, his resilience is unwavering," she declared, her voice a beacon of unwavering support for their hotheaded comrade.

The area of town remained a battleground, not solely for physical combat but for the indomitable spirit of the ninja against the psychological onslaught waged by Krux and Acronix. The twins persisted in their taunts, each word a calculated strike. Yet, the ninja, reinforced by Pixel's steadfast belief, stood unwavering—a united front against the encroaching shadows of their shared past.

Krux and Acronix, still reveling in the turmoil they had stirred among the ninja, exchanged smirks that mirrored a sinister accord. The air crackled with tension as they stepped forward, their gazes fixed on the ninja with an unsettling focus.

"Well then, ninja," Krux sneered, his voice carrying a malevolent tone. "If you wish to play the game, so be it. But remember, it's our move now, and we can't wait to see how you'll dance to our tune."

Acronix, his eyes glinting with anticipation, added, "The pieces are set. Let the game unfold. We'll be watching closely." With that ominous proclamation, the twins turned on their heels, their laughter lingering in the air as they made their departure.

The ninja, left in the wake of the time twins' ominous challenge, exchanged glances laden with uncertainty. Nya's brow furrowed in contemplation, Cole's jaw tightened with resolve, Lloyd's gaze held a spark of determination, Zane's analytical mind already at work, and Pixel, ever loyal, stood ready.

In the lingering aftermath of Krux and Acronix's ominous challenge, a determined hush fell over the ninja. Jay, his eyes ablaze with a fiery resolve, stepped forward. "We can't let them dictate the terms. If it's a game they want, then let's play it on our terms," he declared, his voice cutting through the uncertainty.

Lloyd, the Green Ninja, nodded in agreement. "We won't let them manipulate us. Let's show them we can face whatever they throw our way."

Zane, ever analytical, assessed the situation. "Strategically, engaging with their game might give us insights into their plans. We should be cautious but proactive."

Cole, muscles still tense from the confrontation, clenched his fists. "I'm tired of being on the defensive. Let's turn this around and make them play by our rules."

Pixel, standing steadfast beside Zane, chimed in with unwavering loyalty. "I believe in all of you. Whatever this game is, we'll face it together."

Zane, the Ice Ninja, added with his characteristic calmness, "Agreed. Let's use this as an opportunity to learn more about their intentions. But we stay vigilant."

With a shared nod, the ninja formed a resolute circle, a united front against the looming threat of the time twins. Each member understood the risks, but the decision was made – they would play the game, not as pawns, but as architects of their destiny.

The air, once thick with uncertainty, now crackled with a newfound determination. As the ninja prepared to enter the twisted game set by Krux and Acronix, they found strength in their unity, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The shadows of the town witnessed their collective resolve as they ventured into the unknown, a team bound by loyalty, courage, and the unwavering spirit to confront the enigmatic game the time twins had set in motion.

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