
Від Nialls37Potato

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"Diana" was just another Directioner until she was knocked unconscious in the crowd, and saved by Niall Horan... Більше

Two - Unknown Number
Three - Fans
Four - New Beginnings
Five - The Other Side
Six - Meet The Band

One - Broken Barriers

260 15 9
Від Nialls37Potato

Niall's P.O.V.
The boys and I had just finished a concert on our On the Road Again tour and were on our way back to our hotel when we rounded a corner. There's always a group of fans outside where we're staying, but I'd never seen this many. There were barriers set up to keep them back from the hotel but they were pushing against them, hard. Our van drove through an aisle between barriers. My mouth hung wide open at the number of people that had shown up just to see a glimpse of us on our way inside. The driver told us that we would drive as close as we could to the entrance and then open the van door. We would then have to make a mad-dash inside. His tone made it clear that this was no time for games, even Louis looked like he would do as he was told. The van pulled up and it was time to get out. Liam went first and the rest of us followed. I was the last one out. We all ran to the doors but just before I got to the foot of the steps, I turned around to look at the crowd. It. Was. Massive. I did a quick wave then turned to go inside. Just as I turned, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a fan that was clearly panicking. I would have understood if she was surrounded by people and was claustrophobic, like me. But she was right in the front.

All the other boys were inside now. I took one step towards the door and glanced back at the girl. Then, I understood why she was panicking. The fans around her were overenthusiastic and were accidentally pinning her against the barrier. I had to help her! But I couldn't go over to her that would just make the fans push even more. It was probably best for me to just go inside so that they'd stop trying to get to me.

I realized that security was shouting at me to get inside but I hadn't heard them over the screams of our fans. I resumed running towards the doors. But I didn't get very far before I heard a barrier crash to the ground and an army of fans began pouring through the gap. It was the barrier by the fan I had spotted. I stayed where I was, rooted to the ground, even though security was now coming towards me to pull me inside. I scanned the crowd for her. I found her! Our eyes locked for just a second before she was swept under the stampede of fans. I stood frozen as security tried to drag me inside. "No..." I choked out, as one of them picked me up in a fireman's hold. She would die. No one else saw it. "Put me down!" I yelled. He continued towards the doors. I couldn't go inside. I needed to help that girl. I kicked the security member in the gut to make him drop me. To my surprise, it worked! I'd apologize to him later, but right now I had more urgent matters. I dodged a few of the security team members and was in a sea of fans. I struggled to keep my breathing under control. I was surrounded!!

"I love you, Niall!" Someone shouted right in my ear.

That's nice, I thought, but I need you to back up.

Riiiippp! Well, there goes my "Monday" shirt. Green Converse? Well, I still have one with laces. Finally, I got to the spot where I'd seen her go under. There was a little crowd around her. She was curled up and clearly uncontentious. But was she alive? I knelt down next to her. The fans stayed back now that they understood what I was doing. She was breathing. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. She was alive.

"You," I called pointing at a fan with her phone in her hand, "Call for an ambulance!"

She immediately fainted and was caught by the fans around her.

I sighed and addressed everyone, "Someone call for an ambulance!"

A dozen girls reached for their phones. I realized that the fans had formed a barrier against the security. Good thing, because if they got to me they would take me inside for sure. I turned back to the uncontentious girl and waited for the ambulance.
 I began to hear sirens. Finally! The ambulance getting there and the ride to the hospital was all a blur. Somehow, I got into the ambulance for the ride. I was the only one there so I signed a bunch of papers for the girl while they took her to someplace in the hospital to help her. I was supposed to fill out a form with her info on it but I knew nothing about her. I had to wait in the lobby and I kept getting calls from security but didn't answer anything. Harry called me but I still didn't answer and waited for him to leave a message.

"Niall, where are you?! We all went inside and you stayed out! Security isn't letting us out of our rooms while they look for you! They're about to call the cops to help if they don't find you soon! Call them and tell them where you are!" He sounded mad and worried.

I hadn't realized that no one saw me get in the ambulance. Now I thought about it though, security was busy trying to get through the wall of fans, the boys were inside, and, probably, no one thought to ask the fans. I phoned Harry and told him what happened. As well as to tell security I was alright, but not where I was. If they knew where I was they would come and take me back to the hotel. I wanted to stay with the girl. A few moments after I hung up with Harry, one of the doctors came over to me and said that I could go and see the girl now. However, she was still uncontentious.+

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