Trust me |H.S FanFic|

By Jiminxmagicshop

46.5K 893 106

Sam had a troubled past, which made her loose trust in people and especially men. She decides to move to Engl... More

Writers Note
1 ~ Introduction
2 ~ The meet&greet
3 ~ A sleepover
4 ~ Uncertainty
5 ~ The Tower
6 ~ Goodbye
7 ~ Charity
8 ~ A night to celebrate
9 ~ Meeting the family
10 ~ Moving
11 ~ Childish behavior
12 ~ Toronto
13 ~ Trouble
14 ~ Ending things
15 ~ Confused
16 ~ new Job
17 ~ Sick?
18 ~ What the hell?!
19 ~ So....
20 ~ One Month Later
21 ~ Surprising turn
22 ~ Going Home
23 ~ Shocking revelations
24 ~ A fight
25 ~ Thinking
26 ~ An Old Friend
27 ~ A First Look
28 ~ Mute
29 ~ Protective
30 ~ Closer
31 ~ Conditions
32 ~ Kicking
33 ~ Angry
34 ~ Apple Pie
35 ~ Moving Back
36 ~ Acceptance
37 ~ Shopping
38 ~ Telling the World
39 ~ Relaxed
40 ~ .....
End of Part I
Part II
41 ~ Stuck in the Past
42 ~ Scary Times
43 ~ Losing
44 ~ No Hope
45 ~ Escaping
46 ~ The Hospital
47 ~ Taking Care
48 ~ Telling her
49 ~ Realization
50 ~ Pain
51 ~
52 ~ Reassurance
53 ~ Going on a Trip
54 ~ The Airplane
56 ~ The Motel
57 ~ Horror
59 ~ A new family member?
60 ~ Aiden
61 ~ After
62 ~ Parents
63 ~ Next stop
64 ~ Intimate
65 ~ Beauty
66 ~ Home
67 ~ A Miracle

55 ~ The Road Restaurant..

357 7 2
By Jiminxmagicshop

This flight went by much quicker when you are entangled with the right person. We were only kissing because going further was much to fast right now but this I enjoyed. When we finally stopped kissing, he still kept his arms around my body. We just talked the whole flight and he only let me go to use the toilet and when the flight attendant asked us to put on our seat belts.

I was happy when the plane hit the ground because even if your entangled with the right person a flight of more then 8 hours is a bitch. Harry took my hand and directed me out of the airport to a pick up truck. Yea you heard me correct a pick up truck. "Harry this is a pick up truck." I said puzzled because he wasn't really being serious with this car right?

"Good observations Sam." He said with his mischievous smile. "You're not serious about this right?" I had to ask him because that thing was horrible. "Actually I am, We are going for the full American experience and a pick up truck is part of that." 

"That's probably just something we made up in our heads Harry!"

"Well if that's the case, then we must follow that because we are not getting a different car. "

"But what about our stuff?"

"That can fit in the back."

"But there is no hood!"

"There is a box with a lock." He said with a smirk and I was wondering what had gotten into him. "Okay, so what about sleeping arrangements?"

"We will sleep in Motels and if the weather is good, we will sleep outside."

"You are officially crazy!" I yelled at him but I did think he was totally being cute for doing this and I wasn't going to be that difficult about it. He put our stuff in that damn box and made sure everything was secured. I watched him walk towards my side of the car, I followed him, as he was opening my door to let me in.

I couldn't help myself from smiling at him. He was just to damn cute, who could resist him when he was this happy. I mean those dimples appear and he's all bouncy. It felt like a proper drug. We had landed in San Francisco, which meant that we were going east and our first stop was going to be the Yosemite National Park. This was going to be a really long trip but I was looking forward to see the beauty that is nature!

After a few ours in this pick up truck we stopped at a road restaurant to get some pancakes, as it was now 8am in the morning and I was really starving. "I really need pancakes Harry, so could you please hurry up!"

"Yea, yea I'm coming." He was putting on a cap and some sunglasses in the hope that no one was going to recognise him, which I thought was rather weird, as we were in the middle of freaking nowhere. We got our seats and looked through the menu, the restaurant made me think of the 50's and it was actually really cool.

"Harry how awesome is this right?"

"What do you mean?"

"This restaurant, it's like time stopped."

"Yea I guess you're right, I didn't know you liked the 50's?"

"What's not to like, I mean the music, the way people danced and acted it's amazing and if I had to pick one era to live in, I would definitely choose the 50's" I said with passion, which made him chuckle. "I can see the charm of it but that's about it but how come I've never known this about you?" 

"Well despite of falling in love quickly we never actually talked about our interests, everything went by so fast  but we will be stuck with each other for 3 weeks so this will give us the opportunity to get to know each other better."

 "Good because I want to get to know you in every way possible." he said with a lot of determination.

 "Welcome, can I take your order?" The waitress asked and I nodded. "Yes we would like to have the pancakes and two coffee please." She walked away and when I turned to Harry again he was smirking.


 "I know the best game ever."

 "O god not 20 questions right because normally I can't think of even 10 questions."

 "Well no we are making a list of things we like and we swap it."

 "I like that idea better, let's do it but we need a pen and paper."

"First we need to eat." and on cue the waitress came back with our food. I ate it like I hadn't eat something for weeks but I was actually really excited to make a list, how weird right but I just like to make lists. After dinner we ordered some tea and we asked for paper and 2 pens. This was going to be fun.

 "Wait, how many things do we have to write down?"

 "Lets do 20 random things about each other." I nodded and we started to write down and I was wondering what he would write as his favorite things were all around the internet.

 I was done within 10 minutes but he was still at it. It wasn't that difficult right? Or maybe he is just not used to write the lists, although he is a pop star so you'd think he is used to it. After another 5 minutes of me drinking my tea and him writing stuff down, he was finally done. He folded the piece of paper and I hadn't done that so I followed his example. "Why are we folding the pieces of paper harry?"

 "We are not reading them now but at another point in this road-trip."

 "Uhm, okay sure." I went along with it because he was having fun with this weird ass game but we had to hurry up a bit.


"Harry would you please drink up your tea, we really should go." he nodded in agreement and I went to the toilet but first I had to give back these pens. The waitress thanked me and I walked into the toilet, which was clean thank the lord.


I freshened up a bit and when I came back out, I saw that same waitress all over Harry, well she tried to be all over Harry but he was trying to ignore her, which wasn't easy but he still didn't pay attention to her what so ever, this made me smile but also furious at that damn waitress.


Harry saw me coming and I saw him mumble something under his breath and I knew it was a warning to the waitress but she still didn't move her ass from the table. At this point I was filled with jealous rage and literally pulled her off the damn table."If I were you, I would leave now." I warned her through clenched teeth.


"What if I don't?" she said with an attitude and before I knew what happened I slapped her. It was like my hand worked on it's own, which wasn't the case of course. She was holding her cheek and ran back to the boss, well I guess that is what she was doing. "We have to go."

"I know, damn, woman." he laughed and he threw some money on the table to cover our costs and we walked quickly back to our car.

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