Stuck In A Moment

By fandom_lover2005

6K 286 240

The third book in the Bad Things Happen series! Other books in the series include Bad Thing Happen and Life a... More

Gender Reveal!
Dating app.
"Ugh, you again."
What happened next.
The hospital...again.
Peggy, what happened?
Halloween part 2.
"At least the visit is free."
The Trial. *sigh*
The trial. *sigh* continued.
Thanksgiving part two.
Lafayette's birthday!
Me got tagged again.
Christmas part 1.
Christmas part 2.
Christmas part 3.
Christmas Part 4.
Christmas part 5.
Christmas part 6.
Christmas part 7.
Forgiveness... can you imagine?
I have an announcement.
The Grand Finale.
The real announcement.
Making up.
Old rivalry. Still going
Burr ain't happy... is he ever?
Valentine's Day.
Bro time.
The Letter
Well... he's still here.
After the storm.
I state my regret for an incorrect accusation against yee.
A week after the storm.
The clink. (Hope I spelled that right.)
More Jeggy
The trap
The police
Jeggy for the win.


383 6 2
By fandom_lover2005

A/N: If you are reading this and haven't read my other stories, go read them first or none if this will make any sense. Bad Things Happen is book one and Life as a Motto is book two. For those of you that have read them, enjoy!

Over the summer, a lot of things happened. So let's start at the beginning.

"I'm pregnant." Angelica explained. She and John had called everyone over for dinner, saying she had some big news. Well I'd say that's pretty big.

"What!" Philip Schuyler freaked out. "Ange, that's amazing." He got up and gave his daughter a hug.

"I'm actually gonna be an Aunt!" Peggy cheered.

"Me too." Eliza added.

This all happened in July, but Angelica got pregnant in the beginning of May. So she was about three months pregnant by now.

Let's see, what else happened? Oh right! Adrianne and Lafayette got married. Even though they had only been dating for like five months, they knew it was meant to be, and neither of them regretted it.
(Fun fact, my parents dated for two weeks before eloping. They did know each other before they dated though, it wasn't like they knew each other for two weeks, they just dated that long. They've been happily married for over 20 years now.)

"Adrianne, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Lafayette said.

"Let's elope. My parents won't be able to pay for a wedding, so let's just get married now." Adrianne smiled.

"Really? Ok, let's do it."

So yeah. Laurens was still single though, poor child. He and Peggy had been hanging out a lot lately, but Stephen still made things very awkward for the two of them. Very.

Alexander and Eliza almost had enough saved up for a small house. They were planning on staying in dorms for the first half of the college year, then being able to move in together in the second. Eliza had also been working as an intern for the hospital to get some experience. The best part, it was a paid internship.

Peggy also just turned 19. But that's all the major events that happened over the summer.
Today was moving day, and everyone was excited and dreadful at the same time. Mainly because it meant a new school year was coming, but also because it meant a new school year was coming.

"Laurens!" Washington called from downstairs. "Come on, we got to go!"

"Coming!" The 18 year old grabbed the last of his things and went downstairs.
They went to the campus and unpacked. It was nice to be back after the summer. Laurens missed the summer already.

"Thanks for helping me." Laurens smiled.

"No problem." Washington answered. "Just please tell me you didn't forget something."

"No, I double checked before I left." Laurens replied.

"Good. Well then, I'll leave you to unpack. Please try and limit yourself to one hospital trip this year." Washington joked.

"Thanks for that. If I had a choice I'd say none." Laurens rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but we both know that's probably not going to happen."

"Probably not. But it never hurts to hope." Laurens sighed.

"Yes. But please don't do anything purposely. Stay safe and be smart." Washington said.

"Pft, I'm not Alexander." Laurens laughed.

"I heard that!" Came a yell from the room next door.

"Oh, we must be neighbors then." Laurens smirked. "That's gonna be.... fun?"

"Be nice." Washingdad said. I mean Washington........ no, I mean Washingdad.


"Ok, I got to go. Take care, bye." Washington said as he turned to leave.

"Bye." Laurens responded. He finished unpacking his things then went to check on Alexander. "Hey."

"Bonjour." Laf greeted him.

"Oh, are you guys like roommates this year?" Laurens asked.

"Yeah, not sure how that happened, but it did." Alexander replied.

"Ha, yeah right." Laurens laughed.

"Who's your roommate anyway?" Alexander asked.

"Dunno, he hasn't arrived yet." Laurens explained. "I just hope it's not Aaron Burr."

"Why not?" Lafayette asked. "He'd be better then Jefferson, right?"

Laurens just became aware that Lafayette still had no idea that Burr used to bully him everyday when he first started going to their high school. To be fair though, that was kinda his fault for not telling him. So Laf was off the hook. But now he had to come clean.

"Well...." He began. "Let's just say there were some things I didn't mention when I first moved in with you guys. Alexander knows actually."

"Well there's a lot of things you didn't mention. People literally thought you were mute." Laf reminded him.

"True. But that's not why."

"But you told Alexander?" Lafayette was confused.

"Fine. Burr used to beat me up everyday when I first started going to school. Alexander knows because he was there one day. That's actually how we first met." Laurens explained.

"You mentioned you went on a walk in the courtyard during lunch one day. I take it that's when this happened?" Laf asked.

Alexander and Laurens both nodded.

"Je vois." Laf frenched.

Just then, Laurens got a text from Peggy.

Peg⭐: Hey, I'm babysitting for Maria tomorrow and Stephen is busy so I wondered if you could help me.
Laurens👨‍🎨: What time?
Peg⭐: 5:30-ish?
Laurens👨‍🎨: Ok. Can you send me the address?
Peg⭐ Attached a Link
Laurens👨‍🎨: Thx. See you tomorrow.
Peg⭐: C u.

Laurens put his phone away and went back to his dorm. When he got back, he was surprised to see Alister there.

"Oh hey." He said. "Are you my roommate?"

"I guess so." Laurens answered. "Long story but, you don't mind turtles do you?"


"Like I said, long story."

"I guess not. How many do you have?"

"Just the one. It was a gift from Peggy." Laurens explained.

"Oh, ok. I don't mind. As long as it has a tank." Alister added.

"It does, don't worry." Laurens laughed. "His name is Donatello."

"Pft!" Alister blurted out. "I mean, that's unique?"

"Laugh all you want. I didn't name him." Laurens joked.

"Yeah, ok." Alister continued to laugh.

Peggy walked into her dorm. She had already unpacked all of her things and was just waiting for her roommate to show up. She didn't ask for Eliza to be her roommate this year since Eliza was moving out later on. So.... she had no idea who it could be.

"Hi." A girl walked in. "I'm Janeí, but my friends call me Jane."

"Peggy." Peggy said as if it was a question. "Have we met before?"

"I don't think we've technically met, but your ex-boyfriend's adoptive brother's roommate last year is my boyfriend." Jane repeated it a few times after that quietly. "Yeah, I think that simplifies it."

"Yeah, this whole thing is pretty complicated isn't it?" Peggy asked.

"You have no idea."

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