Sing To Me

By Izumi-Bakugou

271K 8.2K 3.5K

A Deku×OC×Bakugou story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Izuku, everything was perfect; perfect friends, perfect rival (... More

Think About It
Mind Made Up
OC explanations
Lessons II
Without Him
Quirk Training
Villains II
Kareoke Night
Kareoke Night II
Doctor's Appointment
Flashbacks and The Cheek Jar
Dance Class
The Song Book and a YouTube channel?
Who's Katsuki?
Who's Katsuki? II
Daddy's Punishment
The Unexpected Visits
Life Back at UA
I've Made Up My Mind and My Cloudia
Bad News and Good News
Christmas Preparations I
Christmas Preparations II
Bonus Chapter
The Sweet Day
Dekiru's Debut
He's Baaaaa~aaaak
Show off
His Secret Life
His Song
The Rival and Bathroom Shenanigans
Their Rivalry
Both of You
Oh Hell No
Please Daddy
Birthday Presents
Birthday Presents II
Daddy's in Charge
Daddy's in Charge II
Lost my mind
I got Tagged
Aw How Cute
You think I'm punishing you, heh, Baby I'm rewarding you
New Teacher?
The Dare
Tell me
The Principal
The Box
Villains Appear
2 Vs 1
Well This is Awkward
Jealous kitten
Beach Day
More Unexpected Visits
More Unexpected Visits II
Bakugo the Cheerleader
Nobody Wants Her
Deal with the Devil
Cherry Blossoms
Epilogue:United Forever
Bonus: Honeymoon
Bonus:Quirk Target
Bonus: The End
Bonus:The End II
The Fourth Wall

The Tattoo & Piercing his Ears

6.3K 178 245
By Izumi-Bakugou

[Wednesday, Week Seven of Twenty]

~Izuku's POV~

"Hey Izuku?" Dad called out to me from upstairs

"Yeah?" I answered glancing away from the TV

"Don't you have school today?" He asked forrowing his brows

"No, I had an assignment but I finished it already" I said biting my Twinkie "I submitted it already so I have a free day"

"Are you going out?" He asked looking through some files in his hands

"Yeah I called the guys over" I said picking at the lint on my blue button shirt that for some odd reason stuck to my body more than it used to. It was loose and very roomy but now, it outlines my entire torso. Same thing with all my pants, I don't know what's going on "they're going to help me pick out a tattoo"

"Really?" He asked sounding uninterested

"You do know that you don't have to listen to me right?" I asked looking up at him with a frown

"Sorry if I sounded uninterested, I'm just studying you" he said as if studying your son was perfectly normal

"What do you mean by that?" I asked a little worried

"Example; your voice has gotten deeper, your clothes are tighter and those are your size" he explained raising a perfectly arched eyebrow "your more confident than before and I'm proud of you for that"

"Huh, I never noticed" I stated listening to my now deep voice "my voice is deeper" I observed touching my throat

(A/N; go on YouTube and look up 'Deep Voice Deku' to know what he sounds like)

"All these changes and you've never noticed?" He asked in disbelief staring at me wide eyed, his jaw slightly ajar "are you serious?"

"I swear dad, I never noticed" I said chuckling out a freakishly deep chuckle

"If Your mom called she will probably think someone kidnapped you and stole your phone" he grumbled shaking his head

"Oh come on Dad" I whined throwing my head back "it's not that deep"

"Listen to this" he said taking his phone out to make me listen to a voice mail I sent him once

"Hey dad, it's Izuku. I've been trying to call but I can't get to you so.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!"

"I sounded so high pitched" I said cringing at the sound of my own voice grating my ears

"Now listen to this" he said tapping on a different voice mail

"Hey Dad, I know you're at a meeting so I'll keep this short..... I'm staying over at Danny and Ky's house tonight. Bye"

"Big contrast there" I commented tapping my chin in deep thought

"Exactly my point" he said pointing at me with his phone, squinting at me quizzically

"Dad I'm growing up sheesh" I said watching him study me

"It's been Seven weeks, seven. You're buffer, more confident and have a deep voice" he pointed out "what have you and your friends been doing?!"

"They're just helping me accept my sexuality" I said rolling my eyes

"If you say so, but if I find any panties or bras anywhere you're grounded" he said and my eyes widened

(A/N; I know that has nothing to do with his voice being deeper but just go with it)

~He honestly thinks that's what I was doing?!~

"OH MY GOD! DAD NO!" I yelled making him grin

"I'm just messing with you" he said laughing

"That was not funny" I said glaring at him

"Whatever, I'm in my room if you need me" he said walking off. The minute his room door was closed the front door busted open

"WE ARE HERE!" Jay exclaimed putting her fists on her hips like All Might

"Shut up and let's go" I said getting up off of the most comfortable couch ever (next to the one at home of course)

"Grumpy much" Bells commented rolling her eyes

"Please guys let's just go" I whined running a hand through my hair

"I can use my quirk to get us to the mall faster" Kade said

(Present Mic voice: Kade Niel! Quirk; Transport!
Able to teleport himself and anyone else (as long as they're touching) anywhere as long as he knows what where he's going looks like!)

"Okay thanks" I said holding onto Jay who was holding onto Gabe who was holding onto Becky who was holding onto Kade

In the blink of an eye we were in the middle of the mall and in the middle of a bustling crowd "anybody know where the tattoo parlor is?" I asked

"I can show you" Ky said shrugging, wrapping his arm around Kade's waist

"Lead the way Mr Evans" I said making him roll his eyes but started walking in the direction I believe the tattoo parlor was

"I'mma be right back" Jade said "gotta go use the ladies room"

"Of course you do" I said looking at her with an expression that said 'Really'

"Oh shut up you Asparagus!" She grumbled walking away, throwing a glare at me over her shoulder

"And you call me grumpy" I said pointing at Bells continuing to follow Ky to the tattoo parlor

"So Izuku" Danny called out glancing at me "why do you want a tattoo?"

"Why do you think I want a tattoo?" I asked wanting his opinion on this

"To impress Bakugou?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

"Kaachan was the last thing on my mind when I thought of getting the tattoo" I said before shrugging "I just felt a weird need to have one, and I don't question my gut. If it says to get a tattoo, I'll get a tattoo"

"Alright buddy" he said "and having your ears pierced?"

"I've been planning on that for about a year now" I said tapping my chin in deep thought about when I first decided to get my ears pierced

"I see" Ky said in a fake old man's voice stroking his non-existent beard

"Old Man" Kade commented chuckling "were here"

We entered the tattoo parlor; not many people inside, just three girls and a guy lingering around probably looking for a tattoo they might like

"Marietta!" Ky called out

"Yeah!" I female voice answered his call. She emerged from behind a black curtain behind the counter. She had curly pink hair and yellow eyes, kinda like Hatsume

"You remember that favor you owe me?" Ky asked just as Jade entered the store

"Yeah, what do you want?" She asked chewing on a bubble gum

"I want you to give my friend here a tattoo of his choice" Ky said pointing at me

"Ky, that's not necessary" I said frowning at him

"I know it's not necessary" he said "but it's what I want"

"Alright kid, come and choose what tattoo you want" Marietta said opening a book on the counter

I sighed and went up to choose the tattoo I wanted "this one" I said

(A/N; ⬇️)

"Kinda suits you" she said bitting her bottom lip, eyes raking over my body in a seductive manner that I chose to ignore

"Mmhmm thanks" I said continuing to look through the book of tattoos

"Where do you want it?" She asked her voice lowering an octave

"On my left pec" I said glancing up at her through my eyelashes before going back to the book "how much will it cost?"

"W-well since I'm just doing Ky a favor, it's free" she explains twirling a lock of hair on her finger

"Okay thanks" I said

"I'll be a second, you can sit over there" she said pointing over at the waiting area where about seven chairs sat all but one occupied by my friends

"Okay" I said going over and sitting my tiny (I know it's not tiny but still) tush onto the seat between Flower and Bells

"You do realize she was silently flirting with you?" Bells asked

"Yes I'm aware" I said pulling out my phone out of my pocket "I just chose to ignore her"

"Hashtag Savage" Jade said from beside Ky who sat on Kade's lap

"You can say that again" Bells said

I rolled my eyes deciding to call mom "hello"

"Hey mom" I said

"Uhhhh, who's this?" She asked panicked

"Mom it's me; Izuku" I said shaking my head

"Izuku?! You sound so different since the last time you called" she pointed out

"I know" I said chuckling a little "how are you?"

"Oh I'm just fine, how about you?" She asked

"I'm good" I said "getting that tattoo today"


"Well, I wasn't" I said shrugging even though she couldn't see

"Izuku are you sure you want to do that?" She asked

"Yes mom, I'm sure" I said the same time Marietta came out from behind the curtains again waving me over "I gotta go, love you bye"

"Love you too sweetie, bye" she said and I hung up following Marietta

"Sit here" she said as I entered the other room with two other people (two girls) getting tattooed on "oh and take off the shirt"

"Alright" I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it immediately getting stares from the girls getting tattoos and Marietta. I sat down in the chair she told me to the same time she picked up her equipment

"This might hurt" she said looking up at me

"Just get it over with" I said running a hand through my hair


🥦💥❄️🔥Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan🔥❄️💥🥦

"And there you go" Marietta said putting a sticker-like material over the tattoo "just keep that on for a day and then you can take it off"

"Thanks" I said getting up and putting on my shirt

"Hey, you never told me your name" she pointed out shyly

~Is she really that desperate?!~

"Midoriya Izuku" I said nodding "but you can call me Midoriya"

"Alright. Midoriya" she said smiling and handing me a small piece of paper "call me"

"For what?" I asked taking the paper

"Y'know, in case you need a little sexual attention" she said shamelessly bitting her bottom lip

"No thanks" I said raising an eyebrow "I'm gay. In other words only a dick can satisfy me"

And with that I left her with her jaw hanging open until...


"I AM RIGHT HERE!" A male voice yells back

(A/N; I'M SORRY!!🤣🤣🤣 I JUST HAD TO!!🤣🤣🤣)

"So, she gave you her number eh?" Ky asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Take it" I said shoving the piece of paper into his palm and walking out towards the ear piercing store that was conveniently located right beside the tattoo parlor

"Good afternoon" I said smiling at the guy behind the counter. He had blood red hair, green eyes, freckles and a lip ring with a dark purple rhinestone

"Hey" he said looking up from cleaning a syringe

"Um, I'd like my ears pierced please" I said bitting my bottom lip

"Sure" he said glancing at my lips for a second looking back up at my eyes with a small blush "just sit over there and I'll call you when it's your turn. Oh yeah, what's your name?"

"Alright. My name is Midoriya Izuku, you can call me Midoriya" I said flashing him a smile, his blush becoming more visible. I walked over to my smirking friends (excluding Becks and Gabby, they're way to innocent) who entered during my conversation with the guy

"You made him blush" Kade pointed out

"What did you say to him?" Jay asked

"I asked to get my ears pierced" I said sitting between Jay and Danny

"That's all you asked?" Danny asked wiggling his eyebrows

"Yes" I said through gritted teeth glaring at them

"Midoriya!" I looked up to see the guy waving me over

"I'll be back" I said "go to the food court and buy me some nachos and cheese I'll meet you there"

"Alright" Ky said getting up followed by the rest of the group

I walked over to the small gate-like entrance to behind the counter and through a frayed curtain. In the other room was a guy cleaning a syringe just like the previous guy "Link!" The guy I spoke to called out to the guy who was cleaning the syringe. He looked exactly like the guy at the counter, just without the lip ring

"What up Lynch?" Link asked looking up from his work "this your boyfriend?"

~Link? Lynch? Are they twins~

"What! No!" Lynch exclaimed "he wants his ears pierced!"

"Alright" Link said chuckling "how do you want it dude?"

He gave me a book with different styles of piercings

"This" I said pointing at the one I wanted

"You want the earrings green like your hair and cute little eyes?" Link asked flirtatiously

"Yeah" I said ignoring him attempt

"Sit here and I'll take care of it" he said standing behind a spin chair (A/N; I don't know the professional name for it)

"Alright" I said sitting in front of him. He put his hands on my shoulders gently wispering in my ear

"Just relax, this might hurt a little" he said "but I'll take good care of you"

~This is going to take forever~

🥦💥❄️🔥 Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan🔥❄️💥🥦

"There good to go" Link said, though it was slightly muffled by the ringing in my ears "there'll be some ringing in your ears for a while, it's only temporary though"

(A/N; same thing on each ear)

"Thanks, how much is that?" I asked taking out my wallet

"Nah, it's on the house" he said and I frowned "You're just too cute for me to take the money from you"

"Oh my God Link!" Lynch exclaimed throwing his hands in the air

"What?" Link asked innocently "he's obviously gay"

"But he could have a boyfriend!" Lynch pointed out

"Oh yeah" Link grumbled

"Ummm, I have to go" I said "so how-"

"I told you, it's on the house" he said cutting me off

"Alright" I said whincing as the ringing got louder "bye"

"Come again" Lynch said sighing

I nodded and exited the store making my way through the bustling crowd to the food court where I hope everyone was waiting for me. Luckily, they were. I walked over to my group of friends who were happily eating

I saw Jay's lips move, but I heard nothing more than the annoying ringing in my ears. I took out my phone going into the group chat 'New York Bitches'

Guys I can't here u or anything else, so u'll have to text me okay?

Why can't u hear us?

Buns 🐰:
I got my ears pierced remember?

Oh, right

I put my phone on the table taking the nachos and cheese pushed my way. After we finished eating, Kade teleported us back to the house scaring the shit out of dad. Everyone but me (since my ears were ringing) got an earful about scaring people with lethal quirks. Well, that's what Danny told me (via text message of course).

I then washed my face and cleaned my body changing into one of dad's sweatpants (one of the newer ones) because mine were tight and uncomfortable. We ate spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and watched Tom and Jerry reruns though I couldn't hear anything, then went to bed. Everyone somehow fit in my room.

~I still can't hear shit~

Hiya my lovelies how'd you like this chapter cuz it took me ALL DAY to write. Bye~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies

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