Kamen rider x BNHA: Heisei ri...

By LeonShido

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In the world of Heroes meet 3 Quirk less individuals who have the power of the Kamen Riders and show them the... More

Chapter 1: Kamen rider strike again
Chapter 2: Meeting the family
Chapter 3: Invitaion to UA high
Chapter 4: UA Entrance Exam
Chapter 5: Beginning of UA
Chapter 6: Combat Training
Chapter 7: Class Representative and USJ part 1
Chapter 8: UJS Part 2
Chapter 9: USJ Part Final
Chapter 10: UA sports festival part 1 obstacle race
Chapter 11 part 2: Let's clear this Cavalry Battle with no continue
Chapter 12 part 3: A Specter in the Tournament
Chapter 13: Rock vs Robot
Chapter 14: Mach vs Engine and The Exploder vs The Destroyer
Chapter 15: Tournament semi final
Chapter 16: Overlord vs Overlord, Brother vs Brother. The Battle of Dark Riders
Chapter 17: Hero names and Internships
Chapter 18: Hosu attack and encounter the Hero Killer
Chapter 20: Final Exam Students vs Teachers
Chapter 21: The Final Exam Begins
Chapter 22: The Battle Against The No.1 Hero
Chapter 23: Exam Results and Shopping
Chapter 24: The Pool and The Invitation
Two Heroes
Chapter 25: The Training Camp Begins With Time
Chapter 26: Day Two
Chapter 26: The Night Againts the Onies.
Chapter 27: Rescue By Sneaking
Chapter 28: Confront To The Extremer
Chapter 29: The Infinite Potential Of People
Chapter 30: The Choice Of The Story.
Chapter 31: A Trip Back Home
Chapter 32: Regaining The Faith/Trust Of Heroes
Chapter 33: Moving to the Dorms
Halloween Special: Ghosts In The Woods
Chapter 34: Clash Of Trust From One's Past
Chapter 35: What Is A Kamen Rider? Part 1

Chapter 19: The Aftermath

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By LeonShido

The next day at the Hosu General Hospital the three students got their injuries wrapped in bandages then lay to rest and about to get an examination. Except for Yuuto who denied the offer but the nurses insist on letting the doctor check to see if he was completely uninjured but he refused so they comply and leave him alone. Now at the room where Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki are in Yuuto is there as well resting on the bed while he doesn't need it the heroes tells him to stay with them.

Todoroki: Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?

Midoriya: No, not really

Todoroki: I didn't think so. Me either.

Midoriya: Think about it now, we did something amazing, huh?

Todoroki: Yeah

Yuuto: (He really thinks that? *sigh*)

Midoriya: Seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive. With my leg like this, he probably could've killed us if he'd wanted to.

Todoroki: (look at injured arm) Yeah. Without Hiroyuki came in to help then we would have died. (look at Iida) You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you.

Iida: No, that's not it. (look down) I...

He was then interrupted by the door sliding open reveling two heroes Gran Torino and the Normal Hero: Manual

Gran Torino: Oh, are you wounded kids awake?

Midoriya: Gran Torino!

Iida: Manual...

Gran Torino: (look at Midoriya) Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you.

Midoriya: Oh! S-Sorr--

Gran Torino: But before that, you've got a visitor.

Another person came in the room the person have a head of a dog

Gran Torino: Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae

Todoroki and Iida both stand up Yuuto just look out of the window and listen to what he going to say. Midoriya try to stand up too but the chief said...

Chief: Oh, you can just stay seated, woof. You must be the UA students who brought down the hero killer, right?

Todoroki: Yes

Chief: Regarding the hero killer we arrested... He had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof. Since you are UA students, I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and make sure Quirks were not used as weapons. And then, the professional of "hero" emerge to fill that gap, woof. For an individual's use of force and power that can easily kill others-- action that normally would be appropriate to denounce-- to be accepted officially is thanks to early heroes who followed the ethics and rules of the professional, woof. Even up against the hero killer, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their Quirks without specific instruction from their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules. The four of you, and the pro heroes Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino must receive strict punishment.

Todoroki: Wait a minute. If Iida hadn't done anything, Native would've been killed. If Midoriya hadn't come, the two of them would've been killed. No one realized that the hero killer had appeared. Are you saying we should've followed the rules and watched people get killed?

Midoriya: W-W-Wait!

Chief: Are you saying that as long as it turns out all right, It's okay to blend the rules?

Yuuto: (Yeah.)

Todoroki: Isn't it a hero's job to save people?

Chief: That is why you are not a full-fledged hero yet. Goodness, what are you being taught by UA and Endeavor, woof?

That cause Todoroki to be angrier and about to yell at him but he was interrupted by and small laugh they turn to the person who did it is Yuuto who still looking out of the window.

Yuuto: (chuckle) How about you? Did you learn that like a good little dog?

That mockery cause a shock to them

Yuuto: I wonder how much blood you ignorant police step on these day.

Gran Torino: Woah kid you kinda step in too far there.

Yuuto: Too far? You don't know the full extend of it.

Iida: Hiroyuki stop! What he saying is true.

Gran Torino: He haven't finish yet just hear him out until the end.

Yuuto: Oh? (turn around) Let's hear it then.

Chief: *Ahem* What I said was the official statement of the police. And the punishment and such would only happen if this were all made public, woof. If this were made public, you would probably be applauded by the public, but you would not be able to escape punishment. On the other hand, this is a bit underhanded, but if it is not made public, the burn scars would support Endeavor being the hero who save the day, and would end there, woof. Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This violation could be crushed here, woof. But this would also mean no one would know about your good judgment and achievements. Which do you prefer? Personally, I don't want to be the one to find fault with promising young ones (thumb up) because of one big mistake, woof.

Manual: Either way, we will need to take responsibility for being negligent in our supervisor duties.

Iida walk toward him and bow

Iida: I am truly sorry

Manual: (chop his head) All right. You'll cause trouble for others! if you understand, then don't do it again!

Iida: I won't!

Midoriya: (slight bow) I-I'm sorry

Todoroki: (bow) Please take care of it.

Yuuto: I'm not sorry for the police statement.

Chief: Yes, I understand the unfairness of adults, you will not be able to receive the praise you would probably have gotten, but at least, (bow) as someone who also protects the peace, I can say thank you.

Todoroki: (look away) Please start with that next time

Yuuto: (It's not the praise that I care of) Yeah, you should start with that first if not then I would've mock and insult at you more.

So after the chief of Hosu police gave his thanks to the students he left Gran Torino and Manual also followed him leaving the students in the room. Yuuto stands up and walks outside to find some private space. He then pulls out his Hidden Risephone then starts a phone call.

But before he start doing that let's move back a few minutes with the other two

(At Edgeshot agency)

Edgeshot: Regrading the incident in Hosu last night I heard that the Hero Killer Stain has been arrested

Kenichi: Really? Who the one that brought him down?

Edgeshot: Endeavor the one that defeated him. There are also the villains that resemble the Nomu who attacked UA

Kenichi: The Nomu? Guess there's more of them huh...

Edgeshot: That's not all it seems that Stain has a connection to the League of Villains. They might on the move...... but for now let's continue learning

Kenichi: Hai

He then start training but before he do that his Risephone rings.

He look at his phone to see that it's Yuuto calling he pick up.

(At the TV station)

The TV then show a commercial

Uwabami: "No matter how damage your hair, the new ingredients, U008 will penetrate deep into each hair."

The next it show three girls Kendo, Yaoyorozu and Naomi with their hair curl

Uwabami: Curl... (Kendo wave her hair) Curl... (Yaoyorozu wave hair) Curl... (Naomi wave her hair)

And finally show Uwabami herself with the three girl holding a spray in their hand displaying it

Uwabami: Curl, all you want. Easy curls with just a spritz! Hair spray, UNERI. Letting women ride the waves of times.

The TV then stop

Uwabami: They sure work fast. This is a demo, so it'll air on TV in about a month. With lots of CG!

Naomi: (So she just using us to promote a Hair spray? She not a hero at all )

Kendo: (look at Yaoyorozu) We're gonna be on TV, huh?

Yaoyorozu: Heroes... We are heroes...

Uwabami: (stand up) Now, shall we go on patrol?

That cause the two girls to be happy and follow her

Yaoyorozu/Kendo: Yes, ma'am!

Naomi: I doubt she gonna teach us anything or none at all

Naomi start to walk with them until


Her Risephone rang she pull out her phone to look who's calling the name of the caller is "Anata" (Darling). She pick up the phone.

(At the Hospital)

Naomi/Kenichi: Moshi Moshi?

Yuuto: It's me

Kenichi: I hear the news from Edgeshot that the hero killer has been taken down by Endeavor, the person you interning do you know anything about that?

Yuuto: Yeah, those are just a cover up

Naomi: Cover up?

Yuuto: Endeavor wasn't the one that take him down it was me with Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki

Kenichi: Wow you take down a man that killed heroes. Nice.

Yuuto: Nah I didn't do much but when I first face him, he has a set of conviction against heroes that care only for money and glory. He's kinda similar to us in a way.

Naomi: Really? So he killed heroes that greed for money that's not a big surprise there's people like that.

Yuuto: Yeah, there also Nomu that appeared with a different look from the one before. Guess there's more of them being created out there

Kenichi: I wonder how they got so many Quirks to be able to on those monsters?

Naomi: Maybe there's a way to replicate it because Quirk is a part of the person's DNA so they can create new identical ones.

Yuuto: That's possible and sorry for calling during your internship just to inform you two about the incident.

Naomi: (shake head) Mmm It's no big deal

Kenichi: Oh I have another info to add on

Yuuto: What is it?

Kenichi: From what I heard from Edgeshot, Stain has some relation with the League of Villains.

Naomi: Guess they beginning to rise up again?

Yuuto: It might seems so... but for now how your intern going so far?

Kenichi: I'm about to go on patrol again. I gain some good experience from Edgeshot teaching

Naomi: I'm going patrol too but the experience that I get from Uwabami teaching is not that great.

Yuuto: Okay, we talk again after the intern is done

Kenichi: Sure, see you *Hung Up*

Naomi: Take care okay. Love you.

Yuuto: Love you too *Hung Up*

So he ends the call and walks back to the room. But before he is about to do that he turns to look at the window. He focused on the top of the building that was across him. He looked but there was nothing so he left it there for now and started walking back. The person that was on top of the building came out of hiding.

???: (smile) Guess he sense me not surprising since he's a god. I wonder how he sees me now? What do you think Eve?

Eve: He knows that you will be here so to him it's only the matter of time.

???: Yeah, your right but how should I surprise him? Sneak up to him saying "Hallo!" or give him a surprise kiss?

Eve: Pick one yourself I can't make a decision for you. I have no interest in it.

???: (pout) Party popper. (stand up) Welp guess I start preparing then.

The mysterious person put Eve in her pocket and started jumping from building to building. After jumping for half an hour she jumps down to an alleyway and starts walking out to the street while thinking to herself but by doing that she accidentally bumps into a group of three guys that came in.

???: Oh, sorry.

She starts walking again but the guy grabs her shoulder stopping her.

Male 1: Hey, hold on, little lady. You bumped into me. An apology's not gonna cut it.

The rest surrounded her so that she wouldn't escape. They take a closer look at her.

Male 2: Well aren't you looking good.

Male 3: What's you name? Why don't you hand out with us.

Male 1: Yeah it better then being alone right?

The guy has her pin on the wall. She just smiles without a care in the world.

???: (chuckle) Yeah, how about...

She kicked him in the balls and kicked him again sending him back hitting the wall.

???: ...no

Male 2: You bitch!

The second one throws a punch at her but she crouches down dodging it. The punch hits the wall and she uses that opportunity to knee him in the gut causing him to spit out saliva and then kick him towards the wall as well. The third guy about to attack but she immediately does a slide low kick him after the second guy causing him to trip and fall down.

???: That's why I hate rapists like you. Try to gang up a girl (point herself) but unfortunate for you this girl knows how to fight.

The three guys then stand back up and start activating their Quirks.

???: Oh? Fight me with Quirks now aren't we?

Male 1: Don't act strong girl! You have no way to beat us! You just a helpless girl!

???: Oh we'll see.

She starts smirking creepily that causes one of them to shake a bit then she grabs her long cloak out revealing a Bugster Buckle on her waist.

The guy that is shaking scared about what she is about to do so he starts using his Quirk first. He launches mini rockets from his fingers at her but she pulls out a weapon and shoots the rockets down.


???: People these days always try to act strong because they have a Quirk. I think this pathetic society needs to learn the reality.

She removes the Bugvisor from the Grip Knuckle and pulls out a Gashat. She attached the Bugvisor onto the Bugster Buckle.


As it attached to the Buckle it played a creepy sound. She then press the button on the Gashat.

'DANGEROUS ZOMBIE!' (Upbeat Rock Music)

After she clicks it a holograph screen of the game "Dangerous Zombie" appears behind her and hands start coming out of the ground and grab their legs.

Male 3: Huh?! What is this?!

Male 2: Are these hands?! Just what are you!

???: How about I show you something... Dangerous. Henshin


She inserts it in the Bugvisor and then presses the trigger. A black smoke covering her whole body and a holopad appear in front then she breaks through it.


Kamen Rider Genm... Dangerous Zombie. She starts twitching her body that causes the three to feel scared and shaken.

Gemn: Hurrrrr....

Male 3: (fear) W-What is that?!

Male 2: I-I think we should run!

Male 1: Don't be a coward! Just go in and kill her!

The first guy turns his arms to claws that bites then runs up at her while she just stands there. As he got close he jumped up and slammed down his arm jaws biting her shoulders. But to his surprise it didn't put a dent to her, she grabbed both of his arms and broke them he screamed but was silenced by Genm punch through his stomach killing him on the spot. The two witness the horror.

Male 2: Y-You Monster!

He shapes his hand to a minigun and starts firing bullets at Genm. She just takes all the bullets and after he is done shooting Genm falls down.

Male 3: I think you kill him!

Male 2: Yeah (smirking) take that you fucking monster creep!

As they are about to run away from the scene they hear a noise they look back to see Genm covering in dark purple smoke. She stood back up with her own two feet as she twitched.

Genm: I am... IMMORTAL!

The guys were in shock and panic. He started using his minigun again but Genm started pushing the A and B button at the same time on the Bugvisor and pressed the A button.


Genm's right foot coated in purple aura and she started running at them. The guy shoots but Genm jumps into the air dodging it and directly performs a Rider kick hitting him in the chest down to the ground. That kick was strong enough to destroy his inside killing him instantly. Genm then turns to look at the last guy who is very terrified and falls down on the ground, Genm starts walking towards him slowly and the guy starts crawling backwards. Genm push the A and B button again and stop in front of the guy

Male: Please let me go! I can give you whatever you want! Money I have lost of money! Anything! Just spare me!

Genm: What I want is....

She looks away while pointing down at him then looks back in a creepy way.

Genm: Your brain.

Then she press the B button.


A black puddle starts to appear on the ground and the guy looks at it in confusion while Genm starts to walk away and dehenshining.


He starts to see something coming out of it and turns out to be a horde of Genm clones.

They start to swarm him and he tries to punch and push them away.

Male 3: No! Stay back! No! Ah! Ah! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

The scream was so loud that it could be heard by some heroes on the street. They rush to where the scream is. The mysterious girl just walked away into the shadow while having a smile on her face.

(Then begin the next day)

On the news of the hero killer Stain 7 pro heroes and 4 high school students came across him, Endeavor rushed over and took care of the situation. Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki and Yuuto were not made public, the injuries they received were said to be accidents that happened during their internships. Last night Iida went back home with his family due to the examination that he had long term damage to his arms. With Todoroki who has few light injuries...

Todoroki: I will return to my internship.

Midoriya: To Endeavor's place?

Todoroki: (start walking) I want to learn what I can from him. Besides, they said he defeated the hero killer even though he didn't actually do it. I want to see his expression. (look at Yuuto) You want to go back to the intern?

Yuuto: (low tone) Yeah sure... it's better than cooped up here the whole week.

So they both walk out of the Hospital and back to Endeavor agencies leaving only Midoriya.

(Naomi Intern)

The three girls were behind Uwabami who is occupying with many people in front of her

Civilian 1: --Uwabami, can I take you autograph?

Civilian 2: --Can I take your picture?

Civilian 3: Look this way, please!

Yaoyorozu: Um...

Uwabami: (turn around)  When you work diligently like this, you can eventually make big blossom bloom. It's like when an enka singer goes on provincial tours.

Yaoyorozu: Doesn't "work diligently"...

Kendo: ...mean something different?

Naomi: This is work diligently?(She just focus on her fans and modeling rather than teaching us. She's quite pathetic I say.)

(Kenichi intern)

Kenichi is patrolling again with Edgeshot

Kenichi: Not much villains activities around here huh?

Edgeshot: Yes, but this place usually happen sometimes in this place apparently not today

As he said that civilians scream

Civillian: Help! There's villains attacking!

Kenichi: Well you look at that

Edgeshot: We need to hurry.

They both then running to where the scream is at

Edgeshot: This is a good chance to show me what your capable of so I allowed you to fight the villains.

Kenichi: Hai (Like I need permission to)

They arrived at the scene to see a destroyed building with 3 villains. Two is attacking civilians and one is standing with the smirk on his face

Villain 1: Hey look heroes and it's Edgeshot

Boss: let me take care of him

Villain 2: Go ahead Boss

Edgeshot: I'll take care of their boss can you handle the others?

Kenichi: Sure

The boss slam his fist down at Edgeshot but he dodge and lure him away from the area leaving Kenichi and the two villains.

Villain 1: So you gonna fight us eh?

Villain 2: This will be easy

Kenichi: *sign* (mutter) Generic villains 

(Yes it is because that the only I could do. I can't think of anything else.)

Then he pull his fists up preparing to fight one come running up at him throw a punch but Kenichi block it and uppercut him then give a two punch in the chest and a spin kick in the face send him flying back

Villain 2: You bastard!

The second villain shoot out chains on his back at Kenichi. He dodge it when suddenly he hear a scream

Civilian: Ahhhhh!

He looks to see a mom with her son being trapped under the rubble of the destroyed building about to collapse on them any second now. He needs to get to them fast so he grabs onto villain chains then swings him out of the way then he runs up to the mother and child, he grabs the rubble and lifts it up.

Kenichi: Go get out here!

The mother nodded then grabbed the child and ran away from the scene but as they were doing that the villain that he kicked away was behind him.

Villain 1: Guess this is the end for you kid!

His arm turn to a sword and swing at him but he got hit and knock back by Cross Z Dragon


That gives Kenichi enough time to put the rubble back and face the villains.

Kenichi: Thanks buddy


Kenichi: How about I take this fight seriously then

He pull out the Build Driver and put it on

Kenichi: Let's go Z


He grab Cross Z Dragon then lift both the head and tail up. He then pull out the Dragon FullBottle out shake it and twits it's cap and insert it in Z.


And he put him on the Driver


He grab the lever of the Driver and spin it create the platform of tubes create the armor on both ends


Villains: Huh?!

Kenichi: Henshin!

Then the armor slam together.


Kenichi henshin into Kamen Rider Cross-Z

Cross-Z: Right now I get the feeling that I can't lose

Villain 1: Don't mess with us!

The villain then forms a sword on both his arms and charge at Cross-Z. He swung one from above Cross-Z block it with his arm, the villain swung another from below and he blocked it as well. Cross-Z then headbutt him knocking him back then giving multi punches in the chest. He pulls back a punch then his hand glowing blue flames and slam the fist at the villain face down to the ground knocking him unconscious. The other villain shot out the chains again but this time Cross-Z summon his sword


He starts running at the villain while defecating all of his attacks. When he got close he swung the sword but the villain created a multi chains on his arm to form a shield and block the sword. Cross-Z sees this and pulls the Blay Grip at the bottom of the Beat Crosser twice then press the trigger.


His sword began to conjure heat then slash the sword down creating a wave of powerful slash covered in red, yellow, and green energy in a bar-like fashion. It not only push the villain back but it melt and destroy the chains it cause him some pain

Villain 2: Ahh! You bastard!

Cross-Z pay no mind to what he's said, he throw his sword away then grab the lever of the Driver and spin it


A blue and orange energy Chinese dragon appears and flies behind him the villain predicts what he is about to do then he forms a thick shield of chains in front him.


Cross-Z right foot glows flames he jumps up and the dragon breathes fire sending him at the enemy, then delivers a roundhouse kick with his foot covered in blue energy. The kick collides with the shield, it melts through it and hits the villain.

And was knocked out cold by that time Edgeshot had just arrived seeing the event. He was impressed by not only Cross-Z defeating the two villains but he was able to minimize the damage without any casualties. After a while the police arrive to apprehend the villains that the heroes defeated.

Police: Good work on defeating the villains without much damage to the area

Edgeshot: I only did a little (turn towards Cross-Z) he's the one that doing the most and able to save some civilian

Police: Really! He's your new sidekick?

Edgeshot: No, he's a UA student here for intern

Police: Oh (look at Cross-Z) what's your name?

Cross-Z: Iduki

Police: Well I hope we can work together in the future (give hand) Iduki.

Cross-Z look at the hand at a moment then grab it shake hand try to go with the flow

Cross-Z: Sure (Like I ever want to work with the police)

Police then start transporting the villains to prison and the construction workers are on their way to fix the damage

Edgeshot: Our work here is done let's go back Iduki

Edgeshot then walk back to his agencies Cross-Z do but was interrupted by a voice

Mother: Excuse me!

Cross-Z turns around to look at the mother that he saved from the destroyed building and she's with her son. Edegeshot sees this then continues to walk back leaving Cross-Z to talk with the civilian.

Mother: You are the person that save us?

She didn't recognize him since he's wearing the armor.

Cross-Z: Yes I am

Mother: Oh thank goodness I want thank you for saving us back there (deep bow)

Cross-Z: Stop, you don't have to bow or thank me I just do what I can to help

Mother: But it rude of me to not thank you for saving us

Cross-Z: Again not meant to be rude I don't want the gratitude I'm just wanting to help that's all.

Mother: Well if you say so then I'll respect your wishes

The mother son then go up to him Cross-Z look down at him

Son: You look so cool Mr. Hero! I saw your fight against those bad guys you were so awesome back there! You were like pew and pow and kick him in the face

The boy just punch the air imagining the fight Cross-Z then crouch down at his level

Cross-Z: You really think so?

Son: Yeah! You are so strong when I grow up I'll be a hero become strong too and be just like you! (big smile)

Cross-Z: (Just like me huh? *sign* Kids) Well let me tell you something

Son: (nodded) Uh-huh

Cross-Z: You don't have to a hero like me

Son: Huh?!

Cross-Z: Be a hero of your own, don't be the hero that is inspired by others. If you want to be a hero in the future become strong doesn't always help you achieve it you must have the heart to help others willing to risk your life for those are in need without wanting anything back from them, you just need to follow your own dream without taking the steps of the person that you trying to become. Do what you wanting to do, okay? See ya kid.

Cross-Z then stood up and gave a slight nod to the mother she nodded as well. He pulls Dragon out of the belt and he lands on Kenichi's shoulder then starts to walk back to Edgeshot agencies. The boy then start thinking about what he said and look back at Kenichi

Son: (nod) Mm then I will become a hero of my own!

Woz: (open book) With the appearance of that mysterious person who knows Waga Maou. I know who she is but I'm gonna keep it a secret for future stories. And with Mitsuo-kun giving his word of wisdom to a young boy the chapter of Waga Maou internship has now concluded. Next we will see Waga Maou, Mitsou-kun and Lady Naomi face the challenge that UA throw at them. (close book)

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