Cliche sucks.

By capsized_

258K 7.2K 1.3K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chappie numba 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


7.3K 187 53
By capsized_


Savannah's outfit to the side.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes! Go to work. I'll be fine here. Plus, Kalie is coming over today, remember? We're going shopping." I remind him.

Braxton sighs and leans down тo kiss my forehead.

"Call me if you're feeling any worse. Text me often please so I know your alright. Oh, and donт ғorgeт тoιl-"

"Yes! I know. I'll have Kalie pick ѕoмe up on her way home from school."

He smiles, picks up his blazer and walks out our apartment door.

As soon as the door is locked, I stand up quickly and rush to the bathroom.

I'ts 8:00 and I've puked two times this morning.

I was holding my throw up in while he was talking, because I don't want to worry him.

I've been sick every morning this week. But today is the only day it's gotten that bad.

I pick up my phone and text Kalie.

Me: Hey, on your way over here can you pick up what we we're talking about earlier?

Kalie: Yeah! Girl, I'm Sooooo excited!

Me: Why?

Kalie: Because my best friend just graduated! We've survived going to different colleges, living тwenтy мιnυтeѕ away ғroм eacнoтнer, and now you might be-

The reading of her message is cut short by the ringing of my cell phone.


"I love you. I just thought I would remind you. Have a good shopping day with Kalieokay? And have her tell Ricky to call me when I get home. I love you, Banana. Have a good day!"

Braxton hangs up before i have the chance to respond.

I sigh and walk into the bathroom.

After washing my mouth off, I hop into the shower.

About fifteen minutes later, I was applying lotion to my legs and feeling ten times better, when there's a knock on the door.

I stick my head out the bathroom door and yell to Kalie to come in.

A couple seconds later I hear the door open and then she starts talking, "Bro, it smells like puke in here."

I exit the bathroom, towel drying my hair at the same time and give her a deadpan look.

"Just shut up. Did you bring it?"

She sighs and hands me a bag she had behind her back.

"Okay. Let's go." I shove the bag into my purse and walk towards the door.


Two hours later and arms full of shopping bags, we drop down in the food court.

My feet have been killing me for the past hour and I've been getting dizzy spells.

"Ooh. I think I want some buffalo chicken pizza."

At Kalie's declaration my stomach growls and she laughs before getting up and walking towards a pizza place.

After a couple minutes of tolerating all the different smells of food in here, my stomach churns one final time. . I cover my mouth with one hand and quickly stand.

I feel like I'm going to puke again. It was not a good idea to go out today.

As i rush off to the bathroom Kalie walks back towards the table. When she sees me covering my mouth and rushing to the bathroom she runs to the table.

I assume she's grabbing her stuff and meeting me in the bathroom, but I don't have time to worry about it.

Quickly, I search for an open stall and luckily there isn't anyone in the bathroom.

I pull my hair behind me and release my hand.

The sounds of me throwing up are pretty much the only ones in the bathroom.

Soon enough, Kalie is behind me, pulling my hair out of my face and rubbing my back.

When I'm finally done, Kalie hands me a couple wet paper towels.

"How about we take that test now?" She smiles at me and tries to hide her excitement.

I just weakly smile back and walk over to my purse, take out the pregnancy test and walk into a stall.

As I'm peeing on the stick, Kalie decides to speak up.

"Hey, Kiddo? You do realize this is the mens bathroom right?"

I internally facepalm, wow.

"No, I didn't realize that. In my hurry to not throw up on people, I guess I went through the wrong door.You can't exactly blame me. "

"You're right, I can't. But I can blame you for not taking this test earlier. I mean, It's pretty obvious you are prego, so it's not that necessary, but to make sure, it's very necessary."

By the time she's done her speech, I've flushed and opened the stall, holding the test in my right hand.

I give her a look and she holds her hands up with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm just saying."

"Yeah? Well I'm just saying, don't aggravate a possibly-pregnant-very hormonal college graduate who isn't going to be able to work anymore because she's pregnant! I'll have to take leave, and there won't be any income, except for Braxton, but still! What are we gonna do?" At this point my breathing is labored and I'm leaning on the sink for support.

"Hey, Hey. Look at me Vannah. You will be fine! Braxton makes enough money for the both of you right now. Plus, you won't even have to go on leave if you don't want to. You work from home, Remember? I'm sure Susan will allow you to work from home full time for the ending months. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're incapable of everything. You are possibly the most hardworking young woman I have ever met. So shut up, because you are stressing and that isn't helping the baby. Or you. So breathe. Okay? Just breathe, honey."

She pulls me into a hug. I'm still leaning on the sink. But when our hug is over she smiles, turns me away from the mirror, wipes the water from my eyes, and starts re-applying my make up.

I look down at the test to see it holds a plus sign. Kalie smiles at me again, despite the fact that we still haven't left the mens room.

"I knew your boobs got bigger."


"Vannah, I'm home! Ooh is that dinner I smell?" He's hanging up his blazer as he yells this.

His excitement is cut short when he see's me sitting on the couch with a serious expression on my face.

Brax immediately is at my side.

"What's wrong?"

How am I going to tell him? Nothing is exactly wrong, I just don't know how he'll take it. Will he be happy that I'm having his child? I mean, we've obviously talked about this before, but now it's real. We'll need to move into a house, out of this apartment. It will have to be in the right neighborhood and school district. Will moving affect our jobs? It won't affect mine, but will it for Braxton? He's a Chief Executive of his fathers old firm, partners with his mother. I work from home as a wedding planner mostly, but it doesn't pay that much and Braxton's job is pretty much priority. There is so much to worry about.

Slowly, I lifted up my shirt. Now it's not what you're thinking, i didn't flash him or anything. Kalie ad I had planned it all out. We bought a tattoo that you wash off and stuck it to my stomach. It was a picture of a baby bottle. Underneath it, A couple minutes before he arrived home, I has written "You're a Daddy!" In my lip stick.

As soon as he looked down at my stomach and read it, Hs whole face broke out into a smile. He picked me up off of the couch and swung me around a couple times.

All the while he was kissing my face all over. Once I was back on the ground and my head had stopped spinning he walked away. I had to sit down because the nauseousness was coming back.

I was puzzled for a second until he came back with a little black box in his hand.

Automatically, My hands flew to my mouth and I gasped.

Braxton kneels down on one knee and opens the box before grabbing my hand.

"Savannah Ruth Finn, I've been in love with you for what? Five or six years now? You are the one person in this world that I was meant to be with. You being in my life has brought not only me, but everyone else that I've ever spent time with, like me so much more. You changed me. I'm no longer immature and selfish. I love you, Banana. Will you please oh please, do me the honor of becoming my wife, and granting me eternal happiness? "

He kisses my hand and I nod like a bobble head. Despite the cheesiness of the speech, it was heartfelt.

He slides the ring onto my finger and stands up.

The ring is beautiful, and so is our love. And our baby will be too.



3:59PM Monday, January 19th is when I finished this book. OMG guys.


Indigo Maven; formerly known as Indie, wants a fresh start.

With some seriously ferocious skeletons hiding behind the rip off leather jacket in her tiny closet, she's not sure how to go ahead with this spur-of-the-moment decision.  But, she does knows she needs to leave the stuffy town she's lived In her entire life.

Too many memories. Too much pain.

So obviously, she moves across the country to live with her aunt to finish her last two years of college.

Makes sense right?

Indie soon finds herself with a new boy, an even smaller closet, some dumb blondes, and a hankering for some action.(not the kind that involves running to the kitchen for some chocolate, although that kind might be included too.)

With underground fight clubs, some insanely messed up jokes and a workout to beat the fitness gram, Indigo's in for a chocolate ice cream cone of a treat. She just has to press start.

My birthday is this weekend! January 25th is the exact date. :) Please get this story to 20K reads, 100 comments and however many votes.That would be the best present I could ever ask for.

I'm gonna start asking questions at the end of the chapters to get more comments.

QOTC: (Question of the chapter) What is your style of music?

Rock, Pop, Screamo, Rap, Hip-Hop, Alternative? Comment below! Thank you guys so much for reading this! I'm posting my new book soon! Please read!

I love all of you so much! Thank you for sticking with this book, reading all the way through, and commenting and voting. I appreciate everything all of you readers have done. Thank you sooooo Much!

P.S.!!! READ THE NEXT CHAPTER AFTER THIS, not an actual chapter but READ IT PLEASE

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