Out With The Old, In With The...

By yourfavefelixsimp

6.9K 136 72

When a new friend moves into the neighborhood, Isabella befriends her and they become really close. Isabella... More

The Move In
Grand Tour
Prelude to the Hangout
Disaster Strikes
Love At First Sight
Take Two
The New Agent
Sick Day
Operation Friendship
On The Road
Review Column

Taste Of Paradise

228 5 4
By yourfavefelixsimp

Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb

The gang stepped off of the plane and into the crowded California airport. Isabella walked to the window overlooking the state. She saw Newport right outside and couldn't help but be in awe at the ocean stretching like a blanket to the endless horizon. She saw the waves crashing into the shore and little girls running across the beach with seashells and little boys scaring their parents with sea creatures. She couldn't help but smile.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to find a smiling Phineas.

"Just look out there... it's beautiful..." she said, looking out.

"Yes, yes it is. But still not as beautiful as you." he said, placing his head on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Oh, Phineas..." she giggled, leaning back into him.

"Come on, lovebirds!" Buford called, grabbing their attention. The couple walked back hand in hand to the group and down the hallways, trying to find baggage claim.

After navigating through the busy labryinth-like airport, they finally reached the baggage carousel. It gave Phineas an idea. He turned to Ferb.

"You know, we should make a labryinth sometime!" he laughed, and Ferb nodded with a smile, while holding hands with his own girlfriend.

They all grabbed their suitcases and went outside to find their rental cars. They squeezed into 3 vans, one for each family. Buford and Baljeet went with the Garcia-Shapiro's and Jeremy and Stacy went with the Flynn-Fletchers. Ferb rode with Emma in the third van with her family.

After a 5 minute drive, they approached what looked like a 2 story beach house.

"Are you sure this is going to fit us all?" Emma asked, confused.

"You'll see, honey." Emma's dad, Garrett, called from the drivers seat. They all got out of the cars and went inside to find a spacious house with not one, not two, but 3 stories! There were 3 big rooms on the middle floor, and 4 smaller rooms in each of the other two stories. Emma's 9 year old brother took one of the smaller rooms in the top floor, along with Candace, Stacy, and Jeremy. On the middle floor, all of the parents took one of the rooms, and as the remaining 6 tried to figure out how to split rooms, they found that all of the rooms had 2 beds, a queen and a twin. Buford and Baljeet took one of them, Buford claiming the bigger bed as his own, Phineas and Ferb took another one, Emma and Isabella shared a room, and there was one remaining room.

"Wow, this house is surprisingly comfortable for all... 14 of us!" Emma said, pausing to count on her fingers all the people staying in the house.

"Look, guys, a pool table!" Baljeet called from the living room in the basement. The teenagers gathered, as Phineas challenged Ferb to a game.

"Bring it on, brother!" Ferb laughed and picked up a cue and chalked it up, while Phineas set up the balls and prepared his own.

"You know, this would be really fun if it was HUGE!" Phineas realized, as he took the first shot. He made a striped orange ball in.

"Wow, you even hit the one that looks like you, Dinner bell!" Buford said, and everyone laughed. Emma's younger brother, Luke walked in.

"Hey, guys! Can I hang out with you?" he asked.

"Sure thing!" Phineas said, as Ferb took his shot and knocked 3 solids in at the same time. He smirked, and Phineas's jaw dropped.

"H-how?" he squeaked.

"They had a billiards table at debate camp last year." Ferb said with a smile.

Phineas got scared but then his sense of competition came to him and he ended up taking a single turn and kept hitting them in, one by one, until there was only 2 stripes and an 8 ball left.

"Beat that, bro!" Phineas laughed.

"Yes. Yes, I will." Ferb said with his thick english accent and proceeded to hit the rest of his balls in until he only had the 8 ball left.

"B-b-b-b-but..." Phineas said.

"Hey he sounds like Candace that one time! Wait!" Baljeet exclaimed, then proceeded to rap like that one time when he sang "I Got No Candy In Me" and the group laughed then kept it going. Emma was confused, but went with it.

"What are they doing?" Emma whispered in Ferb's ear.

"Hold on..." Ferb said as he pulled out his phone and showed her the clip they made years ago when Candace was confused as yet another one of their inventions disappeared, and she laughed.

"Well, that makes more sense, thanks for clarifying..." she whispered back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

They finished the game with Phineas almost making the 8 ball, but Ferb got it in on his next turn.

"Alright, who thinks they can challenge the Pool Shark?" he smirked.

Luke piped up. "I bet I can beat you, Ferb! Can you show me how to shoot, though?" he said with confidence. Emma was happy that her brother liked her friends (and boyfriend) and smiled as Ferb agreed with a smile and showed him how to shoot the cue ball after Phineas handed him his cue and showed him how to chalk it up.

Luke took his first shot and hit a solid into the pocket, and everyone cheered him on. Ferb decided to play it easy and only hit one.

The game continued until Luke won.

"See, I told you I could do it! Thanks for teaching me, Ferb!" Luke smiled.

"No problem, bud." Ferb said.

The teens decided to go to the beach before it got dark. They put on their swimsuits and went upstairs to wait for the others. Ferb and Baljeet were up first, followed by Phineas, Buford, and Jeremy, and then the girls came out.

Stacy and Candace were talking and giggling, and Jeremy was talking to the boys. Emma looked and saw a familiar bathing suit.

Sure enough, Candace was wearing the orange two piece Isabella tried on, and Emma lightly pushed Izzy and giggled. Izzy whispered, "Look, he can't take his eyes off you!" as Emma looked over and saw Ferb smile at her blushing.

"You think that's cute? Look at Phineas!" Emma said, and as Izzy looked over, she saw Phineas was as red as his swim trunks and she giggled.

"Y-you look great, Izzy!" he stuttered.

"Thank you, Phinny, so do you!" she said smiling, and he blushed even harder.

"Hey, Luke, are you coming with us?" Phineas called upstairs.

"Yeah!" Luke yelled, then ran downstairs.

He came up to Emma. "Hey, sis, thanks for letting me hang out with you guys, Phineas and Ferb are super cool!" he smiled.

"My friends are your friend, buddy!" she hugged him and he went to talk with the older boys as if he was one of them.

"Let's go before it's too dark!" Candace complained, and walked out the door, with everyone following close behind.

Emma and Izzy started to make a sand castle while the boys were playing beach volleyball when a familiar voice piped in behind her.

"Hey, hot stuff."

Emma heard the voice and went rigid. She turned around reluctantly to see the face she least wanted to see.

"You. Why are you here..." she said with a soft, scared voice.

It was her ex, Ethan.

"Well, your friend, Brittany saw on your story that you're here with your boyfriend. Where is that green headed twerp anyways?" he laughed, looking around. "Left you already? Aww, how sad, Emma can't keep a boyfriend for longer than a week... so sad."

"Leave me alone, Ethan. I don't need this." she said, standing up, her voice breaking. She forgot about Brittany. That girl tried to ruin her life, how could she make the mistake of forgetting to block her? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Emma! Who is this jerk?" Isabella asked in a mean tone.

"This is my ex." she said. She had lied to all her friends because she didn't want them to worry about her.

"I thought you said you guys were on good terms when you broke up?" Isabella asked.

"She lied to you. Emma is not the person you think she is. She's a liar, and a pushover, and she can't do anything right." Ethan hissed.

"Ethan, leave me alone. I have a great life here, and you're going to ruin it." she said with a frown.

Ferb looked over from the volleyball courts and saw a guy talking to her. He got a bad vibe, so he walked over.

"Is he bugging you?" Ferb asked, annoyed.

"Oh, there's your nerdy boyfriend! Wow, british too? Must be just like you. A pushover." he smirked and got in Ferb's face.

"You probably shouldn't have done that." Ferb said, before slamming his fist into Ethan's face. "Nobody insults my girlfriend like that." he frowned, looking at the black eye forming on his face.

"You're gonna regret that, lettuce head." Ethan got up and punched Ferb in the gut. A fight started on the beach as Emma and Isabella tried to break them up, resulting in the rest of the boys coming over and trying to break them up.

They finally broke the two apart, and Emma rushed to Ferb's side. He had a black eye and small bruises on his stomach and arm, but no bleeding, luckily. Ethan, on the other hand, was in worse shape. He wasn't bleeding, either, but his black eye and bruises were much worse than Ferb's.

A lifeguard ran over and performed a checkup on Ethan, and determined he didn't need to go to the hospital

"This is all my fault! I'm a terrible friend, and girlfriend, and you guys probably don't want anything to do with me!" Emma cried, as Ferb woke up. He saw her crying and held her cheek in his hand.

"This is not your fault. Don't you dare say that. I'm okay, just a little bruised. I'm not hurt too bad, right?" he groggily asked the lifeguard.

"Are you sure you're okay? No headache?"

"Nope! Just hurts a little." he smiled.

"Well, then I guess we can let you go, but let me do a quick checkup to make sure." the lifeguard said.

The lifeguard performed a quick checkup to make sure his eyes were still dilating and he didn't have any head trauma, but cleared him.

"Don't get into any more fights, though. You hurt your head one more time and it could lead to brain damage."


"Ferb, are you okay?" Emma said with tears streaming down her face. The other teens backed up to give the two some space.

"I'm okay, darling, I promise. But, if you don't mind me asking, what's his deal?" he asked.

"It's a long story. Can we get you home first?" she asked, and he nodded. Her and Phineas grabbed his arms and helped him up, and he winced, but was able to walk.

"You guys can stay here, we're going to go home and talk." he said, and Phineas nodded, worried, but stayed with the rest of the group.

When Ferb and Emma got into the door, Linda saw him and gasped.

"What happened to you?" she screamed.

"Nothing mom, just some jerk was insulting her. I'm lucky I wasn't sent to the hospital, he didn't hit half as hard as I did." he smiled and kept walking.

"Ferb Fletcher, you can't be getting in fights! What if you hurt him and we get sued?" she yelled.

"He's fine. The lifeguard sent him home. He wasn't bleeding or anything."

"Okay, but please be more careful. Honey, are you okay?" Linda asked the trembling girl by his side.

"I'm f-fine. Just confused. I don't know why he followed me here..." she stuttered. "I'm sorry about Ferb, I didn't want anyone involved, Ethan's just a jerk and wouldn't let it go." she cried.

"Ethan's here?" Emma's mom, Molly asked.

"Yeah, apparently Brittany told him we were here. I was dumb and forgot to block her."

"Oh, no. It's okay, we will figure this out, you two just go lay down and relax." Molly said, handing Ferb a couple ice packs.

The couple walked downstairs and sat down on the couch.

"So... what exactly was that about?" Ferb asked.

Back at the beach, Phineas wasn't worried about his brother, he knew Ferb was strong, so he spent his time taking a walk on the beach with Isabella.

"So, that was kinda crazy, huh?" he said with a sad laugh.

"Yes... yes it was." she replied. "I wonder what his problem was?" she said, looking at the sparkling blue water and the pink and orange sky surrounding the big ball of light on the horizon.

"I don't know, Izzy. I'm sure we will find out, but let's not worry about them too much right now, can we just enjoy this?" he asked.

"You're right, we can let them figure it out, let's have some fun!" she smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. He grabbed her hand and sat them both down, the waves just barely touching their toes.

They sat in silence, enjoying each other's presence, watching the sun set and seeing the occasional dolphin jump out of the water, causing Isabella to gasp and point, and Phineas to laugh at her adorable reactions.

Stacy was looking around, and approached by a cute guy. She turned around and immediately recognized the face.

"Coltrane!" she smiled.

"Stacy! What a coincidence!" he laughed and sat down next to her, by a small tide pool a little bit away from the beach. The two laughed and talked for a while before he offered to take her into town to this nice soda shoppe they had on main street.

"I would love to, Coltrane!" she blushed, and he got up, took her hand, and walked her to his car. Candace saw the two walk off and pointed them out to Jeremy.

"Oh, cool, I didn't know Coltrane was here too!" he laughed, grabbing Candace's hand. "Well, at least now we have some time alone!" he said, causing Candace to blush.

"Yay!" she exclaimed, and Jeremy walked her to a secluded part of the beach. "Candace, we've known each other for so long, and I've had so much fun during our time together -" he started, but she cut him off.

"Jeremy, are you breaking up with me?" she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, of course not!" He said. "Why would you think that, Candace?"

"I don't know, I just wonder sometimes why you want to be with me. There's so many other pretty girls that you could have, but you chose me. What do you like about me?" She asked.

"Didn't I tell you that years ago? Remember the umbrella ride in the biosphere?" Jeremy asked with a confused look.

"Jeremy, I'm going to be fully honest, I couldn't hear anything you said." She laughed.

"You didn't?" He chuckled, then proceeded to tell her what he loved about her.

"Candace, I love everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, the dedication you have when you want something, your hair is always perfect, your personality, I don't think there's anything I DON'T like about you!"

"Oh, Jeremy!" She said, her eyes going wide and puppy-dog like, and she hugged him.

His heart fluttered at the thought that he was about to ask her a question that would determine their future together. He could do it now, but he kind of wanted it to be something big. That's why he talked to Ferb about it. Instead of worrying, he just hugged her back, and when they pulled away, he brushed her hair, which had gotten curly, just like the time when she was in the huge game of fooseball, out of her face.

"I love you so much, Candace, don't ever forget that." He smiled and breathed in the smell of her hair, that smelled like the ocean and flowers.

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