Out With The Old, In With The...

By yourfavefelixsimp

7K 138 72

When a new friend moves into the neighborhood, Isabella befriends her and they become really close. Isabella... More

The Move In
Grand Tour
Prelude to the Hangout
Disaster Strikes
Love At First Sight
Take Two
The New Agent
Sick Day
Operation Friendship
On The Road
Taste Of Paradise
Review Column


333 6 0
By yourfavefelixsimp

Disclaimer, I don't own Phineas and Ferb

"Hi, sweetheart, how was Phineas and Ferb's?" Emma's mom asked when Ferb walked her home.

"We are both still feeling a little sick, but a lot better than earlier! Ooh, Phineas and Isabella are dating now!" Emma grinned, happy that her friends were all in relationships, including herself.

"That's great! Emma, your dad and I need to talk to you. The Flynn-Fletchers got home while you were over there, and they saw that you guys were having fun, so they came over here, and we invited Isabella's parents as well! Anyways, we had lunch and started talking, and we all decided that we are taking a family vacation with all 3 of our families!" her mom exclaimed, excited. "Oh, Linda also called Buford and Baljeet's moms and they can come with us too!

"That's awesome, mom! Where are we going?" Emma asked, jumping up and down. She remembered Buford and Baljeet from the other day when they crashed her and Ferb's date. This should be fun...

"We are going to the beach! We are all pitching in to rent this huge beach house for a couple weeks and we can go to a theme park if we want to while we're there!"

"Oh my gosh, this is the best news I've heard all day! Well, excluding the adorable way Phineas asked Izzy to be his girlfriend. Wait, when are we leaving?"

"You'll have to tell me how that went! We are leaving tomorrow morning, so get some good sleep tonight."

"That's... very soon. Wonder if Izzy knows yet?" Emma hugged her mom and ran upstairs to call Isabella.

She frantically called her best friend. Izzy picked up immediately.

"IZZY!" Emma yelled.

"AHH EMMA! My mom just told me the BEST news!"

"That's what I was calling you about!" Emma and Isabella screamed into the phone.

"Can you believe they're letting us stay in the same house with our boyfriends?" Isabella said. "Ooh, I like officially being Phineas's girlfriend!"

"AWW, Iz! I'm so happy for you guys! Also for real, our parents must really trust us! We wouldn't do anything, though." Emma giggled. "Oh, I heard Buford and Baljeet are coming too..."

"...are you serious?" Izzy groaned. "It's not that I don't like them! They are great friends, I just... don't know... they might tease us... well Buford will, for sure."

"I get what you mean, girl. They came right up to us and revved the engine of their car right as Ferb and I were about to kiss on our first date a few days ago." Emma frowned.

"They did? I'll have to TALK to them about that. Good thing I have my guilt trip badge!" Isabella laughed.

"It won't be too bad, plus we both saw how mad Phineas got when Ferb interrupted you guys today! They're big, strong... well, I wouldn't say men, but you get my point." Emma said.

"You're very right! Oh, Phineas is calling me! I'll text you later, Em!" Izzy giggled.

"Ooh, go get your man! Talk to you later! Love ya!" Emma said.

"Love you too!" Izzy said before hanging up the phone.

Emma laid on her bed, happy as could be when her phone rang. She looked over to see the name "Ferby xoxo" light up on her phone. She giggled and answered the phone.

"Hi, my love! How are you?" she said.

"Good evening, beautiful, I'm doing great! You heard about the vacation right?"

"I did! I was just about to call you about it!"

"Haha, beat you to it, slowpoke!" he laughed.

"Says the one that took a whole minute to go press a button and say a sentence into a microphone for your brother! There was a huge delay in between!" she said, defending herself.

"Oh, shush, that was only because you're such a good kisser." he said flirtatiously.

"Ferb! My brother's in the room next door!" she teased.

"My brothers in MINE!" he chuckled.

"Fair point..."

"Anyways, I can't sleep and I was wondering if you wanted to go take a walk around the park with me before we are stuck in a car all day tomorrow?" Ferb asked.

"I would love to, let me double check with my mom though. Can I put ya on hold for a second?"

"You're the only one I would let put me on hold! Just remember that..."

She laughed at his comment. "Good, my plan is working, I have him under control! MUAHAHA!"

On his end of the phone, he rolled his eyes but smiled. "Sounds good, darling, see you in a few."

Emma ran downstairs. "Mom... Ferb asked me to take a walk with him, can I go?" she put in a cute smile.

"Haven't you been over there all day? You guys are sick for goodness sake!" she rolled her eyes at her lovestruck daughter. "And you have to wake up early, and pack tonight!"

"Well, yeah... but I haven't gotten my exercise in for today!" she pleaded. "Plus I can sleep in the car! And I'll pack right now!"

"Ugh, fine... be home by midnight, please." Why do I let her do this kind of stuff, her mother thought.

"Thank you, love you mom!" she kissed her mom on the cheek and ran upstairs.

"I'm baaaackkkk!" she giggled.

"Good, I missed your voice!"

"Can you come help me pack pleeeeeaseee?" she asked.

"You haven't packed yet? I packed during the time you left me on hold!"

"Oh, don't be sassy, just get your cute butt over here!" she giggled.

"Me and my 'cute butt' will be over in two seconds, love. I love you!" he said.

"I love you more!"

"Don't start this, we will be on the phone all night..."

"Alright, fine, we can start it when you get here! Hurry up! I'm waaaiitting!"

"Be patient! I'm going to hang up and start running now." he said, then the phone buzzed, indicating that he hung up.

At Phineas's house, he had just witnessed the start of his brother's lovey dovey call with Emma. He kept making vomit faces at his brother, and getting his "I'm going to kill you" face. He grabbed his phone, walked into the kitchen, and called Isabella.

"Hi, beautiful, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm just great, Phineas! How are you?"

"I'm doing good! Hey, I'm assuming you heard the news about the trip? It's gonna be great!" he said ecstatically.

"It's going to be amazing! I can't wait!" she giggled.

"Neither can I! Especially for the fact that we are going to be together for 2 weeks straight! I just might explode..."

"Don't do that! You can't leave me!"

"Funny, that's the second time you've said that today! You can't live without me, huh?"

"No. No I can't... I love you too much!"

"It's okay, I can't live without you either... I love you more!" he blushed.

"Phineas Flynn, that is not a game you want to play with me let me tell you!"

"I will gladly fight for that title! Huzzah!"

She laughed. "Oh, my knight in shining armor! Hey, do you want to come over here and hang out for a few hours?"

"I would love to!" he said.

"Awesome! See you in a few, boyfriend."

"I will see you, too, girlfriend!"

"That didn't sound the way you wanted it to, huh?" she laughed.

"No... no it didn't." he chuckled. "Anyways, I'm gonna hang up and run over there now! Want me to bring anything?"

"Do you have ice cream?" she asked.

"I do! OK, love you! See you!"

"Yay! Love you too!" she hung up the phone and waited anxiously for the love of her life to ring the doorbell. When it did, she jumped up from her bed and ran downstairs.

"Who's that, Isa?" her mom called.

"It's Phineas, mom!"

"Oh, okay. You two have fun! I made cookies if you two want some!" she said, and went to her room.

"Thanks, mom!" she said as she opened the door to see her triangular savant.

"Hi, Phineas!" she blushed and grabbed his hand.

"Hi, Izzy! Where do you want this..." he said, pointing to the gallon of ice cream he brought.

"Just take it with us!" she ran to the kitchen, grabbed two spoons, a few cookies, and a couple sodas and led him to the living room. "Ready?" she giggled.

"Yep!" he said, as he sat next to her on the couch. He put his arm around her as she scrolled through Disney Plus.

"What do you wanna watch?" she asked.

"Umm, how about Star Wars?" he suggested, knowing that was one of both of their favorite movies.

"Yes! Which one?"

"Empire Strikes Back, for sure!" he said, knowing that was her favorite one.

"Aww, you picked my favorite!"

"Well, being friends with someone for 16 years pays off! Especially when you end up dating them!" he blushed.

"You're very right!" she giggled and snuggled up to him while they watched a wampa tear apart a taun-taun. It might not seem romantic, but to those two, just being together, they could watch a kids show and think it was a romantic setting.

He looked at her in the dark, with just the moonlight and the light from the TV screen illuminating her, and couldn't get over how enchanting she looked.


"Hmm?" she turned to face him and saw him staring at her.

"You look... stunning." he whispered.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself..." she whispered back.

"Can I- uh... um... k-" he stuttered and kept looking at the floor, nervously.

"Just kiss me." she said and he stopped stuttering and pressed his lips against hers. He tasted her strawberry lipgloss and pulled her closer to him. He grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of his lap as she leaned against him, kissing harder.

This was a new side of Phineas she had never seen before, and she wouldn't give it up for anything. She wrapped her arms under his arms and ran her fingers through his firey red hair. They weren't even paying attention to the movie, and ironically, the scene where Han and Leia kissed was playing.

Phineas could taste the ice cream they had been eating earlier and couldn't get over how good of a kisser she was. They pulled apart slowly, leaned their foreheads against each other, and started softly kissing again while smiling. He chuckled and whispered in her ear.

"Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, I am so in love with you right now..."

She smiled and whispered, "Phineas Flynn, you can't be in love with me more than I am with you right now."

Ferb and Emma had just finished packing her two suitcases full of stuff.

"That took longer than expected..." he laughed. Why do women need so much stuff, he thought.

"What? That was record time for me!"

"I- wow... anyways, let's go before it gets too dark!" he grabbed her hand and pulled her downstairs and out the door.

"Bye, mom! OW my arm! Stop pulling so hard!" she laughed and closed the door behind her.

"Young love..." her mom sighed, and remembered when her and Emma's father were lovers in highschool.

Ferb got to the park and stopped running. Emma was out of breath.

"Goodness... Ferb... I can't walk anymore..." she barely said.

"Oops sorry... I run cross country so that was nothing for me..." he smirked.

"Stop showing off!" she laughed and playfully pushed him. He ran and grabbed her and she wrapped her legs around him.

"You won't win that fight, I promise." he smiled devilishly.

"Oh yeah? I threw shot and disc as a kid, beat that!" she tried to sit up so she was taller than him, but he had her in a position where she couldn't really move. "Gosh dang it Ferb, you can't give me that either?" she made a fake pouty face.

He lifted her up so she was a little taller than him. "How's that? Feel better now?" he laughed.

"Yes, much better. I'M THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD!" she yelled, and it echoed.

He dropped her back down to his level. "Not anymore!" he said and she frowned.

"Ugh, fine, I admit I'm short, okay? You win."

"Aww, don't be sad! Here, this will make you feel better-" he said, then while holding her, kissed her. She giggled and kissed back.

"Thank you, that did make me feel better." she blushed and leaned her head against his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. It made her comfortable for some reason. He rocked her side to side and rested his head on her shoulder.

After a minute, he set her down so they could walk a little more. He grabbed her hand and swung it until they reached his special spot. He had marked it with a little 'F' when he was little so he could take the girl he loved there someday. He looked at the trunk, and sure enough, there was the little F he carved. He smiled, helped her down, and sat next to her.

"What do you think?" he asked her.

"Wow... there's a terrific view of the stars and the mountains from here. It's stunning, Ferb."

"I know, its definitely beautiful. Not half as beautiful as you though." he looked at her, gingerly took her chin in his hand, and lifted it until he was facing her directly. She closed her eyes, waiting for him to kiss her. After a few seconds of him just sitting there, she opened them and lifted her eyebrows.

"Aren't you gonna..." she asked.

"Uh- sorry, you're just so beautiful in this light." he whispered.

She smiled and blushed. After he had snapped out of it, he kissed her softly and scooted until he was right over her. They kissed for a few minutes before Emma checked her phone to find 10 missed calls and 15 texts. She looked at the time.

"Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no... I'm in so much trouble. We have to go!" she frantically got up, grabbed Ferb's hand, and started running.

"My turn to drag you, loverboy!" she laughed nervously and they ran back to her house.

She stopped outside the house.

"Eh, whats 2 minutes, I'm already dead. I have to go, but I love you so so much and I can't wait to see you tomorrow for our trip! If I'm still alive..." She kissed him on the cheek and tried running, but he grabbed her hand.

"Uh uh, you don't get off with a cheek kiss." he laughed and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Ok, you're free to go. Love you, good luck! Text me if you need anything!"

"I will! Goodnight, Ferb!"

"Goodnight, Emma!" he called as she ran inside and he went back into his house and walked into his room and to bed.

"Emma, where were you guys?" her mom yelled.

"I'm sorry mom, we were talking and we lost track of time and I came running as soon as I remembered!"

"This is your warning, but please, don't be 30 minutes late, it freaks me and your father out!"

"It won't happen again, mom." she hung her head and walked up the stairs, glad she didn't get in too much trouble.

Phineas was still at Isabella's house, finishing the movie (and the kissing;)) and figured he would have to head home soon.

"Izzy, I think I should probably leave soon, but I'll see you tomorrow! Maybe we can drive together?" Phineas suggested.

"I'd love to! Wait, before you go, I have something for you." Izzy remembered the painting she had spent so much time and effort into and decided she would give it to him. She ran upstairs and grabbed the painting, remembering the emotions she had while painting it, and thinking that Phineas could never like her. If only she could show herself how good it would turn out.

She walked downstairs and handed him the painting. He looked at it and blushed. It was a painting of the picture she had from when they were kids.

"Y-you did this?" he smiled at her.

"Yeah... my original purpose was to put as much effort as I could in it so that it took a while and if you didn't admit your feelings by the time I finished it, I would try to get over you. Lucky for you, I didn't find much time to finish it until this evening."

"Wow... I'm sorry, I had no idea how long you have liked me. I must've been so dumb." he sighed and looked up at her with a sad face.

"Don't feel bad! I made it so I could give it to you sooner or later, with or without us dating. Thank you for giving me hope. It's just what I needed."

"No, thank you for making my life even better than it could ever be. I don't know what I was doing all those years with my head in the clouds. Isabella, I love you so much and you're never going to lose me. I pinky promise." he smiled and held his pinky out.

"I love you too! And you're never going to lose me either. Pinky promise." they hooked pinkies, and then Izzy's dog, Pinky walked up to them and started shaking at their feet.

"Aww, he must have heard us say Pinky!" she picked him up and hugged him.

"I wish I was Pinky right now..." Phineas accidentally said aloud. "Wait, did I say that?" he turned red and looked at the floor.

"Oh, is that so?" She hugged him, kissed him, and Phineas left a few minutes later, happier than ever.

(Okay, next chapter there should be a little less of the fluffy stuff and a little more dramatic, I just had to figure out a time I could put it in. Stay tuned, it's going to be great!)

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