Wicked Temptation / l.h ✔️

By nessathebutthole

100K 2.3K 294

I stared at her and was sure I could do so for much longer. "You're not looking at the stars." She said softl... More



1.9K 54 3
By nessathebutthole

~Delilah's POV~

I decided to take a shower at five PM on Saturday, just so I could begin getting ready and have enough time to let my hair dry before this dinner.

After I shaved and showered I got out and wrapped myself in a towel, drying off my body with the fluffy fabric. I left my bathroom after I put on my undergarments and put on the little makeup that I always wore, my hair slowly beginning to dry after I brushed it out. When I finished brushing my hair and doing my makeup, I went to get dressed, looking through my clothes hung up on hangers in my closet. Eventually I picked out a pink and white checkered plaid crop top with thin spaghetti straps that went over my shoulders and a sweetheart neckline. My denim shorts were white and I looked down at my bare feet, frowning.

I definitely didn't plan to wear any shoes, just because I didn't really understand what the point was of wearing shoes in my own house just because we were having company over. It wasn't like I wore shoes at home at any other time, after all, so I didn't see the point in doing it now.

With a swipe of deodorant underneath both my armpits and a few spritzes of perfume, I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that this would have to be good enough. I didn't want to over dress, so I just kept it casual by wearing something I'd wear to school. As I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, I was surprised to see that well over an hour had passed. It was already almost seven PM.

"Dell? Are you almost ready?! They'll probably be here soon!" I heard my mom yell from the living room, making me rush over to my bedroom door and poke my head out. "Yeah, I'm ready now!" I called, flicking off my bedroom light before I stalked down to the living room. Even though I was sure she'd just been in here, mom was now nowhere to be seen, making me furrow my brows. Maybe she's taking care of some last minute preparations for dinner?

Having nothing else to do but wait around, I plopped down on the couch and curled my legs up underneath me. The TV was playing the movie Salt, and I fell into it, getting sucked in. In the middle of nowhere the doorbell suddenly rang, causing my head to whip up in surprise. I waited for either my mom or my dad to come rushing through the living room to answer the door, but nobody came. Knowing that somebody needed to answer the door, I muted the TV and got up off the couch, hurrying towards the front door. I could hear two faint voices on the other side, both of them sounding like they belonged to men.

Bubbles of anxiety rose in my stomach as I gripped at the door handle, but I pushed it down and swung open the door, my eyes landing on a petite woman and a tall man with graying hair. Weren't there two men's voices just a moment ago? I pushed away my confusion and smiled up at the two of them, noticing that the short woman was still taller than me. Not that that was exactly a hard feat to accomplish, though.

"You must be Eugene's daughter. He talks about you a lot." The man said, giving me a friendly smile. It suddenly dawned on me that this was my dad's boss, making me only feel even more nervous. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and somehow end up screwing up all of dad's hard work. "Y-Yes, that's me. I'm Delilah." I told him with a weak smile, hoping he couldn't tell how nervous I was. Either he didn't notice or he simply didn't pay it any mind because he just smiled again. "I'm Jamie, this is my wife Elaine." Jamie said, gesturing to the petite woman beside him.

Jamie then looked over his shoulder and I cocked my head to the side curiously, wondering why it seemed as though he was looking for someone. "Would you like to come inside?" I asked the both of them, stepping to the side so they could walk by. They smiled at me and walked in, leaving me to close the door behind the two of them. I was still a little bit confused because I could have sworn I'd heard two male voices on our front porch yet I'd only found one man. Not to mention the fact that dad had told me we were having dinner with Jamie's family, including his son. Maybe the plans had changed at the last minute.

"Um, my mom is still making dinner in the kitchen, I think." I told Jamie and Elaine as I led them into our living room, letting them sit down on the couch. "I'm not really sure where dad is at, though..." I admitted, frowning to myself. "I'll go see." I added, hurriedly leaving the living room to head into the kitchen instead. Thankfully, I found that my dad was in here with my mom, so I didn't have to go on a search for him. Phew.

"Dad, they're here." I told him, causing his head to whip over to me, wide eyed. He practically sprinted out of the room, leaving me alone with mom in the kitchen.

"Honey, would you mind getting that wine out of the fridge and some wine glasses down from the cabinets?" Mom asked me, taking a brief glance at me as she looked through the pantry for something. I headed over to the fridge and found the bottle of wine, setting it down on the countertop before I pushed up on my tippy toes to get down the wine glasses from the cabinet. Right as I set the forth wine glass on the counter with the others, the door bell rang again, making me frown in confusion and glance up.

"Dell! Could you get that for me real quick?!" Dad yelled from the living room. I rushed out of the kitchen and passed through the living room towards the front door, not surprised to see that dad was busy talking to Jamie and Elaine. Knowing that I was the only one that was left to answer the door, I rushed over to the front door, not bothering to glance through the peep hole before I pulled open the front door without even a thought. The person who stood there was not even close to who I'd expected it to be.

"Luke?" I squeaked out in surprise, my brown eyes widening as I gazed up at him.

He blinked, looking just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. "Uh..." He mumbled and narrowed his eyes at me slightly. "...You." He said awkwardly, causing me to furrow my brows. It took me a second to realize why he'd referred to me as simply "you."

"You don't remember my name?" I asked him, a frown forming on my lips. He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged, my cheeks warming in embarrassment as I curtly nodded my head. It was dumb of me to be hurt that he didn't remember my name, especially considering we hadn't really spoken more than once to each other. We barely had exchanged any words at all.

"I'm Delilah." I introduced myself again, and he pursed his lips as he met my gaze. His blue eyes were so crystal clear, they were mesmerizing. "I know. I remember." He said, causing me to shoot him a confused look, furrowing my brows. Hadn't he just said he didn't remember my name? "H-Huh?" I stuttered, lost. I didn't understand him.

"I said I remember your name. I'm not an idiot, bubbles." He repeated, raising his brows at me like I was an idiot. "Well, you made it seem like you didn't remember." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. He just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, an amused glint in his eyes. "And? Maybe you're just getting ahead of yourself, making that assumption." He retorted. The embarrassment I felt made my cheeks burn, realizing that I had completely assumed he'd forgotten my name. "Sorry...I just kind of thought that was what you meant." I apologized weakly.

Luke snorted and raised a brow at me. "How nice to know." He drawled, very carelessly. "You ever going to invite me in or you just gonna leave me standing out here, bubbles?" He added.

I gasped and quickly stepped to the side, realizing that he was supposed to come in. He stepped past me and I bit my lip to keep myself from launching a hoard of questions, shutting and locking the front door. The two of us headed into the living room and the three adults still sat on the couch looked up and smiled at the both of us. "There you are." Jamie greeted Luke with a grin. My dad smiled and glanced from Luke to me. "Honey, maybe you and Luke should go upstairs until dinner is ready? You probably don't wanna sit down here and listen to us drone on, anyway." Dad proposed, his words making my eyes widen in surprise.

A very large portion of me wanted to protest, but I ended up keeping quiet when I saw the look on my dad's face. He wanted Luke and I to become friends, I could tell. I sighed softly and glanced up at Luke, who smirked at me.

"Well?" Luke drawled when I didn't move yet. "Lead the way, bubbles."

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