
By kylateljeur

358K 16.4K 4.6K

A mysterious job interview. A shady looking warehouse. Aliens. Emily Cartell is in the for the ride of her li... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-One

5.9K 269 102
By kylateljeur

***This chapter contains a sex scene. If you do not want to read it or you are family, please skip past the first gif and stop when you reach the second gif, which signals the end of sexy time ;) LOL.


There was an uncomfortable silence that engulfed the Presidential bunker.

"By their location you mean..." I trailed off, still shocked at what this meeting had turned in to. We had managed to get several things taken care of, which I found to be a success but now... this was turning into some sort of battle talk.

"By location I mean that we know their exact hideout and have been keeping tabs on them for weeks now. We have decided to inform you now because we believe that they may pose a greater threat than we originally believed. At first we thought they were rogue members of your planet, but after further investigation we learned they are from a different planet completely."

"I mean, I'm not thrilled you waited this long to tell us this, but at least you finally came clean." I all but muttered. I crossed my arms at her as I gazed at the proud looking woman.

President Shada sighed. "That's not all, Emily. We have known since the Naurians came to a Earth that there was likely many things being kept from us, however their willingness to comply with living on the base and follow our rules and guidelines allowed us to grow to trust you in some small way."

We stared at her, knowing full well they didn't trust us as far as they could throw us.

"But the Selarians have powers. Powers that we have no way of understanding without your help, since we are sure that you know more about it this than you originally let on." Now it was the President's turn to narrow her gaze at us.

The three of us visibly balked at her statement. I looked to Kade; this was completely out of my jurisdiction. I had no idea what they were willing to disclose to the humans.

Kade hissed out a sigh. "You would be correct that we have not told you everything, President Shada. But not to be deceiving. You can admit that if we showed our full capabilities you may have been less likely to help us and may have tried to start a war you wouldn't have come close to winning. We did not want unnecessary casualties on either side. While I will not discuss our abilities at this time, I can tell you more about the Selarians."

She gave him a curt nod in response, flipping open her now notorious notebook. She didn't say anything more as she awaited Kade's next words.

"The Selarians are our enemy. They are the true reason we came to your planet looking for a solution to our dying population. They killed over half of our women, and our species is not known for our fertility as it is. I do not want to frighten you, but their kind is known to be planet killers. There is no reason why they will not do the same to Earth."

This time it was me gaping at Kade. I hadn't thought they would bother with the humans; I thought they were only interested in following the Naurians and finishing their feud once and for all. Shada remained quiet, her brow now furrowed in obvious concern.

"This is quickly becoming a world issue," She all but muttered. She massaged her temples but remained focused on Kade.

He nodded solemnly. "Fortunately, we do have powers that are akin to theirs. While we are light, they are darkness. And our abilities correlate. In fact... we were once one people."

My head snapped up at this. I hadn't heard this yet. I stared at Kade with wide eyes.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, we were a fairly new race. Although we developed quickly technologically. There were two brothers whom had different ideas for how they wanted the planet to run. This ultimately led to a bloody, gruesome war that the Naurians won. They banished those that opposed them to outer space. Those that we call the Selarians are originally from Nauria, however when they discovered and settled on Selaria the sun morphed their powers into something completely different."

He paused as he recalled the stories I was sure had been passed down to him.

"It is said that their sun also changed them into a bloody and unforgiving race of murderers. That much I have seen is true." Kade finished.

This feud went back so much farther than I originally believed. I was almost excited for school, so that I could finally learn more of their history and stop being so damn ignorant to everything around me.

Shada removed her glasses and set them on the table as she now massaged her forehead. "This is all so much worse than we thought."

"We can offer you protection. Working together is the only way that we will rid this planet of those that seek to destroy the life that lives on it." Kade's expression was full of pride and determination as he stared at the President.

"Do you think they will expose themselves as an alien race?" She all but whispered the question. That seemed to be one of her biggest fears. "That would cause worldwide panic and hysteria. One that our species has not yet experienced. Not only would they be learning that aliens exist, but that hostile aliens have taken refuge on their planet. This would disrupt beliefs that have been firmly cemented for centuries."

I watched my handsome mate closely as he thought about her statement. "The Selarians thrive by moving in the shadows. I cannot see them exposing themselves to humans when they have no real reason to. They strike when you least expect it. In fact... I hate to tell you this, but it is extremely unlikely that your people got anywhere near their hideout unless they wanted you to." Kade's face was quickly becoming stony as he became less and less comfortable with our current situation.

The President looked stricken by sudden panic at Kade's ominous words. His uneasiness was coming to though our mate bond in waves and I found myself soon swept up with it myself.

"We will meet next when we decide and on our terms. Anything in the future will be done with our explicit knowledge. There will be no more secrets between us or there will be no trust. And I don't think you want two hostile alien species on your planet."

"Kade," I hissed angrily. He may be my mate but he was definitely not going to threaten becoming another enemy to the humans.

Shade shook her head at me. "Emily, I understand what Kade is saying here. And he has every right to demand this. You are the future rulers of Nauria and need to ensure yours and your people's safety. I can only hope that you extend that courtesy to us as well. I will trust that we do not stand much of a chance on our own. However, it would be much appreciated if you were to provide us with tips on how we can stand even a small chance on our own." She addressed this at Kade and Darius, who had been silently listening to everything the entire evening. I hoped he knew his opinions were always welcome.

I would make sure to remind him later.

"Miss President, I know you don't think much of me right now. I can only imagine the things you've heard about me if any of your references are those I met in your horrid facility but... I was human before I was anything else. And I hope that you know I will defend my home with my life. I'm not much help right now, but one day soon I hope to be able to make a small difference. You can count on us." I said solemnly.

It was clear there was going to be a war no matter what. The real question plaguing me was with who it would be with. As much as I didn't fully trust the President, I had been pleasantly surprised by the things she had said tonight. I was sure that the King would be pleasantly surprised at what we had managed to accomplish in one night.

The President stood up as she gazed at me. "I will not judge a book by its cover if you will do the same for me. I trust you when you say that you care about Earth, Emily. I am glad to have you as an ally." She swept her gaze over the table.

"It has been a pleasure speaking with you all tonight. I have some phone calls I am going to have to make, however please make yourselves at home. Past the kitchen there you will find two doors. They are our guest suites here in the bunker. We will continue this discussion tomorrow before you fly home." She gave us a deep nod as she turned and left the room.

The three of us sat there silently for a few moments as we all processed what had happened tonight. We had all learned a lot of new information.

"Well, as happy as I am that we have a bit of a heads up about the Selarians, something tells me that you were right and that we are playing right in to the palm of their hands." I sighed.

Kade looked at me sorrowfully. "I am sorry you got dragged in to this mess. If I could whisk you away somewhere I knew you would be safe, I would do it. However... it seems hard to find out just where that may be right now."

I stood and walked closer to him. He seemed to dwarf the chair that he was sitting on. My mouth watered a little as I took in his muscled arms and slightly tousled black hair. He looked up at me and I could see the stress that had taken up refuge on his shoulders.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly. "I think I'm safest when I'm by your side." I whispered into his ear. He shivered against me as he tightened his arms around my waist.

"I think that's my cue to head to bed. I need to find myself a girlfriend." Darius all but growled as he sauntered off towards the bedroom.

I cringed a little. "We should really make sure Darius knows he can voice his opinions during these sorts of things. He didn't say a word all night."

Kade chuckled against my throat. "Emily, Darius didn't talk for a reason. He is a master at studying body language and deciphering lies. He was doing exactly what he should have been. He knows he is welcome to speak up at any time when he is in my court and presence."

"Oh wow. Well that would have been nice to know earlier this week when I tried to tell him I was sick and couldn't leave my room." The reality was that I just wanted to sleep in.

He had dragged me out anyways and I had moped the entire time. A girl needed her beauty sleep.

Kade rolled his eyes at me. Clearly a habit he had learned from me. Unless aliens were sarcastic assholes on their own planet, I was sure this was something they had picked up from Earth. We were really something here.

"As much as I wouldn't mind devouring you on the Presidential table, shall we retreat to our own chambers for the night?" Kade's electric eyes sparkled in the dimness.

I nodded against his chest. Kade stood, wrapping me up gingerly in his arms as he carried me towards the bedroom we were to be staying in. I held on to the backpack over his shoulder as he opened the door and walked in. He hesitated at the door as he scanned the area for any signs of danger or suspicion. When he was satisfied, he entered the room and deposited me on the bed.

I sat up and took in the room myself. It was fairly large, and quite luxurious if I was being completely honest. I was sure it was usually for important political guests around the world or perhaps even the President's own family. I supposed we were now technically the former, which was still hard to wrap my head around.

There was a large bed with a beautiful red canopy and silk bed sheets. The furniture was a dark beautiful red oak and there was a plush carpet beneath our feet. I looked to my right to find an enormous en-suite bathroom with a soaker tub the size of a hot tub, and a large walk in closet.

Yeah, this wasn't too shabby.

Kade closed and locked the door behind us. He scoffed at the human lock and looked at me with mirth in his eyes. "I will never be able to wrap my head around how weak humans truly are. I could snap this lock between my fingers. Forgive me if this isn't going to make me feel any better."

At my narrowed eyes he shrugged, "Hey. I'm just telling the truth. Plus, you're not a human anymore either, you could break this easily too."

I sighed. "Yeah, but humans are strong in their own way. Don't underestimate them." I had seen enough in my life to know that while we may not be the strongest or the most technologically advanced, humans can definitely be vindictive and calculating. You don't need super weapons to do that, at least. The last thing we needed to do was forget that humans were another side to the story and be blinded by their supposed innocence.

"I wouldn't dream of it. My mate has proven just how great human minds really are." He moved to stand above me. I looked up at him and instantly found myself enchanted by him for the millionth time. I hoped that this feeling would never go away.

     He gave me a mischievous grin as he began to slowly pull his fitted black shirt over his head, revealing his muscled chest and his abs. I could feel my face heating up at the mere sight of him.

As he tossed his shirt to the side, he moved between my legs, pulling me to the edge of the bed easily. I didn't resist, I couldn't wait to touch his skin. I bit my lip, waiting for him to kiss me.

Finally, almost torturously slow he leaned over me, pushing me back onto the bed as he kissed down my neck to the hollow of my throat. His lips did things to me I had never believed possible until I met him. I arched my back, wanting nothing more than to be connected in all ways. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my mouth as my lips met his.

His tongue and mine met next, and I was swept up in delicious delirium as I enjoyed every sensation flowing through me.

Kade broke away and moved to the marking on my neck that proclaimed me his, and I eyed the mark on his that announced he was mine.

I rolled, and Kade moved with me so that I was now on top of his enormous body. He growled underneath me, enjoying my bossiness.

I kissed his neck roughly, as I did my best to undo his pants as I straddled his lap. I wanted all of him. It seemed to be taking me too long to accomplish, so Kade stood, lifting me with one arm as he undid his pants with the other, swiftly kicking both his pants and his boxers.

Next, he all but tore off my shirt, leggings and panties. We both ignored the tearing sound of fabric; we were far too gone to care about anything else but our bodies finally meeting.

He sat on the edge of the bed once more, easing me on top of his thick, already rock hard erection. It filled me almost immediately and I tilted my head back as I adjusted to his size. It had felt like ages since I had gotten to be with him in this way.

He groaned, dragging his short nails across my bare back as he pulled me even closer, filling me to the very brim with him. I sighed in ecstasy as he began to slowly move inside of me. I was still straddling as I began to move up and down, stroking him with my center. We picked up speed and our breathing became frantic as we clung to each other, moving faster and harder as our bodies moved in unison.

Kade leaned his head back and let out a growl of pleasure and flipped us effortlessly so that I was lying on my back, staring up at him in adoration.

Kade pulled out and began kissing me from my pelvic bone up to my bellybutton. I watched him, transfixed with the hunger in his eyes as he worked his way to my nipples. He effortlessly undid my bra as he threw it to the side and grazed his teeth against my bare skin. I arched into him, enjoying the animalistic hunger his touch brought me.

As I was busy enjoying the pleasure his mouth brought, he slipped his long, hot length inside of me once more. I gasped against the unbelievable assault of pleasure both his mouth and his manhood brought me.

Kade picked up the tempo and the waves of pleasure that were growing incredibly hard to contain picked up intensity as I lolled my head back, anticipating the glorious release we were both nearing. I grazed my teeth against his marking, making him shudder inside of me. He slammed his cock into me harder, until I knew I was about to come undone.

We both finished simultaneously, as I came the ecstasy caused my muscles to clench with pleasure again and again. Kade came hard, spilling himself onto my stomach at the last second. I sighed, my body still shuddering with indescribable pleasure.

"I love you, Kade." I said, pulling myself up to look him straight in the eyes. I had never meant something more in my entire life. The word alone seemed like it paled in comparison to how I truly felt.

He gazed down at me with an expression of pure adoration as he brought his hand up and cupped my jaw in the palm of his hand. He traced his finger down my cheek. "I love you more than you will ever understand." He murmured as he brought his lips down to kiss me passionately.

I felt myself ready to go again but I had to control myself. I was sure that was a perk of the heat I was still experiencing and we definitely needed to sleep before morning. If I had my way with him, and I was sure he wouldn't oppose... we wouldn't be getting any.

Kade reached over and grabbed a Kleenex from the bedside table. "I can't wait to fill you one day." His voice was full of sensual promises. I shivered just thinking about it. He cleaned me off and when he was done, planted another hot, delicious kiss on my lips.

No kids, Emily. Definitely no kids right now. Until I was on some sort of alien birth control, we had to be careful. I wasn't about to bring a child into a world that may be on the brink of war.


Back to our regular programming ;)


We had settled into our bed, still feeling the electric tingles of what we had shared only minutes before. I laid my head on Kade's chest as I listened to his steady heartbeat. It was lulling me into such a calmness that I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment.

"What do you think about what the President said?" I mumbled sleepily. "Do you think she's telling the truth?" I asked him.

He thought for a moment before responding. "I don't know if she even knows if she is telling the truth herself. The Selarians willingly exposed their location to the humans, knowing that we have an agreement with their government. It makes me believe that they are planning something."

I could feel the dread set in at his words. Not knowing was the worst part.

"What will happen next?" I all but whispered. "Will we be sending warriors to their location? It sounds like an obvious trap."

Kade nodded. "I agree. But we can't afford to not investigate the claims in case the humans really did uncover their whereabouts without tipping them off." His expression told me that possibility was extremely unlikely.

I sighed. "Will you be going?" I hoped he was going to say no. He looked angry as he considered my question. He traced my hip with his thumb affectionately.

"It is unlikely that the council will allow me to walk straight into an ambush, even if I do want to be there to annihilate them into ash." His tone was full of venom. I knew that not fighting with his warriors was probably excruciating for him... but I couldn't help but feel relieved at his words.

"What do you think about moving to the rebuilt ghost town in Belmont? It will give your people more freedom. They'll finally be allowed to have access to the sky." I sighed almost dreamily after being cooped up in the ship for so long.

Kade looked down at me with amusement. "Our people," he corrected, "and I think it's a great step in the right direction. Our citizens will be proud for the way you stood up for them, Emily."

I blushed at the pride in his tone. "I hope so. I have to admit that I'm pleasantly surprised by the President. I wasn't expecting her to be so willing to meet our demands. Do you think they're more afraid of the Selarians at this point?"

Kade didn't speak for a moment. "I don't know." His tone implied he thought there could be a lot more to the story than we were aware of.

Hell, knowing our luck there probably was.

But for the moment, I was going to lay my head on Kade's chest and let his breathing lull me to sleep. Tomorrow was another day. 

We were going to find a way to defeat the Selarians, I knew we would.


Bit of a long chapter!!

What do you think is going to happen next!?!

Ps... This chapter was updated on my birthday ;)

Thanks so much for reading and as always please comment if you enjoyed it, vote and follow me to keep up with future projects :)

Love Kyla <3

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