Kill Me Fast - Villain!Deku

Par Forest_Of_Mollie

9.8K 335 233

Discontinued- Izuku Midoriya, believed to be dead is alive. But not in a good way, he is a villian. After be... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

600 21 12
Par Forest_Of_Mollie

(Using She\Her pronouns for Izuku.)

(Bakugo POV)

I woke up to the pounding sound of my mother hitting me roughly in the face with my pillow that she had snatched from under my head.

"Shut the fuck up Hag!" I shouted at her savagely, grabbing the pillow as it came down on my face again and flinging it into the large television in my room that promptly fell backwards with a crash.

"Dont talk to me like that you Shit!" She screamed back rage flowing in her eyes, she relented "ugh, morning temper." she groaned under her breath and walked out the room, I heard her comment and suppressed the rage inside me to stop me from chucking another of my pillows at the back of her head.

I had showed mother Dekiru or should i say Deku and well.. this is what happened...


I was panicking, my heart beating as fast as a cheetah could run and I could feel tears threaten to spill over my eyes. I was filled with rage it was pulsating in my throat. I hate crying, what in the world made useless Deku think he had the right to insult me like that, why in the world does Deku make me cry.

"MUMMMM!" I screamed in anguish, i felt the hot and salty tears start to flow down my face. I realized that for the first time i had called my mother by saying 'Mum' I usually just screamed 'Hag' or sometimes 'Woman' or even 'unholymonsterwhoclaimstohavemotheredme'

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room, my mother with her aggravating spiky blonde hair and purple cardigan looked truly panicked. But I guess if your child screamed 'Mum!' when they usually just said something else rude you would think that there is probably something really wrong.

My mother opened the door her face looking worried and scared, I couldnt surpress the feeling that she loved me more that i thought. She saw me slouched on the floor sobbing and immediately looked on my body and around the room for what could have hurt me.

"Hey, Katsuki- what happened. I havent seen you this bad since Izuku - well, you know." She said surprisingly softly her voice hinting some anxiety behind it, i chuckled internally at the irony of what she almost said and what I was about to show her.

I took a rasping breath and stood up walking up to the computer almost limping, i turned it on and played the video fast forwarding to the near end of the CD, I unpaused it and looked at mum.

"W-watch." I said my voice stuttery and wavering just as dumb Deku's had been. The video played:

"And in place Number One, Izumi Dekiru, with 500 rescue points and a whopping 967 villian capture points!"

I let out a sob and looked over to my mother whose jaw was on the floor, I was sure at that moment that she saw it too and I wasnt just hallucinating.

"Is that who I think it is?" my mother whispered quietly, she showed no sign of crying just silent and mourning disbeleif.

I nodded, "I-I think so." she drew in a deep breath and went in for a hug... for the first time i didnt push her away, i just buried my head in my shoulder and let my tears soak her purple cardigan.

(Present day)

I groaned in return to her snarky comment and dragged myself downstairs for a hasty breakfast before my first day at UA.

I am sure that the power this Deku person showed in the exams was just luck, I mean there is no fucking way that a weak little shrimp like Deku could have possibly taken down all those robots with their power alone, no matter if becoming a girl has had some strange impact on his or (rather her) strength.

I wolf down my Nutrigrain and run up the grey carpeted stairs to my bedroom, I get into the shower quickly and wash myself letting the scalding hot water run down my back releasing all the tension I had no idea that I was holding, I then get out and use a luxuriously fluffy towel to dry myself and then pull on my school uniform.

I tried about ten times to do my tie and fail miserably each time, I decided to ditch the tie and go for the for bad boy look with one side of my while shirt hanging out, no tie and the blazer unbuttoned.

I looked at myself in the mirror quickly, ruffled up my hair so it stood on spikes and then sauntered to the living room where I put on my backpack and walked out the door purposely neglecting saying goodbye to my parents.

(Narrator POV)

Izuku had spent quite a while trying to make her appearance look good, she normally wouldn't give a shit about appearance but for the sake of making a good impression and getting people to trust her she had to give it a try.

She was brushing her long, thick green hair and trying to get it into a viable pony tail and was on the verge of having a small breakdown about her hair.

She was annoyed because A) Her hellish puffy hair and B) the female hormones were still getting to normal.

"Ugh!" She groaned and threw her green hairbrush so hard it stuck in a wall and jiggled around like an arrow in a target. She looked in a mirror and settled with having her hair out and slightly puffy.

Her hairstyle looks like her hair in the picture last chapter

Izuku brushed her teeth for a whole three minuets with extra whitening toothpaste, not that she needed it.

She pulled on her new crisp school uniform that consisted of a blazer, white shirt, skirt and a tie that she had done and neatly arranged on her body.

She smiled happily and walked out the door towards UA ready to start her first day of her mission that was deemed crucially important to the rein of All for One

(Time skip brought to you by hairbrush removal companies)

Izuku arrived at the UA building , she looked up at the building remembering how much se would have enjoyed and cherished this moment when she was a little boy 'Ha now i've grown up and I've learnt the true cruelty behind heroes.' She thought to herself fighting a grin.

She was jolted out of her thoughts when she bumped into someone, she casually backflipped over whoever it was and turned around to see who it was. She looked and saw the browned haired girl Uraraka that she had saved from being crushed by the zero pointer.

"Hello! You must be Izumi Dekiru!" She squealed happily, "That was such a cool flip you did then!"

Izuku smiled at her, she had improved fake smiling and deception recently, "Yes i am! Thank you, you must be Ochako Uraraka then!" Izuku said smiling sweetly.

Uraraka looked delighted that Izuku knew her name "Yes I am! Do you want to walk to class with me?" She asked excitedly.

Izuku felt obliged to be her friend, even if it was fake and would come back to hit Uraraka in the face like whiplash. "Sure thing!" She said enthusiastically, and Izuku and Uraraka walked up to class 1-A together.

(Urakara POV)

OmyGosh! This Izumi girl is so nice and cool, I still can't get over the fact that she backflipped over me like it was nothing.

I know that you would hope an aspiring hero would be able to backflip, but you wouldn't think that they would do it so casually.

I instantly decided that she looked nice and like a suitable friend to make on a first day, so I asked her to walk with me to class and I was really happy that she said yes.

I am sure that she will make a great friends, she agreed to walking with me to class with no hesitation so I'm sure she must want to be my friend too.

We arrived at the classroom labeled 1-A after a quiet but comfortable walk up the many flights of stairs, I opened the door and saw a group of students in the corner talking quietly, but mostly a boy with weird spiky blonde hair that was getting shouted at by a boy with rectangle glasses about having his feet on the desk.

I had half the mind to close the door and go explore the school before class but the boy with glasses had noticed us already. He smiled instantly and rushed up to Izumi and I, leaving the blonde boy smiling smugly at his seat.

"Hello! I'm Tenya Ilda and you must be Ochako Uraraka and Izumi Dekiru!" He exclaimed, "Wow Dekiru, you know you broke the school's record by Three points right?" He asked her, and I was shocked she broke the record but not shocked at the same time.

Izumi just smiled like the sweet angel she is, "Yeah, its super cool to meet you too Ilda!" she said kindly hey eyes sparkling like clear water.

Then I heard a growl coming from the boy with spiky blone hair, he looked angry but also nervous and twitchy at the same time.

The strange thing was that his eyes were focused on Izumi, I understand that some people might be jealous and angry she beat them but the rage on the boy's face was much more that entrance exam rivalry.

I couldn't help but to step in front of Izumi protectively not wanting this girl whose mind seemed as breakable as porcelain to be hurt by the angry Pomeranian.

The boy stood up and walked straight towards Izumi, Iida and I - We were all gathered trying to protect Izumi - he got to Iida first who said "Hey why are you trying to ahh-!" He screamed as he was flung to the other side of the room by the boy's explosions.

The boy glared at me "Move it extra." He snarled and I felt myself jump in slight fright, but when I looked behind myself I saw Izumi cowering against the now closed door that she wouldn't be able to open without It swinging inwards and hitting us all.

I would feel horrible if I ditched Izumi so I stood my ground , "What do you have against Izumi, why do you want to-" And I felt heat blast across my skin, I was flying for a few seconds before I crashed into a desk and struggled to sit upwards due to a sharp pain in my back from colliding with the corner of the desk.

(Bakugo POV)

Why is Useless Deku cowering against the wall?

Oh yeah, because she is useless and stupid and thinks she is so high and mighty over me!

After getting her extra friends out of the way I have a clear line to Deku where I can shove her against a wall in another room - so her friends don't see and tell the teacher - and let her know that though she came back from the dead she is still as useless and idiotic as before.

I walk up to Deku who is shivering as if she has just swum in an Antarctic and looks like she is about to start crying and grab her by her shirt collar roughly, I yank open the door and drag her around the corner into another spare room that is not being used.

I push her against the plain white wall and she whimpers and looks towards the door we entered in. I follow her line of sight in see a wisp of brown hair fly around the corner in a hurry, 'Intruders' I think as I close the door and lock it from the inside.

I go back and slam Deku against the wall, and I'm about the question her about her identity and force information out for her by using my explosions but I feel a weird tug at my wrist, almost like it is coming from inside the skin I look down and there is nothing there, I dont know how she made the tug happen or if it was just a coincidence, but she used the diversion to flip our positions around.

I gasped after feeling the force of the wall slamming into my back, I was to say the least surprised with the power a small whimpering frail girl can have so it took me a moment to come back to my senses, I look up to her about to blast her in the back using my hands but I see her expression.

It isnt the expression that I saw before, kind, sweet, scared, small and cute but more like, superior, cold, sharp, It had a terrifying aura that almost made me cower against the wall, her eyes a sharp green were peircing me and it felt like her gaze was tearing itself into my head and looking at my soul, her foul expression a scowl i have only seen on villains and movie characters when angry to the core.

Deku must have seen the small amount of fear and surprise in my eyes and face because she flashed an award winning shit-eating grin and walked away down the hall re-assuming her scared and sweet cinnamon bun personality. I growled angry and aggravated and slammed my fist so hard against the wall's paint cracked.

(Izuku POV)

' Ha, Son of a bitch you deserved that. '

(not mine ^^^^^ )

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