With You [Cannon Kuroo x read...

By Kurooswifie

580K 12.7K 31.1K

You are a manager for the Karasuno the volleyball team, along with Kiyoko. When you met the captain of the N... More

Y/N's Info
How it All Started Pt. 1
How it All Started Pt.2
Apartment Choices
How it All Started Pt. 3
Practice Match Pt.1
Practice Match Pt.2
His Chibi Chan
Yachi's Appearence
The Bus Ride
Training Camp Pt.1
Training Camp Pt.2
Matcha Strawberry Latte
The Simple Date
Truth or Dare
Lev x Yaku
A Chat With Kenma
Barbecues and Sleepovers
The Last Day
Sick Day
Couple Rings
Long Distance Date
Date Pictures
Shrine Visit
The Kuroo House
Aquarium Date
Late Night Talk
The Nekoma Sisters
Nekoma Matches
With You
Extra Chapters or Season two
Season 2 Confirmed
I Think I Like You
Moving In
I Love You (Chibi Chan)
Dinner With Old Friends
I Love You (Forever and Always)

A Kiss from Kuroo

15.7K 315 1.2K
By Kurooswifie

*Third Person POV btw*

(Just a small warning, Y/n is gonna be real annoying this chapter so stay cautious)

Most of the team members from the Nekoma team were done getting ready, even Yaku and Lev. Kuroo and Kenma went over to Fukurodani's room to wake up Bokuto and Akaashi. The others, meaning Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto, went over to Karasuno's room to wake up certain people. They all met up in the cafeteria to regroup for the dare.

"So are we really doing this," Kuroo said.

"Yeah duh or do you have a problem with kissing your girlfriend." Yaku pointed out.

"No I don't, it's just how I'm going to make this work." Kuroo replied.

"Well let me give you some advice." Yaku said back.

"Remember what happened last time when he followed your advice," Kenma whispered as he played games on his phone, "I suggest we just let him be so he could do his thing, Y/N chan must like him for him and not whatever tricks you have up your sleeve."

"I agree with Kenma," Akaashi agreed, "that sounds right enough."

"I mean Y/N chan was always a person who prefers dorky and smart guys." Sugawara added, "who know, maybe that's all you need."

"Alright well I'll go right now, she must be a wake at this moment anyways," Kuroo exclaimed, "you guys will follow me from far away until you guys watch. That's fair enough right."

"I can't help but notice how happy Kuroo san seems about this." Tsukkishima added.

"Shut up Tsukkishima san, that's his girlfriend why wouldn't he be happy. Plus this is Y/N chan we're talking about." Kageyama said.

"Shhh!" Everyone else hushed. The plan was already in action and Y/N was leaving the manager's room with Kiyoko to start on breakfast.

Kuroo approached Y/N and saw her in his jacket still. He blushed slightly, approached her, and said, "Hey Y/N can I talk to you?"

Y/N looked up at Kuroo then to Kiyoko. "I'll let you two be, see you in the kitchen Y/N chan." Kiyoko said as she waved a bye.

Kiyoko turned around the corner and Tanka pulled her into the group. "Shh just watch with us." Tanaka whispered. Kiyoko just nodded and watched the situation that played out in front of her.

"So what did you need to talk about with me?" Y/N asked.

Kuroo cupped her face and planted gentle kiss on her lips. Y/N just then pulled away as her face turned into a red hue, and ran into the direction where the group wasn't.

"Hahaha you caught that on camera right Kenma san?!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Yeah I did, I'm sorry that didn't work out." Kenma said giggling a bit.

"Wow this is sad, even Kema san is giggling." Lev pointed out.

"Great I lost a girlfriend now." Kuroo sulk while walking back.

"Hey it's okay, if she really wants to stay with you she'll end up talking to you," Kiyoko commented, "and what if she was just surprised and she didn't know how to react."

"Well Kiyoko isn't wrong, you should talk to her though." Asahi added.

"Yeah and tell her how much you love her, that normally works." Nishinoya said happily, "plus knowing Y/N chan, she really likes seeing mini thoughtful things so the action doesn't have to be that big."

"But she just became my girlfriend, I don't know if the 'L' word is even appropriate yet." Kuroo pointed out.

"Well you'll know when it's time, but for now just talk to her."  Bokuto said.

"Wow Bokuto san sounds smart for once." Yaku said.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean." Bokuto exclaimed.

"It means what it's supposed to mean Bokuto san, but he's right you should talk to her or something." Daichi said, "but for now let's warm up, practice, and then eat."

"Yeah what Daichi said, let's go everyone." Tanaka said.

"Hey Noya san." Kuroo said to the short libreo.

"Hey Asahi san, go on without me okay." Nishinoya exclaimed.

"Okay see you later." Asahi replied.

"Yeah what do you need Kuroo san." Nishinoya then said.

"I need your help on the Y/N chan problem, since you know her the best." Kuroo said.

"Oh well I mean Y/N chan probably wants to talk or something, you could've startled her with that kiss."  Nishinoya pointed out, "or you're just a bad kisser."

"Hmm that's true, but maybe that's the reason." Kuroo realized, "Should I get her something?"

"Don't get anything for her, she doesn't really like presents." Nishinoya said.

"Well how come." Kuroo said.

"Well she likes receiving presents on special occasions but that's it.  Y/N chan is the kind of person that values the little things, so I suggest you just talk to her to clear things up and then you could kiss her as many times as you want."  Nishinoya stated.

"Oh alright, well I'll go talk to her after breakfast and I'll make sure she's happy."  Kuroo said.

"Good now what are you going to talk about." Nishinoya asked.  Kuroo was explaining what his plan is for Y/N as the two walked over to the gym.  While the guys were talking and practicing, the managers were preparing breakfast.

"Hey guys sorry we're late, we kinda woke up late." Yukie explained.

"No that's fine, breakfast today is pretty easy to make anyways."  Y/N said back.

(The annoying stuff starts around here)

"Do you guys need anything or stuff for us to do."  Kaori asked.

"Oh yeah, Kaori san can you cut up the vegetables, and um Eri san can you prepare the meat, thanks," Kiyoko said, "and Mako san can you wash the dishes along with Yukie san please, that would be great."

"Yeah of course," the girls, except for Y/n, Yachi, and Kiyoko said.

"So Y/N chan how was the kiss." Kiyoko asked.

"Wait Y/N chan got kissed?!" Yachi asked, "did you actually see it happen."

"Yes and it was sort of funny."Kiyoko said.

"Lucky." Eri exclaimed.

"Wait really how was it Y/N chan." Mako asked.

"Well it was surprising, but his lips were gentle which was nice."  Y/N replied smiling, "and that's all I have to to say, but he did take me first kiss."

"That's it no tongue or anything." Yukie exclaimed.

"Well of course they wouldn't use tongue Yukie san, they just started dating and that was her first kiss as well."  Kaori pointed out.

"Oh so that's why you ran away." Kiyoko realized.

"Wait Y/N chan ran away, why'd you do that." Yachi exclaimed.

"Well it was my first kiss and I was surprised."  Y/N answered.

"I don't blame her it's startling anyways." Kiyoko agreed, "now we should finish this all up and relax for a bit."

"That's agreeable," Kaori agreed, "let's do that and then we can go fix Y/N chan's love life."

The girls finished up preparing breakfast and cleaned up before they started eating.  They all served the food to the boys and then they sat down for a talk.  "Okay so how do we fix Y/N chan's love life," Yukie asked.

"Wait where did you guys get that my love life needs fixing?" Y/N asked.

"Well you did run away and that might cause problems." Kaori pointed out.

"That's true, you might need this." Eri agreed.

"Hmm true, but this could just be solved with a normal conversation right?" Y/N suggested.  Before anyone could say anything else Kuroo came in the kitchen, and everyone turned their head towards him.

"Hey guys can I talk to Y/N chan for a second?" Kuroo asked.

"Yeah sure she's right.." Kiyoko started.

"Oh I have to um change my clothes in the room, see you guys later," Y/N interrupted, "I'll go help you guys clean later, bye guys." [Y/N was wearing Kuroo's jacket still, but with normal clothes underneath (normal clothes meaning a t-shirt and shorts) keep reading please]

"Oh okay bye," Everyone except for Kuroo said.

"Oh okay then," Kuroo sulked as he took a seat with the girls.

"Hey I'm sorry Kuroo san, I didn't know she would be like that." Kiyoko said.

"Wait what if she was just embarrassed." Yachi suggested.

"Actually yeah that means sense." Eri agreed, "you should talk to her Kuroo senpai, that should work right."

"Yeah but I tried to talk to her just now and it failed." Kuroo said as he hit his head on to the table.

"Oh what if she just wants to talk in private," Mako suggested, "that could work, or you should asked her to talk throughout the day until she agrees."

"That's actually smart, go try that out Kuroo san." Kaori said.

"Alright I'll try it after practice during break time, that should work perfectly."  Kuroo planned.

"That's good, now you should get to practice now." Kiyoko said.

"Okay thanks guys." Kuroo waved as he jogged out the kitchen.

"Bye Kuroo san." Everyone said back.  After a couple minutes, Y/N came back wearing an anime hoodie and shorts.  She went to the kitchen to clean up with everyone else.

"Y/N chan, why'd you run away again, he came just to visit you."  Mako complained.

"It's embarrassing because I ran last time, I don't know how to approach him." Y/N defended.

"This is weird I haven't seen this side of you yet, but it's probably because this is your first boyfriend."  Kiyoko realized, "but I like this side, I suggest you should just be you and approach him when you are ready or when you want."

"Yeah Kiyoko san is right, but I he approaches you try not to run." Kaori added.

"Alright then, so what do I help with."  Y/N asked as if the conversation earlier was never there.

"Well can you wash the dishes, that would be great thanks." Yukie answered.

The girls cleaned up and began to head over to the gym to watch the teams play and to fill up and water bottles.  They all arrived there and walked over to their coaches.  "Hey Kiyoko san, Yachi san, and Y/N chan."  The coaches said.

"Hey guys." the boys exclaimed at the managers.

"Hey everyone." Y/N said back.

Kiyoko and yachi replied with, "Hey guys."

"Let's go fill up the water bottles alright guys."  Kiyoko said to the other managers from Karasuno.

"Yeah sure let's do that."  Y/N agreed.

"Wait Y/N chan, we need to talk to you for a second." Sugawara said, "Can Yachi chan do that instead."

"Yeah of course, Kiyoko san I'll go and help." Yachi agreed.

"Okay then, talk to you later Y/N chan, bye guys."

"Bye you two." Everyone else said.

Only Tanaka said, "Bye Goddess sama."

"Anyways so Y/N chan, why'd you run away this morning."  Daichi asked. 

Everyone, which was Hinata, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Asahi, Sugawara, Daichi, and surprisingly Tsukishima, surrounded Y/N waiting for her answer.  "Well you guys know that I've never had a boyfriend before right, you see I haven't gotten my first kiss either."  Y/N said.

"Well we did know that you never had a boyfriend, so that's a good reason why you ran." Asahi realized.

"Well Y/N san, why don't you talk to Kuroo san," Nishinoya said, "this morning he wanted to talk, but then he told me that you went so where else when you saw him."

"Oh it's sort of embarrassing to face him now that I ran twice."  Y/N said.

"This could cause some problems," Sugawara said, "he's feeling really sad now, apparently he thinks that you don't really like him for something."

"I really do it's just it's embarrassing, it's not only the kiss, it is me being an inexperienced girlfriend."  Y/N replied, "and then he'll leave me because I know for a fact that he has had many girlfriends before me."

"I don't think that would happen," Hinata said back, "I think that he will like you no matter what you do, even if you guys had only dated for a day."

"Thanks for worrying about me guys, but now I think I can handle myself." Y/N said smiling.

"No problem Y/N chan, plus it's nice seeing a new side of you where we can actually take care of you," Daichi replied.

"Okay now let's focus on the game alright," Y/N said to everyone else, "who are we playing against."

"We're playing against Nekoma today." Tsukishima said.  Y/N looked over at Nekoma and blushed as she accidentally made eye contact with Kuroo.  Kuroo was wiping off his sweat with a towel when he looked over at Y/N.

"Hey Demon senpai, Y/N chan looked at me." Kuroo said excitedly, "That's a good thing right."

"Well it depends on why she looked that you," Yaku replied, "oh you know what you should do when you get to talk to her again."

"Amuse me Demon senpai, what should I do." Kuroo replied.

"You should try the Kabedon, it works trust me." Yaku said.

"What's a Kabedon?" Kuroo asked.

"It's when you trap someone with your arms, let me show you and example with Lev san." Yaku said, "hey Lev san I need your help."

"Sure what is it Daddy." Lev joked.

"I'm sorry what are you doing."  Yaku said looking annoyed and disapointed.

"What do you mean Daddy." Lev said while getting closer to Yaku and pulling him into a hug.  Kuroo stood there laughing at Yaku.

"I meant the name, where'd you get that." Yaku said trying to let go from the hug.

"Oh I asked Kenma san what a boyfriend like action would be like."  Lev answered, "We searched it up on wikiHow , and it said to call your boyfriend daddy."

"Please don't say that in public." Yaku said.

"Okay then, anyways what do you need." Lev said happily.

"I just need you to stand there and that's it."  Yaku ordered.

"Alright so Kuroo san, pretend that there's a wall behind Lev san and pretend that I'm you."  Yaku stated.

"Wait but where's Y/N chan." Kuroo said trying to annoy Yaku.

"Just pretend that Lev san is Y/N chan alright."  Yaku clarified.

"But Lev san to too tall to pretend to be my Chibi chan." Kuroo faked complained.

"Do you want to learn this or not." Yaku snapped sounding quite annoyed.

"Hey calm down Demon senpai, that was a joke."  Kuroo said trying to calm Yaku down.

"Alright so when she is near a wall, trap her between the wall and your body like this." Yaku said showing and example, "and then you talk to her, that way she won't run."

"Nice job Demon senpai, you have amused me once again." Kuroo said slow clapping softly.

"And make sure you actually do it correctly, because if you goof up like always it's not going to end well."  Yaku said, "now let's play, we're going against Karasuno so you better pay attention Kuroo san."

Kuroo looked over at Karasuno and He saw Y/N talking to the other managers about some things.  "She really does look cute doing anything," Kuroo thought to himself before the game.

Y/N was hyping up her team on the other side of the court.  "Alright guys win or lose we got this and try your hardest, that sounds like a reasonable goal right."  Y/N exclaimed to the team as they all huddled together, "now let's put all our hands in and do our best."

"Yeah!" They all cheered letting their hand go from the middle of the huddle.

"Can I talk to Kageyama san and Hinata san for a second before the game."  Y/N asked.

"Yeah sure, Kageyama san Y/n chan needs us." Hinata said.

"Yeah I know, so what's up." Kageyama asked the shorter girl.

"Are you guys ready to do you best." Y/N asked back.

"Yeah of course we're gonna win this right Kageyama san."  Hinata said as he jumped up and down due to excitement.

"Save your energy boke!" Kageyama yelled.

"Hey hey calm down Kageyama san, he's just excited." Y/N said, "aren't you also excited to play."

"Yeah of course I am." Kageyama replied.

"Why don't you show it." Y/N asked.

"Well I want to it's just that I don't like my smile."  Kageyama admitted.

"Try smiling right now, it'll make you happier I promise." Y/N reassured.

Kageyama smiled for a bit and then said, "See I don't look good."

"Nope it's the opposite actually, now smile more you happier and better."  Y/N replied, "And try to smile during the game, it can change your mindset."

"Kay good luck everyone."  Y/N said to her team before they left for the game.

"Hey Y/N chan, they're starting the game now right."   Kiyoko said.

"Yeah and you guys came back with the water right."  Y/N replied.

"Yes of course we did, and how was the conversation." Yachi asked.

"Well we talked about the incident again and I plan to talk to him today," Y/N answered, "so it's nothing much."

The girls headed over to the benches to take a seat and watch the game.  "That's good but how are you going to approach him."  Kiyoko asked.

"I actually don't know, but I'll think about it, I'm planning to talk to him after the games."  Y/N replied.

"Okay then, oh and when the games end I have to go help Mako san and Kaori san with cutting the watermelons later." Kiyoko started, "You, Yachi chan, Eri chan, and Yukie san will bring out the water melons out with us later."

"Yeah that's fine, Yachi chan, Yukie san, Eri chan, and I will clean up the gym then." Y/N said.

"Don't worry Kiyoko san we can do this." Yachi added.

The girls watched the game and so far Nekoma was winning.  Kageyama decided to use his new set and tried it out with Hinata.  The set worked and Hinata scored a point for the team.

"Yes!" Y/N yelled jumping from her seat.  Kageyama smiled happily and everyone else looked at the two weirdly.  While Coach Ukai called a break, Kageyama ran to Y/N giving her a double high five and a brighter smile.

"Great job Kageyama san keep it up and keep smiling." Y/N exclaimed happily.

"Thank you Y/N chan, for believing in me." Kageyama smiled.

"It's not me that allowed you to set that ball, it's your talent now let's go listen to Coach Ukai alright."  Y/N said.

"Okay." Kageyama replied as he nodded.

Kuroo looked over at Y/N as he drank some water.  He looked sort of upset, mainly because he wanted Y/N to congratulate him like she did with Kageyama. 

"Hey Kuroo san now isn't the time to be sulking over your girlfriend, plus you get to talk to her after the match anyways so pay attention." Kenma said.

"Yeah I am it's just that I can't, I want to talk to my Chibi chan." Kuroo complained.

"Again Kuroo san you get to talk to her again and she's an enemy right now." Kenma said.

"But Kenma.." Kuroo started.

"Nope Kuroo no, we have to play right now let's go." Kenma interrupted calmly.

Both teams started playing again and Nekoma took the last set winning the match.   "Okay everyone all we need to do is one lap of diving drill before break time, so let's do this." Daichi exclaimed.

Karasuno went at it and did the lap.  "I'll go cut the watermelons now, bye you two see you later."  Kiyoko said.

"Bye Kiyoko san." Yachi and Y/n exclaimed.

"Let's get cleaning alright," Y/N said smiling, "okay Yachi chan since Yukie san and Eri chan are cleaning up the floors and putting away the benches, do you want to pick up the volleyballs for take down the nets."

"I'll put in the balls then, is it fine if you take down the nets." Yachi replied.

"Yeah of course that's why I gave you a choice right," Y/N said, "now let's get started and finish up early."

"Okay Y/N san." Yachi exclaimed.  Y/N untied the nets while Yachi was picking up the volleyballs.  After a while Yachi exclaimed, "Hey Y/N san I'm done with my job do you need help with the nets."

"No that's alright I only have one more net to take care of anyways," Y/N replied, "why do you go and help out in the kitchen, like Yukie san and Eri chan did."

"Alright then bye Y/N chan." Yachi said as she walked out the gym.  Before Yachi could let out a yelp, because Kuroo scared her, Kuroo said, "Sorry but is Y/N chan in there, I want to talk to her."

"Yeah she is but you should hurry, she's almost done with her job."  Yachi said back.

"Okay thanks Yachi san." Kuroo said as he jogged into the gym.  

Y/N was done with the last net so she walked in the storage room to store the last net in and to clean up the area.  Kuroo followed her near the storage room and watched her for a bit before he made his move.  Y/n pushed the volleyball cart into the corner before taking a look at a blank wall.  Kuroo took this as a chance and tried the Kabedon.  The thing was that, he did the entire thing incorrectly.  Since Y/N was facing the wall, she was already backwards, but he saved her face by covering it with his left hand.  With his right arm, he trapped her so that went well.  He released his left hand trapping her, between him and the wall.

"Hey Kuroo san what are you doing." Y/N asked quietly.

"I'm trying something called the Kabedon, Yaku san recommended it." Kuroo explained, "and sorry if I hurt your face."

"It's fine you didn't hurt me or anything and you know you aren't doing it correctly right." Y/N pointed out giggling a bit, "I'm actually supposed to be facing you."

"Wait really, can you turn around then."  Kuroo asked still trapping Y/N.

"Yeah sure," Y/N said as she turned around facing the taller male, "now I can see you better."

"I'm sorry if the kiss was bad, I already knew that I am a really bad boyfriend," Kuroo said as he pulled Y/N into a hug, "but I didn't know that I was this bad at it."

"No it's not you, it's actually me," Y/N confessed as she hugged Kuroo as well, "I was surprised because you took my first kiss, and that kiss was a really nice one too so don't worry."

"Wait don't lie to make me feel better." Kuroo said hugging Y/n slightly tighter.

"I'm not lying and I'm sorry if that caused many misunderstandings for you." Y/N said, "can I do anything to make it up for you."

"Can it be anything, because how much is anything?" Kuroo asked excitedly as he let go of Y/N and looking at her.

"Yeah anything you want and the limit of things is two," Y/n said while smiling and making eye contact.

"Then can I get a kiss and a piggy back ride."  Kuroo ordered.

"I think I could give you the kiss, but I'll already break my back from carrying you." Y/N said.

"No I'm giving you a ride, I don't want to injure you in any way." Kuroo said back.

"Oh okay then, well can you close your eyes and bend down for a second." Y/N requested.

"Yeah sure anything for you." Kuroo said as he bent down and closed his eyes.  Y/N stood up on her toes, cupped his face with her hands, and gave him a gentle peck on the lips.  Kuroo opened his eyes to give her more tiny kisses on her face before standing up properly.  

He looked down and saw Y/N blushing heavily.  Kuroo poked Y/N's right cheek before saying, "Do you have any places you want to get to at the moment, if not I'll bring you to the break area."

"Oh well I need to get to the kitchen." Y/N replied.

"Okay then now get on my back, I'll take you there."  Kuroo said kneeling down.

"Are you sure, I'm pretty heavy so I'll tired you out." Y/N stated.

"Chibi chan you'll never tired me out, plus I'm pretty strong and I'm sure I can make it so don't worry." Kuroo said as he flexed his arms.

"Oh okay then I trust you." Y/N said as she climbed on and wrapped her arms around is his neck.

"I trust you too, now let's get going and make sure you duck your head when going through doors," Kuroo said, "and I'm running when there are no doors around, but I'll slow down when I see one."

"Thanks Kuroo san, but this seems more like a reward for me than you." Y/n said as she ducked her head down, since they were leaving the gym.  

Kuroo started to run as he said, "Well to me it isn't, this helps me exercise, I've always wanted to get my Chibi chan a piggy back ride, and I like seeing you happy.  This benefits me as well, and watch out for that door."

"I realized first impression of you was really different than who you are now and I'm glad.  I knew that you that you were smart and talented, but I thought you were a play boy and a rude person as well." Y/N said as she ducked down. 

"Oh really, well what do you think of me now that you know me better." Kuroo replied.

"Now that I know you a lot better, it turns out that you're just a tall, buff nerd, that's sort of built like a giant teddy bear that feels nice to hug."  Y/N said as she hugged Kuroo a bit tighter and  buried her face into the crook of his neck, "I like your hair by the way, it's really nice and soft."

"Oh thanks," Kuroo said blushing. 

"You're welcome Kuroo san."  Y/N replied.

"Okay now we are at the kitchen so it's time for you to do your work, I'll see you later Chibi chan."  Kuroo said as he dropped Y/N off inside the kitchen, where the other managers were as well.  After Kuroo said this he gave Y/N a little peck on the nose before jogging out the kitchen.

"Bye Kuroo san I'll see you later too." Y/N waved.

Y/N turned around to see the happy managers, who watched the entire scene.  "So you guys made up right." Kiyoko asked.

"Yeah we did, it was just a misunderstanding like we all thought," Y/N answered, "now what should I help you guys with."

"We have one more tray of watermelons over there that we need to hand out, can you carry that one out." Kaori said back.

"Yeah of course, I'm always happy to help."  Y/N said as she headed over to carry the tray of watermelons.  The girls walked to the break area with the watermelons while talking about Y/N's and Kuroo's relationship.


Sorry for this long chapter, there's around 4460 words so please take a break for your eyes.  THe next chapter is on this same day so please don't get confused.  Thank you for your time and happy reading.

- The Author

P.S:  This is what Kabedon is, Kuroo did that incorrectly at first so you were backwards and he used both arms.

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