Son of Darkseid

By VgNishiki

81.8K 1.3K 465

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a... More

Training to become a God
A new God is born
League of Justice
The last training
The war Start
Fight between Gods
A Normal Life
A second chance
A new member in the family
A bomb of Laughter
Unexpected visit
Flash War Vol.47
Flash War Vol.48
Flash War Vol.49
Flash War Vol.50
Justice League vs Suicide Squad
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.2
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.3
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.6
Old Gods
Old Gods-First Contact
Old Gods-Lust and Power

Flash War Vol.46

2.1K 32 4
By VgNishiki

[Here is the next chapter of my story for those who do not know the next updates will be about the Flash Wars comic and I am very surprised that in only 4 or 3 months since I started writing I already have so many people who read my story. I want to thank you all]ggfff

Hunter Solomon Thoughts

Tragedy has always been a part of me. For years, I wanted to understand why my father killed my mother and those girls.

An ax was stuck in the back of a woman with a photo of a family next to it.

I dedicated my life to finding a way to stop any other being like him. But instead ... life found me.

A career as an exceptional criminal wife Ashley.her father became my mentor. I had a family again. And I believed for a while that I had escaped the tragedy But in a second everything was taken away from me.

A man dressed as a clown came out firing a gun at Solomon's family

Hunter solomon in a wheelchair was in a small maximum security cell with his hands on his chin with his eyes closed.

I was sure the clown would not have a gun, but I was wrong. I realized that any mistake could turn into a second that you could never recover.

My life was over. The name Hunter Solomon was rejected. Only Keystone City would take me, I had nothing left.

But then I met Wally West.The Flash.

Our friendship had helped rebuild what I had lost. But when I need him he wasn't there.

Wally and Hunter were shaking hands in an office.

So I became Zoom to convince him that going back in time was the way to do things take back the second when everything went wrong. But he rejected me.

I thought maybe if Flash knew tragedy the way I did, he would understand the true potential of his powers. He would be the hero I know he can be.

But I fail the man that called me friend, now called me villain.

I am powerless, slowed down. But my mind is clear again. I can reflect. I still know I can make Wally the real hero we all think he is....But....I need to stop looking back.

He looks towards the door surprised by the noise on the other side and slowly walks towards the door and hears screams.

And instead look ahead.

Guard: AAHHHH! Please! NOO!

Then the security door explodes causing Hunter to fall out of his wheelchair as he slowly gets up he hears a voice and fixes his attention on it.

Eobard Thwane: You told me you had an idea, Zolomon.

A Zoom from another dimension stood in front of him with the dead security guard in his hand.

Zoom: ....You can make us better. Is the student ready to become the Master?

Eodard Thwane was obsessed with Barry Allen, the original Flash. For years, as the reverse Flash tormented Barry, He made him suffer.

Satana:It's not magic, because of the crack in the Source Wall, the magic in our universe is changing every day, but even with a simple spell I can see that......

Martian Manhunter: His mind is fractured. It is unwise to explore further if we want to avoid further damage. On Mars I witnessed things like this, but we would send the Martians to live alone in the red sand caves for tense meditation until it cleared. It would take decades-But, on the other hand, I think the cause of this damage is ........ ______________________________________

.... Unknown. Unfinished Bio-Scan results. Green lantern ring designed the results.

Jessica Jones: You heard the ring..... There's not much else I can do for him. Im Sorry Barry.

Wally and Dav-Vel were on a roof of a building they had just arrested criminals robbing a bank.

Dav-Vel: You are a good friend, Wally since I joined the league you gave me your friendship you trusted me, and as your friend I care about you I can see how anxious and distracted you are, maybe you should talk about this with Cyborg.

Magic could not help you neither telekinesis nor even the ring of a Green Lantern could help you with your problem maybe technology will.

Location:Laboratorie S.T.A.R

Iris: Barry, why is this only happening to Wally? Why not me? we both regain our memories at the same time.

Barry: How are you handling your memories Iris?

Iris: It's like trying to remember a movie that I once saw, a long time ago, but not complete. Memories, bits and pieces. Images of people that I cannot name.


Iris and Barry hear a scream, quickly Barry puts on his mask and with his super speed goes to the room where Wally is.

Upon entering Wally is on a stretcher with many objects around him in the room there is also Cyborg and his father Doctor Silas Stone.

Wally: I got tired of this . Get me out of this thing!

Cyborg: You have to calm down and let Dad technology do its thing, Wally.

Silas Stone: Maybe if we could interact directly with your brain, we might be able to get a better view.

Wally does not listen and vibrates his body to get off the table.

Wally: NOPE no more tests. Flash reaches Wally's side.

Barry: You can't make the pain go Vibrating Wally!

Iris enters the room and looks worriedly at Wally.

Iris: Wally, you promised you would get help.

Iris approaches Wally, who was with his eyes closed and small rays were coming out of his body.

Wally: Is this the price I have to pay to get my life back?

Wally clenches his fists in disappointment and Iris walks over to Wally and puts her hand on his shoulder.

Iris: Don't think that way, Wally.

Cyborg:....but the scans clearly show that you've been through a trauma. The Speedforce within you is out of sync with the residual temporary energies you have collected.

In Wally's eyes, Victor was very different in his eyes he saw a Cyborg with less advanced technology in his body.

Wally: Vic....?

Now instead of having a robotic body it was totally golden as if it were pure gold...

Cyborg: Ummm You're good? you look like you've seen a ghost, buddy.

Wally turns around and tears start to come out of his eyes.

Wally: I....I hate this.

Iris : It's happening now, right? your memories are--

Wally gets angry and rays start to come out of his body again but this time with more intensity.

Wally: It's always something since I got these powers. They were killing me, then they were going to make me vanish in the Speed Force, then I'm trapped in the Speed Force. I manage to free myself and then I have a heart problem and now....THIS. I got through all of that. I got through this, too.

Barry: We can get through it together. I have an idea someone else we can talk to....about time energies. Maybe he can test and show--

Wally: I don't...want... more...


Wally releases a small shock wave by activating his powers causing his suit to activate in his anger.

Barry pulls himself together with the shock and tries to calm Wally down.

Barry: I had visions like this....just before you came back, remember? It was you trying to talk to me and then again when you Wallys first met. We have no idea what they are ... but for now I just want you to get better.

Iris: Stop Barry.

Barry: You do not--

Iris stops him by raising her hand to make him stop talking.

Iris: He's had enough for today. It's time we all took a break.

Barry gets mad about this.

Barry: Well I will find answers. On my own.

Location: Batcave

The cave was empty today, Alfred was cleaning it so that it would be totally clean for the visitors without warning a strong breeze with dust was present in the place.

Alfred: It's a pleasure-

Barry: Where is he, Alfred? my Jl communicator located Booster Gold with Batman. I tried calling him but the signal wouldn't connect, I need to talk to both of them. I have a problem.

Barry: I'm sorry but you will have to wait, Mr. Allen, Master Wayne has left. He has business with Miss Kyle, private business. If you'd like to leave a message-

In a moment of anger Barry Hits the computer in the cave causing the glass on the screen to litter the floor.

Alfred sigh

Alfred: Mr. Allen. I understand that after the incident with Poison Ivy * you may want some level of revenge on Master Wayne, but I hardly believe--

Barry: How does he do it, Alfred?

Alfred: Excuse me, sir?

Barry: Every time I think about the danger Wally and Kid Flash are in...I wish...I wish I just turned off that part of my brain, but Bruce...How is it that Bruce lets someone he appreciates run across the rooftops of a place like Gotham? Living the kind of life we ​​have.

Barry starts to spin around quickly getting nervous and Alfred just looked at him.

Barry: Nightwing, robin, Batgirl, Signal, even Dav-Vel, all of them ...? How come he doesn't care? How come he doesn't feel anything?

Alfred: Mr. Allen...Barry...stop walking. Of course Master Bruce feels, he cares. When you are a father you will always worry.

Barry looks at the ground sadly thinking about Wally. Alfred Sigh again.

Alfred: Would you like some tea?

Barry: Wait a second there.

Barry uses his powers to fix the computer he broke so that Alfred does not have to clean it up and Batman does not get angry, after fixing it both begin to leave the Batcave through the slaves.

Barry: All arranged. Sorry about that.

Alfred: Thanks, it's so rare for someone to clean up on their own around here. You have no idea how many Batarangs I pick up from the ground daily.

Location: New York

Dav-Vel was walking in the streets of New York that even at night was full. As he continued walking, he entered a small restaurant and saw his companion in a lawyer's dress.

He walks over to the table and she looks up from the Menu and smiles.

Karen Star: You finally arrived, I thought you had stood me up in this meeting.

Dav-Vel: I'm sorry, but I had to fill out some papers before coming here.

Karen: It does not matter, but one piece of advice you don't have to leave a lady waiting.

She smiles playfully.

Dav-Vel: Ha, Well Karen why did you call me here?

Karen calls a waiter.

Karen: A wine please, the best you have. Do you remember the conversation we had in the watchtower?

Dav-Vel: Oh sure i remember.

Karen: I had the night off and I remembered that you said to call you when I wanted to do this meeting as friends...I hope it was not a bad time we can postpone if you want.

Dav-Vel: No, no, I have the night off and I promised, right?

The waiter arrives with the wine and two very beautiful glass glasses.

Karen: Perfect.

Karen and Dav-Vel clink their glasses.

What was the rest of the night karen and Dav-Vel began to get to know each other who they were and what their life was like, they both avoided telling their life in the past Karen hid where she really came from and Dav-Vel avoided the issue of how it was his life in apokolips.

Karen: You know, of all the places in the world why did you choose Gotham City? It will be because you like the atmosphere of the place.

Dav-Vel smiles for that

Dav-Vel: It's not like I had a map in hand. Gotham City just came into view when I was Flying and one other thing happened and I got my position at Wayne Entreprises.

Karen: You know if at any moment you get tired of that environment you can come to New York I could give you a position in my company.

Dav-Vel: Well thanks, I'll keep it in mind. You know, I know I met you recently, Karen, but when I talk to you, I feel as if I have known you all my life as if you were Ka-

Before Dav-Vel finished she put her hand in his.

Karen: I think the same. Both are lost in the eyes of the other. She gets lost with Dav-Vel's beautiful blue eyes and he gets lost in Karen's beautiful blue eyes and before anything else happens, Dav-Vel's Jl communicator rings and the moment is lost.

Dav-Vel: Oh excuse me Karen it was not my intention.

Karen: It doesn't matter, Alex. We were both locked in the moment.

Dav-Ve: I aa I should answer.

Karen: Yep, I'll wait for you here.

Dav-Vel leaves the restaurant and Karen puts her face on the table sad.

Karen: We were so close to doing it who had to call him exactly at the moment we were about to do it.

Location: 25th Century Flash Museum

Eobard Thwane: I got tired of this Hunter! How much longer must we hide like cowards ?! Just let me go back in time and make the changes you want for your life - I'm tired of waiting for all your pieces to fall into place! I got you the help you needed so you can walk again.

Hunter: This is bigger than I. than us. We've been caught in the same infinite cycle against the two men calling themselves Flash. I know I can make both of us better, but only by making them better. If they truly understand tragedy as we do they will do whatever it takes to stop it. They will both become the men we truly believe they will be.

Eobard Thwane:...We have completely taken over the temporal courts...and as a bonus, we have taunted the rogue agents with your time agents, Zolomon. But you are a Fool if you think any of the Flashes will ever change.

They both look at each other angrily because neither of them shares the same goal as the other.

Eobard Thwane: You say that I am obsessed but you still believe in a fairy tale...that the Flashes will one day live with This idea that you have in your head about them ¡No matter how many times they reject it! You must do what I did long ago. Let go of that belief. They will disappoint you. And the only course of action is to make them suffer for it.

Hunter: Listen to me, Eobard, please. I've studied every piece of Flash's history, every profile. All of them. You want to ruin them but it's vital that we elevate the Flashes. make them understand. Together. you must. be patient.

Eobard: Barry Allen failed me more times than I can count, but I still believe in one thing he told me ... every second is a gift.

Hunter gets mad at what his other self just said.

Hunter: ¡That's a lie! Sometimes a second can be a curse if we just rush things without being careful without thinking - we have to stick to the plan.

Eobard: YOUR PLAN !?


Eobard: Then maybe it's time for me to make plans on my own again. You can stay here and continue to have faith in your precious heroes, Hunter....But I will return to the 21st century to get what is owed to me Now.

Eobard with his powers leaves the place towards the 21st century leaving Hunter alone in his thoughts

-Hunter thoughts-

I would never say this to Eobard, but he has a lot in common with Wally West. After Barry Allen died, Wally told me every time he got frustrated or needed to think ... he would run.

He would revisit his past failures... and victories. Sometimes he would go where he grew up. Remembering the life he had before he met Barry Allen...and then back to where his life changed forever. But there was a place he would always visit.

The Flash museum.

He would go after closing so he could be alone...and talk to his hero. Of course Barry never answered, but he did inspire Wally. He helped lead him out of the shadows...onto his own path as a hero.

Location: The Flash museum

Wally was looking at statues of the victories Barry had against villains around his career as a hero.

??: Wally, what are you doing in this place?

Wally turns around and sees his friend.

Wally: Dav-Vel, what are you doing here?

Dav-Vel: Barry called me, Iris told him that you disappeared without a trace so he asked me for help, he should be here shortly.

In what Dav-Vel said, Flash came quickly leaving a cloud of dust.

Flash: Thanks for the help, Dav-Vel. I hope I didn't call you at an important time

Dav-Vel: I was in a meeting with someone but we will continue tomorrow do not worry.

Flash: Wally I've been looking for you everywhere...Are you okay?

Wally: Yeah..yes I am thanks for worrying about my guys, I just needed to clear my head a bit.You know, every time I felt lost and needed answers...I came here.

Flash: Here? why ?

Wally: The Flash museum always made me feel ... safe.

Flash and Dav-Vel look at each other worried.

Flash: Wally....

Dav-Vel: There is no museum here, Wally.

Flash: Not yet, not for a long time.

Wally begins to look around confused and realizes that he is not in the Flash museum but that he is standing in the rain in an empty building site.

Wally starts babbling like he's losing his mind little by little.

Wally: Here was...You-you had a...We did it...and it was amazing.

He falls to the ground on his knees crying over the revelation he just had.

Wally: I just want this to end.

Dav-Vel: Then talk to us Wally.

Wally: After Magenta and Grood...I thought...I was getting better. That I finally had my life on track...I'm not even scared anymore. I'm just...angry. I don't need you guys to fix it. I just....

Barry gets on his knees so he can talk to him.

Barry: You need us to listen I know It is difficult for me to be still when people in my life are suffering. I'm always there to remind people not to lose hope...But that's not what you need right now. So you tell us...what do you want to do?

Wally: ....I just want to run.

Barry helps Wally up off the ground.

Barry: In that I can help you, hey Dav-Vel do you want to come and see who the fastest among us 3.

Dav-Vel: I'm sorry but I need to go talk to someone and I don't want to break your egos on your own playing.

Barry and Wally smile.

Wally: That sounds like a challenge to me.

Dav-Vel: Another day will be. I see you at the Watchtower.

Dav-Vel flies away from the Place. Wally and Barry begin to run leaving the place behind and also the bad emotions.

-Hunter Zolomon thought-

Ever since my father...I've looked for someone who could understand tragedy the way I did it. I finally found him Eobard Thwane.

But this time tragedy found him.

On the computer in front of Hunter, Eobard could be seen dying in various ways.

I shouldn't have let Eobard come back alone. Now...I watch him die again, and again and again.


I was so confident that I could make Wally and Barry live up to our expectations...But I was wrong. And just as before...Someone who helped me escape the tragedy of my life was dead.

A photo of the Flash Family composed of Iris, Barry, Wally and Kid flash is present on the screen.

It is time for me to accept the Truth, Thwane was right.

The flashes don't deserve my Faith.

Inside Hunter's eyes you can see red rays from his anger and he activates his Zoom suit and breaks the screen that had the photo of Flash. ¡

Zoom: AH!

If the Flashes Refuse to see a path to being better heroes...Then I will lead them to a path-No, I will lead them to...


[I hope you liked this chapter of the story, I want to apologize for the lateness of the chapter, I was a little busy at school but I am already on vacation so I will have more time to update my two stories as I always tell you, you can give me criticism in what I do bad and what I can improve to make the story better, have a good afternoon or evening]yyy

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