Out Of Time

By olicityobsess

29.3K 668 124

Hey guys! Here's another Olicity fanfic. I honestly know that a lot of you don't read my fan fiction but to t... More

He's Back
Food For Thought
Ray? Palmer?
Dead Moment
What Happened?
The Sane
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
"I Love You,"
Thoughts and a Robbery
Sound Asleep
Thank You
The Demon Returns
Getting Ready
Starling City
Flames Arise
For Felicity

Chapter 1

4K 55 2
By olicityobsess

"You can't just drown your sorrows in chocolate and vanilla ice cream," Diggle said. "Well, I can try," Felicity nearly sobbed. "And has it helped?" Diggle asked. "Dig, Oliver's been missing for 6 weeks! And I'm still crying!" she yelled. Felicity started crying. Knock knock! Diggle opened the door. Behind it stood Laurel, Lyla, and Sara. "Johnny!" Lyla said, relieved. "Is everything alright?" Diggle asked. "Not really. Waller just called. There's a bombing in the Glades," Lyla answered. "And how does that involve A.R.G.U.S.?" he asked his wife. "Well, you may have noticed Oliver hasn't been here and..." Felicity cried out. Everybody looked over at her. Laurel walked over and tried to comfort her. Lyla started speaking again. "Oliver hasn't been here and since he's the Starling City Vigilante, he hasn't been saving anything," "He prefers the Arrow," Diggle whispered. "Look, since Slade Wilson and his army of human weapons and since Oliver has been abducted, the city's being repaired, but they keep making little accidents. Little accidents become bigger accidents and soon everybody's dead. Someone has to do something," Lyla argued. "We will find Oliver," he said taking Sara from Lyla's arms. Lyla nodded and left.

Diggle walked over to Felicity and Laurel and repeated, "We will find Oliver," "But, what if..." Laurel hesitated. "No! He's not dead! He's the Arrow. He has been for the past 2 years," Felicity argued. "But, how do we know for sure he was abducted?" Laurel asked. "They caught it on a security camera. Oliver was in Verdant and someone just came in and knocked him out," Diggle explained. "Wait, so he got kidnapped in front of Thea?!" Laurel questioned. "Yes," Felicity said quietly. "Felicity, did you find out who took him?" Dig asked. "Yeah, his name is... Hector Heller. But, it says that he died in the Glades during the Undertaking," Felicity wiped tears away as she pulled up information on her computer. "What?" Laurel asked. "Heller was assumed dead, but he's not, apparently," Felicity said. "Can't you track him?" Laurel said. "We've been trying for 6 weeks, but it's not working," Diggle said.

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