The Girl With The Converse

By EmilyWall657

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Persephone Johnson is my name. It's pronounced per-sef-anie. I'm also known as the book girl. You will never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

357 13 14
By EmilyWall657

"Pers. Get up." Eros shook me awake.


"I ordered some pizza, want some?"
I nodded and got up stretching out my arms.I walked towards the door, but Eros stopped me.

"The guys are out there!" He warned me which made me sigh.

"Go get me some pizza." I commanded him.

"Fine, pepperoni, right?"

"Yup. Get me something to drink too. A smoothie, please. Thanks."

He groaned and walked out mumbling something under his breath. I sat down in my beanbag chair and started reading.
Someone knocked on my door after 10 minutes.

"Come in." I called not looking up from my book.

"Hey." A familiar voice said, that wasn't Eros.

I peeked over my book and Adam Cours was in my room. Crap!

"Hey." I said trying to hide my face.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Umm, Stephanie." I said thinking of a name.

"That's a nice name. I'm Adam."

"Ok, now can you leave please?"

"Hey, that's the same book Persephone was reading."

"Just leave. Now!" I demanded him.

"Ok." He backed out of the room without closing the door.

I crept to the door closing it so he couldn't look in. I collapsed onto my beanbag chair as another person knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked being extra careful.


"Ok, come in."

He walked in, empty handed.

"Where's my food?" I panicked.

"Mom's home and she said you can't eat in your room."

"Crap. Are you guys back in you room?"

"No, we just started eating."
I sighed. I wanted my pizza.

"Fine, I'll just make sure they can't see my face. Go tell mom to call me Stephanie."

He walked out as I paced the floor.
First I pulled on a sweater pulling up the hood. I then took off my glasses and put in contacts. I then put on my sunglasses. I walked out of my room into the war zone.

I smiled at the guys as I say down at the table.

"Stephanie? Can I talk you for a bit?" My mom asked.

"Yup." I got up and followed my mom down the hall.

"What is up with this?" She asked pointing at my disguise.

"Well, I don't want people to know Eros is my brother."

"Seriously? He isn't that bad." My mom said.

"Wow, no I don't want people to like me cause my brother is the captain of the football team like at the last school."

"Ok, but don't take it too far. Eros really loves you and wants people to know who his sister is." She smiled at me which I nodded my was in response. I never thought about it that way.

We walked back to the table and I dug into my pizza. I drank my strawberry banana smoothie.

"So, Stephanie. What school do you go to?" Adam asked. I'm gonna kill that kid.

"Umm." I started but Eros interrupted me, "She goes to Wilson Private." He said like it was true.

I smiled a thank you at him which he smiled back.

"Really? That's cool. How old are you?" He asked if he didn't completely believe anything about me.

"16." I blurted out. He nodded slowly, licking hi lips. After we ate our pizza in silence.

"Stephanie, what's with those sunglasses?" Adam asked.

"Headache." I explained.

"More like hangover."

"Adam!" Eros whacked his arm.

"What? I know lots of kids from Wilson Private and it's like one big party."

"It's not. We are dedicated to learning and planing our future. No one goes partying a lot. Maybe once in a while like normal teenagers but I have never." I explained.

"Sure." Adam said quietly.

I wanted to go there, but we couldn't afford it so I never told anyone.

"Why do you go to a different school then your brother?" He asked.

Geez, he is full of questions tonight.

"I'm really dedicated to my education and if I want to get into the college of my choice it's better to go to that school." I explained.

"Ok, what do you want to be?" He asked.

Why is he like this? I asked myself.

"A doctor."

"That's cool. I wanna be a doctor too." He smiled at me.

"No one cares." I mumbled under my breath. I guess Eros heard cause he high-fived me under the table.

Soon we all finished and Eros, Adam, Cody, Kyle and Andy walked into the living room.

I decided to help my mom do the dishes.
"So, Adam?" She asked me with a smile.

"Shut up. He is so irritating. I sit with him in Social and English! It's horrid."

"Just wait." Was all she said before walking towards her room.

I walked back to my room and
pulled off my sweater and sunglasses. I sat down on the bench my window and watched the sunset, it was beautiful.

"I know your name isn't Stephanie." Adam said from behind me.

"Well it is." I continued to watch the sunset hiding my face from him.

"Look here." He demanded.

I didn't.

"Please." He begged.

I just ignored him looking out my window. He walked over and I turned towards the wall so he couldn't see me.

"Why won't you show me your face?" He asked.

"Just leave." I quietly begged.

It was silent at first but then I heard him leave closing the door. I slowly turned around to see an empty room. I grabbed my book and read till I fell asleep.

"Pers. Pers wake up."


"You have 45 minutes till we have to leave. The guys aren't up yet so if you want to use the bathroom do it now."

I jumped out of bed and grabbed all the things I need and skipped to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and curled my hair. I pulled on a peach coloured tank top that has overlapping layers and some shorts that went mid thigh. I put on my Doctor Who necklace and walked back to my room.

How was I going to get to school? How was I gonna get out without Adam seeing my outfit? He was already suspicious. I grabbed some flats to wear until school so Adam wouldn't see my converse and I pulled on a thin jacket that went to my knees, to cover my clothes. I grabbed my sunglasses and a headband. It's like I live two lives.

I'm like Hannah Montana. The other side, the other side, the other side of me. Woah!

Yeah, no. I put in my contacts and placed my glasses in their case and in my bag. That's another thing. My bag. I got a bigger bag and placed my bag in it. This is a lot of work. I wonder what would happen if Adam found out. I don't really what to know.

"Pers, we're leaving." Eros said walking into my room.

"How is this going to work? I'm supposed to go to Wilson Private!"

"I didn't think of that. How far is it to walk to school?" He asked.

"I'm not walking."

"How about if I drop the guys off then I go to drop you off but we don't really go we just go to the park." He suggested.

"Ok." I put on my sunglasses and headband and walked out.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I walked towards my brothers old truck.

"Eros?" I asked when I jumped into the front seat.

"Yeah," He responded turning on the truck.

"How are you going to fit all of the guys in here?"

"Pile them up?" He suggested.

I laughed and took out my book and started to read.

"They are definitely going to know that it's you now." Eros laughed.

"Shut up! It's a good part!" I hushed him.

Soon all the guys came running out piling into the back. Of course Adam is right behind me.

"So, Stephanie." He smirked at me.

"Shut up." I continued to read my book in peace.

"Why are you wearing a jacket?" Adam asked me.

"Cause." Was my only response.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yup." I didn't even know what he was asking. I was too focused on my book.

I saw Eros glare at me for some unknown reason.

"That sucks." Adam pouted.

"Yup." I said without thinking.

"Do you think I'm hot?" He asked.


You might be wondering why I'm saying yup to everything. But I didn't even realize what he was asking.

"Do you wanna go out with me?"


Everyone went silent and I felt everyone staring at me.

"What?" I asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Do you realize what you are saying yup to?" Eros asked me.

"No...?" I started to get worried.

"Pick you up at 6." Adam smirked at me.

"What?!?" I screeched putting my book down.

"You agreed that he was hot and agreed to go on a date with him!! Which I will not allow!!" Eros explained.

"Eww. I was reading you ant blame me!!" I defended.

"Is 6 still ok, babe?" Adam asked, smirking.

"I'm gonna kill you." I muttered, making Adam smirk more.

Everyone was quiet after that.

"Wait, are you two really going out tonight?" Kyle asked, confused.

He was a little slow at times.

"No!" Eros and I yelled at the same time while Adam yelled, "Yes!"

I glared at Adam through the mirror. He just smirked at me.

"This is so confusing." I heard Kyle mumbled under his breath.

I leaned back into my seat and closed my eyes. It's only 8:30 and I have a headache from Adam.

Suddenly I felt hands massage my neck. I sighed at first from the pleasure.

I sat up straight and looked behind me. Adam was smirking at me. I glared back.

"You liked it." He mouthed at me.

"Screw you." I mouthed back.

"Or you can." He mouthed back, smirking.

I gasped and grabbed the closest thing I could find and threw it at him. Which was my math textbook. It hit him straight in the face. Bullseye!!

"What the heck?" He screeched holding his nose.

He was looking up and then I saw the blood on his hand. I gave Adam freakin' Cours a bloody nose!

I smacked my hand over my mouth trying to suppress my laughter.

"Seriously? You think this is funny?" He asked, the anger boiling through his veins.

I bit my lip, not saying anything or else I'll burst out laughing.

"What are you idiots arguing about now?" Eros asked taking a quick glance at us while driving.

"Your sister threw a textbook at my face!!!" He screeched.

Eros brought his hand up in the air and I high fived him.

"Seriously? I didn't even do anything!" Adam defended.

"You said inappropriate stuff to me!" I reminded him.
"What?!?" Eros screeched pulling over to the side of the road.

Eros glared at Adam harshly.

"I told him 'screw you' and he's like 'or you can'" I explained to Eros who was fuming.

"That's my little sister!" Eros yelled.

Eros has always been really protective of me. Ever since our dad left.

"It was a joke! Geez, don't need to get so worked up." Adam explained looking for some Kleenex.

I sighed and got some out of the glove compartment and handed them back to him.

"Thanks." He mumbled under his breath.

"I told you that my sister is off-limits. To all of you." He said pointing to the 4 idiots who were squished in the back row. They all nodded their heads.

"Adam, I thought you didn't date. That you had your eye on one special girl?" Kyle asked.

"Shut up. I don't date. It was a joke." Adam explained, frustrated.

No one could take him seriously with Kleenex up his nose.

"Why don't you date?" I asked Adam.

"I have my eye on one special girl." He explained, looking down at his lap in embarrassment.

"Eros, can we just go to school?" Adam impatiently asked.

Eros nodded and drove to the school. It was completely quiet the whole time.

"I gotta drop Stephanie off. Be back soon." Eros explained as the guys piled out of the truck.

Eros drove out of our schools small parking lot and in the direction of the park.

"Adam is suspicious of me." I sighed.


"He doesn't believe that I am who I say I am."

"It's ok. Everything will work out." Eros smiled at me as he pulled over beside the park.

I took off my jacket and flats and pulled on my converse. I stuffed them into my extra bag and out it in Eros's truck and waved bye before jogging off.

I slowed down after a minute or two. I'm really tired. I looked at the time, 8:49. I had 11 minutes before first period. It took about 5 minutes to walk from here but I still walked faster. Soon I got to the school out of breath.

I walked into the school. Students surrounding me. I slowly made my way to my locker and dropped my bag off. I had gym first. I quickly walked towards my gym locker to be interrupted by the one and only Adam Cour.

"Hey." He greeted me.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"Oh, nothing. I'm free after school."

"I don't care." I muttered unlocking my gym locker and getting my gym clothes.

"I was wondering if you, I don't know wanna come over. To work on our project." He smiled at me.

He was nervous. Adam Cour was actually nervous.

"Umm, I guess. I don't have any plans." I gave in.

I never have any plans.

"Sweet, I'll take you there after school." He smirked.

I nodded my head before going into the girls change room. I quickly changed into my gym clothes wondering why Adam was so nervous.

I walked into the gym to only see a couple people in there. I started my stretching.

"May I join you?" A voice asked from behind me.

I spun around to see my best friend, Georgia, grinning at me.

"Georgie!" I squealed hugging her. She hated being called Georgia so I called her Georgie.

Her family was on vacation and only got back yesterday.

"Pers, I missed you so much!!" She gushed pulling away from the hug.

We started stretching as we told each other everything that's happened in our lives.

"Hey, babe." Adam walked over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Georgie's jaw dropped. She slowly pointed to the both of us.
I pushed Adam's arm off of me.

"Are you two? Georgie asked.

"No!" I said quickly.

"A man can only dream." Adam laughed.

"I missed a lot yesterday!"

Adam walked off to his annoying football friends.

"Why is Adam Cour besties with you?" Georgie asked.

"We sit together in like two classes and are partners on a project." I said stretching out my legs on the floor.

"Wanna hang out after school?" Georgie asked, copying my stretches.

"Umm, love to, but I can't."

"Why?" She questioned.

"I'm going to someone's house." I mumbled.

"Wow, I miss one day and you find yourself a new best friend." Georgie joked.

"No, it's for a project."

"Would this person happen to be one Adam Cour?" Georgie raised one eyebrow at me.

"Maybe." I mumbled under my breath.

"I think he likes you."

"Yeah, right."

Soon the gym teacher came and we did our 9 laps.

"Today we are gonna play...DODGEBALL!!" Our overenthusiastic teacher cheered.

We were split into two teams. Grey vs. Red. We have custom made gym shirts and each person is assigned a colour. Red or grey. He changes it up once in awhile.

Georgie and I were both grey. We huddled in one corner just so we don't get hit.

"Johnson! Kauffman! Get out there!" Our gym teacher, Mr. Condie yelled at us.

Georgie and I slowly walked out into the battlefield. I saw Adam who was on the other team smirked evilly at me with a ball in his hand. He brought his arm back ready to throw.

Next thing I knew I was lying on the floor seeing dots.

"Pers. You ok?" I heard a voice asked.
I nodded my head which made me dizzy.

"She's awake!" Georgie cheered.
I slowly sat up keeping a hand on my head.

"What happened?" I asked, still in a daze.

"Adam threw a ball at you and it hit your head really hard." Georgie explained.

"Let's get you to the nurse. Cour! Help Johnson to the nurse."

I slowly stood up and leaned against the wall. Adam walked over and helped me walk out.

"I'm sorry." Adam muttered as we walked down the abandoned hallway.

"It's fine." I smiled up at him.

We walked awkwardly for a while.

"I know your brother is Eros."

"What? I don't know what you're talking about." I laughed awkwardly.

He cannot know. He isn't allowed to know.


I bite my bottom lip hoping for him to let it go. He didn't say anything else. We stopped walked and now we were standing in the middle of an abandoned hallway.

"Pers, look at me."

"Look, it's the second day of school. Just ignore me like every other year. I just want to be that invisible book girl again. Eros is not my brother so leave me alone!" I said taking his arm off of me.

"Pers. I won't tell anyone!"

"Don't call me Pers!" I cried.

"Persephone, just talk to me. I'm a good listener." He slightly smiled.
I shook my head.

"No, I need to go home." I started walking towards the nurse so I could go home.

But I was twisted around when Adam grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me." I said slowly.

"Come on. I'll walk you to the nurse and drive you home."

I slowly agreed and we walked in awkward silence down the hallway. I may have not admitted it, but Adam knows that my brother is Eros. I'm screwed.

When we got to the nurse we walked in and sat on the chairs.
Ms. Bouvé walked in. She smiled bright.

"Hi!" She cheered.

We said our quiet hellos.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked me.

"No!" I quickly responded.

She laughed.

"Sorry, but I have had many couples come in because their pregnant."

"We aren't a couple. He knocked me out in gym class." I explained.

"Oh, ok. Are you feeling dizzy?"






"Ok, I suggest you lie down for a while." She gave me a small smile.

"Or if you want you can call someone to pick you up."

Adam pulled a note out of his pocket and handed it to Ms. Bouvé.

"Ok, Adam will drive you home."

She got up and walked off.
"I'm not going anywhere with you." I spat.

"Yes, you are. Come on." He grabbed my arm and walked down the hallway.

"I need to change back into my clothes and tell the teacher." I explained.

I changed into my clothes and walked back into the gym. I told the teacher what was happening.

"Pers, are you ok?" Eros asked.

"Oh yeah. Adam is taking me home."

"He knows where I live. He'll find out."

"I know, I'll think of something. He already thinks you're my brother."

I said goodbye to Georgie and got my belongings and met Adam outside.

"Ready to go?" He asked.
I nodded.

"How are we gonna get somewhere? You don't have your car." I blurted out.

"I borrowed Eros's truck."

We jumped in and I buckled up.

"Persephone, just admit it." Adam sighed after a couple minutes.

"Admit what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes! You do!"

Adam pulled over beside the park.

"Eros is your brother. Why won't you admit it?"

"He isn't my brother!!" I yelled back.

"Sure." Adam mumbled.

"I'm walking from here."

I opened the door and slammed it shut. I was walking down the sidewalk when I was swung around.

"Pers, don't leave."

"Just leave me alone." I whispered trying to shake his grip from my arm.

I stared into his brown eyes.

"Why do you care so much about me?" I asked quietly.

"Cause your different."

"No, just leave me alone. Don't talk to me. Unless you have to. When you see me, ignore me."

Adam loosened his grip and I walked off.


I changed it so that they are in grade 12 not 11.
Second chapter!!!
Sorry if it sucks. Well yeah.
Remember to vote, comment and stuff!!! Love ya!!!!

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