Blood Ties- BTS X Hogwarts AU

By Kate111205

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It is the start of a new year at Hogwarts. Jeon Jungkook just wants to skate through his first year without... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Merry Christmas! 🎄
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
New book- 'Aftermath'
Thank you for 5k reads! 💜

Chapter Thirteen

516 34 41
By Kate111205


Jungkook started. What in the world? Who was making such an INFERNAL RACKET so early in the morning? "What-?"


Taehyun hit Terry, hard. "How in the world is Jungkook supposed to answer if you AREN'T GIVING HIM ROOM TO EVEN BREATHE? IT'S 8 IN THE MORNING, PLEASE KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!"

Madam Pomfrey bustled into the room. "What are you boys doing? Just because it's a Sunday doesn't mean that you can burst in here, as if you own the place! Poor Jungkook is trying to get well, you boys are not making it any easier by making such a RACKET! It's quite early. Please, be quiet, or I will ask you to leave." She gave pointed glares to Terry and Taehyun, smiled at Jungkook, then left the room.

Terry shuddered. "Sometimes she SCARES me..."

Taehyun elbowed him again, HARD. "Shh! Do you WANT to get kicked out?" he hissed.

"Sorry, sorry, I can't help it! I'm just excited that Kookie is alive!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Why WOULDN'T I be alive? I'm absolutely fine." To demonstrate his great health, he swung his legs off the bed. His head hurt slightly, but other than that, Jungkook was fine. He didn't see the point in the big deal and fuss others were making. He was ABSOLUTELY FINE.

Taehyun looked at his friend. Jungkook DID seem fine NOW. But that didn't mean that he had been YESTERDAY. In fact, Jungkook had been anything BUT okay. First the nightmare, then his collapse... What was happening to him?

"Yah! Taehyun-ah! Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face-?"

"No, no, you don't have anything on your face..." Taehyun trailed off, looking at Jungkook. They stared at each other for a few moments, Taehyun trying to break into Jungkook's false air of good health, Jungkook stubbornly not allowing Taehyun to break into his facade, until finally Terry broke into the reigning silence.

"Ummm... guys? You're making me feel kind of awkward..."

At that moment, the door to the infirmary banged open, slamming shut behind the two who just came in. "JUNGKOOKIE! ARE YOU OKAY?" It was Hoseok, followed closely by Taehyung.


"Shhhh!" Taehyun hissed at Hobi. "Madam Pomfrey will kick us out if we-" he paused as the door creaked open again. (A/N: BTW, for clarification, the nickname Tae will only refer to Kim Taehyung in this story. I don't know why I didn't tell you guys this sooner-)

It wasn't Madam Pomfrey. It was Namjoon, followed closely by Jin. They stopped when they saw the huge party assembled around Jungkook's bed.

"Well," Jin started. "I guess we didn't have to worry about him being lonely!" He laughed, and Jungkook thought that his laughter rather sounded like a windshield wiper. Hmm.

"How are you feeling, Jungkook?" Namjoon asked. "Last night I was trying to come up with a list of possible things that could have happened to you, but if-"

"I'm FINE! Seriously! I AM!" Jungkook looked pointedly at Taehyun, who looked back skeptically.

And then the door creaked open AGAIN. "We should have been quieter!" hissed Taehyun. "Now Madam Pomfrey-"

But it wasn't Madam Pomfrey. It was- wait a minute. Some of them had to rub their eyes. Were they seeing clearly-?

Because, in walked Park Jimin, followed by a very annoyed looking Min Yoongi. Yoongi was mad. He shouldn't have come. But when he had met Jimin coming up to the infirmary, Jimin had almost all but dragged him to Jungkook's sickbed. Oh yes. They were close enough for that. They were close enough that Yoongi didn't give Jimin that heartstopping glare. Oh, they were practically best friends(if they HAD "friends"). But still. Yoongi should have desisted. What had he been doing near the infirmary anyway? It was not like he was going to check on Jungkook. It was not like he CARED about Jungkook. It was not like- well anyway, now he was stuck here. And OH MY GOD. Jung Hoseok was there. That meant that-

"YOONGI! You came to visit Jungkook! See, I TOLD you Yoongi was a good person!" Hobi smiled at the very annoyed older boy.

Yoongi was about to retort with something scathing, but at that moment Hobi launched himself onto Yoongi, tackling him with a hug. Jungkook winced. Hoseok was literally going to die-

"Jung Hoseok! What in the world are you doing?" Yoongi hissed. He was annoyed, not by the hug, (he actually LIKED the hug, not that he would ever tell anyone that), but annoyed by the fact that his face seemed to want to smile. The corners of his mouth kept twitching, and it took all his willpower to snap at Hobi.

"JUNG HOSEOK! GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW!" Yoongi snapped. Hobi had no reaction except to grip Yoongi tighter, dragging him over to Jungkook's bed. The rest of them grimaced, but said nothing. They didn't want to get snapped at by the boy with the legendary temper.

"Anyway..." Jimin cut into the awkward silence. "Jungkook, what happened to you?"

Jungkook sighed. "I already TOLD you, nothing happened!" But of course, something had. At the exact moment that Jungkook said that, his head was pierced by a headache.


"Don't snap at me, I don't know!"

"I'm sorry honey, for a second I thought it was that brat, but of course, it couldn't be."

"Whoever it was, they now know what our plans are. We must accelerate it. Haeloun, tell your grandson."

"I will communicate with him about our accelerated timetable. Christmas is just around the corner, and we must take action."

"Yes... Christmas... a perfect time of distraction. We can start phase one of our plan-"

"Wait, hold that thought. Do you feel that-?"


And Jungkook gasped, sitting up straight in his bed. What had happened? Already, images were flying through his mind, and disappearing. Dark images, strangely familiar voices-

It took a while for Jungkook to realize that his friends were crowded around him.

"Is he in a trance?"

"Quick! Check if he's breathing!"

"How am I supposed to-?"

"Maybe he's actually dead on the inside and this is now a mindless zombie."


"He's breathing! CALM DOWN!"

And Jungkook blinked, once, twice, until he saw his friends. What in the world-?





"WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP?!" There was instant silence.

"Sorry Yoongi-"


Jungkook cleared his throat. They all started. And then, they started talking all at once again.




"Am I the only sane person here? I feel like I should get back to studying if this is what's-"

"Seriously guys! We're here to make Jungkook feel better, not-"


And at that exact moment, Madam Pomfrey pushed open the door. "What is going on here?" she demanded. "I leave for a few moments, and not only have you multiplied from two shouting kids to EIGHT shouting children, you are being TOO LOUD. How is poor Jungkook supposed to heal if he's surrounded by screaming children? You know what? Out! All of you, out!"

"But Madam Pomfrey-"

"I said OUT, Terry Boot. OUT! Yes Hoseok, you too! KIM SEOKJIN, just because you help me here sometimes does not mean that you get to- Bae Taehyun, if you don't leave now I'm going to have a talk with that sister of yours- OUT!"

The boys stopped talking one by one, and dejectedly filed out (well, mostly Terry and Hobi were dejected, the rest were kind of annoyed at being told off, Yoongi especially. This was why he did not like getting into other people's business. It was fine if he got in trouble for stuff that he had done himself, but getting in trouble for something others did? Unacceptable.)

Madam Pomfrey sighed. "You get some rest, dear. If anything or anyONE is bothering you, please tell me." She smiled at Jungkook and left the room.

The door closed behind her, and Jungkook was left with his own thoughts. He struggled to remember what he had dreamed. Darkness. Familiar voices. A plan-?

And just when he was about to remember, just as he was about to delve into his dreams and memories, the door creaked open once again. Jungkook looked up, and his heart almost stopped. His brother had entered the room.

Jeon Minguk stood in the doorway, leering at his younger brother. "Kookie~~ Itsy Bitsy Kookie~~ How are you feeling today? I hope you're not TOO hurt!" He grinned at Jungkook, who gasped slightly.

The last time the two brothers had talked face to face was on that first day at Hogwarts. Ever since, Jungkook had been very good at avoiding Minguk everywhere, not having to even make EYE CONTACT. And yet here they were, in the same room.

"Ahhhh. Kookie, Kookie, Kookie... It must make you feel so good to be among such traitors and other sorts of common folk. It must make you feel better. However bad and stupid you may be, you'll always be better than THEM."

Jungkook glowered at his older brother. "They are not traitors, and they are NOT stupid!"

Minguk just chuckled. "Keep your voice down, dear Kookie. You don't want your own brother to get kicked out, do you?" He walked over to Jungkook's bed, and motioned for him to move over. Jungkook stubbornly stayed put.

"Wow, Kookie. You really are being SO naughty! What will happen when Mother and Father hear about this?"

Jungkook just folded his arms and glared. Minguk wouldn't dare to hurt him here, with Madam Pomfrey just next door.

Minguk sighed, realizing the same thing. He got up to leave, then suddenly bent down and whispered: "Be good, Kookie. You might be happy now, but remember, all good things must come to an end~~" he grinned that bunnylike smile that resembled Jungkook's so much, and yet at the same time was so different, so cold. "Will you be on the right side when that fateful day comes?"

And with that, Minguk was gone. Jungkook growled in frustration. His brother was so FREAKING ANNOYING!


Jungkook got out of the infirmary the next day. All throughout the school, people were talking about him.

As he entered the Great Hall for lunch(Madam Pomfrey wanted him to stay for a few more hours after he had woken up), he got the strangest looks.

The Hufflepuffs seemed kind of scared of him, quieting down as he passed. Then Hobi cleared his throat, and Tae had elbowed the nearest Hufflepuff (Justin Finch-Fetchley), and they all stopped staring at Jungkook, talking kind of forcefully, and laughing, purposefully averting their eyes. Jungkook sighed and kept walking.

As he passed the Gryffindors, they also purposefully started talking louder and ignoring his entrance, probably trying not to make him feel uncomfortable, but it wasn't really working. Jungkook could feel his face turning red. Jin made an apologetic face at him, and Namjoon inclined his head slightly. They were trying to be nice, Jungkook supposed, but really, it wasn't helping at all.

And then he passed the Slytherin table. Suddenly, Minguk stood up. He started to speak loudly, supposedly to his table, but of course, every one heard his words. "There are just some people in this world," and here he paused and gestured at Jungkook, who had stopped moving. "That cannot do anything. Bring them to a simple Quidditch game, what do these people do? They faint. I would be SO embarrassed if I fainted in front of an entire school. But of course, I didn't! People like that should be put inside and treated like a baby! I mean- how can a person just faint like that, like: Oh, I'm so helpless! Let me just fall over and RUIN A QUIDDITCH MATCH! Who agrees with me?"

The Slytherins laughed loudly. Jungkook breathed in. He let out his breath. Just let him have his way. Breathe. Breathe. But strangely, after having been beaten down by Minguk for his entire life, he was finally done with the teasing and ridicule. He whirled to face Minguk.

"MIN-" that was as far as he got, before several things happened at once. Taehyun, Terry, and Irene had jumped up with shouts, fists clenched. Many of the Ravenclaws also jumped up, glaring at the Slytherins. At the same time, Taehyung, Hobi and the Hufflepuffs had done the same. The Gryffindors also glared at Minguk, and if looks could kill- well, suffice it to say, Minguk would be six feet under by now. Jimin had not done anything, but Jungkook caught him and Yoongi exchanging glances, and Yoongi pointed his wand at Minguk's plate of food. What had he-?

The next second, Minguk's plate exploded, splattering food all over Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Minguk, and Pansy Parkinson, while strangely missing Yoongi and Jimin, who were also sitting close to Minguk. Jungkook smiled. Having friends was amazing.

Then Snape (the only teacher in the room) stood up. "QUIET!" he shouted, and instantly the entire hall fell silent. Everyone sat down and resumed their eating. Jungkook had never felt so elated. Minguk looked slightly put out, which made Jungkook even more elated. He had actual people that cared about him! Now THAT was a miracle! 

A/N: This chapter was just some cute friendship stuff. 

BTW, I just watched the BT21 episode of Chief, and man oh man! I actually cried for that little guy! How can they make a villain have such a heartbreaking backstory? If they're going to make a villain, at least let us hate him PROPERLY, WITHOUT TEARS STREAMING DOWN OUR FACES!

Sorry for that. But I needed to share! Love you all! Borahae :)

(One more thing: If you have any comments about how I can improve my writing, I would welcome them :) I like constructive criticism!)

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