The beginning (Mortal AU Vald...

By Susy_Valdez21

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I looked at the window and waved at Leo, who was holding hands with Aunt Esperanza, he waved back. As we went... More

Author's Note
Making a new friend
Meeting each other
Meeting Festus
School together
Author's Note 2
The accident part 1
The accident part 2
Getting use to this
I miss you Neeks
I miss you Lee-lee
Piper knows
Together again
Finally happy
My life without him
First date
Tell me
Little did we know
I want to help
Tagged yay!
I'm sorry Lee-Lee
Not an update but still kinda important
Please don't leave me
Just the beginning

New life

406 13 7
By Susy_Valdez21

Nico's POV

Two weeks passed, and it was all the same. Not eating, and crying myself to sleep. Until one day, doctor James entered with a woman and a girl, the girl looked about my age, 10, with dark brown, medium curly hair, chocolate skin and hazel eyes, I don't know why but when I saw her in the eye, I felt very protective towards her, like she was my little sister. Iimmediately felt guilty to think that. The woman looked very similar, same hair, only shorter, same skin, same eyes. I realized they were mother and daughter, but why were they here? I don't know them.

It looked that my expression was confused because the doctor chuckled softly, "Ok Nico, this are Marie Levesque and Hazel Levesque, Hazel is you', half-sister" 

Hazel smiled sweetly at me, but I was shocked, a half-sister, Hazel has her mom, so it means we have the same dad?! Wasn't he dead months after I was born?! 

"H-half-sister?" I asked, my voice was hoarse from crying, "How?" 

"Well Nico, I met your dad and he said he needed to leave his family because someone was chasing him to kill him, I helped him hide and well... here's Hazel" Marie explained.

I just stared at her, still confused. Someone wanted to kill dad? Um, ok. Makes sense to me. "So why are you here now?" I asked, Hazel and Marie looked at each other then at me, Hazel was about to talk when the doctor interfered, "Nico you already know Hazel is your half-sister right?" I nodded, "Well, since you don't have anyone to take care of you, they decided to adopt you"

Everything went silent, except for Hazels small giggles, which I got to admit, are really cute. Wait, they want to adopt me? 

"What?!" I exclaimed "My mom and sister died! And you want me to replace them with you?! No! I will never replace them!! You can't make me!"

 I grew more angry by the second, I was about to scream more at them when Hazel gasped, "No Nico! Is not like that at all! You're not going to replace them! See it as a second family, I always wanted a brother and when I found out I already had one, I was so happy and I want to know you. I don't know what it's like to lose someone but I'm here for you, to help you go through it. You don't have to be alone Nico."

I processed her words and saw that her expression was saying she meant it, she meant everything she said, and she had so much hope in her eyes I couldn't deny. 

"Fine, but I don't want to go to school yet." I said. "Of course dear, I'm a teacher, I can homeschool you if you want, until you get 15 because I don't know what they teach from that." Marie said, I nodded, I didn't want to make friends or socialize in anyway.

"I'll go pack your things" the doctor said, and left the room. Leaving me with my 'new family'. "So, Nico," Hazel said, "Do you wanna play a game?" She smiled kindly at me, I was still sad about my mom and sister's death but after weeks of crying, you get used to the pain, and if I'm gonna live with those two, I guess I'll need to get along with them. I nodded and gave her a small smile, her smile brightened and she said "Yay! Let's play 20 questions! I want to know you!" 20 question huh? I can work with that. I nodded again, "Ok, sounds fun" I said.

We played for two hours, and I got to say, it really was fun. Hazel is really a nice person, she likes animals, especially horses, likes to draw, and spend time with friends, even though she doesn't have a lot, she used to have a best friend named Sammy, but he had to move to another state. I told her about Leo and all we did together and she told me what she did with Sammy.

When Marie came back, she had my suitcase, I guess it survived the plane. "Well kids, is time to go." I looked at the clothing I'm wearing, it's a hospital cloth. "Umm, Mrs Levesque? Before we go, can I go change?" I asked, "Of course darling, and please just Marie, there's no need to be formal" Marie answered.

After I changed, we all went to Marie's car. The trip was silent, Hazel was watching outside, Marie focused on driving, and I... Well I was remembering memories of mamma and Bi. I don't have to grieve forever but focus on my times with them, that's what mamma said in the funeral of grandma when I was six:

We were leaving the funeral and I was sad, but not that much because I didn't know my grandma so well but I could tell mamma was very sad. Her mom died,mis that how I'll be if mamma died too? 

I would be crying nonstop, "Mamma?" I asked, "Yes mio caro?" Mamma replied. 

"Why aren't you crying? Didn't your mamma die?" 

"Yes Nico, but there is no need to cry for someone. Sure, you can cry. It means you cared for them, but it's better to focus on the times you spent together with that person and continue your life remembering them. That's what they would want, they would want you to be happy. So listen Nico, there will come a time when me and Bianca will be gone and you'll be alone, sure cry all you want, but continue with your life, let go. Be happy, because that's what we would want you to do. Do you understand?" I nodded and smiled, then we made our way home.

Honestly, I didn't understand it back then, but now I do. They wouldn't want me to be sad forever, they would want me to let go and be happy. So that's what I'll try to do, not now of course, it's too early for that. I could begin by remembering the good times, just as she said.

We arrived at their house, and it was really nice, it looked like those houses of the movie 101 Dalmatians, man I love that movie, I used to watch it Leo and it always made me laugh that when the dogs bark, Festus barked too.

They showed me my room, the walls were light gray, the floor was brown, there was a dark brown colored closet and a queen sized bed. In the middle was a table with a chocolate cake saying 'Welcome home Nico!'. 

I smiled, a genuine, real smile. I might actually like my new life and be happy again.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! And just letting you know, that the next chapter may or may not be a few tiny years after. Told you to get used to that. Well see you soon! Bye!

-Susy_Valdez21 (1182 words)

mio caro= my dear

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