Free Spirit // Narry AU

By Dianarry_

11.5K 552 404

"Sometimes you just have to dream about being free until you're actually free!" "Harry, get down from the ta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn
Teenage Dirtbags!

Chapter 10

340 16 12
By Dianarry_

Don't be confused. I'm typing in third person in the beginning hopefully you understand as you read on.

Chapter ten

"Mommy? I'm hungry." The younger boy said clutching his stomach. His clothes irritated his fair skin and his face was dirty from the mud he played in yesterday.

His mother sat at the table, drunk and practically passed out. She was so wasted that her own child looked like a vision. A watery vision that almost didn't seem real.

"Mommy!" He yells at her. The cries infuriated her. They made her angry to the point where she stood to her feet holding the table for support. She walks past the boy stumbling and holding her hands out trying to stabilize herself. She bumps into the boy hard forcing him to fall on his bottom and break out into cries.

"Stay out of my way!" She screams at the boy. He just sits in pain as his blue eyes filled with tears. He didn't waste time watching his mum stumble to the steps and away from him.

He leans on his front arms and pushed himself up before fully standing on his feet. He stopped sobbing to waddle to his brothers room. His tiny body was too short to reach and touch the door handle. He just knocked instead.

"Gweg! I'm hungry. Pwease open the door." He pleads with his brother. As usual his brother ignored him and every whine the boy gave him.

Sooner or later he gave up and waddle back to the kitchen on his own. He walks to the big closet door and uses the step stool to reach the door knob. He opens it to see the almost empty pantry. He reaches up and pulls down a bag of bread.

He wasted no time in sitting at the bottom of the pantry floor and tearing through the plastic wrapping and eating the bread slice by slice.

His was soon content with his dinner and fell asleep in the pantry with bread basically hanging out his mouth.




Sooner or later I woke up. My body jolted forward as I choked on my own spit. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath. My eyes burned as I fought off tears and choked on sobs.

"Fuck." I groan out fisting the comforter set in the bed that the styles assigned to me next to Harry in his house. I look around checking my surroundings before I realized I was alone.

Like always.

I held my hands up to my face and let out hushed sobs as the tears fell from my eyes. This is what I meant when I said I was fucked up. I was still dealing with issues from my childhood that hardened me for the worst. Now I kill people and for what? I have built up animosity towards my family that I never had.

After I finished with my mental breakdown I checked the time and seen it was an hour before it was time for me to wake up. I got up anyway and pulled on the robe Harry gave me before I headed out my room. It was quiet and still as expected.

I headed to the kitchen to make me a small snack to sit in bed and eat. I rummaged through the food until I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly turned around to see Harry rubbing his eyes with bed head and grey sweat pants.

"Can't sleep?" He asks and I look down at the granola bar in my hand. I hold it up putting on a slight smile.

"Nah. Just hungry." I say and I immediately regretted it. My weak voice gave it away that I had been crying.

"Uh. Wanna watch a movie?" Harry says thankfully ignoring my tone as I looked to him. I clear my throat.

"I think that's be inappropriate." I tell him and he looked at me as if he didn't want to leave me alone.

"Well what if someone sneaks in and shoots me like Abraham Lincoln I bet you'll regret not watching a movie with me then." He says and I sigh looking away trying not to smile at the atrocity that is Harry.

"Fine. I will protect you from the assassins." I say and he turns away and follow him.

Walked down a series of hallways before we turned into a room. In that room was surprisingly a small in home theater.

"I was thinking we watch Scarface." He says and I pick a seat in the front to sit and watch. He puts on the movie and then joins me in the front.

"I was hoping we could talk a bit strategy for a sec." he says turning to me and I look at him leaned back in the chair pinching his lips with his fingers with a serious expression on his face.

Why am I disappointed he didn't want to just watch a movie with me?

"What strategy?" I ask and he sits back tapping each of his fingers against each other and he looks out a nothing deep in thought.

"Zayn is coming here today and he doesn't suspect a thing. He believes he's coming to talk business with our advisors in hopes of ending this supposed feud but I can't find a single aim at him." He says and I look to him wondering what he meant.

I didn't think when he said he wanted Zayn here that he's bringing him here willingly. I thought he was going to send someone and kidnap him. Or atleast someone told me that. I could've sworn some sai-

"I was thinking just bringing him an armed room surrounded by my force and just taking direct force, telling him I know he set me up and that he's going to pay for it but this also could be a useful situation as well." He says and I sit there and listen to him organize his thoughts.

"I want to know they're next move on my family. How can I warn my parents and give them the offensive advantage. I can't beat it out of him. He's already sworn his loyalty to Mansa and he's prepared to die. I need something. Anything." Harry says and i sat back thinking as well.

That's when it came to me.

"I'm gonna have to cut this short. I've got an idea an idea. You need to continue today as normal, be your loud, annoying arrogant self-"

"Hey!" He says interrupting me before I roll my eyes.

"Just don't make any sudden changes. People must see you all day. Make sure someone can account for you being at this house even when Zayn arrives. I'll be speaking with personnel on more details but stay public. I've got a plan." I tell him standing to my feet and grabbing the granola I never finished.

"What is it? Is it going to work?" He asks as I pause from walking out the door.

"The Mansa family knows me. But they don't know about the Malik family." And after that I spilled the entire plan.




"Okay a little to the right!" Harry yells at Amanda who stood on top of a ladder hanging a banner that said 'Welcome home Harry!'.

I stood on the balcony above with a security guard observing the actions that took place. Many people were running around setting food, drinks and decorations in place. They even had a lifeguard and dj outside by the pool. It was maybe an hour away before guests were to start appearing and Harry was worried about unnecessary things. Like as planned.

"No! I said the right, Amanda! Listen to me!" He yells as Amanda looked at him with her bland face taking every bit of his bullshit.

"Sir this is the right." She tells him and he groans out.

"Well the other right! Just make the shit level!" He says and crosses his arms acting like a complete child.

That's when Security guards Mike and Edward came through the door with phase one of my plan. They walk up to Harry who paused his work with his assistant to greet them. That's when I could see her fully.

Safaa Malik. The eldest sister of Zayn and his most prized possession considering he kept her a secret. Well not to well. He was smart but not smart enough. As a spy I am required to evaluate every single outlet of target and as an assassin I'm supposed to be precise and accurate.

She was there as the guest of honor. Well that's what Harry's bullshit invitation said.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm so honored to be in your presence. Your brother and I are great friends." Harry says to her and I lean over to the guard next to me.

"Commence phase two." I say and head down the spiral staircase with the guard following me. As we get closer the conversation was more clear.

"Mi casa is your casa, eh? Haha just kidding. I don't know Italian,- hey!" Harry says trying to joke with Safaa as she looks very uninterested. I approach them dismissing the two guards form before and Harry looks at me thankful I'm here.

"This is my friend, Niall. He's going to show you around the house while the guests arrive and I'll be sure to have him bring you whatever you desire. Speaking of- Amanda! Get off that ladder and get me a drink." Harry says before fake smiling again.

I greet safaa for myself

"Hello, I'm Niall Horan." I say and take her hand in mine as she smiles .

"Ooh Irish is it?" She asks and I smirk.

"Guilty." And she giggles covering her mouth.

"Let me show you around the house, shall we?" I say and hold my arm out for her to grab. When she does she clings to me right as I begin to walk her towards phase two of my plan.




"And that concludes the tour. What do you think?" I ask her as the security following us trails behind us.

"This is the most beautiful home I've ever seen." She says smiling looking around at the painting Harry had mounted on the wall.

"I know. Harry had exquisite taste." I say and she sighs.

"He has so many rooms as well. How does some one so rich even do with so many rooms?" She asks and I shrug looking to the guard going to the door behind her.

"This is one is quite interesting. It's Harry's favorite." I tell her and she turns to look at the door. I gesture for her to go first and she turns to me and smiles before going in.

"Ugh where's the light?" She asks before she turns to me and realizes I was still in the hall.

"Not in there." I say and quickly grab the knob and slam the door shut. I knew that she was probably banging on the door due to her discovering there was no door knob on the inside.

But I couldn't hear her banging because the room was sound proof. I simply took the key and locked the door and nodding to the guard who were stand guard at the door until phase four happened.

"Have a nice time tonight, Safaa." I say and shove the key in my pocket.


Okay this chapter makes Niall seem mean but I promise it's just the assassin in him.

What do you think is going to happen next?

Love and kisses ;)

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