The beginning (Mortal AU Vald...

By Susy_Valdez21

10.4K 331 541

I looked at the window and waved at Leo, who was holding hands with Aunt Esperanza, he waved back. As we went... More

Author's Note
Making a new friend
Meeting each other
School together
Author's Note 2
The accident part 1
The accident part 2
New life
Getting use to this
I miss you Neeks
I miss you Lee-lee
Piper knows
Together again
Finally happy
My life without him
First date
Tell me
Little did we know
I want to help
Tagged yay!
I'm sorry Lee-Lee
Not an update but still kinda important
Please don't leave me
Just the beginning

Meeting Festus

479 14 28
By Susy_Valdez21

Leo's POV

Yes! I finally have a friend! Even better! A best friend! I'm so happy yay! Oh look! A lady with a puppy! That makes me think about Festus, my dog. He's a big Golden Retriever. Did I already say he's big? Seriously he's big, if he could stand he would be taller than me, but I am seven years old, scrawny and short so bad example. You get the idea. Also he's fur is colored bronze and is so soft like a pillow! Huh, that reminds me I didn't clean my room, are we there yet? I'm huungryyy!! 

"Mamá?" I said, "Are we there yet?"

 "Come one mijo, I see the park right over there! Don't tell me you're already tired" then she pointed behind her, I turned around and indeed, the park was almost right across the street. But I could swear we were walking for hours! Is probably my ADHD, I must have a lot of it. "Huh, anyways, no is not that I'm tired! I'm hungryyyyy!" I exclaimed and just in key, my stomach growled.

Nico and Bianca were laughing at my misery but I still laughed with them. I never had any friends, when I was at my old school in Houston I was just known as the class clown, to make classes better, no one actually talked to me and when we moved here I thought it would get better at my new school, but it was exactly the same. I usually go to the park to think about what to do to have some friends, I would think for an hour or so then the next day I would try my idea and see no new result. But today it was different, because Nico came along and he wanted to talk to me. I'll be forever grateful for my new friendship with him.

We arrived at our house and there like always was Festus sitting in front of the entrance waiting for his owners to come back home. "Festus! Hey there! You're such a good boy! Who's a good dog? Who's a good dog? You're a good dog!" I exclaimed, "Come here Neeks! You too Bianca! I want you to meet him! He's friendly don't worry!" 

Nico slowly made his way to Festus while Bianca already ran and started petting him. "Aww you're the cutest thing I have ever seen! Except for Nico of course" Bianca said winking at me, I'm not sure what that wink means but I just ignore it.

"Come Neeks...Is fine, you're safe, he won't hurt you" I said softly, noticing that Nico was scared. When he finally got close enough, Festus reached up to smell his hand, that's when Nico relaxed, "See? That wasn't so ba- Wait Festus stop!" I shouted watching Festus tackle Nico into the ground. 

Maria screamed, Bianca too but then they started to laugh in relief, I started laughing too, Festus was licking all Nico's face, and his face was hilarious but soon he started laughing with us too. We were all laughing until we calmed down. "Like I said, it wasn't so bad right?" I said smirking at Nico, in return he playfully glared at me "I'm gonna kill you Valdez, you scared the fudge out of me!" He whined. 

I laughed, "Don't be like that Neeks! It was fun, admit it!" Then I rest my arm around his shoulder but he brushed it off with a smile on his face "Whatever, fine" Nico admitted, "It was fun." We smile at each other.

"Well kids, now that we cleared that up, is time for dinner! Isn't it Esperanza?" Maria said with a knowing smile. "Yes Maria! Is time for dinner!" Mamá said with the same smile. 

'What are they thinking about?' I thought, then I looked at Nico and saw that he was confused too. I shrugged, who knows with moms. "What are we having for dinner Mrs- I mean Esperanza?" Nico asked, "Well Nico, I hope you like tacos because that's what we're gonna eat!" Mamá answered.

Yay! We're having tacos! This is one of the best days of my life! Nico and I looked at each other with the same smirk "Tacos!!!" We shouted and ran into the house. 

Yup, definitely the beginning of a great friendship.

Hey guys! Two chapters in a day yay! I hope you like it, the drama hasn't even started yet. Just wait a few more chapters, I promise it will get good.

-Susy_Valdez21 (763 words)


Mamá= Mom
Mijo= My son (in a more lovely way)

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