You Complete Me

By titi_hendrix

49.8K 3K 979

Sequel to My Life's Meaning๐Ÿšจ More



5K 314 64
By titi_hendrix

Lauren Monique

"What happened to trust me? Those couple therapy sessions were for nothing. I thought we fixed our issues and moved on"

"I do trust you and we did, I don't trust the people who come into your life. This is about your safety, not jealousy or my insecurities" drilling the camera into the wall he angled it to the front door.

"It's not necessary, I'm more than capable of defending myself and I don't need you doubting that" I mutter watching him drill another camera in across the studio

"Babe it's not like that, I know what your capable of but I seek comfort in knowing you are safe here when I'm not around. I want to see for myself without having to come from across town. Who's to say something could happen to you and Amir is here. With the cameras, I can see what happened"

"You have Sam and a few other guards roaming around in front of the studio every time I'm here, they'll tell you if something sketchy happens. Don't you think I'm being watched enough?"

"No" shaking his head he used his phone to move the side of the camera to side, seeming satisfied with it he got off the latter putting it away.

"Are you going with Papa today?" I ask Squirt wiping crumbs from his mouth, nodding he looked away playing with his fingers. "you can stay if you want to, don't be sad"

"Haircut" he mutters rubbing his head

"Elijah you didn't tell me he's getting a haircut"

"It wasn't planned, it's news to me as well" coming up behind me Elijah wrapped his arms around my torso pressing a kiss to my shoulder. "I'll bring him back when he starts getting anxious, I love you"

"If you love me for real you'll take the cameras down" shrugging him off I continued sending emails out to the clients I had over the past three days.

The bells went off as the door opened Darius and another male came in. Elijah stiffened beside me as a cold expression rolled onto his face.

"I guess I love you for fake, it's staying up" he mumbles taking Squirt into his arms, grabbing his things.

"Have some faith in me" groaning I stood up kissing my babies goodbye. "be good for Papa and try not to spill your juice in his truck again"

"Okay, Mama" waving he laid his head on Elijah's shoulder as he left the building.

I miss my baby already

"Hey, I wasn't expecting you back" nodding towards Darius I glanced at the door seeing one of the guards come in, taking a seat in the lobby picking up a magazine.

Seriously Elijah? Isn't it enough that you installed cameras you need your men in my studio too?

"I tried paying online but it wouldn't go through, I just wanted to make sure you got the money" pulling out a stack he sat it on the counter

"The pictures are only one twenty-five" raising an eyebrow I flipped through the bills unimpressed. "this is thirteen thousand dollars, Darius"

His friend laughed nudging him before watching away to look at the picture I had hanging around the studio, Zack the guard looked up staring holes into the back of his head while he did so.

"It's chump change, keep it" shrugging he leaned against the desk, tapping his fingertips against it. "are they pictures done? I'd like to see them"

Taking the money I tossed it into my bottom drawer nodding, turning the computer screen towards him.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind that I hung up one of the pictures in the lobby and uploaded it to my website"

"It's cool" tapping through the pictures he stopped at the last one we took. "this shit bomb as hell"

"Darius" his friend calls nodding towards the door, walking out

"Alright, thanks to Lauren" sending me a sly smile he walked away following his friend

Almost instantly I got a call from Elijah, answering it I greeted him.

"What did he want?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth

"To pay for his pictures, he overpaid by a lot. This man gave me thirteen thousand"

"Check and make sure the money isn't wired"

"You are the definition of paranoid, Zack can you check the bills for me?" taking out the stack I tossed it to him, sending out the rest of the emails I sat back exhausted.

I've been here all day, I had a few walk-ins and a scheduled baby photoshoot. It was a process to get the baby to stop crying and shitting all over my blanket props. The mom had the baby in paper-thin diapers, it wasn't holding anything in. I charged an extra thirty dollars because of that too, that blanket was pretty as fuck.

"Call it what you want, I just want to make sure. What time are you leaving there? Amir agreed to go back to Dave's house if I stayed"

"Are you sure he isn't just agreeing because you asked? I'm leaving when I finish cleaning my props and wiping down the camera lens.

"Yes I'm sure, he told me he wants to play with Zion and the girls"

"Alright, kiss my babies for me"

"Tell me you love me"

"Ew no, that's disgusting" hanging up I smiled to myself hearing the phone ringing again.

"It's clean" Zack announces sitting the money in front of me.

"Ok, can you help me reach the lever on the backside of the backdrops? I don't know where Squirt hid the stepping stool"


We spent the next few minutes changing backdrops and putting up my equipment. I didn't ask him to help sanitize the props but I do appreciate it.

Within the twenty minutes everything was tucked away and turned off, and we were now standing in the parking lot.

"Thanks, Zack, tell your mom I love the sweater she made me. I can't wait for winter to wear it"

"She'll be glad to hear that" chuckling he nods going to his car


After depositing the money into the kid's savings account I went home and took a well-needed shower and nap.

I made a few more candles for Squirt and did the laundry making sure to separate Milan's underwear from Delilah's. They fought a few days ago thinking they were wearing each other's stuff. They weren't, Milan has rainbows and a fairy on her underwear were as Delilah has princesses and Marvel characters.

Completely opposites, sometimes I think they argue just to get Elijah and Squirt railed up. They get along but from time to time they bump heads, I'm guessing it's just a sister thing. It's nothing like Unique and I's relationship so I'm not too worried.

"Why are you still here?" Monty questions looking at the time. " you're missing your therapy session"

"I know" waving him off I munched on a piece of ice. "I'm not going today, I might go next week depending on how I feel"

"You're relapsing aren't you?" he sighs gesturing to my wrist. "I told the twins by the way so don't be surprised when Remo texts you"

The last time I started skipping sessions my anxiety got the best of me, it was around the anniversary of Izzy's death last year. Too much was going on and I lost feeling in my hand for a few days due to pinching it so much.

"Y'all are not my daddies, and I haven't. Leave me alone" groaning I glanced at the message Remo sent me, asking why I missed a session. "he gets on my nerves, first he takes my good sis out of the country and now he's tryna play daddy. Ugh"

"We just want to make sure you're ok and aren't stressing yourself out again"

"Yeah yeah, everybody wants to play superhero nowadays" I mutter answering Geovani's phone call. "yes ma'am?"

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing I just don't want to see Sage today"

"Do you need to see another therapist?"

"No Geovani, sometimes I just don't feel like talking about my problems. I'm good"

"Okay, if you need anything let me and Remo know"

"I need my besties back, bring my girls home. I miss them"

"Lauren. . . Sienna doesn't miss you"

"Geovani" I mutter doing a dramatic pause. "I'm freezing your bank accounts"

"You went too far, I'm just kidding. Sienna and Tiana were just talking about you, they want you to come to Italy"

"I'll pass on that, I have a business to tend to over here and besides Elijah doesn't want me there"

That and I'm still wanted in Italy, I thought about doing what Vivian suggested by letting my twin take the fall but how would I tell Delilah I let her birth mom rot overseas for six to ten years and possibly be killed while incarcerated. I'd rather Unique stay in the states that way I can keep an eye on her, if she dies here it won't be my fault.

"Just think about it, you'd only be here for a few days"

"I'm not going to change my mind, tell my bitches hey for me. Elijah's calling"

"My girlfriend is not a bitch"

Switching calls I greeted them only to be talked over.

"Open the gates and come outside"  Elijah hums before the line went silent

"Don't tell me he did something stupid" groaning I pressed the button to open the gates then went outside into the driveway. "man what the hell Eli?!"

He pulls up with two huge four-wheelers and a dirt bike on a trailer attached to the truck.

This is probably why Squirt went with him, they both love doing dumb shit like spending money on unnecessary shit every week.

"Want to test it out?" he questions getting out with Squirt on his back.

"No, take it back. We don't need that"

"You're right but Amir and I wanted it. Look we customized them ourselves" smiling excitedly he pointed out different things on the dirt bike.

A fucking kid

"Mama I got red cars on mines and Nemo, wanna see?" Squirt wiggled out of Elijah's arms running up to me, dragging me to the trailer. "see? Dory on here too!"

"I see Squirt it's nice" smacking Elijah upside the head I went back inside. What's the point in discussing shit with him if he's just going to do it anyway?

We talked about saving our money and spending it wisely, it seems like I'm the only one doing what we talked about.

Maybe I do need to see Sage today

Rolling my eyes at the thought I went into Elijah's office getting my weed I hid in my love sac. It's the only place I could think of that wasn't across the house and easy for me to remember where I put it.

"Babe!" Elijah shouts from afar

"She died!" I yell back, rolling up I hummed peacefully. Footsteps were heard before they stop right behind me. "move fucka"

"You're upset aren't you?"

"I'm over it, at the end of the day, it's your money and not mines" shrugging I sparking my blunt before outing it forgetting Squirt would most likely be creeping up behind me.

Brushing past Elijah I made my way out into the backyard, sitting by the pool I lit the blunt once again. Taking a few pills from it I exhaled slowly.

Moments later both Squirt and Elijah followed me quickly, which made no sense I came out here so my baby wouldn't smell the smoke.

"Squirt don't come over here" I warned making him stop a few chairs away, nodding he at down looking at the pool

"Remember when we were house shopping and you told me you would only live in a place that had a rock wall, arcade, movie room, and all that other stuff? Not once did I say what I wanted—"

"You tryna turn this on me and make me the bad guy?"

"Of course not, I'm just saying this is what I want. A backyard full of different things to keep me and the kids entertained"

That's what the arcade and everything else in the basement are for dumbass!

"Your idea of entertainment is reckless and dangerous. What if one of the kids gets hurt playing on the bumper cars or gets hit but the four-wheelers? Then what? I refuse to bury another child, Elijah"

"Bab—Lauren that's not going to happen" lowering his voice he sat beside me putting a hand on my leg. "you won't ever have to relive a moment like that again, their safety means a lot to me. I wouldn't buy these things I thought the kids would get hurt. It's all customized, the bumper cars are made for them. I made sure that it had extra padding and everything. The kids will have to ride with someone on the four-wheelers so it'll be fine. If that still worries you I can trade them out with smaller ones that they could drive themselves"

"I didn't see any helmets, making fancy rides isn't going to do them any good if their crashing into each other and splitting their heads open"

"It's in the back seat, I bought them today"

The kids are five and under what could they possibly need four-wheelers, bumper cars, and a race track for?

Looking at the desperate expressions on Squirt and Elijah's face I gave in reluctantly.

I don't want to hold the kids back from doing 'fun' stuff with their dad so I'll compromise for once and let them have this.

"I'm trusting you with this stupid shit, don't make me regret it"

"Yay!" Squirt shouts bounce from one foot to the other. "I can ride my wheeler!"

"Yeah no, Papa needs to get you a smaller one"

"Mama" whining Squirt sat down by the pool pouting, kicking his feet in the water.

If he wasn't by the steps I would've panicked, thankful he knows his limits.

"It's okay Amir, we can ride the bumper cars until your sisters come home" snatching my blunt Elijah threw it into the pool before scooping Squirt up and sprinting away.

"I swear on your head, Ima beat yo ass! Ike ain't gone have shit on me when I'm done whooping yo ass" swinging at the air I got up stomping up to our room. "that was my last fucking blunt too"

Squirt and Elijah's laughter were heard throughout the house for the next hour before the girls came.

Milan made her way into my bed demanding cuddles, Delilah came later on asking for a hug, and Squirt inched in ten minutes later saying he was tired.

"Go back to Papa, I'm not your friend right now" rolling my eyes playfully I turned away from him, the little shit laughed when Elijah threw away my weed

"Ooh Hassan, Mama not your friend no more" Delilah gasps leaning over my legs to look at him

"Uh uh, her is him, friend. Mama loves my brudda!" Milan huffs smacking Delilah's mouth. "don't say that"

"Don't hit me, Mimi!" Delilah thumped Milan's forehead crossing her arms

"Both y'all need to keep your hands to yourself, what did I say about hitting each other?"

"She hit me first" Delilah frowns gesturing to her sister

"Her being mean to my brudda" Milan shouts standing up, hovering over Delilah. "I don't like that, say sorry Dee Dee. Now"

"Get out my face!" Delilah shouts kicking Milan's feet she fell onto the bed

"Delilah, Milan knock it off" Elijah gives them a stern look before going into the bathroom closing the door, and just like magic they stopped fighting.

Milan helped Squirt onto the bed telling him I'm still his friend and that she loves him. Giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek she sat besides Delilah apologizing.

Squirt made his way to my lap yawning, laying his head down he tapped his fingertips against my shoulders until he fell asleep.

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