By AngelMinnu

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The early morning sunlight was irritating me to open my eyes and as usual being lazy I was rubbing my eyes to... More

His Outburst
Poor Boy or Teacher?
Food Fight
My New Friends
His Stare
Rian and Jass
Sleepy Classes!
Sudden Gesture
Principal's Office😉
Leave me in Peace!!
Friends then??
My Hero
We are cool
Crush as my Friend😊
Best Friend?
Balloon Pillow😊
Negative Vibe
His past
Crowded thoughts
Dislike without reason
The Shopping
Surprise surprise!!
Biggest Idiot
Mom and Dad<3
The Party
Really a Poet? 😊
Sunday funday
Date Me!
Long Weekend
Wills will!
The secret
Stuttering Flio😉
I said yes btw😊
Get off
Kidney Stones😉
Cuteness unlimited
Boring to best..?
Unexpected friend
Little sister
Revelation(Part 1)
Revelation(Part 2)
The most awaiting day
The proposal

Little planning

10 1 5
By AngelMinnu

When I made my way to home, I couldn't help but remember the encounter I had with Ronnie. I don't get what he wanted or what he expected from me but his behavior today made me realize that he was planning something against me. As I was busy thinking about everything, I didn't realize that I already reached home.

I plopped on couch and switched on the television. I think only watching cartoons could lift up my mood so with that I watched for don't know how long. When I was busy laughing doorbell rang and I don't think mom or dad would ring the bell. I shrugged and opened the door to see Rian standing there with his boyish grin. I hugged him immediately and pulled him in while closing the door behind. We settled on couch and I was more than happy that I had company to talk to and that too Rian.

" So what made my bestie to come here? " I asked slightly raising my eyebrow. I don't want to ask him coz I was genuinely happy with his visit but I just wanted to pull his leg a little. I stared at him and he was looking at me a for a quite long time. I don't understand sometimes why he keeps staring at me without any reason. I cleared my throat and he snapped out.

" Well can't I come to visit my favorite people? And I don't think they are still home. I will wait until they come or I will leave if you want to " he said and scanned the house to look for his favorite people aka my parents. Did I forget to tell you that Rian is very much attached to my family and is almost as a family in all means. Well that is the reason why I will be ignored by mom sometimes as they will be gossiping in kitchen while cooking while me and dad watch TV.

" Don't act like you don't know the time of their arrival. And don't you dare tell me that I am not your favorite person " I fake glared at him and he looked at me with so many emotions on his face that I couldn't read any.

" Jeez fine you are my favorite person and I just wanted to ask if you said Fillano that you alright to be his girlfriend " he said and I nodded. So, he is here to see if I am fine with whole girlfriend thing. I am the luckiest person to have him as my friend. I took his hands in mine and smiled at him who squeezed my hands in return with a smile.

" I am really lucky to have you Rian. Thanks for always being there for me " I said and a tear escaped my eye. He immediately wiped my tear away, cupped my face and kissed my forehead for long time. I took a deep breath and stayed like that until he pulled away from me. When I looked at him in his eyes his eyes too were glistening with tears which he didn't allow to fall.

We both watched TV for some time and I said I will go and shower to which he nodded. I quickly took shower, changed my clothes and called him to come to my room which he did in a second as if he was waiting to do for a long time. He laid flat on his stomach and closed his eyes to take a nap and me being the evil lady slapped his back to which he groaned and threw the pillow which I caught easily. I think he came here to sleep but I am not going to let him do that until I make my little planning.

" Rian don't be a lazy ass and get up " I said and started shaking him but instead he caught my hand and pulled me to him. I landed on him while he put his hands around me and started tickling me. I laughed and tried to pull him away but he didn't stop. Tears came out due to excessive laughing and he still kept tickling me.

" Now say that you will not disturb me while I nap. Tell me " he said and tickled me more and I shook my head. Maybe he got frustrated and continued, I nodded somehow then he left me. I laid on bed breathing heavily and he was laying beside me with his elbow propped up and his cheek in his palm. He kept staring at me with a small smile and I asked him " What " to which he shook his head making me curious.

" You look beautiful when you smile and it is contagious. Don't do that in public " he said and I rolled my eyes. I got up and sat on bed with my legs crossed and stared at him. He took that as his cue to wake up and sat giving me his full attention. Mom's birthday is on Sunday so I was planning to give her a little surprise and I definitely need his help to make it perfect. And to my favor he came today itself without me calling him.

" I was actually planning to give a little surprise to Mom. So, let us make a list of things we needed. What say? " I asked with my eyebrows raised. He knew what I was talking about when I said surprise and mom. His eyes instantly lit up and he looked quite excited from the way he started to think about all the things necessary. We both discussed what to do and finally decided what to make and made a list of things which we need to buy and order. I must say Rian is a very good observer coz he pointed out what we missed last time and included them in the list so that we could enjoy it to the fullest.

" Okay I think that is it we needed and if we think anything is missing or necessary we will include them. Fine? " I asked and he nodded still looking at the list carefully. We heard noises from downstairs and realized that it was dinner time. We took nearly two hours to make this list and I sighed heavily due to exhaustion. Mom called me after knocking and I said her to come in. I thought she will be surprised to see Rian here but she gave an expression which said she knew he was here. Maybe she saw my confused look so she cleared it.

" Don't think too much dear. I saw his car outside and also his shoes. And he is a gentleman coz he texted me as soon as he stepped in the house " she said with a great appreciation towards him. I don't even remember him using his phone all this while. I shrugged and made my way downstairs along with mom and Rian too followed us. When we reached Rian was given a bone crushing hug by dad and both were whispering things to each other which was inaudible. I sat at my place and Rian sat in his. Yes, he does have his place even on our dining table which was on my right side. We served each other and started munching which I must say was too tasty. Mom made Rian's favorite items and he praised her cooking skills every now and then and mom couldn't stop smiling.

After dinner Rian said he will staying for tonight coz it had been a long time since he had stayed over and mom and dad were very much alright with it. We both made way to my room and don't get me wrong as he always sleeps in my room as my bed is capable of handling three people of my size so Rian could fit well too.

He opened his phone and showed me all the projects he had been handling and also the research he had been doing and I must say boy he was really working hard. We talked for long time and I suggested to call Flio and tell him to join us as it would be fun to have him there and also these boys could get comfortable with each other. I always find them glaring at each other so this little plan can make them know each other well too.

I called him and Rian was telling me about something about food he ate yesterday and I didn't know that Flio already lifted my call.

" Hey Jassy. What are you doing? Missing me already? " he asked with a cheery tone and I replied " Hey. I was just wondering if you are free this weekend. I want to go shopping after our studying... " I said and again Rian was showing me something on list saying we should buy them extra so that it could last for long time and I nodded and again concentrated on call.

" Yeah like I was saying can we go shopping after studying? I need to get few things. Do you mind coming with me? " I asked.

" Yep. I am free and would love to join you " he said and Rian was yet again talking about mom's friend who stays a little far away here and I forgot that Flio was waiting for my reply and them answered.

" Fine then. We will go shopping and then we can have lunch outside too. After that ice-cream too " I said happily.

" Alright. We will do as you wish. " he said and then I said good night and disconnected. I really wanted to invite mom's best friend about whom she talks every time. Rian said we could go tomorrow in his car and invite her as we don't get time again and also, she will have time to plan easily.

Next day when I woke up, I saw Rian holding me tightly and sleeping peacefully. I smiled at him and slowly untangled myself from him and got ready to school. I woke him up and he yawned before mumbling " Good morning " I replied and said him to get ready to school. Thank god he brought his clothes with him and his toothbrush. His toiletries are still in my bathroom cabinet which he put them long time ago. I don't think that will be a problem so I told him and he smiled widely and made his way to bathroom while I went downstairs. Mom already made breakfast and we all had it when dad and Rian joined us.

We both went to school in his car as we need his car in the evening to invite Mrs. Sophie. We both stood by his car and were talking about the timing and when we could be back to home. He even cracked a joke saying what if she is actually a very stern person then we will kidnap her. We laughed and I didn't observe Flio coming. After they both exchanged few words, we made our way towards class after bidding Rian bye.

The whole day during classes I was busy thinking if I had missed anything and forgot that I actually have a boyfriend who kept whining at me for being busy thinking and all. I was also least bothered about the way he flirted with me. I just blushed sweetly at him sometimes. I should even call my friends to birthday party but I thought it could wait till tomorrow. The day passed by with a lot of difficulty and it was finally over.

I sighed heavily and made my way towards parking lot. I was waiting for Rian when Iya and Joe came talking and spotted me.

" Why didn't you leave already Jassy. Since morning you were on edge to leave and when the time has come you are still standing here. Is anything wrong? " Joe asked looking at me and I shook my head.

Iya slightly slapped his shoulder and said " She has a boyfriend who will break the person's bones if he/she troubles her. So, I don't think she is in trouble. Right Jassy? " she asked with a wink and I giggled.

" You want me to drop you home Jassy? " asked Flio and placed his hand on my shoulder. I shook my head when a car pulled up in front of us. I don't need to think twice coz it is Rian's car. I said I am going with him and hugged Flio and sat in car. I waved my hand from the window and he started the engine. I saw a disappointed look on Flio's face which disappeared as soon as the car sped away. I didn't understand why he had that expression and sighed heavily.

" So are you ready to meet Mrs. Sophie Jass? " Rian asked.

" Yes Sir " I said to which he chuckled.

Did you like the way both Rian and Jassy share everything with each other? (Do comment)

Flio is disappointed...

Till then... Bye😊

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