His Prized Possession

By ShootingStars26

52.7K 1.8K 268

Bethanie Rue's fate was sealed at a young age. She's a charismatic innocent girl, wanting to live her life, g... More

His Prized Possession
Chapter 2: The Beginnig
Chapter 3: Feelings
Chapter 4: Hurt
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: Speacial treat
Chapter 8: Missing the brute

Chapter 7: Clear enough

5.9K 238 44
By ShootingStars26

I tried to stretch my legs and arms but a steel band around my torso prevented major movements. For the first time in my twenty-one years I woke up next to a beautiful man, a man with an overly possessive attitude, and the reputation of a rake as well as a cold callous man.

Thinking over his reaction after knowing about my little disappearance filled my mind with doubts about him really being someone with no heart, its hard to believe when the man sends a search party for you.

He had me well tucked in his chest, cacooned ones in his warmth. I was very comfortable in that position, but my need to relieve myself was stronger, so in a leisurely manner I removed myself from him. Resulted to be harder than I thought, since his arms tightened around me when I made the slightest move. It took me a few minutes to get the job done and as soon as I was free I all but ran to the bathroom to take care of my business.

Once that was done, I emerged back in the room only to see him hugging my pillow with a small pout playing on his lips.

I smiled at the view in front of me. I would've never thought a man as intimidating would pout like a small child, especially for something so simple.

No. You're angry with him. He stood you up just so he could go screw around. It wasn't the first time and it sure as hell won't be the last time he does it. Don't get all mushy about him now. This has to stop before you go in any deeper, it will only bring you heartbreak.

Even if he would be willing to offer me some nights I'm not willing to share. When something is going to mine I want it completely mine. I can be just as possessive as him.

Any guilt I had last night evaporated and just like that my anger and disappointment came rushing back, hitting me full force.

I will show him he can't treat me like that and expect me to let him kiss or touch me.

I have to look after myself because now it's crystal clear no one ever will, even my own parents left me to fend for myself.

I walked into the kitchen with renew determination, my chin held high only to be brought down, when Jasmine sneered at me. "Don't get your hopes up, your nothing special to him. Once he's done with you, he will toss you away just like he does with the rest ." Placing a hand on her hip, giving me a once over. "I don't see how he could possibly be attracted with the like of you, but there's only one thing that would explain it. Curiosity , I mean he's never been with a girl... of your social class if you could say that."

My social class .

Of course no story goes without the witch, always trying to stop the damsel from reaching her happiness. In my case just making life here a little worse with her snobby comments and constant glares.

I ignored her turning to get a glass of milk trying to avoid any sort of confrontations with her, it'll make my stay here more calm.

My plan is to stay couple months few at the most, gather any money I can get to pay Kade or do any work for him that'll reduce my debt, of course with the exception of sex. I see now that I can actually start a life of my own, where my parents won't depend on me to pay everything, a life Kade won't dictate. With the possibility of attending college, it may still seem hard to reach but I'm hoping I'll make it there.

"Look Jasmine can we just live in peace. You don't like me and I don't like you, but for the love of god can you just keep your fucking comments to yourself!" I clamped my mouth shut trying to stop myself from saying things that'll get me into more trouble. But its like my mouth's got mind of its own. " Your constant bitchy attitude is getting pretty annoying."

Okay so I may have started my period, so that explains my big mouth and my low tolerance for Jasmin.

I get mood swings like crazy, Cole should know he experienced my very aggressive one, when I punched him in the face for breaking my phone. It was an old dinosaur, the ones you have to flip open and squint your eyes to look at the screen. Point is that mother nature had arrived and gifted me with a heavy flow, which added to my irritation. It took him about two days get over it since I had also hurt his ego. Turns out he cried to Tilly that I nearly broke his nose. I couldn't stop laughing, but I apologized and ended up buying him dinner. Which was complete bull because now that I remember he never replaced my phone.

Cole owes me a phone.

"Jasmine" I heard Kade's voice as heavy footsteps came pounding down the stairs. I turned away from Jasmine's shocked face towards the stairs, where Kade appeared naked from the waist up, messy hair and all. "Jasmine where's-"

I moved away from the furniture that was hiding me, stepping into Kade's line of view. "Here." I said with a stupid small wave. Relief was obvious in his features as soon as he saw me. "Did you need something?" I took a small sip of my glass of milk waiting for his response.

"Good morning Mr. Kade." I heard Jasmine purr, instantly making me want to spit out the milk and laugh at her lousy attempt to sound sexy. Not that I know either. "Would you like some breakfast? I made -"

Kade continued staring at me answering her, "No." Then took my glass of milk and gulped down the rest. I glared at him when he handed it to me empty. Get your own next time buddy.

"Well. Are you going to tell me why you were looking for me. " I stood in front of him staring at his well defined pecks then a little lower to his sculpted abs, when he grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him.

"We're going out. Hurry and get dressed." He pulled me with him up the stairs to my room, giving me a push inside as well as a slap on my ass.

So much for standing up to him.

* * * * * * *

"Allowance? Now why would I ask you for more money when I owe you enough. " I narrowed my eyes at Kade. "You just want to keep me longer don't you. "

He smiled. Showing the small crinkles on the corner of his eyes, somehow made me smile as well.

"Would you get mad if I said yes." He teased handing me a card. I couldn't even say anything back. I stood there dumfounded. This. Him acting like this is a rare sight. From what I've learned these past weeks I realized Kade hardly laughs, smiles and mostly importantly teases.

I put my hand on his forehead checking his temperature, his cheeks as well. "Are you feeling okay." I asked him seriously.

But he didn't think I was being dead serious because he laughed. And the next minute he grabbed my face in his hands, pulling me in for a hard kiss leaving me dizzy. "I'm fine. But back to the allowance I want you to have to money to spend. Go shopping . Buy whatever you need."

"Kade its not necessary I'm starting my new job next week. I'll have my own to spend and to slowly pay you back." My smile slowly faded when I saw the cold look return. "If you're worried about Tom driving back and forth to pick me up and be at your service. I'll go on the bus and come back the same way."

"Work! Why in the world do you need to work. All you need to do is tell me if you want anything. "

I took out the brand new phone from the bag and flashed in front of his face. "I think you buying me this is enough. Besides how else am I suppose to pay you back?"

He ran a hand down his face looking very exasperated. "And who told you I want you to pay me back with money." He slipped his arm around my waist, slowly going down to my butt squeezing it. I looked around the shopping center's parking lot mortified.

"If you're implying that I have sex with you. Then you could go fuck yourself." I pushed hard against his chest, separating my self from him. Seeing him with that women did something to me. As well as open my eyes that men like Kade don't do relationships. "I'm not one of those women you take home."

I need to be strong and not let him push me around, not allow him to do what he did yesterday.

I don't know how much time passed but we stood there starring at each other. "I want to go home. Now please."

He nodded opening the door for me, slamming it shut once I was in. 

He made it clear where we both stood.

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