We Made You || An Eminem FanF...

By SlimShadysFeverDream

78.1K 3.5K 1.9K

One year sober. Two broken stars. A fake relationship that could ruin them both. Marshall Mathers, the rap le... More

Negotiations & Sarcasim
Welcome To Detroit
Lights, Camera, Action!
Studio Time
Listen & Observe
Welcome To Nashville
Tears Of A Clown
The Last Supper
Darlin', You're Different
Always Be Prepared
Beast Mode
It's All Wrong, But It's All Right
I Feel A Sin Comin' On
Breaking Bad
The Devil's Dance
A gift Horse
How To Ride A Horse
Sad Birds Still Sing
One Vice for Another
Let The Sin Begin
Assault with a friendly weapon
Little White Lies
Grinnin' Like A Possum Eatin' A Sweet Tater
What In Tarnation?!
Walking In Memphis
Say What Now?
Let's Go Burn Ole Nashville Down
No Trash In My trailer
Well, I Declare!
It's A Date?
Fool's Gold
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown.
Ridden Hard & Put Away Wet
He's The Giggle At A Funeral
Don't Let Your Sins Turn Into Bad Habits
Cracks in the Façade
Behind Closed Doors
Uncharted Territory
Cracks in the Armor
Fraying Edges
When the levee breaks
At the Crossroads
Slippin' Through My Fingers
Between Healing and Hurt
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Pieces of Myself
A Moment Of Weakness
Ain't No Yes Man
Back in the Spotlight
Holdin' Steady
Dressed in Velvet and Nerves

Better The Devil You Know

2.1K 100 92
By SlimShadysFeverDream

I walked out to the porch where I find Marshall sitting on the outdoor chairs, dressed in a Piston's singlet, backward cap and black shiny basketball shorts, while spinning a basketball aimlessly on his finger staring out over the property.

I didn't seem to notice me as he was in a daydream, so I took the chance to really study him.

He appeared to be calm, relaxed and peaceful, expressions I didn't normally see grace his face while I have been living with him, it normally has a look of displeasure about it, as if he didn't enjoy a lot in his life, I figured it was that act he puts up that he talked about.

He was quite attractive, close-shaven, and I had never noticed his strong and chiseled jaw up until now.

Suddenly he turned and looked at me, his face didn't falter, he was unbothered by my presence.

"This place is so serene" He said quietly "You can take in the beauty without interruption"

I nodded "I bought this place because its as far away from everyone as I could get"

"You mean your family?"

I nodded again.

"The girls would love it here, they love horses, been nagging me for one but I just don't have the time or room" He said, smiling the moment he mentioned his girls.

"You're welcome to bring them next time" I said sincerely with a smile "As you see I have plenty of horses to choose from, I am not one to stand in the way of girls and love of horses"

"Thanks, I'd appreciate that, be good to get them away for a bit too"

"Anytime... It seems what's mine is yours for the next year"

He gave me a grateful smile before standing, slightly towering over my 5'1 frame.

"I came to warn you" I said clearing my throat "My mother has invited herself to come to stay a few nights, Audrey reminded me that we can't sharing a room and it would be wise to move you into the main bedroom"

Marshall groaned "What... Can't you tell her no?"

"Um... She's really overbearing, I would rather just rip the bandaid off"

He sighed "Alright, I'll grab my shit and pull it across, your couch in there better not be uncomfortable, is it okay if I shower in your ensuite?"

"It's more than fine, I'm sorry about this, you can have the bed, you're much taller then me.."

"Don't be stupid" He snorted rolling his eyes at me pulling his singlet up over his head, now standing in front of me bare-chested "I'm not that much of an asshole, you can have the bed"

"O-Ok, there is new towels in there, help yourself"

He threw me a mischievous smirk before turning and walking off inside, I grabbed on to the pillar catching the breath I didn't realize I had forgotten.

Sweet baby Jesus.

It caught me off guard, he didn't normally strip off around me, not this close anyway.

I shook my head as I recollected myself, this is not the time to turn into a pervert.

He could sure give some of the guys at the show a run for their money and he's not even country.

Slap a cowboy hat on that man and give him a horse already Harley...

I stopped that train of thought.


"Harley" Audrey's voice came as she walked out into the porch with a solum look "Your momma is going to be here in an hour"

I groaned.


"Harleen, thank God you're alive" My mother said as she got out of the car, waving off the driver as she walked across to me "I almost sent out the services to look for you"

"I'm fine momma" I said fake smile across me lips "See, in the flesh"

Marshall walked onto the stairs at the same time and mother expression turned to a scowl.

"You" She said with a pointed finger aimed at Marshall "You pack my only daughter off to that cesspool of a city of yours, surrounding her with filth called rap, and don't have the decency to call her father and I and ask if it's ok? Or even tell us?"

Marshall stood unbothered, his world-famous scowl was on his face.

But this time it was matched with a cruel smirk.

I cringed know full well he hated people talking about his city in such malicious nature.

"You're lucky she's even back in the cousin fuckin' backward city full of rednecks" Marshall said, words falling out of his mouth so smoothly and calmly "Guess I saved you from having to marry her off to cousin Cletus or was it an uncle?"

My mother glared at Marshall, if it was possible there would have been flames burning at his feet.

He simply just stood there and shrugged, wicked grin only spreading wider as if his mind ticked over "Its a pleasure to meet you Lucifer, I'm glad you can take time out of your busy schedule to meet me"

Audrey quickly left us walking into the house with my mother's bags.

My mother and Marshall stood there, eyes locked on each other as if they were about to go to war.

"Harleen, I wish to speak to you in the den, alone"

"With all due disrespect MAM, but whatever you wanna say to my girlfriend can be said in front of me" Marshall said, moving next to me, looking down at my mother.

My mother let out a noise that resembled a growl and stormed off into the house.

"That was unpleasant" I sighed looking at Marshall, who looked down at me with that mischievous smirk again.

"For all of you maybe, but you clearly have forgotten who I am, I am ready to make out till she leaves"

"Is this another thing to add to your list of things that get you off?" I said with a frown.

I was terrified of the wrath that was coming once she got me alone.

"I thrive under toxic conditions what can I say" Marshall shrugged walking to me and slinging his arm over my shoulders "Besides, does she really think she's going to win against someone who literally uses words for a living?"

"You're not the one that has to deal with the aftermath" I sighed.

"Don't worry about it, I got you, she ain't going to say shit and get away with it while I'm around, don't think I didn't notice that your whole demeanor changed when she turned up, she is nothing to fear" He is voice low and smooth, leaned into me, I could feel his breath on my skin, causing the fear to fade and the giddiness to return "The words can only hurt you if you let them, sticks and stones Harley Quinn"

I nodded.

It was easier said than done.

The words did hurt and they cut me deep.

They still chipped away as my inner child, the one cowering in a corner while her mother berated and starved her for not winning the pageant.

"There is so much more to my life then you could ever understand Marshall" I whispered, looking up into his blue eyes, his face close to mine, our noses almost touching.

"Try me" He whispered.

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