The Missing Part

By shimrara

9.5K 576 144

KImmon was looking for something, though he didn't know what was it that he was missing, he just felt right j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

168 12 7
By shimrara

Copter was opening his eyes slowly and was looking at the surrounding but he could see no one. He felt refreshed and was sitting up from the bed just to see the room was quite familiar. The design and the furniture's place might be changed, but it was still the same room. His parent's room. He was back into the castle, but where is everyone else?

Everyone should be safe, right? He has fainted right after Peraya's gone, so he couldn't be sure of everyone's safety after the attack. Now, he felt nervous. What if somebody was hurt? Or worst....dead?

Copter was getting off from the bed and was about to walk to the door when the door opened reveal Kimmon who had running to him right away, pulling Copter into the warm that Copter missed so much. It feels so long, though it wasn't really that long. Maybe. He couldn't really tell, but it doesn't really matter right now.

"You are awake. Thank goodness. Do you know how worried I was? You were sleeping for so many days, you scared me." Copter was frowning. "That long?" Copter was asking, still in Kimmon's arm. "Yes, baby, but it doesn't matter as long as you are awake now." Kimmon answers him, still holding tight his mate in his embrace.

"How is everyone?" Copter would ask. Kimmon's face changes a little while biting his lips. He knew he had to tell Copter, but he was still hesitant. But he knew he had to. So, he had to break the hug so he could face Copter, but still, his hands were still holding on both Copter's arm, holding that man in his arm distant, while looking straight to Copter's eyes.

"The black cloud had produced an acid rain, Cop." Copter was frowning. He had a glance at the black cloud forming but he thought he was fast enough to prevent it from produce any damage, but he knew he had failed his people. Copter knees felt weak and Kimmon had held him before he was falling on the floor.

"Cop, please, be calm." Kimmon then drag him to sit on the edge of the bed and Copter would turn to Kimmon once again. "How many casualties?" He would ask again. He had to know everything, he had to have a full picture of what happened on that day.

"First of all, please don't blame yourself, please. I wouldn't really sure of the exact amount, but the acid rain had ruined most part of the castle building, except for the main building where we are now, a few castle workers who trapped in the castle building when the war happened, all Tae's father's soldiers including himself, but the rain couldn't reach any innocent citizen thanks to your fast action. So, don't blame yourself, okay?"

Copter was looking straight into Kimmon's eyes even though Kimmon had finished his explanation. "You are not telling me everything. What about our friends?" Kimmon was looking straight at Cop and was giving out a hard breath. This was the most difficult part. He wished he wasn't the one who had to tell Copter, but then again, he was the perfect person for it. Ugh.

"We.....lost Puff. He was protecting us from the acid rain and he was the one destroyed by the acid rain eventually. We couldn't revive him, not without you, Cop. I'm sorry. We are sorry....." Copter was putting up his hand, stopping Kimmon from uttering another word. "It wasn't your fault, babe." And this time, Copter was the one pulling Kimmon, hugging him tight on his neck.

"I owed it to Puff, for saving you and the others. Or else, I didn't know what I will do if I lose you, babe. Thanks for being safe. Let make an appreciation ceremony for Puff later." Kimmon was rubbing Copter's back up and down trying to calm him down.

"We....lost Hanna too, Cop." Hearing that, Copter was fast untied himself from Kimmon's neck and was looking straight to Kimmon. "Wha....How did.....why? No, she must have....She was suppose...."

Kimmon was holding Copter's arms once again, trying to take his mate's attention from his confused and shocked state. "Cop, baby, Hanna was a part of Peraya too, remember?" Copter couldn't contain his grief and sadness and was falling in Kimmon's arms once again, crying silently.

Hanna might be just a weird black creatures to others, but to Copter, Hanna had save him and make his comeback was a probability turn to success since there was no way he could stop the queen on his own, no matter they said how great he was, a royal blood that would be born once in a 100 centuries, he would be left alone and the worlds would be doom if not because of her.

He appreciates every little things Hanna have done for him. And maybe because she came from the queen, so her skill of black magic was no joke, but she make it for the benefit of him and the kingdom.


A traditional rowboat made by woods had been filled with flowers from various creatures with stack of little woods underneath the flower, showing their appreciation to Hanna and Puff who had died fighting for the kingdom. Once Copter had been catch up with everyone else after he was waking up, he make sure to make this special ceremony first to give an appreciation and also to commemorate their assistance to the future king of the kingdom.

Once everyone else had finished putting the flowers on it, Copter had come close to it with Tae alongside him. Copter then stop right in front of the boat, and gave his final speech.

"Rest and be peaceful my dear friend, witch Hanna and Puff. Thank you for everything, and we will miss you. "

Copter then light up the edge of the little woods. When it was light with fire, Tae had pushed the boat far to the middle of the river, letting it drift away while getting burn. Everyone had watch it burn with various feeling inside, with the dust of it flying everywhere above the river.


It was hectic and frenzied inside and outside of the castle. It was the day of Copter's coronation as a new king of the kingdom. What makes it difference was, this time, the coronation was joined not only by the creatures of the magical world, but with human from the human world, including the king himself, who had a special seating just beside the throne seat of the kingdom king.

It was an awkward moment, when human had to see various of creatures, with a lot difference faces, and species, but all in all, they could blend with each other and could be accepted, unexpectedly. Though not everyone in whole world attended, but it was enough with what everyone who present had portrays. Human and magical creatures never had a problem to mix in.

They were all in the main hall, everywhere, which literally everywhere, from filling in the whole floor, walls and even up to the roof, that they were really wanted to see their new king in his real form. It was a rowdy crowd, people were talking everywhere, toing and froing making the hall even more hectic, but not before the announcement of the castle guard, telling them their new king appearance on the throne when everyone would be silent automatically.

Copter was nervous, and as unexpected as it was, even kitty was nervous and couldn't sit still but at the same time, excited. Kimmon who also had turned to Kimmy, was trying to calm his mate's down, and telling him, he had to portray a fierce leader, at least for the first impression, since most of them had seen his soft sides, even since he was little.

Taking in deep breath....Kitty made his way with his chin and chest up but still contained his humble side.

Seeing the appearance of Kitty, who once they knew when Kitty was little, turned to this gold color intimidated werewolf, everyone was stunned for a few seconds before someone was started to kneel down with hand on the chest, facing down the floor and everyone had followed right after.

Seeing it everyone had kneeled down, Kitty was walking down the stage where his throne seat were, standing right in front of Tee who had also kneel down and putting his right hand palm on his head, as the representative of the people of the kingdom. Kitty then looks up straight to the roof and was growling strong and loud in one breath.

Once Kitty had done, Kitty had putting down his hand and had transformed to his human form, revealing Copter in his new king robe, also gold in color. He then walked up ahead the stage once again and was standing right in front of the throne seat.

"Please rise my people!" only then everybody was risen and had clapped their hands, and smiling, facing their king in his human form was more easier than intimidated image of Wolf form of their king.

"Thank you for attending here today to be with me. Now, I want to introduce to you all, my mate that will be leading the kingdom alongside with me." To that, the dark grey big alpha werewolf was appeared from behind the stage and was walking ahead and standing right beside Copter, on his right.

When Copter was stretch his hand beside, Kimmy had putting his left hand on Copter's hand and just like Copter, he would look up straight to the roof and was growling loud, strong and smooth in one breath. He then transformed to human form with his left hand still in Copter's right hand's hold. Kimmon looks unexpectedly great and handsome in his grey royal robe, just like his wolves color.

"I'm Kimmon, Copter's mate." To that, the crowd had clapped hand once again.

End of Chapter 33

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