never leave me ~ miniminter {...

By YouTubeGirl7

217K 3.8K 1.8K

Danielle Jones has been best friends with Simon minter since the second grade when she moved from America to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 28

5.3K 103 30
By YouTubeGirl7

Danielle's POV:

Love and Hate.

Hate is ugly, hate is destruction, hate is hate. Yet love, can be both ugly and beautiful, destruction yet completion, love is love. One cannot hate without reason, but one can love with no reason. Complicated, yet the simplest thing there is to know.

I myself, have encountered both love and hate. Hate for the girl who took Simon away from me. The girl who nearly took Josh - my best friend - for good. And love for my friends who have become my family. Love for the boy I can't have. Even though it hurts that I can't have him, God everyday it kills me, but even so, I'd rather love him as a friend than love him as some body I used to know.

That was exactly the reason I didn't tell Simon about my theory.

If he knew I was accusing Lucy of something this big, attempting murder, I'm pretty sure he'd kill me before Lucy gets to herself. Still, Simon trusts me. He knows I wouldn't make something like that up. It just depends whether he'd choose me over her, or her over me.

To be honest with you, i'm a risking person. Life's boring without a little risk and rebellion, but I feel like this is too big of a risk.. you know?

I mean, what would you do?

Face the fact that the truth hurts?

Or lie about something that could change lives, but be somewhat... Happy?

"Danielle, ready to go back to the hospital?" An easily recognizable voice interrupted my thoughts. Making me turn around again, trying to act at least a bit casual. Hopefully we can get going as quickly as possible. Nobody likes hanging around car wrecks... It should be fine, Harry and Aimee are only around the corner.

"Yeah, i think so. Come on lets get going.." I trailed off as Simon took my hand and led me to the car. Even through all of this happening, one thing that i kept coming back to was in fact Simon. Especially as he kept grabbing my hand like it was completely normal. Somehow, it got me thinking everytime. How would Lucy feel? What's going through Simon's mind? He probably thinks it's nothing; Its just an act of kindness for a friend in need. It has to be. There's no way it would be anything else.

"Are you okay? I mean it must've been pretty hard to look at. You know with the crash, the blood, the flashbacks." He went on but shortly stopped when i gave him a simple look that said "Simon, shut up." And he soon realised that i just didnt want to talk about it much. "Okay, Okay i'll shut up."

"Look, i appreciate your concern but i'm fine." I smiled, giving him a reassuring squeeze of the hand. He smiled back before a frown once again appeared on his face.

"I know. But seriously, Danielle?" He stopped walking and looked at me with the expression that made me think he was deeply thinking. "If you want to talk about anything, and i mean anything, you know i'm here. Just because we aren't as close as we used to be because of... recent situations, it doesn't mean i'm not here for you. I'll always be here." He smiled slightly. Ergh, why is he so freaking kind? Why do i have to love him? Why can't i love somebody who has even the slightest bit of a crush on me?

But either way, i don't want to love anyone else.

"I know, and that's why you're the best person in the whole world. Besides me of course but you make a close second. Oops, sorry make that third, we can't be forgetting Liam Hemsworth." I grinned patting him on his head. He chuckled.

"How are you still obssessed with him?" Simon asked, a smile forming underneath is mostly confused face.

"It's not hard to process. Liam Hemsworth is smoking hot, i will forever and always love Liam Hemsworth." I said as if it were completely obvious. Simon squinted his eyes at me.

"I really don't understand you and your american ways." He stated.

"Hey! You can't say you're not obssessed with a celebrity. You never shut up about Cailin Russo. I mean god, she's your computer wallpaper."

"Have you seen Cailin Russo?" He stood eyes wide. To be honest, I get extremely jealous when Simon goes on about Cailin. I can't even help it, it just happens.

"Yes I have. Have you seen Liam Hemsworth?" i retorted, smirking slightly. He grunted in annoyance as he turned around and started walking.

"Come on Dani, he's a 6 on a great day. Your pretty little face can do better than that." He said, as I followed. I smiled looking down at the ground.

"All I heard was that I have a pretty face, so..." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He laughed and slowed his walking pace so I could catch up and he put his arm around my shoulder, making my face burn up. I just kept looking down. We came up to the corner but still walking slowly. The green of the trees next to the path and the grey of the road belong it, falling leaves drifting down on the dull sidewalk.

"You're an idiot too." He beamed, I could tell he was looking at me, his arm still around me. I simply ignored him, a smile still cracked on my face. He moved his head down slightly so his mouth was next to my ear. "But you're my idiot." He whispered, making me shiver slightly. Shocked, i turned my head to him, but surprisingly he was still leaning close to my face. But we didn't move. We had stopped walking completely.

I saw him taking glances at my lips and back at my eyes. His ocean blue ones burned into mine. Everything went slow. Before i knew it (and without any realisation.) we started to slowly lean in even more, but just before our lips joined we heard a loud beeping noise causing us to jump appart.

That didn't just happen. No, that didnt just happen. Not again. That couldn't have happened. Again.

"Hurry up!" Harry shouted from his car as he drove around the corner. Grunting, Simon walked away from me before hopping into Harry's big car. Aimee was looking embarrased and guilty knowing she and Harry had driven in on something. However, Harry was completely oblivious.

I followed Simon into the car and jumped into the back, whilst Aimee was giving me an apologetic look. I just shot her a look that said "i'll explain later."

"Find anything?" Harry asked, while starting to drive back to the hospital.

"Well the police told us that the breaks had been taken out, but other than that nothing." I replied, looking out of the window at the scenery passing by.

"The breaks had been taken out?!" Aimee repeated with the same shocked expression as was on Harry's face.

"Yeah, dont know why but yeah, they had." Simon said. I started to stare at him, looking for any kind of look on his face that would tell me how he was feeling. As he saw me staring intently he turned his head and shot me a smile.

And that was it.

There was no other look on his face of worry or concern or anger or even a little bit of confusion at the fact that they had been literally two centimetres away from kissing.

I shot him a fake smile back and returned to looking out of the window. For the rest of the short journey i blanked out completely without much care at all. All i was focused on was the nature around the car as if that was the only thing to care about in the world.

5 minutes later, we were back at the hospital. I thanked Harry and rushed out to get to Josh's room.

"Hey!" i smiled, jogging to sit in the chair next to him. He sat up urgently with a worried look on his face.

"Did you find anything? Anything at all, i mean literally anything." He asked rather rushed.

"Nice to see you to-"

"Dani!" He said seriously.

"Im sorry! My mind makes me comical at serious moments sometimes!" I argued before sighing. "Look I have to say it quick because Simon can't hear. Your breaks were taken out Josh. No wonder you had no control."

"That actually makes sense..." He trailed off looking at the door to check nobody (like Simon) was coming. "But, why cant simon know?"

"I found Lucys lipstick in the back. As far as i'm concerned you don't wear that shade."

"Dani, I dont wear any shade or even any make up for that matter so-" he paused. "You know what this isn't the point. That lipstick wasn't there yesterday. I got my car cleaned, she must've been in there without me knowing... And while she was there.."

"She cut the breaks." I finished for him. He nodded at me.

"Josh! How are you man?" Simon said as he came in. We sat up instantly and put a smile on our faces.

"Yeah i'm alright thanks. Hopefully i'll get out of this hell soon though." He admitted.

"Hey, you will be soon." Simon beamed. "Are you gonna tell your viewers?" he asked.

"Probably not yet, i'll just do a few fifa videos when i get out." Simon nodded along.

"Look I'm gonna go talk to the nurse. i'll be back in a few." He waved before leaving with the same careless expression on his face. How does do that? How does he pretend like nothing happened?

Because one things for sure,

I wont be able to pretend for long.



Hello internet buddies! Theres a new chapter for you ;)

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