Devil of Remnant

By HotDorRod

398K 5.4K 10.9K

Vergil; the Son of Sparda. Dark Slayer. Alpha and Omega. Devil in a Blue Coat. He has been given many names... More

Bio Update
Yet Another Bio Update
Vergil's DxD Bio
DxD 1
DxD 2
DxD 3
DxD 4
DxD 5
DxD 6 Pt. 1
DxD 6 Pt. 2
DxD Bio Update
DxD 7
DxD Filler: Issei's Punishments
DxD 8 Pt. 1
DxD 8 Pt. 2
Vergil Ability Update
Vergil Harem Update
A/N: Thank You!
10K Special: Surprise Party
10K Special: Berserker's Dance
10K Special: Cat's Shadow
10K Special: Royal Test
10K Special: Drooping Rose
RWBY Harem Update #2
Hold Up
A/N: Thank You Again!
30K Special: Halloween Dance
30K Special: Christmas Day
100K Celebration
100K Vote Results
100K Special: Beach Day
RWBY Teaser
RWBY 36: Rebound
RWBY 37: Power
RWBY 38: Test
RWBY 39: Embrace
200K Celebration
200K Vote Results
200K Special: RWBY/DxD
RWBY 40: Brothers
Teaser to Sequel

DxD 8 Pt. 3

4.2K 63 44
By HotDorRod

So sorry for the delay! Been busy with a lot of IRL stuff, as well as updating other stories and other things. Welp, hope you all enjoy the shit that is produced from my dirty fingers... ;-;


Vergil: I'll cut you down!

He leaps upwards toward Kokabiel, leaving behind a crater where he jumped. While summoning a number of swords at his sides, Vergil slashes upwards, but Kokabiel is able to block his attack while barely avoiding the swords as they rocket towards him. As a follow up, Vergil uses the wings from his Devil Trigger form to levitate as he fires multiple summoned swords at the fallen angel. Kokabiel blocks the incoming projectiles, but then gets stabbed in the shoulder by one of many heavy rain swords.

Kokabiel: Argh, dammit. You're a persistent brat, just die!

Vergil teleports towards Kokabiel and thrusts Yamato forward, intending to stab Kokabiel. But the fallen avoids his attack, and before Vergil could chase after him, he is stabbed in the gut by a large light spear, sending Vergil flying into the ground.

Asia: Vergil!

But he easily rises from the crater. While cracking his neck, his wound from the light spear begins to heal.

Vergil: Okay, I've decided you're not strong enough...

And Vergil lowers into a crouch as he grips his sheathed katana.

Vergil: But are you fast enough?

Clicking his blade, Vergil teleports towards Kokabiel, and repetitively slashes the fallen angel, who isn't able to block any of the attacks. He goes to stab Vergil with another light spear, but Vergil teleports out of his reach, and reappears over Kokabiel with Beowulf equipped. Before the leader class fallen can defend himself, Vergil dives downwards, stomping his boot onto the war addict's skull, sending him flying. Kokabiel quickly recovers as he growls at the Dark Slayer while shaking his head.

Kokabiel: Grr, you dare mock me?

Vergil: No, you're just foolish enough to believe you're a threat.

Before Kokabiel could think of a comeback, Vergil suddenly appears in front of him, with Beowulf again. He grabs the fallen angel by the head, and drops towards the ground and slams Kokabiel head first into the earth. He then proceeds to choke slam him approximately 28 times before driving his foot into the man's gut, breaking a majority of his ribs while he gets launched meters away.

Kokabiel: Augh, f-fuck, dammit!

His gauntlets and greaves glowing with energy, Vergil walks towards Kokabiel as he struggles to get up. But once he gets to his feet, Vergil once again teleports right in front of him, and a left cross sends the old fool flying backwards, crashing through multiple trees.

Issei: H-h-holy shit...I'm really glad I'm not his enemy.

Rias: That's Vergil for you. Demonstrating his strength when necessary.

Meanwhile, Kokabiel slowly rises to his feet, spitting out a couple teeth as he pants.

Kokabiel: You...are really getting...on my nerves.

Vergil: Tell that to someone who cares. You really are the clown of the fallen angels, aren't you?

His words fuel Kokabiel with anger, and along with that anger comes adrenaline.

Kokabiel: Oh, that's it! Fuck you and die!

He flies upwards, and launches a bright spear of energy at Vergil, who sidesteps with ease. While Kokabiel is distracted with Vergil, Rias has been charging her power thanks to getting a transfer from Issei.

Rias: Begone!

She fires two large orbs with her Power of Destruction, and sends it towards Kokabiel, who turns around just in time to block the attack.

Kokabiel: Ha, so much more interesting and impressive! Almost as good as Sirzechs'!

With another shout, she unleashes another destructive beam, almost in the shape of a black dragon, at the fallen angel, but he simply blocks it again as he begins to laugh crazily. Soon, Rias can't continue releasing all her power, and collapses, cancelling her Power of Destruction. Issei runs towards her as she falls to a knee.

Issei: Rias, no!

The crimson princess looks back up and her eyes widen.

Rias: No, Akeno!

Vergil quickly turns to where Akeno is, who is charging up a lightning attack.

Akeno: Now bring on Thunder!

She fires the lightning at Kokabiel, but he blocks the attack by using his wings like a shield. While defending himself, he speaks from within his wing shield.

Kokabiel: So is this the power of Baraqiel you're using?

Akeno: Don't you dare speak his name. I am nothing like that creature!

She continues to force Kokabiel on the defense, while Issei looks on in confusion.

Issei: What's a Baraqiel?

Landing beside Issei, Vergil grunts as he sheathes Yamato.

Vergil: Baraqiel is one of the fallen angel leaders.

Issei: Oh shit, really?

Xenovia: He can use lightning and thunder, so basically Akeno's power.

Issei: Well that's a strange coincidence.

Vergil glances at the boy in disappointment.

Vergil: (Is it even possible to be this dull?)

Akeno soon runs out of energy as she pants out of exhaustion, while Kokabiel reveals himself from behind his wings, laughing and crossing his wings.

Kokabiel: Oh dear, say it isn't so! Why choose to fall so far to become a devil? What an amusing house you have here, Rias. The Red Dragon Emperor, a ruined holy sword project subject, and even the daughter of Baraqiel.

Akeno glares at the fallen angel, while Issei's jaw almost drops.

Issei: What?!

Xenovia: That's impossible!

Issei: For real, Akeno?! You're the daughter of a fallen angel? That means you're also a fallen angel!

She looks down in shame, while Kokabiel watches with a grin.

Kokabiel: How terribly amusing. A propensity of inferior products must run in the family.

Rias scowls up at the fallen angel as she gets to her feet.

Rias: That's enough! Your insults towards my brother won't go unpunished! And for disrespecting my friends, you will pay the ultimate price and die!

Her aura flares, red energy surrounding her form. Kokabiel drops towards the ground, retracting his wings as he sneers.

Kokabiel: Oh, then by all means, try it! But I must ask, do you even know what you're getting yourself into? You are challenging the archenemy of devils!

She growls as she clenches her fists. Then she feels a hand on her shoulder, and she turns to see Vergil, now out of his Devil Trigger form.

Vergil: You've done enough, Rias. I'll take it from here.

He walks forward, leaving Rias speechless. Issei watches him in disbelief.

Issei: Vergil, what are you doing?!

With Yamato in his hand, Vergil looks over his shoulder towards the boy.

Vergil: What do you think? Putting an end to this embarrassment some call a man.

Issei: Wh-what?

Kokabiel sneer fades away as he crosses his arms.

Kokabiel: You sure are cocky for just one person, challenging someone like me, who has survived God's wrath. Oh, before I forget to tell you...he's dead, along with the four great Devil Kings.

That last part stops Vergil, and the whole area goes dead quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Xenovia: ...What...what did you just say? dead?

Rias:'re lying! I've never heard of anything like that!

Through maniacal laughter, Kokabiel holds his face with a hand.

Kokabiel: Back then, the Devil Kings had lost all their kings as well as their more powerful devils. The angels and fallen angels had lost almost everyone except for their leaders. Pure angels couldn't increase their numbers, and corporate devils are just as rare, aren't they?

Asia tries to hold herself together as she quivers.

Asia: can't be...

Kokabiel: All sides had been so ruined, they had to rely on humans to survive. Could you believe that? The weakest race being depended on for survival? Angels, fallen angels and devils, the leaders of the three factions had to seal this information. That way, the God-fearing humans would keep on fearing.

Xenovia falls to her knees, barely holding herself up as she shakes her head.

Xenovia: No, it's's all lies...

Kokabiel: Now keep in mind that I couldn't care less about any of that. What drives me crazy is the fact that after God and the Devil Kings died, it was decided to stop the war! Why would they do something like that in the middle of winning?! How dare they try to stop me from squashing my enemies just when it was getting fun! We would have won, even that bastard Azazel declared there wouldn't be another war! What the fuck?!

Asia slowly gets to her feet, knees threatening to give way, as she stammers.

Asia: If...God doesn't exist anymore...then where is all the love we were receiving coming from?

Kokabiel: Hmph, Michael has been holding his own so far. He's the one who has been keeping the angels and humans together in God's stead.

Xenovia looks up from the floor, her eyes filled with shock.

Xenovia: The Archangel Michael has been acting as God's agent? That means...all our prayers...

Kokabiel continues his monologuing, with that same evil grin on his face.

Kokabiel: As long as the system works, prayers and exorcisms blind to a certain extent. I'm sure someone has been listening.

Asia suddenly faints, and Koneko catches her before she could hit the ground.

Issei: Asia...

Xenovia: understandable response. I'm surprised I can even think clearly right now...

Koneko picks Asia up, and slowly carries her away from the group, towards a few standing trees.

Kokabiel: Well, I suppose knowing the numbers of believers in God have drastically dropped probably doesn't help anything, doesn't it? Without someone to manage the balance between good and evil, it's no wonder something as contradictory as the holy devil sword would appear. That means the war must continue. If I can continue it by taking all of your heads, then I will do just that!

The ORC still try to shake off the sudden truth, when Vergil sighs.

Vergil: Are you done? At this point, you're boring me.

Kokabiel: What? Don't you even care about what I just told you? Hmph, the nerve.

Vergil: Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm also...surprised that the "Almighty Father" has been dead. Hm, didn't think I'd ever say that sentence in my life.

(Devil May Cry 3 OST - Theme of Vergil 2)

Vergil starts walking towards Kokabiel, who doesn't move from his spot, his ice cold stare never faltering.

Vergil: But currently, I don't care. What I do care about though, is silencing a foolish warmonger like yourself. Silencing you for the way you speak to these people who I care about.

Kokabiel: Hmph, talking real big, aren't you? Seems that Sparda cockiness runs in the--

Vergil: Did I say you could speak?

That shuts him up, and Vergil sighs while running his hand through his white hair.

Vergil: To think, I have had to waste my time for so long with you.

Kokabiel: Tch, you call this a waste of time?

Vergil: As a matter of fact, yes I do.

Issei, after boosting his Sacred Gear, calls out to Vergil.

Issei: Hang on, Vergil! I want some of him too--

Vergil: No. You'll just get in my way, so I'd prefer you stay there. In fact, I seem to remember you making Akeno feel ashamed for being part fallen angel not so long ago.

Issei: What? Oh come on, man!

Rias, with a glare, turns to Issei.

Rias: Quiet.

Issei: Y-Yes, ma'am...

Vergil: Good. Now, before I take care of a bloodthirsty old fool...

He turns his back on Kokabiel, and walks up to Akeno, who was holding her forearm and gazing down sadly.

Vergil: Akeno.

Looking from the floor, Akeno meets his eyes.

Akeno: Y-yes?

A soft smile gracing his face, Vergil cups her cheek and gently kisses her on the lips. It only lasts a few seconds, when he pulls away and wipes away a tear that was slowly rolling down Akeno's cheek.

Vergil: Remember, there are those who love you, no matter what. I will always love you, no matter what.

Nodding, Akeno takes a deep breath, and smiles gently.

Akeno: Of course...thank you, Vergil.

Following her motion, Vergil turns back to the leader class fallen angel.

Vergil: Hmph, almost forgot you were there. Now...

Back to approaching Kokabiel, Vergil continues to get closer to him, when his chest begins to glow a vibrant blue, as he stops walking, staring Kokabiel dead in the eyes.

Vergil: I shall show you a glimpse of my true power. Not because you've earned it, and not because this is a last resort. I'm doing this because I'm disappointed in you. So now, just were never worthy to call yourself my opponent.

Vergil explodes in blue light and energy out of no where, the force launching all of the ORC and Xenovia backwards. Kokabiel shields himself with his wings. Unraveling himself, the fallen angel finds a new figure, standing where Vergil was, and it was radiating raw power.

Kokabiel starts laughing as he points at Vergil.

Kokabiel: Is that really the fabled SIN Devil Trigger? Hah, it's weaker than I--

He gets interrupted as Vergil suddenly appears in front of him, and he slices off 4 of the former angel's wings from both sides. Blood sprays as he screams in agony, arching his back and reaching towards his wings.

Kokabiel: Aaarrgghhh! You bastard, you cut off my wings!

Vergil's own wings glow blue as he stays silent. Meanwhile, the ORC watch in astonishment.

Issei: H-h-holy shit...what is that?

Rias: That's Vergil's SIN Trigger...his strongest form. He only uses it if he feels his time has been wasted. It makes Devil Trigger look like a regular power boost.

Akeno: All of Vergil's abilities are amplified beyond possible measures. In this form, his power dwarfs the strongest beings known amongst any of the factions.

Kokabiel takes several ragged breaths, before he regains his cocky grin.

Kokabiel: Alright, guess I don't need to hold back anymore! Feel the wrath of a leader-class fallen angel!

Two large light spears appear in his hands, and Kokabiel rockets towards Vergil, who simply holds his arms up, the blade of Yamato resonating within his forearms. As the two clash, Issei watches in confusion.

Issei: Wait, where's his sword?

Akeno: In that form, Yamato is infused within Vergil's body, or his arms to be precise. So he can basically use his arms like swords.

Back to the battle, Vergil fires countless Judgement Cuts, and Kokabiel just narrowly avoids his attacks, and launches a light spear. The javelin-shaped weapon embeds itself into Vergil's gut. He tilts his head as he looks down, then at Kokabiel, who chortles with glee.

Kokabiel: Hahaha! I guess the SIN Trigger isn't so powerful as I--

Again, he is interrupted as Vergil once more appears behind Kokabiel. Slash after slice, Vergil connects a combo of swings before a large number of summoned swords appear overhead. Before Kokabiel could fly out of the way, Vergil swings his bladed arms, cutting off the rest of his wings.

Kokabiel: Aaaaaggghh! My-my wings!

He falls to the ground as all of his wings drop next to him, which is then followed by all the summoned swords stabbing into the fallen angel's back. Sluggishly getting to his feet, Kokabiel summons another light spear in his hand, but this time, it is smaller and the light is more dim.

Kokabiel: I won' taken down...not by the likes

Walking towards the practically broken man, Vergil nails him in the jaw with a merciless Beast Uppercut, leaving him defenseless as he is launched upwards. Positioning his arms like he is about to unsheathe Yamato, a giant sphere that originates from Vergil's body spreads outwards, soon enveloping Kokabiel as he falls towards the ground.

Issei: Whoa, what's happening?!

Kiba: Rgh, isn't it obvious? He's about to unleash a powerful attack.

They watch from afar, and Vergil mutters a single word for the first time after entering his most powerful form.

Vergil: Die.

Right before Kokabiel's body hits the floor, Vergil teleports everywhere in the sphere, surpassing the speed of light as the very fabrics of reality are slashed apart with the sound of shattering glass echoing. He suddenly returns to his previous position, and the corpse once known as Kokabiel is then sliced into literal pieces. Issei's eyes almost pop out of his head, while the rest of the ORC watch in admiration, even Xenovia does as well. Vergil looks at the fallen angel's remains in disgust.

Vergil: Foolishness, Kokabiel. Foolishness.

As he goes to return to the ORC, he hears a sound from above, and looks to see a person in white dragon armor.

???: Seems I got here just a tad late.

Vergil: I already know it's you, Albion. Don't start any of your rambling.

The figure drops to the ground, and their armor dissipates, revealing a silver-haired young man.

Vergil: How amusing. You've already gotten a host for yourself, pale lizard?

Vali: I was just sent here to collect Kokabiel, but it seems you've done the hard work for me. Though I don't know who you are, you don't talk to me--

The teen is suddenly dropped to a knee, in a bowing position.

Vali: Rgh, Albion, what the hell are you doing!?

From Vali's form, a voice echoes.

Albion: Please forgive Vali's foolishness. He knows not who you are.

Vali: I'm in quite a foul mood, Albion. I don't care about your boy. But know this, Mr. Vali. I am Vergil, son of Sparda and the strongest demon there ever will be. Get out of my sight, or I'll simply do to you what happened to Kokabiel over there.

Vali: Tch, you've got some talk to the host of the White Dragon that way.

Vergil goes quiet for a moment, before lunging at Vali with god-like speed, leaving a crater where he once stood. In a millisecond, Vali finds himself at the point of Yamato, Vergil pointing the blade to his throat, causing him to bleed a little.

Vergil: Currently, both Albion and Ddraig are but organisms to me. If you truly believe you have the power to take me on in battle, then I should kill you where you stand.

The boy shivers in fear, trying to back away from Vergil, but his legs don't seem to work.

Vergil: But I've already wasted my time with Kokabiel. Killing you would take seconds away from my time. Of course, I could also send you away.

With a swing of his demonic katana, Vergil rips open a hole in space, revealing the entranceway of a certain place.

Rias: That...that's the gate of Hell itself!

Behind the opening is a sight no one should ever witness, with non stop screams of terror and dread filling the smoke-filled air.

Vergil: You've been given 3 choices. One, die by my hand. Two, Go to hell. Three, get out of my sight. Choose.

Horrified by the sight, Vali quickly enters his Balance Breaker, and speeds away. With an irritated sigh, Vergil closes the portal, and walks back to the ORC. At the same time, he disengages his SIN Trigger. Once he arrives, he gazes at everyone, who are all in shock.


Now recovering from their temporary disconnection from reality, and after returning to the student council outside the entrance of the school, the ORC reconvene to their club room.

Rias: It's a shame you have to leave so soon, Vergil...

The girls of the ORC hang their heads in sadness as they gaze at Vergil.

Vergil: I promise I will return to you all, no matter the amount of time I'm gone.

Kiba, with a sad smile, nods his head.

Kiba: We'll make sure to get stronger when you come back. Maybe I will be able to defeat you in training.

Vergil: Heh, I'll look forward to it.

He turns to the girls, and Asia hugs him tightly, tears slowly going down her cheeks.

Asia: I'm gonna miss you so much...

Koneko follows suit, and she wraps around Vergil's arm while looking up at him, her amber orbs glistening.

Koneko: Please come back soon...

Vergil: No promises, but don't worry...

He kisses both their heads, and snakes his arm around both of them.

Vergil: I'll give both of you more attention when I return.

The two girls blush, and they step back, while Vergil turns to Rias and Akeno.

Vergil: I'll see you both soon, okay?

With a tear sliding down her cheek, Rias wipes it away with a smile as she and Akeno hug Vergil.

Rias: We'll wait patiently for you.

Akeno: Just make sure to not take too long, or I may have to come find you~

Vergil: Really? I wonder just what you'll do to me if you do find me~

After kissing both of their cheeks, Vergil turns to Kiba and Xenovia, who is enrolling into Kuoh Academy and is joining the ORC.

Vergil: You two, be sure to protect everyone. And Xenovia, make sure to tell Irina: when I come back, she'll have that date she's been wanting.

With a smile, Xenovia nods.

Xenovia: I'm sure she will wait as long as it takes for you.

Kiba: And we'll protect everyone with our lives.

Vergil: Good.

Finally turning to Issei, Vergil holds Yamato in front of him.

Vergil: I expect you to be stronger when I return. Because when I do, I will challenge you to a duel.

Issei: You got it, man.

With a pat on his back, Vergil then grabs the boy by the ear, and leans forward.

Vergil: If I hear you even try to touch any of my girls, I will come back and do to you what I did to Kokabiel, tenfold. Is that clear?

Issei: Y-y-y-yes sir!

Vergil: Good.

He steps away from the ORC, and slashes the air behind him, making a portal.

Vergil: I will see you all again, in the future.

The Occult Research Club all wave goodbye, and he returns the motion before stepping through his portal, returning to Remnant.


Now finding himself in a familiar room with two pairs of bunk beds, Vergil looks around while stretching his arms.

Vergil: Hm, guess they aren't here...

He then hears a few voices from the door, which opens in a few seconds.

Ruby: I'm telling you guys, it's actually a good thing the tournament got delayed. Now we can train...more...

As she spoke, she noticed Vergil in the room, and goes wide-eyed in shock.

Yang: Ruby, what's...

Yang, Blake and Weiss soon enter the room, and they see Vergil, who greets them with a wave.

Vergil: Apologies for taking so long.

As tears flow down their cheeks, the four girls of RWBY glomp Vergil, making him fall backwards.

Ruby: You're finally back!

Weiss: We've missed you so much!

Blake: It's so good to see you again!

Yang: I thought I'd never see you again!

Vergil breathes a sigh of relief, and smiles as he hugs all of them.

Vergil: I'm glad to be back, and I'm happy to see all of you again.

The rest of the time, they all lay on top of Vergil, while enjoying his warmth.

Okay, now I know what you're thinking: Hey, what the fuck is this little shrimp dicked fucker think he's doing? He's ending the side story early! First of all, o-ow, my pride! And second of all, I will continue the DxD story in the future. you don't need to torch my house down! :D

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