Kings And Slaves [V!Deku X Mo...

By Smokin_gluttony

48.7K 1K 746

Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya is the student of All For One. After All For One sees his potential, he gives the quirk... More

A Prison
Hawks Recommends
Different Point Of View
A Place You Will Call Home
Now We're Even
A Promise?
Yaoyorozu Yakuza
The Calm Before The Storm
The Recommendations Exam
Welcome To Class 1a
I'd Like To Get Registered
Battle Training
Meet The Mentor
I'm No Princess....
Who's Hungry?
Wake Up!
Unforseen Frenemies

A Seed

2.6K 57 35
By Smokin_gluttony

Izuku walked to school, only to stop once he reached school grounds. He could hear the chanting of a group of students.

He walked over and pushed to the front.

Aaron was beating some other teen bloody, hate dripping from his eyes as he beat down on the struggling school boy.

"What is going on?" asked Izuku a bystander.

"Aaron was praising Lovin Lucy again, and the other boy told him to shut up." explained some girl.

"Aaron then got angry and attacked the boy. He didn't stand a chance." continued another girl, tears filling her eyes at the brutal display.

They then heard a sickening cracking sound and a metallic smell filled the air.

"That was his.... Oh god." mumbled some boy, holding his mouth to not vomit at the scene.

Izuku looked unfazed as he soon heard the teachers approaching.

"Everyone back to class." the teachers shouted, and the mass quickly dispersed.

Izuku looked at the fuming Aaron, blood dripping from his fists, while the teachers tried their best to hold him back.

'I think ripping him from my quirk had some minor consequences.' thought Izuku as he walked away.

He walked into class and sat down.

"Hey nerd." said Katsuki as he walked into class and sat down in front of him. "Have you heard about it?"

"You mean Aaron beating someone to a bloody pulp?" smirked Izuku.


"Heard it and seen it." shrugged Izuku.

"Heard he only got detention." said Katsuki.

"Really? Have you seen the other boy? Almost non recognisable."

"Really?" scoffed Katsuki.

Before Izuku could respond, the teacher walked in and began the lesson.

After school, they walked to the beach, only to find Yaomomo and Jiro.

"Hey guys." she greeted the boys. Izuku hugged her, but she slightly winced under the touch.

"What was that about? Is everything alright?" asked Izuku, raising one eyebrow at the two girls.

"Y-yeah." smiled Yaomomo weakly.

"You know how well I can read you, yet you still try to lie?" questioned Izuku the two girls.

"It's nothing, really." said Yaomomo quickly, trying her hardest to reassure Izuku. Jiro just raised her hand to her neck, slightly rubbing it.

"You flinched when I touched you, meaning you recently made a bad experience with physical contact." mumbled Izuku. "And you try to hide your neck." He pointed to Jiro.

"Shut up, Midoriya." warned Jiro.

"You never talked about any friends, so I'm guessing you don't have that many, other than us." he said, rubbing his chin. "You're not that popular at school, are you?" he asked the two girls.

"N-no." admitted Yaomomo finally.

"The two of you get bullied." concluded Izuku finally.

Yaomomo nodded slightly, while Jiro looked away in shame.

"So tell us what happened." ordered Izuku worried.

Yaomomo opened the lower part of her shirt, only to reveal a bruised stomach. Jiro looked up and revealed strangle lines on her neck.

"Two held me, while one punched me." said Yaomomo finally.

"After that he walked over to me and strangled me with my own earlobe Jack's." said Jiro as she revealed the marks on her neck even more clearly.

Izuku could feel the impulse to laugh coming up, but he held it down.

"And you didn't defend yourself." asked Izuku as he hit Katsuki for laughing at the strangle part.

"They said they would hurt us even more." mumbled Yaomomo.

Izuku nodded and turned his attention to Katsuki.

"Hey Kaachan?" he asked.

"I know what your going to say, and I'm in." he smirked as small explosions formed in his hands.

"Good." smiled Izuku before looking back at the girls. "Tomorrow we'll come with you to your school and talk to those people."

"But you can't beat him. He has a really powerful quirk." said Jiro.

"That's not a problem." smiled Izuku as they started walking away.

"Should we really have told them that?" asked Jiro, once the two pairs were far enough away from each other.

"They are our friends, Kyouka." smiled Yaomomo.

"I hope they don't do anything stupid." said Jiro.

Katsuki and Izuku walked towards the beach and started training.

"Hey nerd. Tomorrow, are we just going to beat them up, or do you have something different planned?" asked Katsuki as he lifted some metal on his shoulder.

"We will beat them up, that much is sure." said Izuku. But then he started thinking.

'They are the lowest in their class. They never had any power.' he smirked. He then remembered something, that All For One once told him.

'Power changes people.'

'I will gift them power. True power. My power.' he thought.

The next day, the four of them walked to school, with both girls growing increasingly nervous.

"You really don't have to-" started Yaomomo.

"We know. We want to." shrugged Izuku, while Katsukis smirk only grew.

"But you will miss your first lesson." stated Jiro.

"Eh. Don't really care."

"But-" said Jiro, but was cut off by Katsuki shouting.

"Shut up, Earlobe. We are trying to help you two." he shouted.

"There is no way of changing your minds?" asked Yaomomo.

"You will thank us later." They finally arrived at the school. They got a few weird glances from a couple of students.

"Huh, you two bitches let guys fuck you now?" asked one student.

Izuku leaned over to Yaomomo.

"You know him?" he asked the taller girl.

"He's one of the worst. He's always bad mouthing us. He ruined our reputation, so we only had us." sighed Yaomomo. "He isolated us, while his best friend and his goons tortured us physically."

Izuku only nodded and leaned back.

"So the two weirdos are admitting to being sluts now. Look everybody." he shouted, as some other students started snickering, or pointing.

The two girls shrunk down at the sudden negative attention.

"Hey, Kaachan." said Izuku to his best friend. He could see some veins popping up on his forehead.

"What, nerd?" he asked.

"Make it painful." he ordered. Katzuki smirked as he started walking over.

"Which one has a better cunt, friend? The small bitch, or the fat sl-" he was cut off as Katsuki grabbed his collar and let an giant explosion into the boys face.

The smell of burned flesh filled the air.

When the smoke faded, they saw Katsuki still holding the boys collar, but his face was smoking, some red flesh showing. All of the laughing had stopped and they watched in fear at the brutal display.

"Hey, what gives?" coughed the boy, but he didn't get an answer. Instead he was thrown onto the ground. Katsuki then started kicking him into his stomach and chest.

"I think he has learned his-" Jiro tried to intervene, but was stopped by both Yaomomo and Izuku. Jiro looked at her girlfriend, but almost jumped away, once she saw the look of hate and.... enjoyment in her eyes.

Some other students avoided the brutal display, while some were slightly crying or shaking in fear.

After some broken ribs and the loss of a lot blood, the boy hung barely to consciousness, grunting more than actually breathing.

"Pick him up and take him along. We still need him." ordered Izuku. Kaachan grinned as he grabbed the collar of the boy and dragged him with him. Some droplets of blood falling onto the ground, making quiet splat sounds.

"Hey, Midoriya, I really appreciate you trying to help us, but was that really necessary?" asked Jiro a bit concerned.

"Yes. I know you're not very fond of my methods, but I can promise, they won't ever bother you again." Izuku gained a devilish grin.

They arrived at the classroom and Katsuki placed the bloody boy in front of the door.

"Kaachan, would you be so kind as to open the door?" asked Izuku with false politeness.

"Anytime, nerd." smirked Katsuki. He then let a giant explosion loose on the already half dead student, sending him flying through the door and into the classroom.

The four teens walked into the room, through the thick and heavy black smoke.

"Help.... me...." mumbled the bloodied boy as he tried to heave himself up, with the help of one of the hard wood tables.

"So you are the ones that caused the ruckus and attacked my friend." clapped one of the boys, sitting in the middle of a few boys.

Yaomomo leaned over and whispered to Izuku.

"His name is Gesu. He has a powerful quirk. He is the one that hurt us physically." she explained. "And the three boys around him are his lackeys. They hold us, while he torments us."

Izuku nodded before talking to the group.

"Good day, gentlemen. My friends told me, that you hurt them." said Izuku as he stood on top of the bloodied teens back.

"So, you two did not get enough and decided to bring your friends." laughed Gesu. "And I thought I did a good job at strangling you with your own disgusting earlobes."

Jiro swallowed heavily at the rather uncomfortable memory.

"So it was you. And I'm guessing you are the same one, that punched Yaomomos stomach?" questioned Izuku.

"Yeah." grinned Gesu. "And what are you gonna do now, small freak?" he showed his perfect teeth. They shone in the light that came in through the window.

"I must say, you have really shiny teeth." smiled Izuku at the bully.

"I know. I must keep them in perfect condition for my hero career." His teeth shifted into pointy and rather sharp looking teeth. "When I activate my quirk, my teeth grow sharp and my bite force increases. With my quirk, I can bite all villains into jail."

Izuku smiled at that.

"You seem like a nice guy, so listen...." started Izuku, but was cut off by Gesu.

"No turning away now, you wanted to fight, so let's do this." he smirked as he got up and his lackeys got ready to fight. Katsuki was about to pummel them into the ground, but was stopped by Izuku, signaling him to stay back.

"You should let me finish. I wanted to say, you seem like a nice guy, so listen, I will give you one more chance to submit yourself to the two girls." he smiled innocent.

The group of bully's looked confused for a second before they began laughing violently.

"And what if we don't? You gonna tickle us to death?" laughed one of the boys. Izukus smile stood unwavered.

Katsuki looked at them, before he started laughing, too. Even Yaomomo joined in, much to Jiros surprise.

"See, even they laugh at you." said another one of the bullys.

"We're not laughing about him." said Katsuki.

"We are laughing about you and the mistake you just made." finished Yaomomo.

The bully's stopped laughing.

"So you really think that your small friend can do anything to us. In case you haven't noticed, it's four against one." smirked Gesu.

Izukus smile grew into a wide grin as his eyes began shining in a toxic green.

Suddenly the three lackeys grabbed ahold of Gesu.

"What are you morons doing?" he asked as he struggled in their grasp.

"You seem awfully proud of your teeth." said all lackeys and Izuku in absolute unison. One of the bully's let go of Gesu and took one of the hard wood tables and placed it in front of Gesu.

The other two kicked him in the back of his knee, forcing him to kneel. Gesus eyes deformed in fear.

The mind controlled bully placed the table directly in front of Gesus face. He then forced his jaw open and held the table between his teeth.

Gesu struggled, but to no avail, when he noticed in what position he was in.

"I gave you a chance, Gesu. But you laughed with those beautiful teeth of yours." said the mind controlled bullys and Izuku as he walked onto the table, placing his foot on Gesus head, slowly applying pressure.

Gesus eyes filled with tears. Katsukis smirk grew and Yaomomo looked at the scene in front of her. At Izuku, displaying this power. Every student of her class was in the room, but they all stood still in fear. It wouldn't have taken much to stop him, but all of her class couldn't move a muscle.

"You should have taken the chance I gave you and submitted yourself." smiled Izuku as he held his foot over Gesus head. "Now I have to make an example of you, of what happens when the you don't submit to Yaomomo and Jiro."

When he finished his speech, he brought down his foot with as much force as he could. He could hear Gesu scream in fear and anticipation of the pain.

But the pain never came, instead of Gesus head, his foot landed on Jiros hand, as she held against Izukus kick.

"Midoriya, that's enough. You made your point. Now let it go." she said, struggling against his force.

"There needs to be an example." said Izuku, still pushing down.

Everyone stood in awe at Jiros intervention during the show of brutality.

"And you made your point clear. I think they got you want them to understand." she said through gritted teeth, her arms slowly getting sore.

"Just because her and I are somewhat friends. You hear that Gesu?" asked the three puppets and Izuku. "You get another chance. Don't waste it this time."

Gesu nodded as best as he could, considering his position.

"So, Gesu, will you submit yourself to them?" asked Izuku.

Again, Gesu nodded.

"And what about the rest? What do you do, when Yaomomo and Jiro ask something of you?" he asked, his voice raised.

"We submit." they all said in unison. Izuku looked at Yaomomo and much to his joy, she had stars in her beautiful onyx eyes.

Izuku got down from the table and released the bullys from his influence.

"And if I hear a single complaint about anyone of you, we will come back and finish what we started. And not even Jiro will save you then." he stated loud and clear. Katsuki let a few small explosions loose in his hands, to underline the threat. Everyone nodded.

He walked past Yaomomo on his way out.

"Just a little present of power, Yaomomo. Make the most of it." he smiled as he walked away.

After the two teens had left, Gesu and his bullys walked up to the girls and bowed deeply, their foreheads almost touching the ground.

"We are sorry for everything we did to you. Please forgive us and let us help you in any way possible." they said.

"It's fine. Just don't-" started Jiro, but was cut of by Yaomomo.

"Thank you, we shall accept your apology." she said.

"Please let us make it up to you." they shouted again.

"If you insist. Do what we say, and when we say it and we will forget about your violent treatment of us." said Yaomomo. But Jiro could see something else, that scared her to her bones. She saw enjoyment again. Enjoyment from power through fear.

"Yes. Of course, Yaoyorozu. We shall do what you two order us to." they said.

"It's really fi-" started Jiro again, trying to defuse the situation. Yaomomo nudged her side with her elbow.

Yaomomo leaned down to her and started to whisper.

"Remember how they treated us? Let's just enjoy this for a little while." smiled Yaomomo.

"One week max. Then we're even with them and this stops, okay Momo?" she whispered.

"You are the greatest girlfriend." she smiled.

"Okay, boys?" said Yaomomo. The four boys looked up at her.

"Please clean this up and bring him to the nurse. Tell her it doesn't concern her how it happened." the boys nodded and quickly did their first order.

"And the rest, please return to normal." she ordered. Quickly all students in the room did as they were told.

'Maybe this was a bad idea.' thought Jiro as she looked at her girlfriend.

Meanwhile Yaomomo had a few different thoughts.

'Thanks Izuk- Midori, I mean Midori.' she smiled as she saw how everyone was obeying her.

Some time passed and the incident became known in the student body of their school. Some feared them for their sudden power.

"Hey, Gesu?" asked Jiro her former bully.

"Yes Jiro?" he quickly asked.

"Can you help me with those desks. They need to be brought into room 203."

"Yes. I'll do it right away. Don't worry about it, Jiro." he bowed as he quickly picked up one table.

She smiled as she, too, picked up a table, only to be stopped by Gesu.

"Please Jiro, you don't have to do a thing. I'll do it for you." he said, trying to reassure the petite girl.

"No, it's fine. I didnt order you either. If you don't want to do it, then it's fine." she said.

"No, but I need to help you." he quickly stated.

"No, you don't. You were only supposed to stop bullying us. I don't want to order you around. Just treat me nice and everything is fine." she smiled. He weakly nodded as they carried the desks.

"Hey Jiro?" asked Gesu.

"Yeah?" she responded, wiping some sweat away.

"I'm sorry. About what I did to you. The strangling thing." he mumbled.

Jiro slowly felt her neck in remembrance.

"I-its fine. I forgive you." she smiled.

"You will make a great hero, one day. Much better than I ever will." he smiled as he left the room.

"Thank you." she mumbled.

Days passed and the two girls still held the power over their class, though Jiro was becoming much more uncomfortable, while Yaomomo enjoyed it.

"Hey Momo?" said Jiro her girlfriend at their way to school, their fingers intertwined into each other.

"Yes, my love." she smiled, slightly squeezing her hand.

"Do you think it was the right idea to trust Midoriya and Bakugou with our little bullying problem?"

"Are you kidding? It was the best idea." smiled Yaomomo. "We haven't been hurt once, since this day. And the boys do what we say. It's like a dream."

Jiro nodded, before asking something else.

"Aren't you bothered, that they do what you say, because they fear you?"

Yaomomo stopped and looked st her.

"Are you not happy?" she asked with worry apparent in her voice.

"I'm glad that we're not getting hurt anymore, but I still wonder if Midoriyas method was a good idea." said Jiro.

"It's about Midori, right?" said Yaomomo, rolling her eyes.

"What? No. It's about-" Jiro started.

"I know you don't like him and you think he's trying to manipulate me, but he isn't." said Yaomomo, a hint of anger in her voice. "He just tried to fucking help us."

'Did she just cuss? What is happening to her?' thought Jiro as she looked at the tall girl.

"I'm just worried about you." pleaded Jiro. "There is truth in the statement: Power...." But she didn't get to finish, because Yaomomo stormed off.

"Get your jealously under control, my love." said Yaomomo as she stormed away.

"....corrupts." finished Jiro in a mumble. She walked into the school, alone.

She walked into her room, only to find Yaomomo and her former bullys, surrounding Yaomomo.

She walked to her seat and sat down.

"Are you alright, Jiro? You seem bothered by something." stated Gesu as he walked over and sat down next to her.

"I'm fine. Its just...." she looked over to Yaomomo.

"Ahh, I see." said Gesu, nodding his head. "You're worried for her safety."

"Yeah. And I don't like what she's doing." she said.

"Let me take a wild guess, but you were opposed to the idea of getting your scary friends involved?" he asked.

"Yeah I was. But they forced themselves into the situation and Momo accepted."

"You know what I think?" asked Gesu.

"What?" asked Jiro, looking up at the boy.

"I'm glad they intervened. Because if they hadn't, I would have never realised how awsome you really are." he smiled. She blushed at the sudden compliment. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to hit on you, I'm just saying from one friend to another."

"Thank you, Gesu." she said, her cheeks a slight tint of red.

"I mean, you know so much about music, and you're so smart." he rambled.

He was then interrupted by the teacher entering and starting the lesson.

Yaomomo only listened only with one ear, as she was absorbed in her own thoughts. 'Why can't she realise, that this is the best thing that has ever happened to us? Can it be bad, if it feels so good to have them under my thumb?' she thought.

When launched came around, Yaomomo and her 'friends' walked to the cafeteria. Jiro walked with Gesu, chatting a bit.

Yaomomo sat down, her tablet with food in hand. Next to her sat Jiro.

"Hey, Momo?" she whispered.

"Yeah, my love?" she said, though it seemed a bit colder than usual.

"Can we talk in private?" asked Jiro, as she got up.

"Sure." Yaomomo got up as well and they walked a few meters into an abandoned classroom. Luckily, because of lunch, every room was empty.

"What do you want to talk about?" asked Yaomomo as she leaned against one of the desks.

"I want to apologise." sighed Jiro. "Though I'm still not happy with your power, I will...." she got cut of by someone entering the room.

"So you two sluts wanted some time alone, eh?" asked the social tormentor.

"Fuck off, Maso." said Yaomomo to her former bully.

"Nah. But my friends and I came to help you two girls." he smirked as two other guys walked out behind him.

"We don't need your help." said Jiro, but she noticed the looks her and Yaomomo received by his lackeys. Looks of lust. Jiro cringed at that.

"That wasn't a request." smirked Maso. "I want some payback for what your friends did to me. You humiliated me and now I'm going to do the exact same to you." Maso pulled out a switchblade from his pocket.

They quickly grabbed the two girls and pinned them down.

Maso pressed the blade to Yaomomos throat. "Now don't fight, Yaoyorozu, or my blade might just slip."

His other hand went down her neck and to her breasts. He licked her pointy nose and traveled with his tongue down to her lips.

Jiro meanwhile was forced to watch.

"Where are your stupid friends now, eh? You're mine now." said Maso while he forced his leg between hers.

"Please stop." pleaded Jiro through tears, trying her best to struggle her way out of the situation.

"Like hell I will. I will enjoy this greatly." smirked Maso.

"I won't forgive you, Maso, and I won't show mercy." said Yaomomo.

Suddenly the door got kicked down, only to reveal Yaomomos new friends.

"Are you in here, Yaoyoro-" the first cut himself of, when he realised what had happened. "Let her go, you bastard." he then shouted.

The small group then stormed inside only to stop when they noticed the blade.

"Don't come any closer, or she will get a new cunt." he threatened.

Yaomomo only smirked at the sudden distraction. Her hand began to shine in a blue light, while she activated her quirk, forming her lipids into a steel club.

"Hey, Maso." she smirked, her hand tightening around the weapon.

"What, slut?" he asked, but only got a steel club to the face as a response. He stumbled away from her.

"Get him boys." she ordered. They smirked as the first jumped at Maso, trying to subdue him.

"Not so fast." said Maso, spitting out a tooth. He swung his blade at the attacker and cut him across his chest. Blood slowly seeping down his torso.

Meanwhile they had subdued the other two other rapists.

Maso tried his hardest to fight the attackers, but his lights went out relatively quickly, once the back of his head met Yaomomos steel club.

Minutes later he awoke, his hands tied behind his back by some cable ties. He looked up and saw Yaomomos arm glowing a dim blue as bandages erupted from her skin. She was treating her friends wounds.

"Look who woke up." laughed Yaomomo.

"Fuck." whispered Maso, he tried slowly raising his head, but he was met with Yaomomos foot holding him down.

"Do you remember what I told you?" she asked, her foot still in his face.

He remained silent.

"I told you I wouldn't show mercy." she smiled. Her friends standing around her.

Some tears filled his eyes while he looked at the ground.

'What was I thinking? Now I'm going to die.' thought Maso.

"Now, I'm going to take myself up on that statement." she said, her friends cracked with their knuckled in anticipation of beating someone to a bloody pulp. "I'm going to make an example out of you."

Yaomomo snapped with her fingers and her lackeys started beating the helpless Maso.

"And when you're done, boys, tell everyone what happened." she said.

While she turned around, she was met with a slap to the face, by Jiro.

"That's enough, Momo." she said, tears falling from her eyes. "You're changing for the worst."

Yaomomo held her face, her cheek a bright red at where she had been slapped.

"What are you talking about?" asked Yaomomo.

"You're changing under Midoriyas influence. He's doing something to you." she said, tears stinging in her eyes.

"You want me to do what, exactly? Give up my power, his gift?" she said, her own tears filling her eyes.

"Yes." shouted Jiro.

"Fine, if you won't accept his gift, you don't have to." said Yaomomo, as she walked past Jiro.

Jiro stood there, looking towards where she left.

"You know, she really helped us." said one of the lackeys.

Jiro turned around and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

"She told us to watch out for those weaker than us. Not once she ordered us to hurt someone, without a reason." explained the lackey.

"But she is controlling you through fear." stated Jiro, wiping away some tears.

"No, she's not. She's using the fear to keep people away from bullying one another. If they fear what happens, they won't do it." he explained. "The law works the same way. She is not more evil than the law."

Meanwhile they had finished Maso. He was barely alive, caughing up blood and vomit.

Jiro looked back at the door, where Yaomomo had stormed off.

'So she only ever did good with her power....' thought Jiro, while clicking the tip of her earlobe Jack's together.

After that the day had ended, Jiro wanted to talk to Yaomomo, but she avoided her like the plaque, deepening the already deep wound of guilt, that brewed inside of Jiro.

After school had ended, Yaomomo stormed out of the classroom, leaving a worried Jiro behind.

Yaomomo stormed to the only place she could think of. She hurried to the beach, were she knew Izuku and Katsuki were training.

"Midori." she shouted as she ran over to the sweating teen.

"Hey, Yaomo-" he was cut off by Yaomomo throwing herself onto him. "What is going on? Not that I mind the surprise hug."

"Kyouka and I got in a bad fight." she said into his shoulder.

Izuku started rubbing her back in a soothing manner. Soon Yaomomo started crying slightly.

"Tell me what happened." said Izuku. As he sat both of them up. Yaomomo explained what had happened.

"Tell me who tried to rape you again?" asked Izuku with a sickly sweet smile.

"He already got his beating. I made sure of it." laughed Yaomomo.

"Fine. But I'm still not happy about it." puffed Izuku.

"I know. But why can't Kyouka realise, that your gift is the greatest thing that has happened to us?" she asked.

"I'm glad you like it." replied Izuku. "And I might know why she is so opposed to it."

"Why?" she asked. They sat in the sand, really close to each other. By now, Katsuki had noticed what had happened and informed Miruko and Hawks.

"By now, you must have noticed, that she can get quite jealous." explained Izuku, Yaomomo nodded slightly. "And up until now, she held all the power over you, since she was the only person you could talk to."

Yaomomos eyes widened at the implication.

"You don't mean, she wants to control me like that?" she asked, not believing what Izuku had said.

"Think about it. She always tried to keep you away from Kaachan and I. And now she tries to get you to give up my gift, so she can isolate you again." he explained.

"No, you're wrong. She would never do that." defended Yaomomo.

"Then why is she against you having my power?" he asked

"Because.... because.... I don't know." she admitted with a sigh. She looked towards the sky, seeing one bird flying in the sky. It reminded her of old western movies, where a vulture was flying in cycles in the desert.

In reality, it was Izukus nomu, flying on top and looking for things to observe. And it didn't take long to find something interesting.

It was Jiro, walking towards the beach, her face looking worried. Izuku inwardly smirked at that.

"She doesn't want you to have power, because she wants it to herself." stated Izuku, keeping a hawks, or more like ravens eye, on the fast approaching Jiro.

"I don't know what to think anymore." she sighed again.

"She doesn't even trust you to be alone." he sighed.

"Of course she-" but out of the corner of her eyes, she saw short purple hair.

"Momo, there you are." shouted Jiro towards her girlfriend. Yaomomos eyes widened again.

"Why did you come here?" asked Yaomomo, standing up and undusting her skirt.

"I came to apologise. I didn't know that you helped the school with your control." Jiro bowed. This left Izuku and Yaomomo baffled.

"I-it's fine. I never told you, so how should you know. Maybe I went a bit too far aswell." sighed Yaomomo.

"Anyways, we should go." said Jiro as she grabbed Yaomomos hand and tried storming away.

"Wait. Can you give me and Midori a second, before we go?" asked Yaomomo. Jiro looked at both, suspicion dripping from her gaze.

"Fine. But make it quick." ordered Jiro, as she let go of Yaomomos wrist.

Izuku and Yaomomo walked a few meters away from Jiro.

"See? She apologised. She doesn't want to control me." smiled Yaomomo.

"Yet she ordered you to make our talk quick." retorted Izuku. This left Yaomomo speechless.

"You're wrong." she said quickly. Though there was a tiny voice that voicelessly shouted that Izuku was right. "Anyways, I should go. Talk to you later."

Yaomomo hugged her friend before quickly heading off. While the couple was walking away, Izuku could see, that Jiro tried to snatch Yaomomos hand.

Yaomomo though while complying, did it reluctantly. Izuku smirked while they walked away.

"Fuck, nerd. What are you doing? Wasting fucking time." said Katsuki as he walked up to Izuku.

"What are you talking about? It was never the objective to convince her." smiled Izuku.

"The fuck you talking about?" he shouted irritated.

"Once the seed of doubt is planted, there shall be no more truth." sang Izuku as he walked away.

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