Home For The Holidays

Von BBNickiZ

141K 6.9K 9.1K

Eighteen-year-old Beyoncé Knowles never expected this to happen when she came home for the holidays. Mehr

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
New Story Alert!
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four

Thirty Five

1.6K 102 243
Von BBNickiZ

Two Years Later
Friday, December 8, 2023
Knowles's Residence
Briarwood, Texas
12:25 pm

"I'm glad you're having fun Leigh. I'm so happy I could help you see your family for Christmas," Beyoncé said into the phone as she looked out of the window and noticed that her driver was pulling up to her home.

"Thank you so much Beyoncé. I don't know how I can ever repay you. You're the best friend a girl could ask for," Leigh-Anne replied.

"I keep telling you that you don't have to repay me. I want you to be happy and be with your family for Christmas just like I get to be," Beyoncé replied.

"Thank you Bey. Tell your family that I said 'Hi,' and I'll see you after the holidays. Love you Bey," Leigh said.

"Love you too Leigh. Bye," Beyoncé told her before she hung up.

Her driver came around and opened the door for her. He helped her down before he went to grab her bags.

"Oh no Mr. Jackson, you don't have to do that. I keep telling you that I can get my own stuff. I would've driven myself home if my dad hadn't sent you," Beyoncé told her driver.

Mr. Jackson was an older man. He had worked for her family since before she was even born. Beyoncé always appreciated and respected him.

She just didn't want him to hurt himself trying to get all of her bags because she knew they were heavy.

"Girl, I am not some fragile little old man. You act like I'm about to go into the nursing home. I can carry a damn bag or two," Mr. Jackson told her.

"Just let me help you. You know your back gives you trouble sometimes," she told him as she grabbed some of her bags and made her way into the house.

She had grabbed the heavier ones to keep him from getting them.

She walked into the house and announced her arrival. Mr. Jackson put her bags down, gave her a hug, and left.

"Hey my baby! How are you? How was your flight?" Tina asked her daughter.

"I'm good. My flight was fine. Where are Tyra and Odell?" Beyoncé asked.

"Odell said that he would be coming over later, and Tyra and York will be here tomorrow," Tina replied.

"Alright. Well, where's Richard?" Beyoncé asked her mother.

Richard Lawson was her mom's new boyfriend. They had been together for about a year and a half now.

She and Mathew filed for divorce soon after Beyoncé miscarried a little over two years ago.

Beyoncé's pregnancy and miscarriage really brought out a whole new side to him that Tina didn't want around her or her kids. He just wasn't the man that she married anymore.

Beyoncé hadn't spoken to her father in a few months. She had no interest in talking to him after he had hurt her and her mother like that.

Somehow he had figured out when she was coming home and sent Mr. Jackson to come pick her up. The only reason she didn't refuse was because she didn't want to offend Mr. Jackson, who had driven to Houston to come get her.

If her father thought that giving her a ride from the airport was going to make  amends with her, he had another thing coming.

The divorce had been finalized about a month ago. Tina ended up getting the house, her cars, and half of the couple's money. She was thinking about selling the house soon.

Soon after filing for divorce, Tina met Richard, and they really hit it off. It started off as a friendship, and then turned into something more.

Beyoncé, Tyra, and Odell were really happy for their mom. They were happy that she had found someone who makes her happy.

"Richard just went out to get us some lunch. I ordered us a lot of food. There's definitely enough for you if you want some baby. I know you're probably hungry after that long flight and car ride," Tina told Beyoncé.

"Um, that's okay Mama. Y'all have some couple time. I'm gonna go meet up with Kelly and Nicki, and we'll get something to eat. I'll see you later though. Tell Richard that I said 'Hi,'" Beyoncé said to her mother before she gave her a hug.

"Alright. Well, I'll see you later," Tina said as they let go of each other.

Beyoncé grabbed her phone and her purse as she got ready to leave.

"Can I take the Range Rover? I don't feel like walking all the way to Delia's," Beyoncé asked her mother.

"Sure, but not a scratch Beyoncé. You know you can barely drive," Tina warned her.

"I can too," Beyoncé retorted.

"Mhm, I know my car better come back in one piece, or I'm gonna beat your ass Beyoncé," Tina said.

"Yes ma'am," Beyoncé said before she walked out to the garage.

She let the garage up before jumping in the Range Rover and backing out.

Delia's Dinner
1:00 pm

"Uh-oh, who the hell is this fine ass bitch walking up in here? Who the fuck told you that you could be looking this damn good bitch?" Nicki hyped Beyoncé up when she saw her walking in the restaurant.

As soon as Beyoncé heard Nicki's voice, she couldn't help but go along with her craziness. She strutted her way to the table where Kelly and Nicki were sitting in her truest Beyoncé fashion.

"Yes ma'am! Get it Queen! Work!" Nicki said to Beyoncé as she made her way to the table.

They all just burst out laughing when Beyoncé started to sit down in the booth with Kelly.

"Let me sit my ass down before we get kicked out of this bitch," Beyoncé laughed.

"Y'all are crazy as hell," Kelly laughed.

"Nobody told her crazy ass to go along with me and my mess. But speaking of your ass, damn bitch, you must be eating good as hell in Atlanta. You're thicker than you've ever been. Your ass is just fat and jiggling. You keeping looking like that I might have to start playing for the other team," Nicki told Beyoncé.

"Thanks Nicki. You know I've always been curvy. I'm just blessed to where every time I eat, it goes to all the right places," Beyoncé told her.

"Lucky bitch," Kelly and Nicki said together before they both started laughing.

"But for real Bey, you look amazing. How are you feeling? What's been going on?" Kelly asked her.

"Nothing's been going on. I feel amazing. I'm just in a really great place right now. I'm happier than I've been in a long time. School is great. Things are just great. I feel so blessed," Beyoncé told her friends.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you Bey. You've been through so much, and I'm just so glad you're happy," Kelly told her.

"Me too bitch. When you're happy, I'm happy. When you wanna fuck a bitch up, I wanna fuck a bitch up. We're just on the same wavelength," Nicki added.

"Okay. Have you been drinking Nicki? It's one in the afternoon," Beyoncé asked her because she knew her friend all too well.

"Yes, why the fuck you gotta mention the time? Don't worry about how much I drink. We all know I'm way more fun after a few drinks," Nicki said.

Beyoncé and Kelly couldn't help but laugh at their friend.

They sat there and had lunch. They took a few hours to just catch up because they had missed each other so much and talking over the phone was nothing like being in person.

Knowles's Residence
6:45 pm

After lunch, Beyoncé went back to her mom's place. She had laid around the house for the rest of the day and hung out with her brother when he came over to see her.

She was currently lying on her childhood bed in her sweats watching Christmas movies. She was going to shower and get ready for bed after a while.

She heard her phone start to buzz on her nightstand and picked it up. It was Jay. She replied as they started a conversation.

She got up out of bed and threw on her outfit from earlier. She took her hair down and made sure that she looked good before she grabbed her things and left.

The Rosebud
7:00 pm

Beyoncé parked her mom's Range Rover in a parking spot before she looked in the rear-view mirror and quickly fixed her hair.

She got out of the car and locked the door before making her way inside of the restaurant.

She saw Jay's brand new Benz in a parking spot and knew that he was already inside.

She walked over to the bar where she saw him sitting.

"Hey Shawn," Beyoncé smiled as she approached him.

"Hey ma," Jay said as he turned around and saw her.

He stood up before they hugged each other for a while before taking their seats.

As you probably guessed, Beyoncé and Jay weren't together anymore.

They had decided to break up completely a few months after Beyoncé miscarried. Beyoncé decided to go back to school for that spring semester, and she told Jay that she wanted to be single.

She told him that she wanted to live her life and be young and not have the obligation of a relationship. She told him that she thought it'd be best if she just focused on herself and tried to enjoy college and her young adult years as a single woman.

Even though Jay wanted more than anything to be with her, he respected her wishes. He understood that they were at two different points in their life and that they wanted different things at the moment.

At the time, she was nineteen, and he knew that when he was nineteen, he didn't want to be tied down and in a relationship. He wanted to enjoy his life and be young at single when he was that age too, so he let her go.

But they didn't allow their breakup to ruin their personal relationship. They decided to still be friends and stay close. They talked all the time on the phone.

They hung out and met up whenever they could. They still loved and supported each other as friends, and they were honestly each other's best friend at this point.

They had been through so much together and understood each other in a way no one else could. They just had a really strong and special relationship.

He actually still called her 'ma.' And she was the only woman that he called 'ma.'

Beyoncé took her coat off and hung it on her chair, revealing her thick and beautiful hourglass frame, as it was a little hot in the establishment.

Jay couldn't help but to stare at how gorgeous she was and her fuller frame. She was definitely a lot thicker and more beautiful than she'd ever been. Like the man he was, his eyes got stuck as he looked at her boobs and ass.

"Damn, you look amazing," Jay told her as his eyes finally made their way back up and met hers.

"Thank you. You look great too. You've been working out more, I see," she told him as she looked at his more muscular frame.

"Well, you know, I'm getting older. Can't start letting myself go ma," he replied.

They hadn't seen each other since August. They had made it a tradition to meet up in August every year around the time she had miscarried. They'd both come to Briarwood and go to the cemetery together and visit their baby. They'd just hang out for a weekend and enjoy each other's company. It was a way for them to remember their baby and continue to heal.

They were both in a much better place than they were two years ago when it happened. They had both been through intense therapy and learned how to heal and move on while still honoring their baby's memory and holding on to each other.

"Yeah, I know I said this over the phone, but Happy Birthday!" Beyoncé exclaimed with a giggle.

"Thanks ma," Jay chuckled at her excitement, which he thought was cute.

"How does it feel to be 31?" she asked him.

"Same as it felt to be 30," he replied before he took a sip of the drink he'd already ordered.

She smiled at his response.

"What about you? How does it feel to be 21?" he asked her.

"I actually do feel different. I don't know why. It's probably just in my head, but thanks again for the birthday gift you sent me. I really did love it, but you didn't have to spend all that money on me," she told him.

For her 21st birthday three months ago, Jay had sent her a pink Prada bag that was about two thousand dollars.

She loved it and was glad to add it to her huge purse collection, but she didn't know why he felt the need to go above and beyond just getting her a nice gift.

"No problem ma. You know you'll always have a special place in my heart," Jay told her.

She smiled and blushed before she spoke again.

"Well, I actually have something for you. I couldn't let you be the only one dropping bands on gifts, so here you go," Beyoncé said as she went into her purse and pulled out a small box.

She handed it to him before he opened it.

"Damn Bey, thank you. This is hot. You know you didn't have to get me anything, but I appreciate it though. You always know what I like," Jay told her.

"Of course. You'll always have a special place in my heart too," Beyoncé smiled.

They both looked at each other with a smile before Beyoncé started blushing and looked away.

"So, I have some big news to tell you, and I didn't want to say it over the phone," she told him.

"Oh, is it that secret that you kept talking about but wouldn't tell me?" Jay asked her as he took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, so here it goes. You know I've been thinking about med school and where I wanted to go, whether I wanted to stay at Emory or not. I decided not to. I applied to a bunch of schools around the country that I thought I might want to go to, but the one I really wanted to go to was UCLA. And I got in early admission!" Beyoncé told him.

"Damn Bey, that's great. I'm really proud of you. You know you didn't have any reason to be nervous. You're like the smartest person I know. You could've gotten in anywhere you wanted to. You coming out there to Los Angeles with me and Ty," Jay said to her.

Jay had moved out to California about a year ago. He had this great business opportunity that he couldn't pass up, so he decided to go. Ty Ty had recently moved to California a few weeks ago to come work with Jay out there.

"Ty's out there too now? It's been about three weeks since we last talked. He didn't say anything about it," Beyoncé said.

"You know how Ty is. He just be talking out of his neck most of the time. He probably thought he told you already. He talks so much that he can't remember what he did and didn't say," Jay told her.

"That's true," Beyoncé laughed.

"We gotta celebrate then ma. You want something to eat or drink? My treat," he said to her.

"I actually don't really drink," she told him.

"Really? I honestly thought that once you turned 21, you were gonna be partying and throwing them back," he laughed.

"Nah, you know that's not me. I'll have drink every now and then, like when I'm on a date or at dinner, but I don't just go out clubbing and partying like crazy. I tried it. I didn't like it. Hangovers aren't fun," she told him.

"True, but I invited you out for a drink. You could've told me that you didn't want to drink. We could've met anywhere you wanted to," Jay told her.

"I don't know. I didn't care where we met up. I just wanted to spend time with you. I've missed you," she replied.

"I missed you to ma," he said honestly.

"You drink enough for the both of us, and I'll drive you back to your hotel room," she told him.

"Nah, this one is enough for me, but are you sure you don't want anything? It's my treat," Jay asked her.

"Let's split a large order of chili cheese fries since you're paying," Beyoncé smiled.

"Alright," he chuckled before he called over a bartender to place their order.

"So how's Gabrielle? Where is she?" Beyoncé asked him.

Gabrielle was Jay's fiancée. She's 27. They had met and started dating about a year and a half ago. Jay had recently proposed to her.

She and Beyoncé don't like each other at all.

"Why you gotta say her name like that?" Jay asked her.

"What do you mean? That's how she says it," she said.

"If we're gonna talk about her, then I will need a couple more drinks," Jay told her.

"Why? Trouble in paradise?" Beyoncé asked as she tried not to laugh.

"Stop," he told her.

"What? I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything," she asked with a smile on her face.

"I know how you feel about her," Jay said.

"And you know how she feels about me. I don't like her. She doesn't like me. Simple as that. She's just too much for me. She's jealous of me and our friendship and doesn't like the fact that we talk all of the time and how close we are. I swear she wants to pull you away from me. She thinks she's all that because she's a lawyer. Oh no, I'm sorry. She's a 'criminal defense attorney," Beyoncé said imitating Gabrielle.

"Bey, she's not gonna get in the way of our friendship. That's a whole different part of my life that she doesn't have a say in, so don't worry about that. You know I'll always be here for you ma. No one can replace you in my life. And don't act innocent. You're always saying some slick shit to her when you're around," he replied.

"That's not fair. You know very well that the only language I speak is slick shit. I can't help it if she's too uptight to take a joke," she retorted.

"Yeah, I agree. She can be a little much sometimes," Jay agreed.

"That's an understatement. She's got a major stick up her ass, and I'm not talking about your dick," Beyoncé told him.

"She can be upsetting sometimes, and she has her faults, but I really do love her," he said before he took a sip of his drink.

"As much as you loved me?" Beyoncé asked him.

Jay almost choked on his drink after she asked him that.

"I'm just kidding. You don't have to answer that," Beyoncé said already knowing the answer to her question.

She knew that when they were together, there was no way he would've let anyone talk about her the way that she was talking about Gabrielle, no matter who it was.

She also knew that if she and Jay were together, there was no way he'd be looking at another woman the way that he looked at her when she walked in.

Beyoncé knew that she and Jay weren't still in love with each other, but she did want the best for him, and she felt like Gabrielle wasn't it.

"So if you love her so much, where is she? She didn't come home with you?" she asked him.

"Nah, we got into a little argument, and we decided that it was best if she stayed and focused on her work. She's got this big trial coming up," he told her.

"Interesting," Beyoncé said as she raised her eyebrows.

"What's so interesting?" Jay asked her.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering if she stayed in Los Angeles for work or because your mom hates her," she replied.

"Mama doesn't like anyone I'm with. She's still in love with you," he told her.

"As she should be. I'm adorable and lovable. At least one of you still is," she said.

She started laughing at herself and how petty she was.

"I'm sorry. I'm just joking. I know what you and I had is long gone and over. You're my best friend, and I just want you to be happy," Beyoncé told him.

"I am Bey, and I want the same for you," Jay replied.

"Thanks. Then I won't tell you what Ty and I say about her behind your back," Beyoncé joked.

Jay shook his head at her before the bartender came back with their chili cheese fries, and they started to eat.

"So what about you? What's been going on in your love life since we last talked since you're so into mine?" Jay asked her.

"I don't really have a love life. I haven't really been in a serious relationship since you. I do have a sex life though," Beyoncé told him.

"Oh, excuse me then," he chuckled.

"There've been some guys. There've been some girls," she told him with a smile on her face.

"Uh-uh, you can't just say that, and then stop talking. You better keep talking ma," Jay told her.

"I don't kiss and tell. I'm just having fun. That's all I'll say," she replied.

"Alright, I respect that. You'll talk to me when you're ready," he said.

"Yeah, I will. You know that," she agreed.

"So I talked to your mom when I got home. She told me that the divorce was final. How are you feeling? I know it's been a minute since you talked to your dad," Jay asked her.

"I'm fine with it. My dad is just an asshole. I love him, but he was terrible to me at what started as the best moment of my life and turned out to be the worst moment of my life. My dad, as you know, has done a lot of awful shit, and I can't tolerate it anymore," she answered.

"I know what that's like," he said referring to his own father who he hadn't talked to in years.

"I'm sorry that he tried to push you away when we came back home after the miscarriage," Beyoncé apologized.

"I couldn't care less about that man ma. I was here for you and myself, and we got through it together. That's all I wanted," he said.

Beyoncé and Jay continued to talk and enjoy each other's company for a few hours before it started to get late, and they decided to go.

He walked her out to her car.

"Tonight was great Shawn. I had a lot of fun," Beyoncé smiled as she unlocked her car door.

"I did too ma," Jay told her.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said.

"Yeah, text me when you make it home," he told her.

"I will. See you later Shawn," Beyoncé said before she hugged him.

"See you later," Jay said before they let go of each other.

They both got in their respective cars and drove off.
Another chapter!

Did you like it?

How do you feel about the time jump?

How do you feel about Tina and Mathew's divorce?

How do you feel about her having a new man in her life?

How do you feel about Beyoncé's new life and personality after the time jump?

How do you feel about the fact that she had Jay have both healed and moved on?

How do you feel about them being broken up for the past two years?

How do you feel about their relationship/friendship now?

How do you feel about them meeting up?

How do you feel about their conversation?

How do you feel about the expensive gifts they got for each other?

How do you feel about Jay being engaged?

How do you feel about the fact that she and Bey don't like each other?

How do you feel about Jay promising that Gabrielle won't ruin their friendship?

Are Bey and Jay really over?

Are their feelings for each other gone?

What will happen next?

Remember to comment and vote as much as possible! I love to see your feedback, thoughts, and opinions! Let me know what you think!

Thank you so much for reading! I love you guys! Bye!


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