Into The Light (Golden Trio E...

By Local4Life

26.8K 965 106

The summer after the death of her boyfriend Cedric Diggory, Mikayla is reunited with her Dad at the headquart... More

Summer's Over
The Quibbler
End of The Train Journey
Sorting Hat's Warning
"Hem Hem"
Seamus' Mam
Getting Their Timetables
"Ask No Questions..."
Lashing Out
DADA Disagreement
The Healing Potion
Replacing Wood
'I must not promote my products in class.'
Padfoot Printed
Ron's First Training Session
Sunday Study
Percy's Letter
Fire Visitor
High Inquistor
Umbridge's Inspections
"I suggested poison.."
Hogs Head
Sign The Parchment
Educational Decree Number 24
Toad Face in Potions
The Making of Dumbledore's Army
First Lesson
Morning Roar
The Lion and The Serpent
The Umbridge Technique
Hagrid's Journey
Gifts to The Giants
Giant Problem
Umbridge's Cold Greeting
Inspecting Hagrid
December's Here
Attack on Arthur
Tension Rises
St. Mungo's
Possible Solution
Sneaky Healer
Questioning Mikayla
Christmas Morning
Saying Goodbye Once and For All
Headless Hats
Poor Old Bode
Broken Contract
Mikayla's Side of the Story
Helping Trelawney
Learning More About Black
Mama said...
Somethings Off
Reliving That Horrible Day
Elites Are Back Baby
Trelawney Sacked
Expecto Patronum
The Inquisitorial Squad
Change in Heart
Snape's Worst Memory
Checkmate Black
Black's Future Job
Last Day of Easter Break
Returning to Class
Career Advice Consultation
One Last Kiss...
Whipped Into a State
Coming Clean
Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw
What Do You Want Us To Do?
Harry, Hermy & Micah
Run in With the Centaurs
OWL Panic
Charms Theory
Practically Charming
Transfiguration OWL
Monday and Tuesday Exams
Star Charts
The View From the Astronomy Tower
History of Magic
What Harry Saw
Building A Plan
Visions and Veritaserum
Hermione Confesses
"So, How Are We Getting to London?"
Trip to the Ministry
Through the Door
The Chase
The Arrival of The Order
Destroying Dumbledore's Office
Kreature's Care
Lily's Protection
About the Prophecy...
Embracing the Heart Broken
Focusing on The Positive
These Four Plain Walls
Table Talk
Teaching Grawp
For Sirius
Broken at the Cherry Tree
Potter Versus Black
The End of Year Feast
On the Train
Chat With the Dursley's
Home Sweet Home
I'm Beyond the Archetype
Meeting Verity
How to Work for Fred and George
Retrieving Avery's Belongings
Number 4 Privet Drive
Spending Time with Harry
Freddie Misbehaving
First Day at Work
Millennium Bridge
Beth's Surprise
I Can Explain...
Next Shift
Last Hour
Spending Time With Ron
Dinner Party
New Schedule
What the Prophet is Printing
The New Minister
Half of Everything
The Carra Manor
What to do About the Estate?
Mind Keeper
Girls Versus Boys
Returning to Level Nine
The Trial Begins
Taking the Stand
The Sentence and Surprise
The Search
Ron's Words of Wisdom
Stupid Creation
In the Candlelight
First Date
Finding Contentment
Morning in the Weasleys' Flat
Mending Past Conflicts
Blanger Reunion
Sorting Order Matters
Harry Arrives in the Burrow
OWL Results
Celebrating OWLs
Sunday Morning
Mikayla's 'Exclusive' Interview
Lunch with Freddie
Model Prep
Finishing up
Smirnov's 17th
The Ryans Visit
Sixth Year Supplies
Book Three: The Secrets of The Sighted

Pepper Collins

103 4 1
By Local4Life

It's July 22nd, as known as the due date for 25 songs to be given to Madam Malkin. The last week has consisted group meet ups to film music videos as well as Mikayla's sixteenth birthday. Molly let Mikayla invite the elites, with the exceptions of Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, and her quidditch teammates, including Lee as Alicia's date, Oliver even came. The group ate some dinner, played some wizard games and a game of quidditch, Mikayla had a lot of fun. Today, the girls planned to film the last three songs, two group songs and a duet. 

They decided to film the last two group videos in the woods they hid in during the Quidditch World Cup. Knowing that it looked beautiful this time of year, and had very few wizarding visitors since that night. The girls would be meeting Hannah, Luna, Padma and Parvati to film 'Perfect' and 'Shallow', those that weren't in one of the songs were going to record the videos for the others, it was too risky to invite a bigger group of people to be their crew. It didn't take long to record the videos as they had prerecorded their vocals for 'Shallow', and 'Perfect' was a sit down shoot.

{Dani: Ginny, Hermione: Amy, Parvati: Katherine, Padma: Christina, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren}

{Dani: Ginny, Hermione: Amy, Hannah: Katherine, Luna: Christina, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren}

Their final song to record, was a duet called 'Silence'. Mikayla and Avery were waiting for Tonks to apparate them to their location, along with Hermione who's going to record the video. It was the orders' idea to send Tonks with them since she's an Auror, and would be able to protect them in case they get attacked by Death Eaters. 

Their location is Doug Aitken's "Mirage," a mirror-clad, gabled house in California's Coachella Valley, its mirrored sides reflect the craggy and desert topography around it and the nearby San Jacinto Mountains. Mikayla and Avery visited it once when they were little with Enya after Fergal left their California Holiday to fix something at work. Avery thought it would be the perfect for the message of the song, and a fun trip.

Mikayla tuned her guitar as she looked at her reflection in the house, she watched the wind blow through her hair, a small smile on her face as the memories of this beautiful place filled her mind. She could almost hear the laughter of the 7-year-olds Mikayla and Avery as they ran about and dance in front of the mirror with their mum. She has changed so much since she was last here, whilst the landscape hasn't changed a bit. 

Mikayla's past self has been worn away by trauma, and loss, that she no longer recognises the girl in front of her. The big change is her and Avery relationship, they're more like sisters now than they were when they thought they were actual twins. "Are we ready?" Hermione questions the girls, snapping Mikayla out of her thoughts, "yeah, we're ready." Avery smiled at her sister before Mikayla began playing the instrumental. 

{Mikayla: Dani King, Avery: Casey Cook}

Once they finished up, Tonks apparated the girls to Madam Malkin's, Mikayla takes out all the songs recordings passing them to Madam Malkin, who immediately went to the projector to scan the songs in. Whilst they waited, Avery, Tonks, Hermione and Mikayla explored the shop, taking in the new promo posters, there was a massive one of the four headliners. "This is so strange..." Hermione admits as she looks at a ten foot version of herself.

"You all look so beautiful." Tonk smiles looking at the poster, "we do." Avery states whilst Mikayla looked up and saw a genuine smile on her, "you look happy." Avery looks over at Mikayla with a small smile on her, "I had forgotten just for a split second how sad I was." She admits playing with her watch, with a sad smile playing on her face, "they would be so proud of you, M." Hermione takes my hand giving her a slight squeeze, "I know..." The blonde whispers as she looked at how beautiful she looked in the posters.

"Miss Black! Miss Black, can I speak with you for a second?" I see a woman rushing towards them with a camera guy beside her, Tonks quickly stepped in front of Mikayla but Mikayla stopped her, "it's okay Tonks, I've got this." Tonks looks unsure but Avery and Hermione gave her reassurance that Mikayla will be fine. "Hi, please call me Mikayla, and you are?" The woman smiled at Mikayla's politeness, "Pepper Collins." Mikayla smile at the woman, telling her that it's a pleasure to meet her. "Is it okay if I interview you? I'm new to the Prophet and I really want to do well." Pepper asks Mikayla as she greets the camera man, who goes by Adrian, "of course, Pepper." Pepper beamed, looking over at Hermione, Tonks and Avery, "can I interview your friends as well?" Mikayla informed Pepper that it's up to the girls if they're willing to be involved in the interview. Tonks doesn't agree to be interviewed, as she is just here for the girls' safety.

"Mikayla, how are you coping?" Pepper asks straight away, the only difference in her question from other strangers ones, was the genuine concern in her voice, "it's been tough and I've certainly had my low moments but I'm very thankful to be surrounded by people I love during this difficult time." Pepper gives the blonde sympathetic smile, "how have you been spending your time during your summer break?" Pepper questions, "well I've been balancing my social and work life to keep myself busy." Pepper nods, "where do you work?" Avery decided to answer this question, "we've both been working in the new joke shop Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, and we've been collaborating with Fred and George Weasley on our own line of products called Carra Creations, which has been a lot of fun." Pepper nods, "where did the name come from?" The girls' knew Pepper knew where they got the name from but wanted it for her readers. "We named it after our beloved Mam, Enya Carra, who we lost three years ago." Mikayla answers, "and Avery do you still consider Enya your mother?" Avery nodded, "she may not of given birth to me but she loved and cherished me as if I were her own and she'll always be my mam, just live Mikayla will always be my sister."

"Are you officially out of hiding?" Her quill and note book floated through the air as Pepper waited for an answer, "I'm not in hiding just being careful, I was just fulfilling a promise I made to my friend, Madam Malkin." The woman beamed as she looked around at the posters, "are you considering to pursue Modelling instead of working in the Ministry?" Mikayla shook her head with a small smile on her lips, "no, I'll leave the modelling to the professionals, I'm still focused on working in the Department of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures once I complete my education in Hogwarts." Pepper smiles proudly that Mikayla was still as ambitious as she heard.

"This was your O.W.L year correct, how did you do?" Mikayla blushed as Hermione spoke up, "she got 10 Outstandings." Pepper's eyes widen in surprise, "congratulations, what subjects did you do?" Mikayla listed off her subjects, "you're quite impressive young lady, Mikayla." Mikayla blushes at the compliment thanking Pepper for her kind words, before Pepper questions the other girls' on their results. "Us at the Prophet love a group of brave intelligent girls."

"What was the promise you made to Madam Malkin?" As if on cue the sound of music starts playing, "my friends and I recorded some original songs and music videos for her to play in her shop. We were just dropping in the last of the songs." Pepper turned her head to watch and listen to the song that was playing, which happened to be 'Praying'

{Ginny: Dani, Hermione: Amy, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren, Hannah: Katherine, Cho: Christina}

"Is this song about someone in particular?" Mikayla nods, "all our songs our based off of something we've been through or witnessed, personally my song writing has helped me a lot through the last couple of weeks. Avery and I wrote this song after she moved in with me and the Weasleys. A song about escaping an abusive relationship." Pepper turns to Avery to comment on what Mikayla said, "this song was our masterpiece, our interactions with Fergal have been very different but there was one thing they had in common, we both walked away from it and we are stronger than ever. We won't let a bully break us, and we have a network of amazing friends and family whenever we're struggling." 

Mikayla had some tears swimming in her eyes as she smiled at her sister, Hermione was in the same position. "How are you preparing for the uncertain future?" Mikayla takes a hold of Avery and Hermione's hands, "we're staying safe, and careful for now, but if there is a war coming..." Mikayla looks of Hermione, "we'll be first in line to fight. We won't let him win." Mikayla smiled at her best friend, "and we'll win, because we have something worth fighting for, people worth dying for, but also people worth living for." 

Pepper smiles at the girls' principle, as Mikayla told her that "together we can win. It won't be easy because doing what is right is never easy, but as long as we are united, it'll be a little easier." Pepper nods to inform Mikayla what she's saying makes sense, "well if I was You-Know-Who I'd be scared." Pepper points out making the girls chuckled, "he should be." he three girls' stated proudly in sync, making everyone laugh. 

"Are you excited to go back to Hogwarts?" The girls to look at Hermione to answer, "yes we are, the future might be uncertain but we know we're safe in Hogwarts with Headmaster Dumbledore, and we can't wait to learn more. And we also miss our friends from school, we can't wait to catch up with everyone and see everyone hopefully safe and sound." Pepper nods as Mikayla and Avery agree with Hermione. "Thank you so much girls for being so nice to do this interview." Pepper goes to give Mikayla a hug, who willingly returned the gesture, "it's no problem, congrats on your new job and good luck on your future." 

Pepper beams thanking Mikayla for congratulations before getting a picture with Hermione, Mikayla and Avery to go along with the written piece. "You all are so gorgeous, congratulations on your projects and I'll definitely pop in to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to have a look at your products." Mikayla and Avery smiled at the young woman, "thank you, Pepper." The three girls' chime before Pepper and Adrian leave. They all moved to the couch to watch the music videos with Madam Malkin as they wanted to hear feedback on them all.

{Ginny: Dani, Hermione: Amy, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren, Parvati: Katherine, Tracey: Christina}

{Ginny: Dani, Hermione: Amy, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren, Daphne: Katherine, Tracey: Christina}

{Ginny: Dani, Hermione: Amy, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren, Daphne: Katherine, Padma: Christina}

{Ginny: Dani, Hermione: Amy, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren, Hannah: Katherine, Luna: Christina}

{Ginny: Dani, Hermione: Amy, Mikayla: Lisa, Avery: Lauren, Hannah: Katherine, Tracey: Christina}

{Ginny: Nina, Katie: Cora, Mikayla: Hannah, Angelina: Kaylah, Alicia: Kaedi}

{Here's the link for the Madam Malkin playlist:::}

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