Millennium Bridge

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The clock turned four, Mikayla and Avery took off their aprons handing them up in the store before saying goodbye to Verity and the twins. The pair rushed to the Charing Cross to get a train to Blackfriars station, the train takes 13 minutes and the walk from the train to the bridge took 7 minutes. Avery took the camera out of Mikayla's backpack before she pulled on the backpack to prevent someone from stealing it. "Ready?" Mikayla pulled out the tape recorder which she used to record the songs instrumental, she nodded for Avery to turn on the camera just before she pressed play on the tape.

"That was amazing," Avery chimes whilst Mikayla suddenly felt light-headed, she grabbed a hold of the railing of the bridge, taking a sharp breath in...

Mikayla's POV (Vision)

I looked at my watch to see that it was fifteen minutes from present time. I notice black smoke hurdling towards the bridge and I watched as Death Eaters derailed the bridge, causing Muggles and scream and run to get off the bridge, I noticed a woman heavily pregnant running, she gets knocked down by an older man, and I watched as the woman disappeared out of sight as her scream filled my ears. There had to be a hundred Muggles plummeting, a few surviving the fall. They needed to stop this!

Third Person POV
Mikayla pulled herself out of vision. "Avery, death eaters are coming and they're going to destroying the bridge killing muggles, there's a pregnant woman that gets knocked down and falls to her death. We have to save them, even if it involves breaking the law." Mikayla informed her sister, Avery looked stunned before quickly shifting to protection mode. "Right, I'll cast a Smokescreen, you slow down the falling muggles with the strongest slowing charm-" "Arresto Momento Duo?" Mikayla double checked they were thinking of the same spell, "yes, then I will transfigure a big inflatable boat." Avery told her sister, "then you'll return them to their natural falling speed and the both of us will "fall down" because that pregnant woman will probably go into labour and you'll be able to help her." Mikayla agreed completely with Avery's plan, "two minutes... we should get to the middle of the bridge, that's the part that falls first." Avery shoves Mikayla's camera into the backpack before handing it to her sister.

The pair run on the bridge, making it to the middle of it just before Mikayla spots the Black smoke. "It's happening." Mikayla shouted to Avery taking a hold of her sisters hand, "NOW!" Avery casted the smokescreen charm, "ARRESTO MOMENTUM DUO!" Mikayla pointed to those who where falling, the girls jumped before falling fast, "NAVICULAM IMPERVIUS!" Avery called, and the two girls fell into a boat that reminded Mikayla of a bouncy castle the Muggles have on their birthdays. "Descendo." Mikayla called pointing up towards the falling people, they returned to their normal speed as Mikayla hit them with a falling charm. Mikayla and Avery got up and began dodging body's falling onto the raft-like object.

The girls quickly hide their wands, as they help people who were calling for help from where they laid. "Sir, are you ok?" Mikayla asks an elderly man, she recognised as the one that shoved the pregnant woman, "yeah, fine now. Where did this thing come from?" He asked as he sat up, "I don't know sir." Mikayla played dumb, "URGGGGHHHH!" A woman's voice sounds, Mikayla spins around seeing the pregnant woman. Mikayla rushed to her side, "I think the babies are coming." She informed Mikayla and Avery who also ran to the woman's aid. "Have we got any doctors on here?" Mikayla yelled, no one answered, "ok madam, is this your first time in labour?" "No I have a 5 year-old son and a 3 year-old son, but it's twins this time, it'll be a lot harder." Mikayla nodded, Mikayla turned to her sister, "grab my backpack and you're gonna need to numb your hands, or she'll hurt you." She whispered to the brunette, Avery quickly did as Mikayla ordered. Whilst Avery did this Mikayla watched her watch counting the time between contractions before she felt water rush against her legs. "Ok, you're water just broke and your contractions are 45 seconds apart. Now I need to ask you a question, are you ok with me looking under your skirt to see if I can see the if baby is crowning?" The pregnant woman nods.

Mikayla takes a deep breath before looking up the woman's skirt, she can see a small bit of one of the baby's heads, "okay, they're starting to crown. Avery sit behind her, let her hold your hands and lay against your body." She instructed her sister, Avery did as she was told, "what your name?" Mikayla ask the woman, "Beth Ryan." "Alright Beth, I'm Mikayla and this is my sister Avery. Ok, now I need you to push as hard as you can and we'll get your babies out." Beth nods, as Avery shows her how to breath to stay a little comfort, Mikayla rips her jumper placing it under the woman's bottom and stretching it to her feet. Avery counts to three before Beth pushes. Mikayla watches as the baby's head comes fully out, "again!" Mikayla called and Beth did as Mikayla asked and once the baby's shoulders were out, the baby slipped out with just one more push. Mikayla used her wand to cut the umbilical cord, she cleaned the baby and wrapped it in her jumper. "Madam, can you give me a hand and just hold this woman's baby girl?" Beth exclaims happily as the woman sits down and holds the baby.

Mikayla ripped her jacket in two, placing one half where the jumper had been previously. "Alright, Beth, can you push for me please?" Mikayla called under the woman's skirt. "AGHHH!" Beth's screamed filled the air, pushing the baby's head and shoulders in one push. "Take a deep breath, push again." Mikayla instructed and Beth did as told and out popped another baby. Mikayla cut the umbilical cord, cleaned the baby and wrapped her up in the tore jacket. "Another baby girl." Mikayla informed Beth as she handed the baby to another woman who sat next to the one that was already holding her first baby girl.

"Alright it should just be the placenta left." But when Mikayla returned to under Beth's skirt, she saw another baby head. "Alright Beth push hard." Beth did as told, the baby's head came out, "again." Mikayla called, the baby's shoulders came out, "again!" Mikayla instructed, the baby slid out into Mikayla's hand and Mikayla repeated the same steps of the umbilical cord and cleaning the baby, wrapping him into the second half of her ripped jacket. "A baby boy." Mikayla informed Beth as she showed Beth that she had triplets. "Okay, Avery hold him whilst we get this placenta out." Avery took the baby off Mikayla who gave Beth permission to squeeze her left hand. "Now take your time Beth, don't hurt yourself." Beth pushed out the placenta easily, Mikayla whispered a healing spell to mend her lower area.

She wrote down the times of the babies in her notebook and the genders of the babies, "do you want to keep the placenta?" Mikayla asked Beth, "no thanks." Mikayla nodded but placed it a plastic bag just incase, "has anyone rang the police or an ambulance?" Mikayla asked the crowd, "yeah I did." The woman holding Beth's first baby told them. "Okay Beth, you should drink this, you need to stay hydrated whilst we wait for the rescue team. But first would you like to hold all your babies?" Beth nodded, the women handed Beth all her babies. "Does anyone have any coats or jumpers? I need to wrap up Beth to prevent her from freezing." A couple of men brought jackets over, Mikayla smiled as she watched Beth talk to her babies.

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