Sneaky Healer

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Mikayla heard a faint knock on her bedroom door, "Come in." Mikayla called, in walked none other than Hermione Granger, Mikayla beamed before tacking the girl in a hug, "What are you doing here? I thought you were going skiing with your parents." Hermione smiled sadly before shaking her head no, "Skiing isn't really my thing. Are you ok? Dumbledore told me what happened." Mikayla nodded sadly, "I'm a lot better than Harry. He's blaming himself for the incident. He refuses to look at anyone and has been hiding up in his room." Hermion nodded, looking around Mikayla's room. "Oh yeah. I found this in the girls dorm, it was behind my trunk for some reason." Hermione handed Mikayla Cedric's watch, Mikayla smiled looking at the watch in her hands, "I thought I lost it, it's been driving me insane." Hermione just smiled sadly. "Molly said she was leaving soon and wanted me to remind you that she's leaving to see Arthur in a few minutes." Mikayla jumped up grabbing her blue bag, emptying the bag onto her bed before she shoved the vials of healing potion back into the bag. "Could you do me a favour?" Mikayla asked looking at Hermione, "Could you try and get through to Harry?" "Yeah I'll try." Mikayla thanked her bushy haired friend before running down the stairs with the blue bag around her neck. "I was talking with Dumbledore, he believes that you should come with me because you know the dosage." Molly spoke unenthusiastically, Mikayla nodded, "That would be for the best." Mikayla walked with Bill and Molly out of the house, as they journey to St. Mungo's.

"Hello Molly dear." Arthur chimed happily seeing his wife, "what have you done?" She asked looking at Arthur's fresh bandages, "They wanted to try the Muggle way of fixing me up. They've never done it before but thought it might be exactly what I need." Mikayla smiled at Arthur who looked positively delighted, she searched the room for gloves as Molly scolded Arthur. "Mrs Weasley, it's the perfect cover for my potion. They don't know how the Muggle way will work." Mikayla whispered to the Weasleys before asking Bill to close the curtains around Mr Weasley's bed. Bill placed a silencing charm around the small area. "It won't hurt you what's so ever, other than me taking off the plasters." Mikayla informed Arthur. "If you want to discuss important things, I give you permission to put the Muffliato Charm on me." The three adults all shared glances before agreeing that it was the right thing to do. "You sure you're ok with it?" Arthur questioned, Mikayla nodded, "I'll be able to focus more on helping you rather than trying to pay attention on what's being said." "Muffliato." Bill spoke with a wave of his wand. Mikayla opened the first vial, before slowly taking off Arthur's plaster on his left side, to see a large gash, Mikayla measured it with her fingers, inspecting it, it was about 10 inches long and an inch deep. She did fifteen drops and began to rub in the potion, before her very eyes the gash disappeared with the Muggle stitches still intacted Mikayla resealed the plaster as if she never touched it. Before she moved to the next gash on Arthur's right leg. This gash was slightly smaller than the first one, only needing 10 drops of Mikayla's potions.

It took twenty minutes of undisturbed work, Mikayla had finished working on all the large gashes, leaving only the small scratches on Arthur's face, Bill removed the Muffliato Charm off the young girl. "Arthur, how are you feeling? Alright?" Mikayla asked as she stood up away from Arthur's right shoulder. "I feel great, there's no more pain. Other than the stinging on these little buggers." He gestured to his face. "I can heal those but since the Healer's haven't touched them, I didn't want to draw attention to your miraculous recovery." She looks at all the scratches, "But when they do try," she turns to Bill who she knew would be the first to Mr Weasley next, "three drops all together and make sure you rub it into his skin." She tells Bill handing him another vial of the healing potion. Molly engulfed Mikayla in a hug, one that made all the air leave her lungs. Arthur then called the girl over to side, before engulfing her in a hug, "Thanks to you, I'll be able to spend Christmas with my family." Mikayla began to get a little teary eyed, "Well I couldn't have that. Family isn't complete without you." Mikayla gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bill, will you bring Mikayla back to the house? I want to talk to your dad for a while." Molly spoke up, her voice trembling, "'Course I will Mum. See you tomorrow Dad." Bill hugged his parents goodbye before the pair walked to the train station.

As they sat on the train, Bill and Mikayla caught up with everything going on lately. "How was your date with Fleur?" She questioned wiggling her eyebrows at him, Bill ears burn red causing Mikayla to giggle lightly. "It went really well. She's actually my girlfriend..." Mikayla gasped beaming giving Bill a hug congratulating him. "I'm so happy for you." She smiled, Bill beamed at her, "You're actually the only one who knows, I haven't told mum and dad just yet." Mikayla sighed, "Bill, your parents love you. They'll be crushed if you keep this as a secret for too long." Bill nodded knowingly, "I'll tell them on Christmas, now that we'll have both of them there." Bill playfully ruffles Mikayla's hair, while Mikayla laughs squirming away from him. Once they left the train station, Mikayla allowed Bill to walk ahead of her before she quickly ran and jumped on his back. Mikayla wrapped her legs around Bill's waist, her arms loosely around his neck and Bill held Mikayla up by putting his hands under her knees. The pair laughed all the way back, as Bill pretended to buck Mikayla off a few times, to which Mikayla retaliated by covering his eyes, basically making him blind.

When the pair reached the bottom of the steps in front of headquarters, Bill lowered Mikayla onto the ground and the pair walked quietly through the door. When the door clicked closed Tonks, Remus, Moody and Sirius all poked there heads out of the kitchen, they all stared between the two before Mikayla waved and began to walk upstairs. She returned to the tapestry room, she began to read all the names of the Black family tree, frowned as she saw her Dad was scorched out. Mikayla went further upstairs into her room, getting her sewing supplies. She began staring at a picture of her Dad and began embroidering a new presence for him on the family tree. Once she finished with Sirius, though it took an hour, she began embroidering herself, looking in the mirror, she changed the hair colour to blonde which is her natural hair colour, she then did one of her mam, who was a Black by marriage. Once she was finished with her little family, Mikayla snuck back downstairs into the tapestry room, closing the door behind her before sewing in her family onto the tree. She stood back, admiring her handy work, and decided to not mention it to anyone, and act as if she was never there.

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