First Day at Work

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The two girls saluted rushing out the store room. Mikayla was told to refill the Firework section, she wrote a list of fireworks that needed to be put out;

Bombtastic Bomb
Box 'O' Rockets
Crystal Incantation Comet
Demon Dung Crackers
Diabolic Dare Devils
Fred-N-Georges' Pyrotechnics Compendium
Fred Weasley's Basic Blaze Box
Loonar Loop Luminators
Spectrum Splasher
Thestral Thrasher
Thor's Thunder Cracker
Voodoo Fountain

She carried them out one by one, filling the shelves as much as she could, once she finished, she was approached by Susan Bones. "Hello Susan, what can I help you with?" The blonde questions, "I'm looking for Bruise Removal paste..." Susan whispers, Mikayla nodded leading her over to the products, "are you ok?" Mikayla whispered as picked up the paste, "yeah it's for my cousin, I gave her a boxing telescope and well you can guess what happened next." Mikayla nodded chuckling lightly, "thanks for the help Mikayla." "No problem, enjoy the rest of your day and if you to ask me anything else, I'll be at the WonderWitch display stocking shelves." Susan nods, as Mikayla makes her way to the WonderWitch station before the twins arrive at her side. "Mikayla we're out of Carra Curatio. Can you go to the apothecary, get the ingredients, and brew it? I'll help you bottle them once you're done." Fred told her, Mikayla smiled, "of course. I'll go straight away." Mikayla grabs her purse from the backpack in the store room, weaving through the crowd out of the shop.

Mikayla went to Slug & Jiggers Apothecary first, purchasing Bubotuber pus, Dittany, Murtlap essence, and Mandrake Leaves. Her total came to 28 Galleons, Mikayla payed up getting a box off the man at the counter, "thank you." Mikayla smiled before rushing to the Apothecary at the North-side of Diagon Alley buying Infusion of Wormwood, Dragon Liver and Lionfish spine, costing her 12 Galleons. Mikayla made her way through the crowds of Diagon Alley, passing a group of her classmates that were whispering as she passed, Mikayla finally made it back to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. She got through the crowd quite quickly, making it into the storeroom in a minute and dashing straight to the corner where the cauldron stood. She noticed a book that was left beside the cauldron, she looked around the room to ensure that no one was nearby watching her, she opened the book to see the title : 'The Weasley Twins: A Potioneer's Guide to Our Products'. Mikayla closed the book deciding that she should get a move on in brewing rather than snooping.

Mikayla begins by pouring the full bottle of infusion of wormwood into the empty cauldron. 8 teaspoons of Bubotuber pus added on top of it before stirring it twice clockwise and adding a low heat. 7 sprigs of Dittany, aka burning bush, stirring it four times anti-clockwise and three times clockwise. Mikayla added four ounces of chopped Dragon Liver, and stir the potion twice clockwise. Mikayla pulled out her notebook, flipping onto the measurements of her additional ingredients. She added 8 drops of Murtlap essence, and two cups of powdered Lionfish spine before stirring the potion four times clockwise and three times anti-clockwise. Mikayla brought the heat up to a medium strength, watching as the potion turned a white colour. She then added 15 stewed mandrake leaves, stirring it clockwise until it became colourless. Mikayla turned the heat off, putting the lid on the cauldron to prevent tampering, Mikayla looks out behind the curtain of the storeroom, spotting the twins, once Fred makes eye contact with her she waves him over, he turns to his brother and says something before following Mikayla to cauldron.

"Jeez! How much did you make?" Fred asks Mikayla after she opened the lid of the cauldron. "I'd say we could get at least 700 bottles out of this." She admits, Fred looks at her stunned, "what? It doesn't have a use by date, so I thought just to have a healthy stock, so we don't get stuck for a while." Fred told her it made sense, she moved over to the 'protection' section grabbing two boxes. "We have a thousand empty bottles, so once we fill as much as we can, we'll be labelling bottles." Fred told Mikayla, she agreed to his work plan, grabbing two funnels and two ladles. She hands one of each to Fred, who thanks her as he leaves a box of empty bottles next to Mikayla and leaves a crate on the table to put the filled bottles in.

The pair were bottling for half an hour before they began to see the end of the cauldron. "What are we on right now?" Fred asks as he fills another bottle, "780, I reckon we'll get five or six more." She informs him as she scribbles something on her notebook, grabbing another bottle to fill. "So how much did you spend on ingredients?" Fred questions her as he fills the last bottle, "50 Galleons, and this lot will sell for 2,817 Galleons meaning a 2,767 Galleon profit. So you and George will make 2,213 once these are all sold." Fred chuckles in disbelief, "you did that math in your head as if it was nothing." Mikayla shrugged, "right let's get to labelling more bottles." She clapped, Fred smiles at the blonde causing her to blush lightly. "You need to put some of these on the shelf first." Mikayla nodded picking up some of the bottles placing them in a empty box she picked up nearby, she counted how many she picked up, 186. "right there's 600 in the store, and we'll have 186 on display." She informed Fred so that he could write it into his books, as he and his brother like to keep track on what they sell, and how much they have in stock. Mikayla rushed to where the sign for Carra Curatio was in the 'Protection' section of the shop. She began to fill the display, she got 145 on the shelves before she asked George for help with the last 41 bottles as she couldn't reach the last shelf.

Mikayla went to rejoin Fred in the store to see he had started labelling bottles, "Oh by the way, I didn't use all of the ingredients I bought, I'd say you'd get another 200 bottles out what's left." Fred jumped at Mikayla's voice that he hadn't expected to sound, "oh, so your math isn't complete." "Nope." Mikayla chuckles, as she showed Fred where she left all the ingredients she didn't use. "Oh that reminds me, we owe you 50 Galleons." Fred left the room before Mikayla could interject, when Fred returned with a bag of coins. "Fred, if you guys are only getting 70% of the profits then you only need to pay for 70% of the ingredients." Fred furrowed his eyebrows, "No, that's not fair." he argues, "actually it's the definition of fair trade." Fred chuckled shaking his head no, "How about we do the ingredients 85/15? since you're the inventor, you should get a discount on supplying." Mikayla sighed before giving in, "fine." Fred laughs lightly, "so how much am I taking out?" "Technically 7.5 but why don't round it up to 8." Mikayla said with a wink at the end of her sentence, Fred counted out eight galleons before handing Mikayla the money. Mikayla grabbed her backpack and counted out the coins as she put it in her own money bag. She noticed that Fred tried to slip her five extra galleons, "either you're terrible at counting or you're secretly trying to tip me." Mikayla handed Fred back the money bag with the five extra coins. "Can we get back to work now?" Mikayla asked Fred as she put her bag back where she had left it this morning. "Ugh fine."

Into The Light (Golden Trio Era) {2}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz