The Ryans Visit

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The shop has been crazy busy since the interview with Pepper Collins, who got her first ever front page article. George and Fred thanked the girls for plugging the shop, which made the girls laughed, and Ron to make a comment about the Prophet's new obsession with the young blonde. Pepper made sure to mention that the girls were so sweet and polite during the entire interview and it felt more like she was talking to her friends. The headline of the article was 'Mikayla Black: Together We Can Win'. Dumbledore loved the article, saying that the girls handled it perfectly, relaying points that he's said to them before about unity and fighting for what is right, and how it won't be easy. Dumbledore laughed considering to frame the article and hang it up in his office, which Mikayla immediately protested against.

"Babe, can you restock the fireworks?" Fred bends his head to whisper in Mikayla's ear, "sure thing." The blonde smile giving Fred a quick kiss, making him smile as she rushed to the firework display to find what needs to be refilled. "We need 80 Bang Bang Boggart Bangers, 40 Voodoo Fountains, 60 Spectrum Splashers, 70 Diabolic Dare Devils and 50 Demon Dung Crackers." Avery informs Mikayla passing her the list she has made, "and we need more Decoy Detonators, and Instant Darkness Powder for the defence display. For the Joke Products section, 30 Boxing Telescopes, 40 Bruise Removal Paste, 60 Headless Hats, 30 Broom Broom Boxes and 90 Dungbombs. As for Carra Creations, we pretty much need 150 of everything, 200 of the new ones, Mind Locker and Academy Attract." Mikayla thanks Avery for compiling a list for her and told her she'd get straight to it.

She stocked up the fireworks first, then the defence products, after she filled the Carra Creations section, and finishing up on the joke products. On her way back to the counter she hears the bell jingle and Mikayla's head snaps to look at the door as she heard Beth's voice. She squealed excitedly making her way over to the Ryan family, Avery hot on her tail. "Hello! It's so great to see you." Mikayla beams giving Beth a tight hug, for the last month the pair have been sending letters to one another, keeping each other updated on what's going on in their lives. After she greets Ron, Mikayla kneels down to Oliver and Andrew's height, greeting them and telling them it was nice to meet them. "You're pwetty." Andrew points out, "easy little man, she's taken." Mikayla hears Fred's voice behind her making her chuckle, Mikayla thanks Andrew for the compliment. "Beth, Ron, this is Fred Weasley, my boyfriend, Charlie's brother, and the guy who owns this shop." Fred shakes the couple's hands before introducing himself to the two young boys. George joins the party introducing himself to the family with a beaming smile.

"Can I peak in? Are they asleep?" Mikayla questions gesturing to the pram, Beth tells her to go ahead and say hello. When she peaks in, so does Avery and they are greeted by three wide awake babies that smile when they see them. "Hello." Avery whispers gently, "they've gotten so big." Avery informs the couple as Mikayla stayed silent smiling at the three siblings cuddling each other. "And... I'm in love with them." Mikayla concludes chuckling making the adults laugh to, "would you like to hold the girls?" Mikayla and Avery nod their heads violently, "dibs on holding Mikayla!" Mikayla says quickly as Ron picks up the gorgeous baby girl and passes her to Mikayla. "Hello sweet pea, my name is Mikayla too." Mikayla whispers with a small smile playing on her lips, baby Mikayla cooed as she looked back up at the blonde that was holding her. Avery held baby Avery and Beth picked up Daniel so he wouldn't be left out.

"I can't believe it's been a month already." Avery admits, as baby Mikayla wraps her hand around Mikayla's pointer finger, causing a wobble smile to play on blonde's face. "They're so precious." Mikayla looks up at Beth who was cuddling into her husband as she watched the girls interact with her babies. "How are you feeling?" Avery questions the parents of the triplets, "good, they're very lazy so we're they've settled fast into a routine." Ron answers, "I don't know how you do anything other than stare at them all day." Mikayla admits, her eyes briefly leaving the babies face to see Fred watching her with a small smile tugged on his lips.

"Fred, would you hold Daniel for us? Andy and Oli have been dying to explore the shop." The two boys bounce excitedly looking around, "of course, we'll wait here whilst you guys explore, I'll get George to give you a tour." Fred waved down his brother before taking Daniel off Beth, George smiles as he reappears by their side, "George, can you bring the Ryans on a tour?" George salutes as Andrew takes his dad's hand and Oliver takes Beth's hand, "go have some well deserved fun." Avery chimes at them, they follow George basically being dragged by their sons. Mikayla had tears swimming in her eyes as she sniffles to stop them from falling. "M, are you crying?" Avery questions, "they're just so cute." Mikayla mumbles and continues to sniffle, snuggling into Fred's side. "I still can't believe you delivered them." Fred admits looking down at Mikayla, who looked up at him, "me neither." The blonde mumbles before looking back down at the baby, "you're just so gorgeous." Mikayla smiles at baby Mikayla as her finger caresses the baby's noise, helping her to fall asleep.

"Thanks again George, it's very sweet of you." Beth smiles at George, who Andrew and Oliver hug thanks. "You won't be thanking me when you've realised I've corrupted your sons into becoming pranksters." George laughed as the boys carry a few bags of WWW products. "Girls! Your products are amazing by the way! Seriously you two are very intelligent." Ron compliments Mikayla and Avery, who both instantly thank him for his kind words. "We should really get going, can't upset the triplets routine too much just yet." Beth takes Daniel off Fred first placing the baby back in the pram, before taking Avery and following suit, finishing up with Mikayla. "Of course and thanks again for dropping in." Mikayla thanked as she gave the couple a tight hug, returning to Andrew and Oliver's height to give them a hug goodbye, "thank you." They chime as they hug the blonde, Mikayla returned the thanks as Avery took over saying goodbye. "Be safe!" Mikayla calls after them, "you too!" Beth calls back before the family disappeared down the street.

"What did you do George?" Fred questions once the family was no where to be seen. "Well Oli and Andy kept asking if they could get stuff and Beth was trying to explain to them that they need to save money, so I told them it was on the house." Mikayla instantly gives George a beaming smile and a quick hug, "I'll cover the cost of it." Mikayla announces, "we'll split it." Avery spoke up behind her sister, who reluctantly agreed with splitting the cost." Fred and George share a glance, as the girls ask how much it costs. "You don't have to pay, we won't go broke over a couple of Galleons." The girls shake their heads insisting on covering the cost, "okay 10 Galleons each." George informed the girls, who ran to the storeroom to get the money, before handing it over.

Don't forget to let your voice be heard! I answer all comments and appreciate all votes. Correct my mistakes or share your opinions on reading each part. Regards me x

Into The Light (Golden Trio Era) {2}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon