Promise You'll Never Forget

By lucy_230603

455 34 2

A Draco Malfoy FanFiction story. Nobody expected a mudblood to fall for Draco Malfoy, what's worse? Nobody ex... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 14

9 1 0
By lucy_230603

Possible TW for this chapter, includes scenes that could be sensitive to sexual assault survivors


Cormac didn't speak a word to me on the walk to the party, it was really strange, we walked beside each other silently whilst all the other dates were laughing and chatting.

He was stumbling about the place and had clearly had a good few pre-drinks before this so I held his arm to keep him steady if anything. I felt his other hand slither around my waist, a little too low for comfort, I let it sit there until we got to the party, but I kept a close eye on it making sure it didn't get any lower, I was beginning to get a bad feeling of this night.

I headed straight to the drinks table after the initial greetings, as did Cormac, I was filling up my cup with a punch which had been charmed to taste like your favourite drink when I saw Cormac take out a large hip flask and poured it's contents into his cup with his hand shaking all over the place;

"You know you're going to have to be more discrete than that." I say nodding towards the flask which smelled as if it had some sort of straight spirit in it. He had it held in plain view of everyone, not caring who saw.

"You want some or not Ana?" He spat out. It was the first time he had ever called me that and for some reason it irked me, it didn't sound the same as it did when Draco said it. When Cormac said it, it was cold, it felt weird and uncomfortable, the complete opposite to when Draco says it.

"Of course, bring it on McLaggen." I nodded and handed over my cup where he poured a generous couple of shots into my drink, I'm very glad this is charmed to taste like anything I want because whatever he has in that flask stinks.

I sipped my drink quite fast so the alcohol would take affect quicker while making my way around the party, talking and laughing with my friends. Sure enough Ginny and Dean kept their distance from each other, Dean actually kept Cormac company over at the drinks table for most of the night.

It worried me how intoxicated he was getting, we hadn't spent any of the party together because he was being repulsive to speak too, talking over me, not listening, blatantly ignoring me. I eventually walked away shocked at his attitude.

After a few more drinks that were being passed around the room, I was beginning to feel a bit giggly when I felt a hand on my waist pulling me quickly behind the curtains so we couldn't be seen by the party. It was a blur in font of my eyes and as they adjusted to my surroundings a familiar face appeared inches from mine.

"I can't believe you actually came with him" Draco said breaking the silence and sounding very mad. His hand was still on my waist and it replaced the feeling of McLaggen's hand which had once rested in that exact spot.

"And I can't believe you came at all, I thought this was invite only." I fired back, it begged the question of why he was here. For some reason I didn't mind it, I actually kind of liked that he was here, I felt instantly more comfortable knowing his presence.

"I was just in the area." He says raising an eyebrow.

"And you decided to pop in for a chat?" I questioned him. 

"Just checking prince charming isn't trying anything." He says as a look of disgust appeared on his face.

"Careful Draco, you're sounding awfully jealous right now." I brought my hand up to his chest and dragged my fingers down his black jacket and onto the rim of his belt, teasing him ever so slightly.

"Jealous? Ana, I don't get jealous." He rolled his eyes at me taking my wrist and pinning it to the window. "And certainly not by McLaggen."

A sly smirk emerged on his face, glancing at my lips quickly before returning his gaze to my eyes.

"Then why are you here?" I crooked my head to one side, raising my eyebrow and smiling, slurring my words.

"Why are you so stubborn all the time, have you been drinking?" He asked me locking his eyes onto mine, trying to read me.

"So what if I have?" I bit down on my lip watching his eyes fall to my mouth, trying to get a reaction out of him. I knew I was playing a dangerous game but I didn't care.

He pressed me against the window with his body, not leaving a gap between us, I could feel his breath on my neck as he lent down and whispered in my ear,

"I know what you're doing darling, I don't think you want to play this game with me." He gave me a slow kiss on my neck when I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

He smiled at his actions knowing the effect he had on me, my body was betraying me. He moved his other hand up to my chin placing his thumb on my softly pink lips.

"You look good tonight." He trailed his eyes from my mouth down my body slowly taking me all in.

I brought my hand up to his face and traced his jawline with my finger.

"I look amazing tonight" I corrected him before placing a hand on his chest and pushing him away, walking to the drinks table again, leaving him behind the curtain.

I finally found Cormac downing his drink at the punch bowl while filling another cup up simultaneously. He finally looked happy to see me, he dragged me into a big hug, wrapping his arms around me and lowering his hands so they were cupping my bum. I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he spoke.

"Hey Ana, where have you been?" I open my mouth to answer when he crashed his lips onto mine making me jump, it was a sloppy kiss and his hands were all over me.

"Cormac... Everyone's staring." He pulls away and starts ushering me to the door.

"Well lets go somewhere more private." His hand was still resting on my bum so I swiped it away and proceeded to walk, until I heard Draco's voice sounding very angry.

*Draco's POV*

I really was only in the area, Slughorn's party just happened to be held on the same floor as the room of requirement is. The door was open and I caught a glimpse of Ana wearing a short campaign dress that made her look stunning.

She was standing next to McLaggen and his hand was very low, I loathed seeing her with him, so I snuck behind the curtains and waited for the perfect time to have a chat with her.

She was quite clearly drunk and she was trying to tease me, she had no idea the effect she has on me.

Even the simplest touch like running her fingers down my chest made me go crazy for her, but two can play at her game so I closed the gap between us and whispered in her ear. She let out a quiet breath when I challenged her.

She captivated me with her responses and when she said she looked amazing I couldn't disagree. She ran her finger along my jawline and walked away making me turn my head and watch her walk all the way to the drinks table to McLaggen.

I was about to leave when I saw McLaggen hug her and touch her ass. The sight disgusted me enough to be sick, she looked so uncomfortable with him. The second his lips touched hers I ignited in rage as it took over my body and I burst out from behind the curtains but before I got close to them, I was stopped by Flich who dragged me to the middle of the room.

"Get your hands off me you filthy squid."

He exposed me to Slughorn and the rest of the party for crashing with pleasure however my eyes didn't leave Ana's for the entire interaction, nor did hers leave mine.

I wanted nothing more than to punch McLaggen in the throat but Snape escorted me out before I got the chance. It made my blood boil thinking of what is gonna happen tonight. The way he was ushering her out of the room quickly to go somewhere more private angered me beyond returning. She wouldn't do anything, right?

*Analia's POV*

TW, the following may be triggering to sexual assault survivors.

Cormac continued to lead me away from the party despite me resisting. When we got up to his dorm room he closed the door and pushed me up against it, pressing his lips to mine forcefully.

He moved the kisses down to my neck and slip his hand up my dress. I quickly slap it away but he puts his hand further up than before.

"Cormac, stop, what are you doing." I say trying to push him off.

"Come on Ana, we've been together for a while, I deserve it." He insisted.

"No Cormac you're drunk. Stop it."

"Don't be stiff Ana, help me out here." He kissed down my neck giving me a hickey.

"Get off me." He held me against the door with my arms by my side.

"No, you're going to give me what Malfoy got." He muttered between kisses.

"What the hell are you on about." He stopped and looked in my eyes.

"You fucked Malfoy, now I want my turn." His attitude changed from playful to aggressive as his hand hit the wall right above my head frightening me and making me jump.

"What did you just say?" I said gaining enough power to push him away from me.

"You fucked Malfoy that day your deadbeat dad died."

"How fucking dare you speak to me about my father like that." I scream at him, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Ugh you're not worth the fuss anyway, I don't need Draco's sloppy seconds." He shouted from across the room kicking his wall.

I don't know what came over me but I stormed up to him, raised my hand and slapped him over the face before running out the room.

I sprinted back to my dorm in floods of tears and buried myself in bed. I couldn't even comprehend what just happened. Luna was stunned seeing the mess I was in, she climbed into my bed and comforted me until I finally told her everything that had happened. After hours of sobbing into my pillow I drifted off into a restless sleep.

Word Count - 1800

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