Bofuri - ( I don't want to ge...

By ShinSaki

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Honjou Kaede was invited by her friend, Shiromine Risa to play a VRMMO. I don't hate games, but painful thing... More

Chapter Prologue Before That
Chapter 1 First Login
Chapter 2 First Battle
Chapter 3 First Damage
Chapter 4 Concentration
Chapter 5 First Intermingling
Chapter 6 Dungeon Attack
Chapter 7 Poison Dragon Battle
Chapter 8 Secret Training
Chapter 9 Event Start
Chapter 10 Event Results
Chapter 11 Status Discussion
Chapter 12 Material Collection
Chapter 13 A Friend
Chapter 14 Fishing Day
Chapter 15 Underground Lake Capture
Chapter 16 New Knowledge
Chapter 17 Stage Capture
Chapter 18 Maintenance
Chapter 19 Under Preparation
Chapter 20 Friend Strengthening
Chapter 21 Second Event
Chapter 22 Boss Extermination
Chapter 23 Exploration Resume
Chapter 24 Underground Exploration
Chapter 25 Climbing Mountain
Chapter 26 Teleport Destination
Chapter 27 Conclusion
Chapter 28 Midnight Exploration
Chapter 29 The Third Day Of The Event
Chapter 30 Valley Exploration
Chapter 31 What's Inside The Egg
Chapter 32 Downstream Exploration
Chapter 33 Imitation Battle
Chapter 34 Imitation Subjugation
Chapter 35 Desert Exploration
Chapter 36 Under The Quicksand
Chapter 37 Outside The Game
Chapter 38 Encounter
Chapter 39 Crystal Cave
Chapter 40 Escape Plan
Chapter 41 The Fifth Day Of The Event
Chapter 42 Sea And Sandy Beach
Chapter 43 Coastal Exploration
Chapter 44 Ruins Exploration
Chapter 45 Ancient Heart
Chapter 46 Squid Subjugation
Chapter 47 Squid Subjugation 2
Chapter 48 Squid Subjugation 3
Chapter 49 The Sixth Day Of The Event
Chapter 50 Event And Mid-Boss
Chapter 51 Event Finished
Chapter 52 Skill Selection
Chapter 53 Sighting Information
Chapter 54 Skill Contents
Chapter 55 Loot
Chapter 56 Major Failure
Chapter 57 New Elements
Chapter 58 Product Materials
Chapter 59 Quest
Chapter 60 Quest 2
Chapter 61 Quest 3
Chapter 62 Skill Acquisition
Chapter 63-65 Dedicated Affection
Chapter 66 Assistance
Chapter 67 Growth Of A Follower Spirit
Chapter 68 Joining The Team?
Chapter 69 Fur Cut
Chapter 70 The Current Status
Chapter 71 The Third Event
Chapter 72 Derailment
Chapter 73 Big Derailment
Chapter 74 Demon Battle
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 Savagery
Chapter 77 An Invitation
Chapter 78 Demolishing A Boss
Chapter 79 Grinding
Chapter 80 Apprentice Training
Chapter 81 Supporting Role
Chapter 82 Conversation
Chapter 83 The Bottom Of The Cliff
Chapter 84 Succession
Chapter 85 A Crafting Role
Chapter 86 Offensive Supporter
Chapter 87 Information Gathering
Chapter 88 Probing
Chapter 89 Event Notification
Chapter 90 Final Adjustments
Chapter 91 The Fourth Event
Chapter 93 Protecting the Orb
Chapter 94 The Reconnaissance Team
Chapter 95 Two Enemies
Chapter 96 the Two Similar People
Chapter 97 Orb Collecting
Chapter 98 Ifrit's Country
Chapter 99 The Flame Empress
Chapter 100 Full Member
Chapter 101 Night
Chapter 102 Towards Tomorrow
Chapter 103 Something Unexpected
Chapter 104 Breaking Barriers
Chapter 105 A Little Growth
Chapter 106 Release
Chapter 107 Destructor
Chapter 108 Progress
Chapter 109 Prison
Chapter 110 Attack Preparations
Chapter 111 Raid
Chapter 112 Invasion
Chapter 113 A Disadvantage
Chapter 114 Futile Resistance
Chapter 115 Changing Formation
Chapter 116 The Rear Guard
Chapter 117 The Second Step
Chapter 118 Visitors
Chapter 119 A Monster
Chapter 120 Shadow Of The Night
Chapter 121 The Morning Of The Third Day
Chapter 122 The Siege
Chapter 123 A Feast
Chapter 124 The User Of The Holy Blade
Chapter 125 A Safe Zone
Chapter 126 Speculation
Chapter 127 Connections
Chapter 128 The Message Board
Chapter 129 The 4th Layer
Chapter 130 The Town On The 4th Layer
Chapter 131 Inside Of The Pot
Chapter 132 Report
Chapter 133 A Sword
Chapter 134 A Sword 2
Chapter 135 A New Opening
Chapter 136 One Night
Chapter 137 A Duel
Chapter 138 Dragon Slaying
Chapter 139 The Lord
Chapter 140 Sealing
Chapter 141 Fifth Event
Chapter 142 Sally
Chapter 143 A Present
Chapter 144 The 5th Layer
Chapter 145 The Strongest
Chapter 146 The Strongest 2
Chapter 147 The Strongest 3
Chapter 148 The Strongest 4
Chapter 149 The 5th Layer
Chapter 150 A Thunderhead
Chapter 151 The Area
Chapter 152 Panic
Chapter 153 Ice
Chapter 154 Ice Arm
Chapter 155 The Return
Chapter 156 The 6th Event
Chapter 157 The Elite Corps
Chapter 158 Pain
Chapter 159 The Jungle
Chapter 160 The Spider's Thread
Chapter 161 The Web User
Chapter 162 The Large Twisted Tree
Chapter 163 The Silent Forest
Chapter 164 Meeting Up
Chapter 165 The Golems
Chapter 166 The Moss-Covered Ruin
Chapter 167 Inside of the Ruins
Chapter 168 The Skeleton King
Chapter 169 The Event
Chapter 170 The King of Light
Chapter 171 The Item
Chapter 172 The Throne
Chapter 173 Umbrellas
Chapter 174 The Rain Area
Chapter 175 The Rain Area 2
Chapter 176 To the Sixth Layer
Chapter 177 The 6th Layer
Chapter 178 The Haunted Mansion
Chapter 179 The Haunted Mansion 2
Chapter 180 The Haunted Mansion 3
Chapter 181 The Haunted Mansion 4
Chapter 182 An Extended Battle
Chapter 183 The Search for Shoes

Chapter 92 A Cunning Scheme

34 4 0
By ShinSaki

After separating from the two, Sally moved around, hiding up in trees and in bushes and behind rocks as she searched the area for the other guilds.

Sally had found 5 guilds in all, after moving quite far.

And not all of them were small guilds, there were some that were medium sized.

Sally noted all of this with the locations on her map and then left the area, making sure that no one saw her.

“The medium-sized guild is inside the ruins… There is a ceiling over the orb, but no walls…hmm.”

Sally closed her map and leaned against the trunk of a tree in order to think.

They had achieved victory in the last fight while using as little energy as possible. But there was no guarantee that things would go smoothly next time.

Furthermore, while Sally was exploring, she realized that there was hardly any items to be found.

The only thing she found were items that recovered equipment durability, which was made specifically for this map.

That meant that they wouldn’t be able to make potions once they ran out of the ingredients.

“Harsh battles are being waged all over the place…Will we even have any MP potions left by the fifth day?”

MP potions depleted much faster than HP potions.

It was possible that support with magic would become more difficult by the fifth day.

“Hmm… But we won’t be able to catch up if we don’t rack up points early on.”

“…Considering all that, we would need Maple to attack head-on, but that’s not possible…so, what we can do now is…”

Sally gathered her thoughts before covering herself with the robe. She jumped up to the top of the tree and continued to look for other players.

Sally continued to explore for a while, when she came upon a trio of players.

As she listened to them for a while from on top of the tree, she learned that they were on a reconnaissance mission.

Their weapons were a staff, greatsword and one-handed sword plus shield. Sally moved away and silently climbed down to the ground. She was careful to get on bushes and make sounds as she approached them.

She even added an annoyed ‘tsk’ to express her emotion at being caught.

While they may have just been scouting, it was three against one.

And as she looked like she really didn’t care to fight, it was obvious that these three would go in for an attack.

Sally was looking hesitantly over her shoulder when a magic attack came flying. As if a continuation of the attack, the greatsword wielder charged at her at top speed.

Sally dodged the magic and avoided the charge, but still lost her balance.

As if he were waiting for this opportunity, the guy with the sword and shield jumped at her. Sally blocked his attack with her dagger, then she quickly rolled out of the way of the three shots of wind magic that came hurtling towards her.


Sally created some distance by using the skill, which allowed her to recover. She held her two daggers in front of her and slowly moved back.

The enemies saw that she was ready to retreat, and they quickly pushed forward.


“Heavy Charge’!”

The player with the greatsword charged forward, the player with the one-handed sword jumped and landed behind Sally in order to block her escape. They were both continually supported by magic.

They were pushing without consideration for anything else.

They were so sure that Sally was close to being defeated.

It was just when they started to get suspicious at her ability to dodge every attack. Sally, who was covered in dirt from so much rolling, darted out into the forest once again.

Part of it was due to the terrain, but the trio was not able to find her again, and so they gave up.

“Let’s go. Ignore that one.”

“Ahh, yeah.”

Now that Sally had shaken off her pursuers, she went looking for more players to repeat this process.

Sally’s purpose was to accomplish one thing, which was to raise the effects of ‘Sword Dance’ to its limits.

And after twenty minutes. Sally succeeded in raising ‘Sword Dance’ to the highest level.

“Preparations complete. Oboro, let’s go.”

Sally stuck Oboro to her neck, then she headed to one of the guilds that she had found.

“…Okay, found the orb.”

Both of the medium-sized guilds had orbs that could be spotted from outside. However, there were plenty of obstacles there as well, and since there were players defending the area, it would be quite hard to get through.

Sally had found two medium-sized guilds.

And she had arrived at one of those two.

And since it was a medium-sized guild, it was crawling with players.

“Hahh… Okay, I can do this!”

Sally slapped her cheeks to concentrate, then broke into the guild from an area that was the least protected.

“Intruder! She’s alone!”

A guard saw her, and the players who protected the orb immediately moved towards her.


Sally used Leap to move diagonally to the left.

“Surround her!”

Some of the guards ran towards her in order to surround her. And they successfully fell on her with their weapons.

But, she seemed to disappear into thin air.

The shocked faces stared in disbelief. Someone shouted that they found her again.

The intruder had somehow appeared on the right side this time.

A second team moved towards her.

They too were perfectly coordinated and were able to surround her and pound her with their weapons.

But she had disappeared again.

Sally had used Mirage twice with Oboro to distract them, making an opening in their defenses. In reality, she had only run straight ahead, but they had made a clear path to the orb by themselves.

“‘Super Acceleration’!”

It was too late when they realized what had happened.

Due to Sally’s final push, she was able to snatch the orb without killing a single player.

However, escaping this place was no easy task.


She pressed in with attack skills and an assault with her two daggers. The enemy still had not completely grasped the situation, and they easily fell.

Sally had raised the firepower of her daggers to their limits, and their bite hurt bad.

She cut through as many players as she could before the effects of Super Acceleration wore off, making a path in front of her.

Thanks to preparing for this fight, was able to break their formation by damaging them.

Sally had understood that it would be very tough if she tried fighting them head on, and so she devised a one-time scheme to steal the orb instead.

And Sally’s powers were a good match for it.

It was a cunning scheme that worked because this was still the first day, and most guilds lacked information.

“‘Water Wall’!”

She created a wall of water to block the magic attacks, and finally, Sally was able to burst through a weakened point in their line of defense and escape.

“I won’t be able to take orbs from here after this. Ah…here they come…!”

They had seen the orb snatched away right before their eyes, and they would not allow her to escape.

They had assigned most of their members to the offensive, but there was still around forty of them.

And now there was no orb to protect. All of them chased after Sally.

Sally ran.

She ran to the other medium-sized guild.

She ran so that they could not catch up with her, but also not too fast that they would lose her. She ran until she could see the other guild.

They saw Sally and what they assumed was the rest of her team, and the guild prepared from a large-scale attack.

The players that were chasing Sally assumed that she was running back to her own guild, and they went in for the attack.

While both sides had it wrong, they had decided to fight against each other.

Sally’s aim was to swipe the orb amidst the chaos of them clashing. That is why she had pulled them together.

Oboro, ‘Quick Shadow’”

It was when the fight began, and everyone’s attention moved away from Sally.

Sally used Oboro’s skill to disappear for just one second.

And she hid in some bushes and watched the scene.

Both sides seemed to be pretty evenly matched. The players that Sally had led here were fighting their hardest in order to retrieve their stolen orb.

There was no time for them to see where Sally had appeared at.

As Sally’s pursuers had come from one direction, the players protecting the orb were all facing in that direction.

Sally slowly made her way through the ruins, moving towards her target.

“… ‘Leap’! ‘Double Slash’!”

She jumped out towards five guards and slashed at them before they could react.

‘Sword Dance’ was very useful here.


The orb was now in her hand, and she adeptly dodged and countered the oncoming attacks, and killed the rest of the guards. She would now return to Maple Tree, the perfect safe area.

“Maple will be there when I return! It’s over if I can…take it back!”

It would take a while for the continuing battle to end.

There would be no peace between these two sides. And they could not spare many players to chase after her.

It was the easiest thing for Sally to escape.

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