Promise You'll Never Forget

By lucy_230603

455 34 2

A Draco Malfoy FanFiction story. Nobody expected a mudblood to fall for Draco Malfoy, what's worse? Nobody ex... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

14 1 0
By lucy_230603

*Analia's POV*

I woke up alone the next morning beneath the covers I once sat on top of, still in the clothes I wore yesterday. I felt a certain warmth remembering last night, how Draco came to check up on me. He really didn't have to do that but he chose to come make sure I was ok.

However, as much as I wanted things to go back to normal, I had to stay mad at him for at least a little while longer. I was still really angry after all, he couldn't get away with treating me like shit one minute then like his girlfriend the next.

I decided that I was done sulking around and I would better surrounded by my friends to avoid being alone with my thoughts, so I got changed into my robes, pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail and set off downstairs to the great hall for breakfast.

The hall was packed full of students eating and laughing, the atmosphere alone picked my spirits up slightly.

"Hey Lia, how are you feeling?" Cho asked sincerely as I sat down between her and Luna at the Ravenclaw table.  "We came after class to see if you were alright and we heard another voice so we decided to leave you alone, when we came back you were fast asleep." She explained.

"Thank you, but I'm fine, I think." The both looked suspiciously at each other. "Really, I'm fine. What did I miss yesterday?"

They took one more glance at each other before beginning to explain the work I had to catch up on. They talked delicately, answering any questions I had immediately with compassion. Thankfully they didn't ask anything more about my father, I didn't like feeling so fragile but I know they're just trying their best to show support.

I walked myself to class today, for some reason McLaggen hadn't turned up to meet me like he usually does, I didn't think much of it, although it did hurt that he hadn't spoken to me since yesterday morning knowing what had happened with my father.

Everyone knew by this point and I was getting sympathetic looks from students left right and centre, some were even strangers I'd never met properly aside from the occasional smile we shared as I passed by in the corridors.

I was about to turn into my class when I felt someone pinch my side making me jump. I turn around quickly to see Malfoy standing there laughing at me,

"What the hell was that for huh?" I said in my best annoyed voice. He could tell I was still mad at him when I saw his reaction, he stepped back and rolled his eyes;

"Oh c'mon, am I still in the bad books?" He asked sarcastically thinking I'd say no.

"You bet you are." His face dropped even more, but then a cheeky smile appeared on his face,

"Even after last night? You fell asleep in my arms for gods sake." I blushed at the mention of last night, looking down to hide a smile that had obnoxiously creeped onto my face.

"I was exhausted and grieving. I would've fallen asleep in anyone's arms." I rolled my eyes at him and turned away to walk into my class.

"And do you really believe that?" I could feel the condescending tone seep from his voice.

"1000% Malfoy." I shouted back, I knew his eyes were glued to me as I walked in, I could feel them on me.

I sat down in my seat, which now was at the opposite side of the classroom seeing as Draco asked to move. This better make things a hell of a lot easier, at least now I can ignore him. He strode in a few seconds later, plonking himself down as if defeated.

It had been about 20 minutes and the class was silent, you could hear a pin drop in between the professors enthusiastic voice, you can tell she's very passionate about teaching her profession.

A note had fluttered it's way over as a little origami bird from Dracos direction, I quietly sighed and looked at him.

"What is this?" I mouthed at him and he gestured to open it.

"Please forgive me Ana, I'm dying here, I'm sorry. I can't stand to see you mad at me ~Draco."

He made a pouty face at me from across the room that I couldn't help but laugh at and pull a sarcastic face dragging an imaginary tear from eye.

The profesor shot me a deadly look for making a sound in her class and I zipped my mouth, am I hell getting a detention straight after being let off yesterday.

I could tell by the face Draco was making that the note was not as serious as it comes across, he just wanted things back to normal. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head as if to say he wasn't forgiven.

After I rejected his apology, the class continued quite normally, despite exchanging a few looks with Draco. Even though he was no where near me he still found a way to distract me. The boy will be the death of me.

Care of Magical Creatures class finished and Luna ushered me out before Draco could catch me. He wasn't in any more of my classes that day which was a huge relief considering I didn't want to actively avoid him.

I spent a lot of my day in the library, working and understanding what I had missed the day before. It was peaceful here, I had my own space to focus and avoid being distracted.

About an hour had passed and a tall, curly headed boy drew my attention away from my books, Cormac had come into the library. I smiled at him as he spotted me from the door, without hesitation he rolled his eyes and walked straight past my table towards the back of the room.

His reaction shocked me, he completely ignored me like I didn't even know him, let alone had been seeing him for a few weeks. I had done nothing to deserve this treatment, I racked my brain thinking back to every minor argument we had and they had all be resolved. Whatever caused this wasn't my fault.

*After school*

I needed to de-stress after these last few days, everything happened so fast, it was a tornado of surprises, so I decided to have some time in the prefects bathroom, someone once told me they had a bath as big as a swimming pool and I intended on finding out tonight.

I walked into a steamy room to see a beautiful bath filled with bubbles bigger than I'd ever seen. The mermaids in the stained glass windows brushed their hair watching me clambering quite unpleasantly into the water, but sure enough as soon as I sat down I was the most relaxed I've felt in my entire life.

I felt the worries melt away in the hot water, the bubbles came to my chin covering the plain black bikini I had thrown on. I closed my eyes and let silent thoughts of the upcoming party slowly turn in my mind.

I was lost in my own world, so much so that I didn't hear someone else come into the bath with me.

When I opened my eyes, they met a blonde haired, blue eyed boy sitting opposite me, staring at me with damp hair and a cute smile.

"Resorted to stalking now Draco?" I say rolling my eyes while smirking.

"You might think, but believe it or not, I came here on my own accord." I couldn't hold back a chuckle. "Something about being ignored rattles me, I needed to relax. And it looks to me like you had the same idea."

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw the way prince charming ignored you in the library." He scoured at the mention of Cormac.

"So you were stalking?" I fire back. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Don't think we're going to stay here and I'm going to forgive you."

"Oh really? You can't stay mad at me for longer than 20 minutes?" he says, teasing me.

"Excuse you mister, I can stay mad at you as long as I want, you're not getting under my skin that easily."

"Oh really?" He said as he stood up to show his muscles which were covered by the bubbles before. He moved through the water slowly with a devilish smile on his face, not daring to break eye contact.

"Draco... What are you doing?" I giggled as he stood in between my legs, leaning with his hands on the edge of the bath, trapping me, still looking at me with his piercing eyes.

"What do you mean Ana? Am I making you flustered? Am I getting under your skin now?" He whispered under his breath. I bit down on my lip trying to contain myself as his gaze shifted down to my mouth, then tracing down my body, making me swallow the lump in my throat.

Ugh why'd he have to stare at me like that he knew exactly what he was doing. I never should've said he couldn't get under my skin, who am I kidding, he was always under my skin.

My breathing quickened as I lifted my hand up to touch his chest intending on pushing him away but before I could, he attacked my lips with his and I gave in instantly.

His hand slithered round my neck as I parted my lips begging for him to slip inside. I let out a soft moan as I felt his hands begin to travel down and grip under my thighs, lifting me out of the water and laying me on the cold floor, his lips never leaving mine, before getting on top of me so I could feel his body weight press down on me. Our hands explored each others wet body, we were intoxicated by each other.

He moved his kisses down my neck, leaving little purple marks all over my skin, while I tangled my fingers in his messy hair.

It felt amazing until through my foggy mind I remembered Cormac. I couldn't do this to him. Guilt washed over me as I mumbled Draco's name,

"Draco... I can't... I can't be doing this... What about Cormac." I stuttered between kisses.

"What about him?" Draco said pulling away, looking me in the eyes with his thumb outlining my swollen lips.

"I'm supposed to go with him to Slughorn's Christmas party." Draco straightened up immediately.

"You're actually going to go with him? After the way he's treated you?" He said standing up, shocked.

"You don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to treating me right." I respond angered by his arrogance. He shook it head, and made his way towards the door. "Besides I can't leave him without a date, he asked me weeks ago." I added watching him pick up his towel from the hook by the changing rooms.

"Have fun fucking McLaggen then." He spat, before storming out of the prefects bathroom, leaving me on the floor wondering how that kiss lead to this.

My jaw dropped, I was speechless. He knows I'm together with Cormac, to attack him for ignoring me for a day when he pretended I didn't exist for weeks was hypocritical and childish. His jealously spilled from his words. He could have had me but he chose not to and now, well now I have other commitments.

Word Count - 1939

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