One direction- the reunion

By Moggy441

1.4K 68 61

After the whole world celebrates 10 years of the the global superstar boy band, the boys decide to make a reu... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chaoter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Notice :

Chaoter 9

47 2 3
By Moggy441

Graces pov:

So we are now in Edinburgh. The boys are performing in the park and I just can't wait to see how amazing it will be.

My fathers side of the family is from my home city of Newcastle. However, our relationship is... complicated. So "my dads  side of the family" isn't actually blood related.

It consists of my uncle Kev, my fathers best friend and his wife and family. 
As well as them, we have two other main family's in Scotland because when my dad was in the RAF, he served in a mainly Scottish regiment.

Anyway, because we're in Scotland, my uncle Kev, Aunty Diane and their daughter Briony are travelling up from Falkirk to see the boys.

And just so you know, on my mother's side I am Irish and English. You see my grandfather is Irish and came to Wolverhampton looking for work when he was 20 and married my grandmother. she is British through and through but there you go.  And as my Mothers side of the family is historically gypsies, we have a very large family and no matter how distantly related we might be to one another, we are still cousins and I used to visit Ireland all the time to see my great uncle and many, many cousins.

Anywhooo..... you should have seen the boys faces when I explained all of that to them!   Ha! 

It was priceless and Liam looked so interested. Especially Since I spent most of my childhood in Wolverhampton and Kidderminster with my mams family.

When Liam got into the X factor and he was starting to get famous, the whole town was so excited. Even tho most of us had never met him before, we were proud that somebody like us had made it so big.


Wtf. "Omg Harry you gave me a heart attack!"  He had come up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. 

These last few weeks we have gotten to know each other better and I trust him with everything. I have noticed he's a little bit touchy feely, but I don't really care. I kind of like it...

"Sorry. Are you excited?" He swung me around so I was now facing him and pulled me into his chest. His chin now resting on my head instead.

"Yes. So excited. I might cry" I chuckled and So did Harry.
"Oh please don't cry. I couldn't handle it if u did."  He was looking straight into my eyes as he spoke. Oh god. This mannnnn.

"Were's my Gracie?!" A strong, playful Scottish accent rippled through the backstage area. Omg omg OMG OMG.

"Uncle KEVV!!"I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug I could handle. He eventually put me down and I moved onto my Aunty di. She has arthritis, really bad. But she's so young and it breaks my heart, anyway I gave her a much more gentle hug but it meant just as much.

"I see you don't really care about me then I'll just leave then shall I?"
God this family is so sarcastic. Lol. I love it.

"Ugh. BRIONY! I've missed you" I gave  her just as much of a big hug as I gave her dad. She was a few years older than me and she was my favourite cousin on my dads side. She was very tall and very beautiful. "What are you looking for?"
She let o a small laugh and watched me turn my head as I glanced around the room searching for someone.

"Dan. Is he not here ? I really wanted him to meet the boys..." all three of them gave me sympathetic smiles.
"I know me too. But he had a lot of work and our boss couldn't let both of us go for the full weekend, but he's going to pick us up tomorrow so at least you might get a quick hello before you leave again."

Daniel was Briony's boyfriend of 4 years. He was amazing. He loved STAR WARS, like a lot. And Harry Potter. JUST LIKE ME!
He's from up north like me. Just the next town along; I'm from blyth but he's from cramlington.
We were really close and would hung out a lot. I miss him too.

Harry came up behind me and put his hand on my back. "Oh I'm sorry. This is Harry" then the rest of the boys walked in. They Probably heard my screaming and wanted to know what happened.
"God. Sorry. And this is Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam." They all shook hands and talked about all sort of things.
The weather for tonight, the venue. That sort of thing.

They seemed to really like Harry in particular. I was glad, it meant a lot to me that they did.


This time I was in the crowd. A special present for... I don't know what. Of course if they needed me I would leave straight away, but the boys and uncle Paul let me stay with the rest of my family.

Paul and Kev were talking about my father over the barrier. Trying to be quiet, but it's loud and they're not doing a good job. They're talking about what he did, his new wife. And me.

This has to of been the best show they have ever done. Maybe I'm just biased because of the scenery but who cares.
Everyone in the crowd was singing. Some people were alright, others not so great. But over them all I could hear a horrendous noise. It was right behind me.


He just chuckled. "Hi"

"Hi?  Really! You son of a bitch I thought I wasn't gonna get to see you!"
"I'm sorry I thought it would be a nice surprise. And we didn't lie, I was working."

"It was a nice surprise. But I was really upset. That's not fair." I was laughing and far too happy to really care. But I wasn't going to tell him that.

My family was smiling at me, my face had lit up the second I saw dan and it hadn't faded away.

We watched the rest of the show and as Louis sung one of his lines in little things, Harry looked over to me and started laughing at my face. My goofy grin was ridiculous, but I didn't care.

He leaned over the stage and shook Daniels hand. I don't think I've ever been happier than I am right now.

I spent the remainder of the evening after the show watching of course, Star Wars with dan. But it started getting too late and we were back on the road early tomorrow morning, so Harry came and Brought me back to bed. I said my goodbyes tonight. I cried so much.

I only got to see them for a few hours, but it's more than others get. The boys haven't seen their families in a long time as well. Apart from Liam. We saw some of our families in Birmingham when they traveled to meet us.

But still. It's hard.

"Was that a nice surprise ?" I was lying in Harry's arms again. We have separate rooms but I still get nightmares and he says he doesn't like the thought of me waking up alone in the middle of the night 
Isn't that nice of him?
I wonder why he cares so much?

"The best. You knew didn't you?"
"I knew it."  He chuckled and his hot breath hit the side top of my head.
"The look on your face made it worth it. If I could see you that happy every day I would. No matter the cost."

"I only wish I could see you as happy as I was today. You work so hard. You deserve a day to smile With your own family."
He let out a deep breath.
"I do miss them. But I'll see them soon and besides. You make me happy, every day."
He leaned down and looked into my eyes. 
We were so close I could feel it when his eyes moved to look between mine.
Then our lips Connected l.
They were warm and soft, just like I had imagined them. Not that I imagine kissing Harry.

It wasn't rough but it felt amazing. Sparks shot through every inch of my body.
We pulled away at the same time. And he looked back at me.
"I'm sorry. I really don't want you to feel awkward."
His eyes looked hopeful that I would tell him it was all alright. That what he did wasn't a bad decision.

"It's alright. I don't feel awkward." He smiled and kissed the top of my head before lying back down and falling sleep. I stayed awake for hours thinking about that kiss. What did it mean. We arnt together, so why did he do it. I'm glad he did, but what does that mean! Does he like me like that or was it just the heat of the moment.

Did he want more from me than just friendship. Fuck. What if he does.

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