Opposites That Aren't So Oppo...

By XxNekocoxX

179K 7.6K 5.1K

What happens when a tough nerd meets a popular jock? Kayson may not look it but, he is a nerd with attitude... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Side Story - More Than Okay

Chapter 5

7K 317 265
By XxNekocoxX

I glanced up from my gross cafeteria pizza to see Kyle sitting down across from me, grinning. "I just put thumb tacks on Mr. Dyru's chair."

I raised an eyebrow. "Why? You know if he finds out your butt is as good as fried."

He shrugged. "Only if someone tells him. I only told you and, as long as you don't say anything about it, he won't."

"We're in a cafeteria full of a bunch of talking teenagers. Do you honestly believe no one will eavesdrop?"

"No. Even if they did, they wouldn't want to mess with me. I have a reputation."

I rolled my eyes. "A reputation for what? Up until the time i saved your sister, i had never heard of you. That proving your reputation is not that good."

"When did you save me sister?"

I gaped at him. "Could you be any more oblivious? When you left her alone?"

He just looked confused.

I sighed. "She was getting beat up by a bunch of jerks. I saw what was happening and helped her out by protecting her from them. Then you showed up and punched me!"

He seemed to remember and gasped. "You mean to say that the reason she had all those bruises on her arms was because she was being picked on?"

I face palmed. "Yes! How could you not have known that?"

"I don't know. I thought that...."

"You thought what?"

"I don't know what i thought but, i didn't know you saved her."

"You really are a moron! You idiot."

He crossed his arms. "I am not a moron. Or an idiot."

I crossed my arms as well. "Sure. Just like our sisters aren't best friends."

He rolled his eyes and turned to his own gross cafeteria pizza. We started to ignore each other out of frustration.

I was about to ask if we had the same class with Mr. Dyru when there was a crash and we both looked up to see a nerdy kid with glasses on the floor, his face shoved in his lunch.

"Wow. That's a good look for you! It definitely looks better than you plain face." The jock who had pushed him was laughing and slapping a high five with all his buddies.

I was halfway across the cafeteria before i knew what i was doing. I heard Kyle call me, asking where I was going but, I ignored him.

There was a thud and sound of bones cracking as my fist came into contact with the jock's face. He fell back and landed on his butt, a hand to his already bleeding nose. "What the hell?! Who do you think you are?!"

I stared coldly at him. "Pick on someone your own size."

He stood up and smirked. "Oh, really? You look like my size." He swung his fist but, i dodged and tripped him. He may have more strength than me but, i was more nimble and faster than him.

I jumped on his back and started to hit his neck repeatedly as he stumbled around trying to get me off. I felt his hand wrap around my ankle and the next thing i knew he had thrown me on the floor and was sitting on me, punching the life out of my body.

I coughed and kneed him in the groind. He groaned but, didn't let up. I could feel my face getting puffy with bruises and wet from blood.

I was about to give up when i felt his weight disappear. I opened my eyes and saw Kyle dragging him off me. He stood in front of me protectively and i could see he looked very determined. "Stay away from him. If you don't I'll have no choice but to take care of you myself."

The jock looked pissed but, nodded and him and his buddies left the cafeteria. I sat with a groan, wincing with pain when i felt my ribs ache. I might have a broken bone.

Kyle turned to me with a concerned look. "Are you okay? He was about to kill you."

I nodded even though it was a lie. I felt awful. "I'm fine. I'll just go to the nurse and check for injurys."

"Want me to come? I can get explain stuff to her."

"No-" I hissed in pain. "I can do it."

I walked slowly out of the cafeteria, holding my side. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but, i just kept walking. Dispite my protests, Kyle followed me and made me lay down as he filled out the paperwork for me. I had a broken rib, a fractured rib, and my nose was broken.

"I have to go to class. I can skip and stay here if you want? I hate math anyways."

No, i can take care of myself."

Are you sure? You look like someone just ran over you with a car."

"Yes, I'm sure. Now go to class. If you don't i won't have anyone to tell me what happened when Mr. Dyru sat down."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Alright. If you need someone to take you and your sister home i can. I have a car."

I nodded. "Okay, thanks."

He smiled and left. I layed my head back and closed my eyes. That was the first time someone had stood up for me. He seemed like he really cared. It was sweet of him to help me so much...

Wait! Sweet?! Did i just think a GUY was sweet?!

I sat bolt upright. What the heck was wrong with me? I bit my lip as my sides jolted with pain. The nurse came in and fussed at me for moving when she had told me not to.

When she was gone i sighed. "That was weird."


On the way home Macey talked nonstop about school with Kayla and my and Klye had a nice conversation in the front seat. He told me how Mr. Dyru had screached and gone flying out of his chair when he sat down and how boring math was. An argument i fully agreed on.

When we got to my house me and Macey thanked them for the ride and watched them leave. I put Macey to bed shortly after that and was laying in bed myself when my phone buzzed.

I rolled over and picked it up. It was my Aunt. She was saying that we had another meeting with Chase tomorrow night. I sighed and turned off my phone. Well, i already had a reason not to wake up tomorrow.


Hey everyone! This chapter wasn't the best but, considering i was havig writer's block on this story, i think i did pretty well. They are starting to have feeling for each other! Woohoo! I love getting into the sweet parts! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


(demonkity: i am so sorry for not getting this out until so late! I am going to work harder to make it up! If there is another book you would like me to update i will do so immediately!)

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