Crimes and Punishments [N.H.]...

By sparklrebel

4.1K 136 105

Roisin Kelly is a Irish Philosophy student living her life, in the states with her best friend and flatmate... More



173 2 0
By sparklrebel

Thirty One
Song selection:
'True Love Waits' Radiohead
'Put a Little Love On Me' Niall Horan
'Me & the Devil' Soap&Skin
'Black and White' Niall Horan

'Love had raised them from the dead, and the heart of each held endless springs of life for the heart of the other.'

'All of ya, get the fuck out of the car!' Derek boomed as he held his rifle up to Niall. Aoife awoke as Niall and Harry were exiting the vehicle. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

'Hey, guys, what's going on—'

'Get the fuck out, whore!' She got up and began crawling over the seats. Once she was out of the car and closed the door, Derek pushed her towards the men. 'Now, start walking into the house!' While everyone had turned around to look at the dreadful place, Derek grinned. He might let the two men see his beautiful, future home with his bride, but not the woman with them.

The woman who's always mistreated her own cousin and was almost about to sexually assault her own cousin. He shook his head as he knew this would not do. He raised his rifle, knowing he was doing a good thing.

As Niall and Harry were walking, a loud bang popped their ears and they could hear a ringing sound only for bit before some kind of viscous liquid hit them. They'd turned around to their horror and saw Aoife's limp body on the ground. The liquid that'd hit them, was her blood.

Niall found himself kneeling on the ground to see if she was okay. He couldn't hear what anyone was saying, he could only hear the ringing and see the limp, dead body of Aoife before him. It was only a minute before he felt the cool metal of the barrel again and the ringing stopped.

'Get the fuck up, and walk with ya friend, boyo.' It was only when they entered the door, Derek told them to take off their shoes. 'This is a proper household and we are gonna respect it. Now, come on, make yourselves at home. I want you to meet my new fiancée.' He grinned.

The whole house was retro and clean like something out of an IKEA catalogue. Even the floor was a shiny oak wood and it disgusted Niall. When Niall looked up, he saw Harry sat on one of the sofas, reading a magazine.

'What the hell, Harry?' Niall whispered-yelled. Harry looked up.

'What? He said make ourselves at home.' Niall gritted his teeth at what was happening.

'Are you forgetting what the fuck is happening here? We're—' Before Niall could even say another word, Derek came out with Roisin dressed in a little black dress and wearing a big engagement ring. She was struggling from his grip, but stopped when her eyes laid upon Niall's. He was in jeans, a green Nike shirt covered in blood. She was speechless and ashamed. How could Derek bring him here after what she'd just done?

'Niall, Harry, I want you to meet my new fiancée, Roisin. This place is going to be our home. Isn't that right, missus?' Roisin looked at the ring as tears fell from her eyes. She didn't want to look at the betrayal in Niall's eyes. Derek gripped her chin and pull it to him. 'Isn't that right, missus?'

'I want you to stop pulling yarn, Derek,' Niall said confidently. He knew this had to be a farce. Derek forced her here and into an engagement...either that or he was telling a story to make Niall riled up like at the birthday party earlier. Derek chuckled.

'Alright, no point in faffin' about. She and I made an agreement that I wouldn't kill you or her friends on the condition that she become engaged to me.' Niall's eyes widened.

'You're fucking lying!' Niall clenched his fists.

'I-I'm sorry, Niall, please forgive me. I love you.' Roisin tearfully pleaded and Niall was heartbroken.

'I mean,' Derek chuckled. 'You did fuck Roisin's cousin after all, so why can't I have the mother of my unborn child?' Niall's face became red as Roisin started to cry. 'You were addicted to those pain killers after your other knee surgery and you just wanted to forget Rosy, right?'

'She sexually assaulted me,' Niall said. 'I thought it was Roisin, but as soon as the woman got on top of me, something didn't feel right. That's when she got onto me and said something. Then, I told her to stop and get off of me. I didn't want it. I was weak from the medication and I didn't have the strength to do anything.'

'Oh, come on,' Derek boomed. 'Don't play that horse shit! You wanted to fuck her! Men can't get raped, it's a fucking fact of life! You kissed all over the cunt at Christmas time and now you're saying you never wanted to fuck her!?'

'Yes! That's exactly what I'm saying! I only have eyes for Roisin! I've made several mistakes in my life, but this woman is not one of them. I love her.' Roisin looked at him with puffy eyes and a splotchy face. Derek grinned.

'Well, she willingly agreed to be my fiancée. She was so desperate like the little whore she is. She was tired of all your lying and fucking around. She wants a faithful man for once.' He chuckled and Harry stood up.

'That's enough!' Everyone looked at the curly haired man as he turned around. 'You know nothing of what these two have been through. You haven't been in her life that much. You just think of your former baby mama as a trophy.'

'Hmm, maybe, but what's it to you Brit boy? In fact, I should shoot you right now since you have no role in this Irish business.'

'Roisin is my fiancée's maid of honour and best friend, I have to protect her,' Harry said stepping forward. Soon the sirens of the Guards cars blared and Derek started to laugh as he took Roisin into a tight position against his chest to cock his rifle before shooting Harry in the leg.

Harry fell to the floor and Niall felt the dread all over again. He could barely hear Roisin's cries for him through the ringing in his ears. He wanted to go after her, but he again was held back by having to stop the bleeding in Harry's left leg. He tried to breath and groan as Niall kept holding his hands over the wound.

'Hey, hey, it's all going to work out, Harry. You're going to see your fiancée and you're going to marry her.' Niall stood up in a panic and grabbed the knitted throw blanket. He kneeled down tearing the fabric to wrap around the wound, before it too, became soaked in the red, viscous liquid. 'Don't go to sleep, Harry. Delilah wouldn't want you to do that.'

'But, I'm tired and I'll get to see her later, right?' Niall sniffled at his words.

'Not if you go to sleep, you won't.'

Garda Cigire O'Malley and Garda Sáirsint Murphy burst through the door to see Niall holding down a wounded Harry. Niall was covered in blood and Harry was growing pale.

'We need an ambulance quick,' Murphy spoke into his shoulder talkie.

'Where is Mr Murray and Ms MacGeoghegan,' O'Malley asked.

'I have to go after them,' was all Niall said. He couldn't let this go on. It was time to end this.

'I can't let you do that—'

'He has my girlfriend,' Niall boomed as he continued to hold down Harry's wound. 'I-I can't let her go again. She's the fucking love of me life. This was my last chonce.' He choked. O'Malley sighed.

'Murray, stay with Mr Styles. Come on, Mr Horan, let's go.'

Meanwhile, in a nearby forest, Derek was dragging Roisin along to get away from the Gardaí. All Roisin could think about was Niall and how they met. Their first kiss and when he asked her out were special memories to her. Now, she knew for sure she was going to die. She won't get to see Harry and Delilah wed or her parents anymore...she won't get to see her friends or Niall anymore. She started to cry.

'Oh, shut up, you whore,' he groaned backhanding her, as a result causing her to bleed. 'All you women are the fucking same! All descendants from the whore of Babylon who is a descendant from Eve who seduced Adam.' She winced at the pain, but couldn't stop crying. 'Women aren't capable of love, they're only capable of two things: taking dick and putting their claws on men to get what they want.

'You are just like all the women, you seduced me and Niall, and now here we are.' He chuckled. 'I'm taking you to my special place where we can be alone for once.' Roisin's cries quieted down as she became filled with dread.

Garda Cigire O'Malley and Niall were going through the forest with some Gardaí conducting a search for Derek and Roisin. They were following the sudden trail of blood and Niall became enraged. He knew in his bones that bastard had hurt his petal and he was going to make him pay.

'How did you two meet,' O'Malley asked, catching Niall off-guard slightly. Niall sighed.

'Well, uh, she was—'

'Sir, we found them.' Came though O'Malley's walkie talkie. Niall's story was interrupted and thank god too. They looked at a little cave near a lake and everything was quiet. Nobody, not one person made a sound. It was only so they could listen in.

'I hope you love my special place, Rosy, because this is where I will impregnate you again.'

'No,' she screamed.

'You are mine, whore!'

'Now,' O'Malley ordered as he and Niall entered the cave. Niall saw the ripped dress and cut on her face. Derek smirked as he had the rifle in his hand once again and this time pointing at Roisin.

'You thought you had me? Never can give up, can you, ya bastard?' Derek smirked.

'You know you can end this, if you just surrender and put the weapon down,' O'Malley tried to reason.

'Roisin, look at me,' Niall said and she did as he asked, not wanting to face what was to happen.

'Little Rosy is so grown up and in love with an eejit like you.' He laughed. 'Ah, Rosy has had a hard life and all I wanted to do was make it bet'er. But I guess not.' He took the rifle and turned upon himself.

'No, no, no!' O'Malley pleaded before Derek shot himself.

Niall ran towards Roisin as Derek fell to the ground. She cried into his shoulder and they held each other tightly. He was so tired, scared, and relieved all at once.

'I love you so much and I will never let you go again, I fucking swear on my life, petal.' He whispered into her ear and picked her up to take her to the ambulance.

2 months later

'Oh my fucking god, Niall,' she screamed as he pounded into her with such ardour. She clawed his back with her ring clad hand and pulled his hair with her other hand. He was too much. 'I'm going to come!'

'Go ahead, Petal, me too.' The knot that had formed had let go and she felt white heat. He grasped her as he came into her so intensely. It was after a moment she got up to go to the jacks. 'Where are you going?' She giggled.

'To the jacks, my love.' He didn't want to be clingy or controlling, but after what happened two months ago, he can't shake the feeling that she was going to disappear again if he wasn't looking. It was only a month after the whole ordeal that he'd proposed to her. He didn't want to be too fast, but he wanted to claim her as his fiancée as soon as possible.

He left the University of Memphis after six years to come back to her. They didn't get a job at the same university, no. While she got a job at the university she graduated from, he got a job at the rival university. And he moved into the cottage house, so they could live together.

Both Harry and Delilah were still recovering from their injuries, respectively. Despite it being only two months ago, they've had to move the wedding date from a summer wedding to a fall wedding. Luckily, they didn't have to change anything since the colours and decor still would match a fall wedding.

Roisin was giddy on the inside as she was finally happy with the person she's in love with. Her ring was a medium sized, raw Emerald with a handmade silver band. He said it fit her so perfectly as he saw her eyes when he looked at it. It was just as beautiful as she was.

1 month later

'And do you Harry Edward Styles take Delilah Lily Nadiradze to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?' Harry smiled at Delilah.

'I Do,' he grinned.

Louis turned to Delilah. Everyone was confused when Louis said during his time at rehab, he was on the internet and became an officiated minister. Therefore, Niall was the best man now.

'Delilah and Harry have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love,' Louis announced. 'Delilah, as you place this ring on Harry's finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.' Delilah turned to Roisin who held out the silver band and picked it up from her hand. She placed the ring onto Harry's ring finger.

'With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you my love now and forever.' Delilah grinned back at the groom, before he turned to Niall and got the bride's wedding band. He turned to his bride and placed the ring on her ring finger.

'With this ring, I thee wed and pledge not only my love, but to never leave you alone again, now and forever.' Harry became serious for a moment and Delilah's eyes widened as she didn't expect such a thing to come from her husband-to-be's lips. She almost wanted to shed a tear, but Louis started to clear his throat. Both the bride and groom looked at him and he chuckled.

'By the authority vested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you husband and wife!' Harry pulled Delilah by the hips and kissed her as if it was his last while everyone cheered around them.

4 hours later

After the bouquet throwing, Ciara caught it and then looked at Louis, who blushed. They'd been going strong for about three and a half months now. They both had people they were mourning over, his still born baby and her dead sister. But they knew not to let that get in the way of their budding relationship.

It was party time after all the festivities were done. It was held in the backyard of the MacGeoghegan mansion and everyone was having a ball of a time. Roisin was by the bar mixing her Grey Goose and strawberry lemonade.

'Hello, stranger.' Roisin smiled at her fiancé's voice as she turned around to a grinning Niall. He was in a grey and pink check wool suit with a black tie decorated with white dots and a white dress shirt. But the jacket seemed to be somewhere else and his tie was loosened with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His perfect quiff from earlier was now a mess and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief.

'Hello, yourself. Where have you been, mister?' She playfully joked as she placed her drink on the table. He walked towards her and grabbed her waist, then kissed her, just like Harry did to his bride earlier. She gasped and his tongue slipped in playing with hers. Her eyes fluttered shut enjoying the bliss of her fiancé's kiss. He pulled away slightly to place his lips to her ear.

'Let's go inside, upstairs.' His hot breath against her ear did things to her. Feeling wet down there, she nodded and he grabbed her hand to take her inside.

As soon as they entered her bedroom, he closed the door and got to his knees. She was confused by what he was doing.

'I want to treat you like the goddess you are, petal.' She unzipped her dress as it pooled around her feet. He placed his hand on her smooth legs and reached up to her panties, caressing the fabric of the lace, before pulling them down. She undid her bra. 'Fuck, you always undo me, petal. Lay on the bed, I think there's something I owe you.' She lay on the bed and he takes off his tie and shirt.

His mouth closes in on her pussy and she becomes excited from the feeling of his prickly beard on her inner thighs. His tongue caresses her folds and she gasped. She knew he hadn't done this in a long time. 'Fuck, you're so wet for me, petal.' He continued his assault on her flesh as his fingers came into play on her g-spot again, his sinful tongue went for her bundle of nerves.

'Niall, please, oh,' she cried. She did as she'd done before when they did this, she pinched and played with her nipples. His regal, royal blue eyes were lustful only for her. Despite the growing flute in his kex, this was her time to be treasured. 'Feel so good,' she moaned. He lifted his head from her bundle of nerves and she mewled in disappointment as his fingers kept pumping near her g-spot.

'Not as good as me inside you, I hope.' She shook her head. 'Words, petal.'

'No! No, your cock feels much better. Please, Niall, I need to come.' He smirked and placed his reddened lips on her clit. It was only at matter of time before she could feel the white heat coming for her. 'I-I'm about to—'

'Do it, petal.' She screamed his name and her legs shook uncontrollably as she became delirious from the intense orgasm. He licked up his hard work and then, stood up. She looked at his hard cock straining his kex and looked up at him with a smirk.

'Let me help you with that.'

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