Number 28

Por Alikes1d

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Louis Tomlinson is the best football player at his school. Always has been, always will be. His 3 years of pl... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

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Por Alikes1d

Once I arrive at school I park my car and head inside. The second I enter the school all eyes are on me. Not surprising really, me being the only openly gay kid in the school. Im soon greeted by my 2 best friends.

" TOMMO how are you you little shit!!" Niall says as he pulls me into a hug.

" Niall Settle down the man needs to breath" Liam says while he laughs at Nialls frowny face.

Niall starts to go on about the girl he likes, Devoré , but that's a bit too hetero for me so
i just drown it out. he finally catches my attention when the subject of the new coach comes up.

" I heard he's a hard ass, like run till you puck kinda coach. People say he's hot too" Niall says laughing a little.

" Dang I was really hoping for an easy coach" I say feeling kinda scared for this season to say the least.

We continue talking until the bell rings and we walk to class. Me and Niall both have English while Liam has math.

The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. But sadly the most excruciating part of the day is just around the corner.

The locker room.

I walk with Liam and Niall to the locker room while we talk about our days. we all walk to some lockers and get ready for tryouts. I hate the locker room for so many reasons, the biggest reason being I have to go to a corner to get dressed. All the guys think that since I'm gay I have a crush on them and will give the all " gay disease". It annoys the absolute shit out of me.

Once Liam and Niall get dressed they leave because they don't want to get in trouble by the supposedly hard ass new coach. It takes me a little longer because I am literal shit at tying my shoes. Once I head out side everyone is already in a line. Then it dawned on me.

well shit

Once I get there I try to blend in. I think I did fine since no one noticed me. Once I get in line I see a tall, handsome, dark curly haired lad standing in front of us. his hair effortlessly falls to his shoulder He is wearing black skinnies and a tee shirt with a light looking jacket on. His back is turned so I don't think he saw me get here late. He turns and looks at all of us, when his emerald eyes lock with mine and I see a small smirk appear on his face.

hes gorgeous

He starts walking down the line like an army general.

" I am coach Styles, If you make the team I will be your coach."he says

yeah no shit Sherlock

"This is football, NOT time to stand around. I will be judging you today. each and everyone one of you so if I see ANY of you just standing around I will NOT hesitate to make you leave." He says in a demanding deep voice. " is that clear?"

" Yes sir" everyone says in unison.

" 5 laps now"

we all do as he says. I am a pretty fit lad, so 5 laps is nothing. But other people look like they are dying after one.

I am first to finish, barely even breaking a sweat, while others collapsed on the floor.

" Get water and start some shooting drills." He commands

We are all getting in line ready to shoot. It becomes my turn. I line my foot and pull it back ready to shoot. I smack the ball as hard as I can and it goes right pass the goalie. On my way to the back of the line Liam and Niall give me a high five. We do the for about 20 minutes until coach Styles calls us in.

" We are getting in to 2 teams I will number you off. Shirts vs skins. " He says

I pray that Im not a skin. Yes, i do work out a lot but that doesn't mean i have self confidence. I have a stomach, my thighs are too big, my arse is also fat and i think i always look gross. so dear god please let me not be skins.

He points to me and Niall and yells 2. So we both go and stand on one side of the field. Once he numbers everyone off he stares at us for a good 5 seconds.

" team 2 is skins team 1 is shirts " he yells with a smirk on his face.

what the hell is that smirk.

" shit" I mutter under my breath earning a death glare from coach styles

Me and Niall are about to take off our shirts when i remember i have a tank top on underneath, it technically isn't a shirt. We take off our shirts and jog to onto the field. Earning disgusting glares from some of the homophobic boys.

The hell is their problem?

Coach styles looks over at me and we lock eye contact, a few seconds later I break it.

"tank top kid, i said you're skins take off the shirt!"

"it's not a shirt!" niall and i laugh as we get to our positions

what the hell is that mans problem

We start to play and I can feel him staring at me. I feel like he's staring deep into my soul. I try to ignore it and focus on the game. My team wins 6-1, 5 of those goals were from me,


Liam and Niall give me a high-five after the game while the other boys stare at me in disgust. I've learned to ignore them, it's easier that way. As we walk off the field coach styles looks me up and down with a small smirk on his face.

Is he checking me out?
no no he's not, he's probably straight.
what am i even thinking?

smirk one more time you little shit

"ok so I've made a few decisions not all but a few. I will point to you and you need to tell me your last name"

He points down the line and states everyone's last name. all I can hear is "Grimshaw, Horan, Payne, Andrews, Williams" Then his eyes lock on mine and i stare into his gorgeous forest green eyes

"Tomlinson" i say, and he just smirks

He looks me in the eyes, as if searching for some sort of fear, some sort of emotion.

" Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson correct?"

" Yes sir. If you don't mind me asking how do you know my first name"

" You have a good reputation with football I've heard it around" he nods and walks down the line

I stood there with my jaw dropped open, people talk about me?

" I will call your name when I do I need you to stand up" he says with his deep voice

shit is he picking the team? Shit shit shit shit shit

" Andrews, Williams,  Fisher, James, Sharon"
All of them stand up with a confused look on their faces

fuck this

" You all can leave thank you for your time" he says showing no emotion

holy goddamn shit, did i make it? holy mother of christ i think i made it

"YES YES FOOK YEAH" Niall yelled once the other lads left the field

"Settle yourself Horan none of you have officially made the team. I will put up a list by the end of tomorrow. All of you will bring your gear. You are dismissed." he dismissed us by waving his hand.

I turn to walk out with Liam and Niall when I hear a soft deep voice call my name.

"Tomlinson, stay here"

"Shit" I mumbled I spun on my heel and walked over to him.

" You were late. Do you know that?" He said folding his arms

" yes i know"

"  you have to make it up to me"

" How so"

" extra training. let's say about now"

"  I have to go home"

" it wasn't a question Tomlinson. 5 laps now"

"fooking hell"

He smirked. That goddamned smirk. What the bloody hell is with him a smirking.

I ran the 5 laps humming to a song I wrote, while thinking about our new coach.

" Done can I go home now?" with sass practically dripping from my voice.

" so eager aren't we, and no you can't 200 push up now"

" Twat"

200 pushups later, I was ready to see my siblings and my bed. I looked up at styles to see him...looking at my butt. The man was checking actually looking at my butt. I immediately felt self conscious and i tied my sweatshirt around my waist.

"can i go now?"

" you can go but tomorrow we are doing training again"

" whatever" I mumble and walk past him but not before jabbing my shoulder into his.

am i setting myself up for failure? absolutely. but i can't help it, i'm one sassy lil shit.

I start walking to the locker room when I hear some ruckus in the parking lot.

Of course Grimshit is slashing some kids tires again.
Why am i not surprised?

God I hate him, he is the most popular guy at our school, he also bullies me the most. I was surprised he didn't punch me today to say the least.

I decide I will just change at home and grab my stuff and head to my car.

All of a sudden I feel a dry hand collide with my back.

i new today was too good to be true

" What the hell is your problem Grimshit?"

" You, don't every come near my football team again" he spits

" since when were you the captain Grimshit"

" Shut up Tomlinson"

" Clever comeback, did that take all your brain cells?"

Then a fist comes right at my face. I grip my face from the recent pain, then everything blurs into one. I feel i blow to my stomach and i doble over in pain. I get pushed to the ground and kicked multiple times. I could fight back but i don't, i just curl up into my little ball and let them throw their insults at me,

they were true anyway.

The new pain suddenly stops and i see Grimshit and his little possy running away.
I groan and sit up to see Coach Styles standing there with an unreadable expression on his face.

" what the hell was that?" He asks

" it was nothing"

" it didn't look like nothing" 

" I fell"

" Sure" he says as he walks away.

what the hell is that mans problem

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